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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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According to an insider in the PR division of MBC, the broadcast of WGM will b e resumed on 16 June.  The broadcast will not be a re-run   For Sora, she is studying at Chungyang University (should be Dongkuk University, but the article said it is Chungyang) whereas Teukie will be attending SM Town in Taiwan on 9 June.


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Yay, great news! But we all kinda had hope they may resume as koreaTSL previously mentioned :D :

Hi. Long time, no see.

I'm Korean fan of Dimple Couple(leeteuk&kangsora), from TSLkorea

I will be given unofficial news, teuk&sora will start shooting 'We got married"

After encore concerts in Korea. may 26. 27

I was excited over this latest piece of information, yesterday.

Wait together good new^^  

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Guest Hanyi

강소라가 홀로서기에 나선다.

영화 ‘써니’로 스타덤에 오른 강소라는 최근 제이엠컴퍼니와 계약이 만료된 후 홀로서기에 나선 것으로 확인됐다.

현재 동국대학교 연극학과에 복학해 학업에 열중인 강소라는 제이엠컴퍼니와 재계약을 하지 않은 채 독자 노선을 걷기로 결정했다.

<script src="http://image.fnnews.com/comm/js/banner/criteo.js"></script> <script language="javascript" src="http://sosa.semanticrep.com/soea/soea_fnnews.js"></script>

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Guest luvallkorea

Our earnest prayers and patience have been answered, FDs! ^--^ YEAH!
Looking forward to the honeymoon and wedding shot but I think I will be crying buckets on the last episode... In any case, to my FD family, thank you for being here! HWAITING!

Teuk's New Cyworld was really a hint/sign cos he changed it in 2 or 3 June, right? And based on the WGM reports, they have been contacted in June about rescheduling WGM!
Park Jung-su, you really know your way around your fans! Anyway, your children are waiting for you guys! Lee-Teuk-So-Ra, your daddy & mummy are coming home!!

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Guest lallinachan

강소라가 홀로서기에 나선다.

영화 ‘써니’로 스타덤에 오른 강소라는 최근 제이엠컴퍼니와 계약이 만료된 후 홀로서기에 나선 것으로 확인됐다.

현재 동국대학교 연극학과에 복학해 학업에 열중인 강소라는 제이엠컴퍼니와 재계약을 하지 않은 채 독자 노선을 걷기로 결정했다.

<script src="http://image.fnnews.com/comm/js/banner/criteo.js"></script> <script language="javascript" src="http://sosa.semanticrep.com/soea/soea_fnnews.js"></script>

이에 연예 관계자는 “학업과 함께 개인적인 활동을 하고 있다”라며 “차기작과 앞으로 연예활동 방향에 대해 고심하고 있다”라고 밝혔다.

한편 강소라는 영화 ‘써니’, 드라마 ‘우리집 여자들’, ‘드림하이2’ 등에 출연했다

source: http://www.fnnews.com/view?ra=Sent1301m_View&corp=fnnews&arcid=12060517315274&cDateYear=2012&cDateMonth=06&cDateDay=05

Seems her contract has expired...where will she go then??.. SM?..*finger cross*

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Guest AnneDee07

@Hanyi thank you very much hanyi for the translations! it means a lot to us! will be waiting for the latest update on WGM! hopefully both leeteuk sora can spare some time out of their busy schedule to film WGM! atleast until leeteuk enlist in military. we still have few months to go and hopefully there will be no more strikes after this. let's pray hard! hwaiting all FDs!

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Guest Hanyi

The following is to MBC:  I know you now have the problem of arranging the superstars' busy schedule for filming WGM.  So here is my most sincere recommendation.  Please arrange student/fangirl Sora to meet Teukie in Taiwan on 9 and 10 June!  You can shoot SM Town in Taiwan on 9 June for exclusive broadcast in WGM and only required an extra day to film the couple on 10 June.  You will have more than enough time for post-production editing for airing on 16 June.  Wonderful, right?  Please ask Sora to pack her things now! 


@lallinachan: I still don't think SM will invest on pure actor/actress as this type of artists cannot generate huge profits like idols.  The company simply turn its idols to dramas and movies but still their label as idol is still there.  And I really couldn't recall Teukie's noona is an actress.  She is more a radio DJ to me. ;;)

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This articles just made my day! Thank you everyone for sharing this! Our prayers and 'riot' has been answered! OMG, I'm sooo excited!!! :D

Let's rewatch the episodes and refresh the memories in preparing for a new one, yeeehaaa...

