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[Drama 2011] City Hunter 시티헌터

Guest adikkeluangman

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The prosecutor is what you can an enemy of progress. Instead of him to get a clue and kiss the city hunter for helping him out with his cases. 

The ajusshi-mom is so cute teasing him about Nana. I love him. 

lol. Ever since this actor played the exorcist in 49 Days, I can't take him seriously. He's playing a doctor and it's supposed to be a serious scene but I can't help but laugh. :D

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Dramabeans recap of epi 9 is up here CH: Ep 9.

I want to echo what girlfriday wrote here:

"Somebody pinch me. Is it possible that this drama is this good, or am I under some kind of spell? Did my coffee come laced with crack from a drug bust gone wrong? Is it maybe something to do with Lee Min-ho’s lips? (I’m not discounting that this is a possibility.) I mean, I find this show to be so consistently off-the-charts good that I’m starting to wonder if my judgment’s been impaired. But I feel normal, and just as snarky as ever. So maybe, just maybe… this show IS THAT GOOD. Can it be true?"

And answer, "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Clause."

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Guest miniejungle

Crap. I had like a very nice post with pictures and dialogues and everything and then my computer crashed dayam.

alright anyways I still had to come and post because today's episode was EXCELLENT.

it's very emotional and very touching. i really love how they're showing a different side to all the characters.


YS nailed it in the head when he confronted JP that JP's blood revenge isn't for the revenge sake, but rather for his own sense of guilt, having survived sole unable to save his comrades. and it dawned on me today that YS is part of JP's revenge plot, because YS is trying to save JP and be there for JP. it's not JP forcing YS, rather it is YS wanting to help JP do the revenge right, without smearing too much innocent blood that will later come and haunt JP more. I see YS's empathy and his love for JP today and it was very touching.

YS: don't you get it? it's not revenge anymore. those police you killed, they have family too. it is no longer revenge. it's murder.

and i LOVE this NANA who doesn't beat around the bushes and tells it like it is and is persistent and unwavering and taking on the protector role mighty well!

YS: don't you have any pride? why are you throwing yourself at me like this?

NN: because I like you.

YS: Kim nana!

NN: even though you are mean and you say mean things, I like you.

YS: didn't i tell you to forget? that kiss that day was just something i did at the moment it means nothing. if every woman i kissed throws herself at me like this then...

NN: i know i should get a number and wait in line at the sports stadium.

YS: you're not my type, okay?

NN: i know, I should get a mirror. you're not my type either, but i still like you. i miss you and i think about you.

YS; you're so clingy. don't even acknowledge me when you see me from now on.

YS: what the heck are you doing?

NN: that's what i want to say.

YS: are you jealous?

NN: no. that woman isn't someone worth my jealousy. if you're doing this to push me away, then you needn't. my feelings are mine. i never forced them on you. if you really want to push me away so bad, then get a proper woman who is worth my jealousy. then i'll acknowledge it then. don't waste time and money like this. and don't call for substitude driver like this when you didn't even drink. you being like this, Lee Yoon Sung ssi, your parent's wouldn't be happy about it.

thanks dear, for the translation. now i can understand better and feel even better about this episode (oh well i said it earlier, without understanding dialogues, i have already been won over by Minho's awesome acting skills, and Nana's outright's confession (could only make out the word "chu-ai") :P way to go, show, just don't disappoint me by giving me a sad ending alright???

btw, do you think daddy will come around with YS's words? i really want him to because i don't want to hate him! he was a good person made bad by the injustice of the government (or rather, the leaders), but i don't want him to end up like those ppl too!

yeah i mean i normally don't look at the scenary from behind but that took up the whole frame and it was like in motion too so i was like O.O

good stuff!

and then i had to watch it a few times to see if he was wearing a thong for that scene cuz you know it's very smooth.

then i was wondering what size is his thong?

sorry if i confessed too much. lol.

