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[Drama 2011] Miss Ripley 미스 리플리

Guest JPhylls

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Guest ripgal

He probably told her you can lean on me, I will help you stuff like that...

But that did get me thinking about Yutaka's reaction when she hugged him... arrhh.. previews always deceive us, if Yutaka turns out to be plotting something in his mind, I might just combust right there and then o_0

I came across some comments from baidu worth pondering..


这场床戏真的是来的太关键了,太好了。大家都觉的美丽已经配不上裕贤,是的,只是美丽现在不觉自己脏,当她真正的爱上了裕贤的时候,她就该知道自己和裕贤 的差距了,自己有多么地配不上自己心爱的人,只是因为当年一心想权利,把自己贞操给了自己并不爱的人~~~当真正的裕贤的爱情降临到美丽的身上的时候,也 是对她最大的惩罚!

That bed scene couldn't have been better timing, very good! Now I'm sure everyone will think Miri doesn't deserve Yuhyun, that's right. Now she doesn't think she's filthy, but when she really falls for Yuhyun later on, she will be hit hard by realization that they're so far apart, and she will realize how unworthy she is for him. For having given her precious all to a man she doesn't love (Myung Hoon) just to rise up. When real love falls upon her, that will be her biggest punishment.


个人觉得就是因为下一集要真相大白所以这一集菜一定要来这个啥啥啥的。。如果美丽和大叔没有实质性关系的话,那么她在知道裕贤身份之后完全可以和大叔再扭 扭捏捏一轮再来那么一句我们还是不合适然后飘走。。但是现在那啥啥啥都啥啥啥了之后,等于确认了她和大叔的关系,这种情况下要抽身就不容易了。。这样就自 然而然的进入一个女人用谎言挣扎在两个男人之间的剧情了。。。。照这么看这个剧要走下去就必然要反复虐美丽才行啊。。

I personally think the whole boating scene was necessary to pave way to the huge revelation in Ep 6. If Miri and MH didn't have any real or physical intimacy, Miri could just play her way out of MH's life when she discovers YH's real identity. But now that they've done it, and she's confirmed her thing with MH, it will be incredibly difficult for her to retract her steps. This journey of Miri will only begin with her getting entangled in the mass of lies involving these 2 men.. and there will only be drama if the writer continuously banks on Miri's tormented dilemma...

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Guest ngthuhien149

I sense Yutaka already knows Miri's past. I remember he was reading some information about her while she was sitting at the bus stop and he looked really sad. If he already knows about her, then what is his motive for going after her if not because he loves her? Hope Yutaka will bring Miri back to her real self and save her from going into self-destruction!

Nah I don't think so, those documents are from the hotel files, if he can know the truth from there every1 will know. He was sad just bcoz he saw her being isolated and lonely but could not help her.

I kinda think HJ is the most pitiful character until now. All she did is helping Miri w/o asking sth back. It is rite that MR and HJ twisted life but that was not what HJ wanted either, HJ did not force Miri to be adopted by that family. It is all accident. HJ helps MR whenever Miri needs her no matter how Miri treats her. Overall, when Miri could not even accept a ride from Yuhyun and call for help from Myunghoon, she eventually got help from HJ. After a cold question "where did u go?" HJ still let her stay in the house, cook for her and care for her and until now she did not ask for anything back. Even tho 2 men may be destroyed by Miri later, Myunghoon still got Miri's 1st time (???) and love ( in his mind only) and Yuhyun got some love too, so what did Heejoo get? 1 time being prisoned? Loosing her job? Being scolded? Being taken advantage? Having her love stolen?

I don't care what writer thinks, MH and YH can be destroyed, at least they have sth from Miri and they are willing to fall for her but HJ did nothing wrong, please let her have a happy ending =.=

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Guest AiMango

I hate waiting for full subs == Still on ep 4. Miri is a very interesting character... she's so sneaky o__o I wonder how long it will take till someone figures her out. Cant wait for her to get with Yoochun though ^^ It's probably coming up soon... anyone else found the kiss with her boss to be really weird D: Hope they dont go too far.