And yes FDs, seems like Leeteuk is giving out hints for us! Thank god, I'm really happy now

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Guest AnneDee07

This articles just made my day! Thank you everyone for sharing this! Our prayers and 'riot' has been answered! OMG, I'm sooo excited!!!


Let's rewatch the episodes and refresh the memories in preparing for a new one, yeeehaaa...

And yes FDs, seems like Leeteuk is giving out hints for us! Thank god, I'm really happy now

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Guest mywebfoot

The following is to MBC:  I know you now have the problem of arranging the superstars' busy schedule for filming WGM.  So here is my most sincere recommendation.  Please arrange student/fangirl Sora to meet Teukie in Taiwan on 9 and 10 June!  You can shoot SM Town in Taiwan on 9 June for exclusive broadcast in WGM and only required an extra day to film the couple on 10 June.  You will have more than enough time for post-production editing for airing on 16 June.  Wonderful, right?  Please ask Sora to pack her things now! 


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Guest lallinachan

I think Teukie changed his Cyworld background to give us more then one hint^^ maybe he received the news about the resuming of the shooting that same day? XD anyway I'm just dreaming how will be their reunion <3

Uh! I agree Hanyi!! that's a good idea! Let's have teuksora in Taiwan! XD

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Guest Hanyi

Early at 3am this morning, I wrote in another thread earlier that "if the right time has come, everything will happen naturally".  Just a few hours later this enlightenment has been proved true.  No matter how hard we shouted at MBC in April, it kept ignoring audience's petition and continued with poor rating shows.  And when we are kind of tired at shouting loud for WGM, here it silently arranged the long-awaited resumption.  So fellow Fighting Dimples, just be patient and have faith in our couple.  When the right time has come, our wish may once again be granted.

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Guest luvallkorea

@Hanyi, The filming at Taiwan is a great idea! O they should film it as a special for Teuk's birthday! I hope for a special event for Teuk's birthday! So far, all WGM couples have done birthdays for their virtual half. ^___^

@Lallinachan, like my earlier post, I agree with you and believe that he changed his cyworld when WGM contacted him, looking at his change date vs the report. Well, he knows how to 'entice' his fans.

Meantime, let's keep our spirit up until the next new episode! Take care, FDs!

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Guest monmon16

@Hanyi, The filming at Taiwan is a great idea! O they should film it as a special for Teuk's birthday! I hope for a special event for Teuk's birthday! So far, all WGM couples have done birthdays for their virtual half. ^___^

@Lallinachan, like my earlier post, I agree with you and believe that he changed his cyworld when WGM contacted him, looking at his change date vs the report. Well, he knows how to 'entice' his fans.

Meantime, let's keep our spirit up until the next new episode! Take care, FDs!

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Guest lallinachan

@luvallkorean: oops! sorry I missed your earlier post^^ I guess I was too excited XD We agree then, Teukie was indeed giving us a hint. He must have been in a really good humor to take some of his time to choose a background that suited the occasion! XD

I guess we'll soon know when they'll meet, counting on the fanpics (I know I should not be glad of stalking, but sometimes I am!). This is gonna be an exciting week^^

How do you FD think DC will react at their first reunion? I am so hoping for a hug!! XD

@monmon16: aww, reading your post made me even more emotional^^ Thanks to you too monmon! I can't hide I too was ready to let them go, believing that they would have found their own path with or without us, if they were meant to be. Anyway now I'm just happy because even if we'll leave them soon, we'll enjoy their company for a little while, knowing how precious is every little moment we'll see.
The basic point is: LET'S CELEBRATE!!! XD
lol, sorry, I have to go now, I'll see you all later FD!
p.s. I'll upload soon the fanvideo on vimeo too^^

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Guest gurl_teen

hi FDs...
the suggestion for filming in Taiwan is a great idea..just trending to MBC through.. it would be good.. :)

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Guest monmon16

@luvallkorean: oops! sorry I missed your earlier post^^ I guess I was too excited XD We agree then, Teukie was indeed giving us a hint. He must have been in a really good humor to take some of his time to choose a background that suited the occasion! XD

I guess we'll soon know when they'll meet, counting on the fanpics (I know I should not be glad of stalking, but sometimes I am!). This is gonna be an exciting week^^

How do you FD think DC will react at their first reunion? I am so hoping for a hug!! XD

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