kekeke, HI-FIVE!!!! this is so true, great (pervie) minds think alike!!!!! :lol: I actually paused it and checking out his pantyline and couldn't find any so i think he's wearing boxers, not thongs!!!! :P size???? hmmm i can't tell if they only show the rear and not front, you reckon?????

seriously, the guys have to stop looking cool strutting around and take a look behind to make sure no one's following them around. nana completely redeemed herself today with her 1) forthright confession to Yoon Sung, 2) looking out for YS (his mom), and 3) saving YS's richard simmons twice (by distracting the prosecutor and his subordinate). when did she get so smart overnight and i'm slurping up all of it becoz i love the change. Love the end where YS swirls her around and hems her in with a switchblade(?) to realize it was NN. I have no idea how NN got in, don't they check identities? assuming it wasn't just a regular hospital?? or was it?

i thought it was a lab within the prosecutor's office right? not a hospital - they brought the bodies in to do biopsy?

Enjoyed YS's confrontation with his dad. Can't believe his dad would rather let YS's mom die (his best friend's wife) than allow YS to get his blood tested. I know revenge is important and he does have a point that YS's identity will be easily tracked once he's tested, but if he were that close to his friend, he should know that the damage he did to separate mother and son is just as unforgivable as the betrayal.

Right now the rift and the differences between YS and JP are obviously stark and they are spearheading different methods to achieve their goals. One for the betterment of society by sifting the weeds and the other just for pure retribution due to guilt. and that pretty much sets those two apart and highlight the essence of the City Hunter.

Love the interaction between NN and YS where she obviously speaks to him knowing he's City Hunter while not telling him so in the face, esp the part where she purposefully shows him his necklace which she's now wearing. When NN tells YS to stop using girls that are totally not worth being around and tells him to choose someone who'd make her backdown instead, it does leave a possibility that YS might use Saehee if need be. But I totally like NN's spunk when she pulled the girl out of the car and hailed a cab for her.

it was so funny watching the lab tech swooning over the prosecutor and you can tell he was using a bit of his charm on her with those smiles. I can't imagine if the lab tech were to see YS, she'd faint.

hahah i was thinking the same thought when that lab tech turned 180 degree upon seeing YJ!!!! i think i will act the same too, not with YJ though, but the one and only City Hunter himself - swooooooooon big time!!!!

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Guest Rainheart

Finally NaNa redeemed herself! She's not oh so girly as the first portrayals of her! But I do feel her burden, now that she know who the City Hunter! 

Im pretty sure she'll be last sacrifice out of all of these! She will choose to right the wrong but Im sure as well she will protect the prosecutor. 

What happened to MinHosshi's hands they're all bruised and blistered? I hope he's not overdoing things! 

Keep safe MinHo!

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kekeke, HI-FIVE!!!! this is so true, great (pervie) minds think alike!!!!! :lol: I actually paused it and checking out his pantyline and couldn't find any so i think he's wearing boxers, not thongs!!!! :P size???? hmmm i can't tell if they only show the rear and not front, you reckon?????

LOL YOU GUYS!!! Tsk tsk. Now you're making me curious :phew:

Someone really needs to bust daddy's lie so YS can spend some time with his mother before it's... too late ;_; It's too much to ask for that no one dies right?

I'm really impressed with pace of the show, it's not slowing down at all. I can't wait to see how they will tie things up, especially now that YS got to know the president...

When I saw on the news of the mobster getting caught 'cause they found his girlfriend, I thought of City Hunter as well haha. Daddy does have his reasons... but how can he be against letting YS save his own mother? Daddy is doing this revenge thing for all the wrong reasons and now that he murdered 2 innocent people... he can't back down anymore. Oh YS, what are you going to do :tears:

Edit: Awww man, I topped a page with nothing to share T_T

How about some banners? XD



Hopefully the ratings will improve even more now that Best Love is over. NEXT WEEEK COOMMEEE QUICCKKKK

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MY REACTIONS and what do I love from ep 10

* YS is really trying his best to make NN hate him... but I liked what NN is doing.. She is so BRAVE.. at least she knows how to be TRUE to what she feels..

