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[Drama 2011] Women In Our House / My Bittersweet Life 우리집 여자들


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Guest bakane18

     Haha, that's why you've been seeing me NOT posting like everyday for the past 2 weeks Mari. :lol: It's like right after I finish watching an episode, I would ask myself, "should I post something?........eeehhhhh....." It's to a point where I just want to finish watching till the end just because....well......"just because", you know what I mean? I've stuck with this series long enough it would be a waste to NOT finish it. But  yeah, I feel you too Mari. *pats on back*  A "break" is a good thing. Why let yourself go crazy with some sitcom. GOD ONLY KNOWS I LET happen to myself all the time. *slaps self* lol. XD Like with the ending of "Chuno". OMG, that was a great series, BUT the ending was like, WWHHHHAAAAATTTTTTTHHHHEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUDDDGGGGEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! Things that needed to happened didn't, and I was like, BUT BUT BUT!!!! WAIT!!!.....HUH?!?!?!   HOW ABOUT?!?!?!.....YOU CAN'T POSSIBLY.......NOOOOOO!!!!...........??!?!!!......*BIG SIGH* Let's just say my stomach was hurting out of frustration on that debacle of an ending for a REALLY GREAT series. LOL.

     Anyways, yeah, I'll hang in there, you make sure too. *high fives* I'll treat ya to a virtual coffee next time. haha. ;D


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Guest bakane18

Omo Omo Please dont say that I barely made it this far Im hanging on by a thread lol.

If I have to go pass 110 eps im not going to make it ! (Screamsssss).

Btw did anyone see that scene with JY AND YM it was hilarous,

did you see the look on his face when YM was chatting with that guy(THATS RIGHT JY GO GET YOUR WOMEN LOL ) .

He took her in the office and in so many words , He told her he like her. She was in complete shock.

Sera and JM uncle? uh no lol . thats like pairing JM with SI's Gpa ewwwww .

Well, that's just for starters! Now if they push it up to something like (and I know they won't)  to a number like 160, well......I DON'T WANT TO THINK ABOUT IT. lol.


But in reality the storyline looks like it's wrapping up (I hope) so I don't think we have nothing to worry much on the episode count. ^_^

*crosses fingers*

Yeah, I had a bit of a chuckle too when JY got jealous when YM was talking to some other dude. haha. Ah, what love does to a person. :wub:

The SR and JM's Uncle pair up...I STILL don't get. On one hand I love it because of the whole situational comedic affect it gives to the show but other than that.......weird right? Well, I guess they don't have any healthy young men left that are in the main cast so.....well  they have Jin?.......


I won't go there.


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Officially its finale is episode 160....scheduled broadcast date 23-12-2011.

Scratch the above.

According to the Korean wikipedia page for this drama it will run for 125 episodes in total, and this means the finale ep 125 will air on Nov 4 2011. http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EC%9A%B0%EB%A6%AC%EC%A7%91_%EC%97%AC%EC%9E%90%EB%93%A4

Interestingly the main producer & co-director of Women In Our House is the same guy who produced SMILE DONG HAE (which was replaced by this current drama), ROMANCE TOWN (2011), THE ROAD HOME (2009), among others.

Of course the writers for each of the above dramas were different but it seems that this PD has since 2001 slowly developed the knack of knowing what the korean homeviewers like to watch.

What's more the first drama which he produced for KBS way back in 1999 - AD MADNESS - starred WON BIN (yes, that one heaven's gift to korean women), CHOI KANG HEE (Protect The Boss 2011), BAE DOO NA, DO JI WON, LEE DONG GUN, YANG DONG GEUN - all of whom have become established stars in both movies and dramas.

What frightens me is that actress Jung Eun Chae who plays dowdy doormat, slouching Eun NIm with the perpetual eyes downwards expression may one day turn out to be a big movie star as well. **Shudders**

There's already one up and coming movie actress in this drama - KANG SO RA (Joo MI's sister) who was one of the main stars of blockbuster movie SUNNY released earlier this year, and in 2009, So Ra acted opposite teenage hearthrob Yoo Seung Ho.

Definitely I would like to see actress Yoon Ah Jung (Joo Mi) get a second break at a movie role after her disastrous outing in Beastie Boys (2008). Playing bad and evil-scheming characters are always a surefire way to get casting directors' attention.

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Guest Bijan630

daunte29........Officially its finale is episode 160....scheduled broadcast date 23-12-2011.

Just fell out of my seat and hit the floor head first.......hard!!!    Crawliiinnngg.....crrraawwlllliiiinnnngggg.......second drama disappointment for this evening.....can't take anymore.......ggaasspp, cough, cough......

