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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Hello everyone !! :DDimple baby run this town tonight~~finally i'm not a stranger anymore when visit this thread' date=' kekekeeI remember the first time found this thread while searching about Sora's wishes coupon for Leeteuk's birthday. It's daebak !! I really love this couple so much. SO MUCH !!Even in stranger mode for couple months, my cheekbones still can ascends to heaven :\">It's really great to be part of happy Dimple family. Have a nice Saturday everyone.Greetings from City of Heroes, Indonesia. ;;)[/quote']

Welcome to the thread!! Come out more often and spazz with us..it's more fun than just lurking.. :D

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Guest dianarumps

heheheee @lummy iyaa arek suroboyo ini :D you're Indonesian too ?thanks @kaiskloset dimple hug too \o_o/instead of doing final project for prepare my graduation next year, i'm reading one by one all fanfics from earlier post, kekekee.. I really love it, I love fanfics, because it can fulfil my delusional mode for teukso couple. Every saturday I always looking for episode cut from our couple. Now still same, doing nothing since evening to midnight except fan-girling in front of my netbook or mobile phone for couple hours.Teukso couple tie me so hard~~

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Guest vierblith

viyra said:I shouldn't quote pics but can't help it - AREN'T THEY THE KOREAN VERSION OF MR. & MRS. SMITH?? BRAD PITT AND ANGELINA JOLIE!!

Sorry I missed yesterday and last nite's fun - the court deadline at work put my DC life in limbo.  All I can do is steal glances at my cp - and admire how beautiful this couple is.  I thought LeeTeuk was so handsome at the last episode of DC - didn't realize he could be this good-looking - and more good-looking if he is next to his equally good-looking and beautiful 'better half/other half'.

So, news about Kang Sora tripping and having a gown malfunction was all over the place.  Didn't know how she fell but how come they didn't have that news when Han JiMin tripped on the first day of the BIFF?  She was literally on her knees and laughing at herself.

Tripping and misstepping in gatherings in nothing - even the very famous Lee MinHo took a dive a few years ago.

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Guest shadowscapes

LT just tweet! Someone can translate please?
Edit: Oh...I see some translation...he going to get part time at kona beans :D

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Guest pinnavinna

Where's the IGNORE button ... Soompi' date=' PLEASE, put in an IGNORE button!!!![/quote']

is there anyway to put one post as "report as spamming" ? is that the use of flag button? if it is, i think i'm gonna use it..

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Guest ice308

Good evening ladies! :-h

I didn't put this in writing last night because I didn't want to say anything that would ruin the mood.. but I had the feeling that because we were spazzing so much, someone would come in and try to ruin our good moods.. and hey, I was right again..

:)) Wow, I must self-reflect and see if I need to change careers already! :)) or maybe be an FT as my 2nd job. :))

Welcome to the newbies! Please don't lurk anymore and come spazz with us.. ;)

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Dear @GDARA123.
First and foremost, why don't you SHUT THE HELL UP? And second, your opinions/thoughts are not welcome here! Why do you hate DC anyways? Why are you doing this? What's in store for you? HUH? Gawd, you annoy the heck out of me. Whatever your reasons for doing these are just so PATHETIC!! Whatever you do, our FAITH for LEETEUK and SORA WILL NEVER WAVER. We will wait. And then again, there's nothing you can do to stop us! I have made a promise to myself that I will support, love and protect DC as long as I can. I am sure all the beautiful people in Soompi, Twitter and FB will also do the same for DC. You get that? I hope your little brain will comprehend this big fact. And you're lucky I don't get to see you coz if I did, will ASDFGHJKL you. (Sorry FD's, I don't know how to deal with people like this).

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Let give say a piece of my mind. If Leeteuk is quiet about the relationship, it doesn't mean they don't have one. And I bet it's the other way around. See, artist usually stay away from being attached from the opposite sex, so whenever they are associated to someone who they are not dating, they clarify things that there is nothing between them. Sorry if I have to say this FD's but I just want prove a point. See, when Leeteuk was associated to Taeyeon, they clarified it and said there is nothing between them. So I fervently believe that a real relationship between Sora and Leeteuk since they don't dismiss the idea and they just stay quiet about it.

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Guest icelesguerra

(2010)my friend and i wer having a discussion bout her fav boy group n korea. i dont have time to listen to her coz im busy to my laptop and i dont have any idea bout wat she's saying to me den sudenly she approach me again, she sed "please watch dis video den tel me who is the MOSt HANDSOME". ve watched it, i sed "why so many? i dont know where to look"/ but my frend is so MAKULIT.. she asked me again who is the handsome among the 13 or 12 man in the video. den i replied seriously "i dont want to answer who among them is the most handsome  coz all of them are handsome. rather ask me who caught my attention den i will give u my answer, the CUTE one, d one who has a DIMPLE (i love boys/gurls who have a dimples because both of my cheeks have dimple:)) and has a ponytail on the side. den after dat wer both busy browsing the net, den i was shocked coz my i have 30 notifiction on my fb and that's becoz of my frend. she tagged me a pictures with a caption "his name is LEETEUK.. he's the leader of super junior, the one who caught ur attention.. frend welcome to the SUJU WORLD".. i was totally shocked dat tym coz if i remembered i didnt say dat im his fan or fan of that group so i ignore her post.. (but ders i smile on my face wen i saw the pics.. he's totally handsome.. i love itXD)  (2012) my sister asked me if i know SUJu and i sed yes. i know leeteuk.. den i found out my sis is a SUJU FAN.. she has a jacket, cd's, posters, tshirt, etc.. dats the start of being leeteuk's fan but not only him bul ol d members of SUJU but of course my bias is leeteuk.. every night we wer watching a lots of videos of suju.. (star king, EHB, SH, etc).den one nyt she showed to me the we got married videos (ep1-21) i watched it in one day.. I LIKE and I LOVE them both. she is pretty n he is handsome! as a fan i dont felt jealous coz the first tym i saw sora i like her.. dey look a like. i saw so much love with dem. and my cheekbones were ascending to heaver..after dat day i browse in the internet but the last episode is 22. den i saw dis forum.. ifound out that there was a strike eith MBC.. so i read page 1 until the last page.. im a NEW here but im OLD reader of this forum.. its fun to read ol ur posts.. and I BELIEVE IN THIS FORUM .. count me in who is delusional dat DC is REAL COUPLE!!! actually not real but SUPER DUPER REAL:))) i love them and i love ol the members here.. i hope u will love me guys.. im only 20 yrs old.. i hate NEGATIVES but i love POSITIVES:)) sorry for my long post..

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It is always the odd one that made me come out of lurking. This maybe an old clip but it somehow shows idol confessing to a relationship is a taboo. Leeteuk is protecting his Sora. The only time we will ever get a confession from this two is most probably when they are about to get married.

I believe they met last night & had a great time. That's why Leeteuk was rather reluctant to leave Busan. He deleted his tweet because he don't want to be obvious.
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