The coffee scene

YS: Don't you have any pride?

NN: Its because I like you...

at the time NN drives for YS and that richard simmons girl

YS: What are you doing?!

NN: That is what I should ask of you! What are you doing?!!! You make me jealous and making me HATE you!

NN: You don't need to do things like this. Its MY FEELINGS!!!

back at YS's house, YS looking at his mom's pic

YS: NN, don't like me... I CAN NOT give you happiness

*about Ahjussi's explanation. at least we now all know that Ahjussi have no choice but to LIE... I am just so feeling BAD that NN and her family is a VICTIM of that b*stard official,,, and to connect its the prosecutor's dad... grrr!!! I am just hoping Ahjussi would meet NN and explain ALL to her... at least NN will understand and know who is her TRUE enemy and whom she can vent her anger...

*as to YS mom's sickness.. I cried... when she learnt about her disease, and she came back home.. she just can't do anything but to hug baby YS's first clothing... and she even uttered, "CAN I STILL MEET YOU?" --knowing she might die because of her disease... :'(

*I also love that NN is now doing HER SHARE... before YS is always doing the PROTECTING... but NOW, NN protects him in all the ways she know...

>at the coffee shop, while YS is at the line and a guy bit - slightly YS's arm, NN shouted out, "Customer, pls. be careful!" --- since YS might feel hurt

> at the practice.. NN can't usually do her ticks to him since she doesn't want to hurt him more...

*I also LOVE NN that she COMPLETELY and TOTALLY TRUST YS-CH.. when she heard about the official 1's death, NN thought of that.. She said, "its IMPOSSIBLE... He is not that type of a person... he will NEVER NEVER NEVER do that"

I teared up while NN is tearing up because she was hurting... haaiz...


*At the doctor.. he was the one who acted as the "EXORCIST" in 49 days right? I can't help but to LOL while watching his scene.. the scene should be SERIOUS/HEAVY/SAD as he is announcing that YS mom is sick... but still... I can't erase my FIRST impression on him.. hahah


*When Ahjussi is teasing YS...

Ahjussi was about to open & drink the "energy" drink given by NN to YS (at YS's table)

but YS forbid Ahjussi to open and drink it... YS even offered him to buy him OTHER in multiple amounts.. but Ahjussi said, "Who gave it to you?" then YS just don't answer.. then Ahjussi being smart, "Is it NN?" then YS's stare changed. Ahjussi: "So it IS NN!!!"

then Ahjussi teasing get the bottle and tried opening it

then YS get it from Ahjussi...

YS: NEVER EVER drink/open this!!!

Ahjussi: So its from NN that's why you don't want it to be opened!

YS just SMILED brightly!!! :)

*NN visited YS mom.. she brought her fruits... YS mom said how could she eat all of them since she is ALONE..

NN said, if she really has NO ONE to be with her... or if she has no relative.. and NN's face saddened,,

YS mom said she'll cook dukbokki for her and she'll make it taste good.. but YS mom fainted.

NN called YS. at first, YS don't want to answer her but Ahjussi insisted him to answer NN's call, saying there must be something happening to NN...

NN said that Ahjumma is at the hospital and he should come by..

YS: Why should I?

NN: she is YOUR MOM...

--so YS drives off to the hospital..

Luckily he DID.. since Prosecutor's assistant is following him..

when YS and Ahjussi went to the hospital and NN saw only YS

She said to the doctor: "Here he is. Her guardian... (saying that YS is Ahjumma's relative)

YS: denying or saying, what are you saying guardian?

NN added on: He's her son...

then the doctor says something..

saying YS mom is so sick and her case is serious.

I can see YS's eyes and reaction.. He is VERY AFFECTED..

when NN and YS were talking..