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Guest bakane18



I was just playing around with the whole "160" episodes deal, but it's going to be a REALITY?!?! :blink:

I must have psychic powers!!!

Quick someone get me a LOTTO form!!!!!


*comes to realization*


How can they POSSIBLY drag this thing out for 60 more episodes?!?! I mean unless JM has more conniving things to do towards EN, or some other outlandish idea. WOW........160..........well I can't stop now, I gotta see this through the end. Probably will age like 50 years on account of STRESS but hey.........


Damn you KBS.

Damn you!

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I had never watched a daily drama before, but this has taught me a valuable lesson, I'm not cut out for them. I think it's time for my departure that 160 eps is more than I can take. I don't think there is a single person I care about what happens to them. JM behavior has dulled my senses and I don't think anything about her antics. EN head bow only makes me want to slap her and throw water in her face. SI is just there, JY is a cutie but he doesn't get much screen time plus they have made him to soft now. The older actors are just window dressing for the younger cast. So after this is finished and subbed I'll come to see how it ends. I will continue to drop in to read everyone's comments, which is more interesting than this show has become.

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And yet, perhaps some of you already know this, and for those of you who don't know yet what I'm about to tell you guys, believe you me.......I am only citing the daily (compiled weekly) drama ratings which are also published daily in korean newspapers.....

Women In Our House a.k.a My Bittersweet Life IS the NUMBER ONE rated drama in Korea and it has held this position since its maiden broadcast on 16 May 2011.

On the rare occasions it was beaten to NUMBER TWO spot in the daily TV ratings...it lost to either a 'live' baseball match or to a soccer match or to a News Special.


That is great news...Kudos to the ensemble

My comments are based loosely on the story progression shown on KBSW thus far.

Why hasn't JM been sacked or at least demoted to man the company reception desk for all her dastardly shady deals?

Short answer : ask the scriptwriter, failing which this drama will have no baddies at the office a.k.a greedy people with multiple hidden agendas

Longer version: JM's manager & the CEO (including the ex-CEO) are too busy reading reports after reports, signing documents, answering phone calls, giving short pep talks/instructions to employees with zero initiative whatsoever and attending power lunches (based on the scenes they use for the ex-CEO) that they don't have time to look into JM's after-office activities. At any rate they blindly assume JM & SI are going to be married one day (yeah, when there's a solar eclipse on the Korean peninsula) and therefore the 'future CEO's wife' can pretty much sell company secrets like a dept store sale.


Another added reason perhaps why JM cannot be fired or else she won't have the excuse for carrying (& advertising) the drama's product sponsors.

That is a good question and Daunte29 gave various entertaining answers.

Kidding aside!! No one, i.e. SI, has reported the wrong doings of JM to the board of directors.

Remember this is a private company and SI father is the CEO.

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Those are brilliant explanations, daunte29. The drama at least should give its viewers realistic scenarios that mirror real life & not imagined situations that are out of this world. Imagine an employee, here played by Jumi manipulate company poicies & embezzle funds. The writer should now deviate from the formula of a daily soap opera of a battered heroine, too willing & the evil character dominating 75% of the drama. Saints & martyrs are nowadays rare and no one in her right mind will allow herself to be used & abused.

I'd like to stick to this drama till the end but only when the story will shift to believable scenarios ... if indeed SI is bent on marrying EN, the drama can proceed towards that storyline. We deserve something worth watching!

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Guest bakane18

Stupid JM.

YOU WANNA LEAVE THE HOUSE AND CONTINUE BEING SELFISH, GO AHEAD! Don't you friggin' get it?! Your MOM STILL LOVES YOU. HELLO?!?! Why act the drama queen...OH I FORGOT you ARE JM of course and it would be strange if you WEREN'T acting like one!

*regular slap*

*backhanded slap*

*double time*

*tsk tsk tsk*

What it she, a teenager or something?!

(no disrespect for all the teenager/poster friends here. ;) )


That's all I gotta say about this friggin' show.


*edit in- I'm talking about tonight's episode of course. 101. OMG it passed 100.....*cries****  

*cries in the corner*

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Imma LMAO reading everyone's comments here lol

Having watching till the 100th eps make me realize just how much of enduring a human could take :sweatingbullets:

After "Smile, Donghae" I have told my self a billion times don't ever bother watching weekly drama anymore, but just because of Choi Min Sung's eyes smile make me change my mind and now I'm here crying my *ss out because of frustration!!!

Let's see where the heck this king of ridiculous drama will lead us to ^^


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Guest mflwrs66

(*facepalms*) (*cries* ) I just finished watching episode 102. If Im wrong correct me , But I smell a remake of Smile Donghae why you say ?