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Some pictures from news today about Motorcycle and Jeju island scenes which we should see in tonight episode. Are they really going to air this Jeju island scene tonight, they just filmed it!!!! But those pictures are soooooo beautiful, will I ever have a chance to go to this island :(








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Guest miss_h

I miss last night episode and on my way to watch it right now..

But from some discussion a few pages back about how Miri didn't had any plan, for me, it's indicate that this girl is still good inside. As long as you don't push her, she will try her best to live the 'right' way. Even her relationship with her pimp is not always bad, in one of the flashback, we see her hanging around him and smiling when they met HJ.

She try to survive with her best ability. But when she is presented with opportunity to gain big, that's where her darker side take over her good side. She can have it and she will. She become ambitious.

I will not surprise if Yoohyun knows about Miri past. He is always do background check, like he did with Myung Hoon. If this true, it will be interested to see. In a way, Yoohyun will never truly believe Miri, eventhough she loves him. There will always be a wall. This will destroy them in the end...

The rating is drop, as expected.

The society is uncomfortable on facing reality that woman can be as smart and manipulative as man. The viewer love to see their heroin to be the underdog good girl that work hard to gain her success and just hating the second lead cause she always come in the heroin way. This is the first time we see the situation from the second 'mean' lead point of view. That live is not black and white and there are some people who just don't have any luck to meet her prince charming while stumbling over her grocery.

Thanks for all video and pics...

Now I am off to watch episode 5 :)

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Guest M-i-l-o

This is the one drama that is pulling me back from lurk mode. I've been following the episodes and reviews and man, it's so different from the usual cup of tea. Miri is embracing her temptress side and feels no guilt, MyungHoon is falling right in the trap, YooHyun is soon to be victim numero dos, and HeeJoo is caught in the mess and will probably have her heart broken in to tiny tiny pieces. No wonder the ratings fell, no surprise there, but I hope they come back up. LDH is doing such a great job, to the point I love hating Miri now, haha, and it's only been a couple of episodes!

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Guest mijoo-pearl

This is the one drama that is pulling me back from lurk mode. I've been following the episodes and reviews and man, it's so different from the usual cup of tea. Miri is embracing her temptress side and feels no guilt, MyungHoon is falling right in the trap, YooHyun is soon to be victim numero dos, and HeeJoo is caught in the mess and will probably have her heart broken in to tiny tiny pieces. No wonder the ratings fell, no surprise there, but I hope they come back up. LDH is doing such a great job, to the point I love hating Miri now, haha, and it's only been a couple of episodes!

M-i-l-o, its nice to see u again here... I'm like this drama now, and I think LDH is a good actress, she's doing well as Mi Ri.

But I really dislike Hee Joo, she's make me feel frustrating.

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Just finished EP 5 Raw and I must say that I liked it and it had some development which I didn't think it would be that early, like Heeju knowing about Miri Lie and that sex scene between MR and MH (which is not easy to watch ;) ). I love those baidu posts and how they explained that scene, thanks ripgal for translating and sharing them here.

Thank you all guys for your review and posts which made me understand more about the drama and characters whom I think are really complex for my stupid mind :)

mijoo-pearl, what I think is that you won't be bothered from Hee Joo for too long. I enjoy her character so far but as I said before I want her more than entertainer character and after this episode I believe that she is going to be stronger and will be an effective player in this drama in the next episodes and based on the preview she is really following and watching Miri closely and with Yutaka added to the equation I think she will make a move.

I am eagerly waiting for today's episode :w00t:

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Guest maayo

I just finished ep 5. What Miri’s done might look filthy dirty for some people. However I’ve been trying to make sense of her even if I can’t understand her thoroughly. For her, at all costs, something has to be done just for survival..I can’t hate her..

