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[Official] HONEY COUPLE: Song Seung Hun & Kim Tae Hee

Guest cofioca

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Guest frannyfel

Hmmmm i wonder what interview this is ---i see happily smiles on P-gun face.... 
google transate  Jiangsu TV every Friday from the end of April there will be a file with your interviews the stars class sections # # instead of "millions of fans", Jiangsu Satellite TV for the first time as a Korean TV drama production based on the production process of inventory type programs. The first phase has interviewed Bae, Jin Xiuxian, Song Seung Hun, Kwon Sang-woo. Participate in "the stars with you

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Guest JoanneA

I really like the new publicity poster of "Obsessed"........

Photo: 인간중독 2차 포스터 공개! 김진평 대령(송승헌씨)의 매력적인 모습을 확인 하세요~! ^^  Main poster of <Obsessed>! Kim Jin Pyeong (Song Seung Heon) is an extremely charming character~!^^  ▶http://movie.daum.net/moviedetail/moviedetailPhotoView.do?movieId=81103&photoId=946664#movieId=81103&photoId=946664

oooh............but I just love this pic more....! Their closed eyes are so dazzling captivating..........memorable to all HeonHee fans!970904_266839876794250_1438519434_n.jpg
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Guest frannyfel

@JoanneA  oh interesting how the picture/poster is position up side down... 
With HH picture , just being that close towards each other ---no doubt HH were enjoying the moment being that close while breathing in each other air ! haha me too i always love to look at that picture 

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Guest Lucky123

@ JoanneA, @ Franny, I'm with you two, the poster of "Obsessed" is a very interesting one. Just like you guys, I like HH's closeness in this picture, not only breathing in each other's air, they might closed their eyes, but can feel each other since they were so close and really enjoy the moment. (This is from MP BTS). Why HS wasn't updated this time?image
:x :x

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Guest frannyfel

I am sitting at my desk---trying to find my mechanic of stress reliever and Wham!  their it is haha 377629_196264863840194_564048741_n.jpg
can i have hmmm that one please !!! haha kimmy what is your choice on this menu! hmmm  
getting too steamy here so i better jump back to doing my work lol

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Guest JoanneA

Lately I really have tons of paperwork to clear........just like Franny......I need some de-stress eye treatment........




OK.......now back to work again...!!!

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Guest frannyfel

Star1 Magazine vol 26 for May 2014 

【RT&抽プレ】今月の韓国雑誌アットスタイル(@ star1)5月号は新作映画で話題のソン・スンホンさん!表紙一面に春らしい素敵な写真で飾ってくださいます!予約はこちらから⇒http://t.co/grukpAAUam pic.twitter.com/TDfT2tmDut

— magazineO (@magazine_O)

April 9, 2014

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Guest nana81

Sad news.. Guys :( :( :(

our restaurant oppa who comercial support by tae hee princess will be close on april, 27

Foto: [블랙스미스 신사점 영업종료 안내] 저희 블랙스미스 신사점은 4월 27일까지 정상영업 후 영업이 종료됨을 알려 드립니다.  그동안 블랙스미스 신사점을 아끼고 성원해주신 고객님들께 감사 드립니다.  [CLOSING NOTICE] BLACKSMITH SINSA will be closed on April 27. Thank you so much for all of your love and support.

i just curious what happen and why close?? :-S :-S

and another one i read some comment,, there is rumors too about SSH oppa who have relationship with GeGe writer in secret. i dont know is it true or not...
but guys this is just info share..please dont get mad to me if is not true \m/ \m/

Cr : from blacksmith Sinsa FB

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Guest JoanneA

@nana81, thanks for the update. Lately I was so busy that I did not followup much on Oppa's news, and am indeed quite taken aback by the closure of BS Sinsa.Guess he must have his own reason to "wrap up" the restaurant. It would be a blow to many fans as well customers who genuinely love the food there......as I understand they serve real yummy food.Could you share more with us with regards to "his relationship" or any link that we can visit? Many thanks!

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Guest frannyfel

@nana81  oh i just went on Blacksmith Sinsa FB page ...yeah everyone really sad that it's closing and whatever the reason that make ssh decide  to close --- i'm sure the decision didn't came easy for him to do so because we can assume that's where most of his fan could go to connect with him in someway when they visit korea ..really sad news indeed .
And as for that rumor ... rumor rumor rumor their is so many rumors pertaining to korean celebrities dont you think....i have enough of rumors all i want to see is facts ... facts as in dispatch facts other than that it is all blah blah to me...

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Guest nana81

@joanneA am sorry i couldn't give the link,, rumor about the relationship i read from one of comment in blacksmith sinsa post,, it was there post kim min jung concert, it's that i say i dont know it' for true or not

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Guest JoanneA

@nana81, no worries as I was just only curious. Knowing SSH, he has always been a cautious man, and where relationship is concerned, he is always very careful and protective of his partner, shielding her all the way. Understand that recently a Taiwanese local newspaper runs a report on K-celebrities fans meeting like who are the starts and the charges involved when organizing fans meeting. Also appearances of the celebrities will be charged by the stars agency too. Nevertheless, SSH is labelled as the "most easygoing and humble A-star" as he did not charged a single dime when he met up with his Taiwanese fans in 2011 (whilst he was there to promote MP with KTH, he had put aside some time to catch up with his fans there).......all free of charge. In fact SSH own agency contacted the fans club directly to allow them to have "free hand" in organizing the event......the fans club only paid for the rental of venue. This small gesture of his indeed warmed up his fans hearts, not only in Taiwan, but worldwide fans now. Thanks to "Apple Daily" for highlighting it. 



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Guest frannyfel

@JoannaA i only can view the last picture, all the others are not showing but i have pretty good thoughts what the others might be haha  those Taiwan pictures seeing HH together like that always put warm smile to my face  :) 
And yes observing ssh ..i'm not surprised that he would do that---his personality sure is a giveaway how he is also makes everyone feel comfortable even if they wears his boots!
;)) cute 

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Guest frannyfel

A picture that says allot which of course goes to the right person who will in the end deserves you more ...2873_202024769930870_1776523994_n.jpg
still waiting to see who that person is when the bells ding!  

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hi guys 
thanks for all the updates!!! 
SSH could always start another venture no doubt about it. Let's wish him the next time, it will become a success!!!
Lets look forward for his movie project  OBSESSED

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Guest JoanneA

@frannyfel,  absolutely agreed with you that it came as no surprise for SSH to display such thoughtfulness and sincerity. 
@ye2014, you are right........SSH can always return with another venture, if he wants to.  
SSH just love and cherishes his acting career, something which he will never trade for anything else in the world.  He is always a "forward thinker" - one who prefers to look towards the future rather than lamenting about the past......he is just a "a man with no regrets"

Oppa, looking forward to seeing your new movie "Obsessed"! Fighting!!1381711_330320103779560_1200938621_n.jpg

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