Donghae long lost Father James - EN long lost Mom HY.

Sibling rilvary - Donghae& Dojin - Jumi & EN.

Three dysfuntional families - Smile Donghae- Lee/Kim/Yun.

My bittersweet life - Eunnim's Family/Sein's Family/Jumi's Family.

Chairman Lee - Chairman Choi

Hostel take over of companies:

Smile Donghae - Dojin and his Mom vs Chairman Choi and Donghae.

My bittersweet life - Chairman Lee and SJ vs Sein's Dad .

Smile Donghae - Chairman Choi has a heart attack.

My bittersweet life - Chairman Lee has a attack.

Female villianist - Saewa-Jumi .

As of today episode its about to take a turn for the worse. Jumi as per usual was being a total B***h making her Mom choose between her and EN.

Sein's Mom knows that EN and Sein are back together she not pleased.

En and her Gma talked about her Mom.

There was a shareholders meeting held to determine the future of the company,

Gpa was on his way there but he had a heart attack and collapsed.

Looks like Sein's Dad will take over the Company since Gpa is unable too.

There will also be a merger with another company.

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... but just because of Choi Min Sung's eyes smile make me change my mind ...

Another member has mentioned this name - Choi Min Sung.

This makes me curious.

By the way, which character is the actor/actress playing in this drama?

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Another member has mentioned this name - Choi Min Sung.

This makes me curious.

By the way, which character is the actor/actress playing in this drama?

Choi Min Sung plays Choi Joon-Young, Eun Nim's childhood friend who's almost like a brother to her.

(He played headwaiter Nemo in Pasta).

His role in the story so far (on KBSW eng subbed run) also doubly ensures that viewers with short-term memories would

1. recount mostly everything in the plot progression that happens to 'poor' EN because EN usually tells him lots. So in case you didn't get it the first time, when EN relays whatever to Joon Young, viewers would go...Ahh, so dats wats twas all about.

Secondly Joon Young plays the familiar 'must-have' male character in many morning dramas - the young chap who's hard-working but poor, upright but luckless & powerless (except when it comes to shouting at his loser dad), stout confidante and defender of the doormat female (in this case EN). In that sense he's the perfect water-mirror for anything that happens to EN.

Many korean ahjummas and halmeonis (grannies) following this drama intently would also compare & say that JY is 'the better mating choice' for EN than pretty hair boy SI - but they know JY's the stereotypical luckless male friend who'll have to settle for a ditzier female in the lower gene pool.

Thirdly JY's character also serves as 'standby' love interest cum comic relief for the remaining lower rung female characters for example Jumi's sister and her ditzy friend with the big mouth who speaks without thinking (not that she thinks a lot) and has the mind of a bunny in heat.

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Guest shondrea2

Stupid JM.

YOU WANNA LEAVE THE HOUSE AND CONTINUE BEING SELFISH, GO AHEAD! Don't you friggin' get it?! Your MOM STILL LOVES YOU. HELLO?!?! Why act the drama queen...OH I FORGOT you ARE JM of course and it would be strange if you WEREN'T acting like one!

*regular slap*

*backhanded slap*

*double time*

*tsk tsk tsk*

What it she, a teenager or something?!

(no disrespect for all the teenager/poster friends here. ;) )


That's all I gotta say about this friggin' show.


*edit in- I'm talking about tonight's episode of course. 101. OMG it passed 100.....*cries****  

*cries in the corner*

bakane18 You forgot B##CH SLAP!! And I still see EN stopping whenever JM passes by expecting the expected insults. If you all think that EN is the only doormat just check out MY LOVE BY MY SIDE. MS is equally STUCK ON STUPID .And it's eng subbed.

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Will this drama head towards a storyline centered on son (Sein) vs. father (Yonho), with the jilted lover not far behind to destroy both?

If Sein's dad insists on running the company as the duly appointed CEO & confirmed by the Board  now that Grandpa is incapacitated, Sein will not have any power to pursue his plans about the company even with his uncle's support. The company will go downhill with Yonho's management style & corrupt practices. EN will then come into the picture & help Sein save the company but both will have to face Jumi's vindictiveness even harder added to the damage done by Sein's dad. In one episode, Jumi was seen talking to herself about winning back Sein & the only way she thought  is for her to take over & own the company. fury.gif

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Guest bakane18

LOL shondrea,

okay just for you. ;)


*JM comes and says*

"What now?"




*walks away whistling like nothing happen*




You know with the whole EN walking up to JM expecting the worst.......I THINK SHE LIKES IT. Maybe she's like "Why thank you MA'AM, may I have another insult to crush my pride, or hmmm maybe couple slaps to my face would do sufficiently THANK YOU VERY MUCH."  XD So, maybe she LIKES getting abused. S&M perhaps?.......... *shrugs*..........LOL.