NN said that she doesn't know what happened to them, but YS you're still her SON... NN said he should take care of her

YS: WHY WOULD I??!!! (shouting)She just abandoned/throw me when I was a baby, so why would I?!

NN: SO Ahjumma abandoned you? So that's why you're saying you DON'T have a mom?

YS turns his back on NN

NN: even still, you have her pic. Hate her so hate her. If you miss her miss her.

YS just don't say anything

NN: So its better if she just dies

YS: What? (YS reaction is saying he doesn't want anything to happen to his mom)

NN: So, just let her undergone treatment. (I am not sure in this part but this is how I understand NN and YS's conversation about YS mom)

waahh!!! the two assistants are so great.. lol!!! JP assitant said that YS will have a blood test and he's being followed by the prosecutor's assitant... while Prosecutor's assistant is also saying the facts to prosecutor..

*I loved that this drama makes me EXCITE and THRILLED as I watch it..

then at LYS scolding his mom...

saying, if you don't want to be a bothersome/worrysome then just DON'T BE SICK!

even if he said HURTFUL wors to his mom, I can still see that he is WORRIED more than being angry... as we know, LYS is a kind of man who stutters and can't say what he truly feels to the people he loves... __ INCLUDING his mom...

and when YS vent his emotions at the rooftop... waahh!!! he asked,if she left me alone, she should be living grandly! Why should she be sick in front of me?!!! WHY! --- it brokes me here... :'(

and JP barred YS to have blood test... I know its a bit inhuman of him to consider that he knows YS mom really needs help.. but I think he just CARES more for YS and his REVENGE thingy... since the prosecutor knows already his blood type and all. and if YS did the blood test, it will SURELY match the result with the prosecutor

and the ENDING is a SURE SURE ZUUURRE AWESOME!!! waahhh!!!

Why is it when I'm watching CH, my heart keeps on beating/PUMPING SO HARD and FAST...

its NN who saves YS!!! :wub::w00t::wub:

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Guest Ji-Oh

What happened to MinHosshi's hands they're all bruised and blistered? I hope he's not overdoing things! 

You get bruised hands from punching people- and also if you're scraping them on a concrete wall while dropping from windows.

Did you all see his hand at the wrist was red (like blood) the second time he hung off the window at the end? -I wondered if it was that he spilled the vial of blood or just from scraping while dropping down window ledges (which IRL would hurt a ton).

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Guest webby

Episode 10 -- June 23, 2011

AGB Nielsen

Best love 21 (nationwide)/23.7(seoul)

City Hunter 14.6/15.4

Romance town 8.5/9.4


Best love 17.4 (nationwide)/21.2(seoul)

City Hunter 14.4/16.4

Romance town 7.8/8.9

I'm surprised CH ratings went up since today's Best Love's final episode. Can't wait to see the jump in CH ratings next week.

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Episode 10 -- June 23, 2011

AGB Nielsen

Best love 21 (nationwide)/23.7(seoul)

City Hunter 14.6/15.4

Romance town 8.5/9.4


Best love 17.4 (nationwide)/21.2(seoul)

City Hunter 14.4/16.4

Romance town 7.8/8.9

I'm surprised CH ratings went up since today's Best Love's final episode. Can't wait to see the jump in CH ratings next week.

I bet CH will be on the no. 1 SPOT!!!

its worth it!!! :)

thanks for the ratings sharing! :)


Here is girlfriday's reaction/comments about CH ep 9 and as well as the whole CH..

the INTRO-comment of gf:

Somebody pinch me. Is it possible that this drama is this good, or am I under some kind of spell? Did my coffee come laced with crack from a drug bust gone wrong? Is it maybe something to do with Lee Min-ho’s lips? (I’m not discounting that this is a possibility.) I mean, I find this show to be so consistently off-the-charts good that I’m starting to wonder if my judgment’s been impaired. But I feel normal, and just as snarky as ever. So maybe, just maybe… this show IS THAT GOOD.

the ending comments of gf:

I seriously cannot remember the last time I watched a show this gripping and tightly, rapidly plotted. It’s enough to make a recapper giddy. I could go on endlessly about the awesome badassery at every turn, but in the end what really seals it for me is that this show has heart. It’s so bleeding-heart earnest and idealistic, and the epic journey of a young hero that it makes me swoon a thousand times, and then pump my fist in ever-living glory. Why yes, I AM that geeky.

waahh!!! I am happy that a GOOD critic like girlfriday is judging CH so well that she praises this drama much..

