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Imagine they were on land


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If shrimps werent on sea but on land, they would be like centipedes.

If lobsters werent on sea but on land, they would be EXACTLY like cockroaches (they are cousins)

If crabs werent on sea but on land, they would be giant spiders.

If crawfish werent on sea but on land, they would be like cockroaches as well.

What do you think?

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Guest wesling123

It'll be great! (I think :sweatingbullets: )

Catching them would be easier, if its easier to catch and common to see then it'll be cheap to buy and eat them too... Cockroaches should be on the sea (fishes aren't afraid of cockroaches) :)

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Guest monkeyinabarrel

and if subway subs were in the ocean, they'd be like submarines

if mannosuke wasnt on land he would be ...

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Starfish would probably spend most of their time on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Killer Whales just might become the "new Pandas" (though probably not as 'friendly')

And jellyfish....well - they might be confused for giant used condoms, lol iono.

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Guest nobody knows

I thought of Mannosuke when I read this.

tbh I thought this was Mannosuke's thread when I posted and felt like there was a lack of subway mentioned

I was wrong :(

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Guest christelle-g

If I were on the sea..I'd be the little mermaid :P

Lobsters, crawfish, shrimps...etc they better stay in the sea...or in my stomach. :D

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