OH EN...... maybe if we let her live with some wild animals for a month then she would go APES#!T on our friend JM. XD About the other show you're talking about; I think I saw it maybe once?....twice?.......*shrugs* but if you're saying its like our "FAVORITE SHOW" (TO RIP) here then NO THANKS. LOL. I'm busy with watching "Gloria" at the moment (so far I LOVE IT!) and I saw the first scenes of "Protect the BOSS".......OMG, I feel I'm GOING to LOVE THAT SHOW!!!! That opening scene was EPIC! Not EPIC.....SUPER EPPPIIICCCCCCCC!!!!!!!!! Come on! Two girls BEATING UP A BUNCH OF DUDES to save their SCHOOLMATE?!?!?! That was FULL OF WIN in MY BOOK!!!!!!! Those girls OWNED!!!!!!!!

*clears throat*

Anyways, sorry for getting off topic for a minute. *nervous laughter* I'm come back here later on to talk about tonight's episode seeing that I haven't watched it yet. If not..............well....... LOL.

see ya!

(*facepalms*) (*cries* ) I just finished watching episode 102. If Im wrong correct me , But I smell a remake of Smile Donghae why you say ?

Oh god, if our show here is JUST LIKE "Smile Donghae" oooohhhhhhhh........ MARI isn't going to like hearing that ONE BIT! Good thing she's taking a break, huh?

Imma LMAO reading everyone's comments here lol

Having watching till the 100th eps make me realize just how much of enduring a human could take  :sweatingbullets:

After "Smile, Donghae" I have told my self a billion times don't ever bother watching weekly drama anymore, but just because of Choi Min Sung's eyes smile make me change my mind and now I'm here crying my  *ss out because of frustration!!!

Let's see where the heck this king of ridiculous drama will lead us to ^^


Hey hanabui, how are you? :)

HMMMMMMM........ Smile Donghae.......Smile Donghae.........that's like a reoccurring theme here isn't it? Remind me to AVOID that show then guys.....AT ALL COSTS............if it's like this show. I'm dealing with enough STRESS, HEARTACHE, screaming at the screen like some WIERDO, screaming in my PILLOW like some CRAZED person.....ugh..........ENOUGH! NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

*runs away*



*high fives*

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Guest mflwrs66

LOL shondrea,

okay just for you. ;)


*JM comes and says*

"What now?"




*walks away whistling like nothing happen*




You know with the whole EN walking up to JM expecting the worst.......I THINK SHE LIKES IT. Maybe she's like "Why thank you MA'AM, may I have another insult to crush my pride, or hmmm maybe couple slaps to my face would do sufficiently THANK YOU VERY MUCH."  XD So, maybe she LIKES getting abused. S&M perhaps?.......... *shrugs*..........LOL.


OH EN...... maybe if we let her live with some wild animals for a month then she would go APES#!T on our friend JM. XD About the other show you're talking about; I think I saw it maybe once?....twice?.......*shrugs* but if you're saying its like our "FAVORITE SHOW" (TO RIP) here then NO THANKS. LOL. I'm busy with watching "Gloria" at the moment (so far I LOVE IT!) and I saw the first scenes of "Protect the BOSS".......OMG, I feel I'm GOING to LOVE THAT SHOW!!!! That opening scene was EPIC! Not EPIC.....SUPER EPPPIIICCCCCCCC!!!!!!!!! Come on! Two girls BEATING UP A BUNCH OF DUDES to save their SCHOOLMATE?!?!?! That was FULL OF WIN in MY BOOK!!!!!!! Those girls OWNED!!!!!!!!

*clears throat*

Anyways, sorry for getting off topic for a minute. *nervous laughter* I'm come back here later on to talk about tonight's episode seeing that I haven't watched it yet. If not..............well....... LOL.

see ya!

Oh god, if our show here is JUST LIKE "Smile Donghae" oooohhhhhhhh........ MARI isn't going to like hearing that ONE BIT! Good thing she's taking a break, huh?

Hey hanabui, how are you? :)

HMMMMMMM........ Smile Donghae.......Smile Donghae.........that's like a reoccurring theme here isn't it? Remind me to AVOID that show then guys.....AT ALL COSTS............if it's like this show. I'm dealing with enough STRESS, HEARTACHE, screaming at the screen like some WIERDO, screaming in my PILLOW like some CRAZED person.....ugh..........ENOUGH! NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

*runs away*



*high fives*

I feel your pain bakane18 your not alone.

I went through 159 eps of Smile doughae . Now its airing on tv talk about agony lol .

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