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Guest mijoo-pearl

mijoo-pearl, what I think is that you won't be bothered from Hee Joo for too long. I enjoy her character so far but as I said before I want her more than entertainer character and after this episode I believe that she is going to be stronger and will be an effective player in this drama in the next episodes and based on the preview she is really following and watching Miri closely and with Yutaka added to the equation I think she will make a move.

I am eagerly waiting for today's episode :w00t:

I wish that to, but Hee Joo's character is the most hated character in Korean drama for me, pure, innocent, all thumbs yet passive but will change to a bad person in future hehe .

Now, she is hold Mi Ri's secret on her hand, not only that secret about fake diploma but her secret in Japan also. From the preview ep.6, seem like she will feel envy with Mi Ri and Yukata ^^.

Even ppl cannot accept Mi Ri's action but I think I could understand how her feel, actually, she is more sinned against than sinning. (Or because of LDH's beautiful eyes so I can't hate Mi Ri??? haha)

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Guest wls2948

I just finished ep 5. What Miri’s done might look filthy dirty for some people. However I’ve been trying to make sense of her even if I can’t understand her thoroughly. For her, at all costs, something has to be done just for survival..I can’t hate her..

you have just articulate how I feel about Miri. Though I don't like what she does, yet I can't hate her cos if I were in her shoes in my desperation to survive and not be a victim again in life, I would probaby do the very same thing, maybe even worse. the fact that she is a girl who has been given a shoddy deal in life makes it even more poignant. If Miri is a guy who has been dealt badly in life, and cheat, lie and even use women in order to get to the top, I bet no one would judge him harshly :crazy: Society is still very prejudiced against women (esp Asian society). Miri has been let down by the very ppl she loves and trust, abandoned by her own mother and sold into prostitution by adoptive father and literally had to fend for herself since she was a teenager> she had learned the bitter truth about life and her psyche has been permanenently shaped. For example, she uses her body to get MH because that's the way women get men to help them, Miri isn't the first and certainly won't be the last woman to do something like that. The men themselves are not so innocent either....they want to play as well....so Miri is just making use of what they offer her in the first place.

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I am missing that paaaart. I am watching online streaming (really slow computer) and did not see that! thanks for clearing that up. which part did it happen? Ending?

I wonder if there's a reason why they didn't show Miri's mom's face back in the flashbacks? Will it be relevant later? Though, we have ran out of female characters already.

Yeah it happens in end ,in the party,before she sees yutaka.when first i saw the scene i thought may be Miri will react if its her mom .But it was not like that.They didn't know eachother. Oh even my comp is slow it also get stuck in some scenes:( although i can listen audio properly LOL

Even i don't get why didn't they showed Miri's mom face.Even i thought the same at that time they didn't finalize any actress to play miri's mom.Even Yutaka real mom was cast later.Right now the story is focusing on Miri may be her mother's story or flashback will come later around 10 to 12 episode .Even her adopted parents were not shown like how they treated her .I hope as the story progress they show it.

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Guest laridum

In a lot of ways, Ripley is a deconstruction of a 'typical' evil secondary girl - a sort of justification for her.

I think you're right. I mean, the way that the secondary girl in Ripley has been plucked from a selection of romantic comedy characters has been shoved in our faces.

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Waiting for the subs is killing me. The drop in the ratings doesn't bother me. Like the others, I too would say Miri is not the typical k-drama heroine, all innocent and having a hard time at the hands of her conniving rival. She is the exact opposite and she doesn't even have the justification that the female villain in the rom-coms has that she is doing it all for love. She is doing it all for herself and I don't think many of the viewers feel comfortable with the drama asking them to sympathize with Miri who is manipulative and a complete go-getter.

But so far, I am enjoying seeing Miri weave her web of deceit. I do feel for the other characters who have to suffer at her hands, but they have not gone through the desperation Miri has gone through and I can understand why Miri is doing what she is doing. It's great to see characters who act like real people for once, people who have temptations, make mistakes and hopefully will learn from them. Of all the dramas I am watching this May, this is the drama I am enjoying the most at the moment.

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