I usually go to different recapper's blogs and I often looked at their comments/opinion about different dramas, and all I can observe is that GF and JB have an AWESOME TASTE in Kdramas... So I am happy that they love CH as it is!!! :wub:

go CH!!! :wub:

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Guest heartminho

Sooooo happy that I finally got to watch episode 10, and I think it's the best so far.

I cried at the scene where Nana finally confessed her feelings for Yoon Seung. PMY can really act if she moved me to tears like that. Nana is also quick to put things together. How she figgered out that Ahjumma is YS's mom is beyond me, but impressing nonetheless.

I also love scenes between Ahjussi and YS, they are so funny together. And as much as I hate JP, he is doing justice with this character and CH wouldn't be the same without him.

So much was revealed at this episode and I can't believe how fast the story is going. Will write more later...

I think of all the LMH soaps I've seen (BOF, PT), CH has been my absolute fave so far.

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Guest cynsin

Hi! subs are out on viki, but problem is that my region can't access the viki site ): I'm dying to watch episode 10 subbed, does anyone know if soft subs have been released or any streaming sites showing it already?

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heartmino, I found the OST that I think you mentioned earlier.  It's called "Sad Run" and this is the song I mentioned wanting to hear. It seriously needs to be longer though...

Here's the link  OST Part 3.

I LOVE THIS SONG. Makes me giddy.

I noticed that some instrumental songs used in the soundtrack have not been released, like the song in the beginning of episode 10, and the song played near the end of episode 10 when YS is climbing the NFS' wall.

They need to be released quickly!

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Guest crazypilovee

I guess they will once again try to highlight the difference between YS and JP. All this madness has been JP's response to what he considers the ultimate betrayal (at least, this is what A Few Good Men taught us :D). YS discovering that JP not only stole him from his mom but kept lying about it would be akin to that. Then to learn that his mom had suffered for 28 years because of it... how can YS deal with this? Maybe he will turn the tables on JP and try to also punish him his way... which means no bloodshed. Or will he be a hypocrite? I don't think this drama will go that route.

I can't wait to get home and watch this episode.

 I think both YS and Nana will have a happy ending. And I think killing JP, even if he's the devil can't fit in that universe.

i agree i don't think YS will kill JP. YS has a really strong sense of justice so he wouldn't do that...

Episode 10 -- June 23, 2011

AGB Nielsen

Best love 21 (nationwide)/23.7(seoul)

City Hunter 14.6/15.4

Romance town 8.5/9.4


Best love 17.4 (nationwide)/21.2(seoul)

City Hunter 14.4/16.4

Romance town 7.8/8.9

I'm surprised CH ratings went up since today's Best Love's final episode. Can't wait to see the jump in CH ratings next week.

yayy ratings went up :D i agree it'll prolly go up more next wk since the greatest love ended

i don't get why the ahjumma isn't looking frantically for her son right now tho.. now that she's met JP and knows he's in contact w/ YS, she should try to find JP and plead w/ him if she reallyy misses her son that much.. and why doesn't she tell NN that she has a son? it's not something to be ashamed of..

i look forward to wat YJ will do when he finds out his dad's super corrupted... hopefully YJ will step down as a prosecutor and jst let CH do wat he's doing.. lol

i'm so angry w/ these dirty politicians! this is why i hate politics... once politicians gain power/money they start doing manipulative things behind the scenes & can get away w/ a ton of richard simmons...

haha iono why i'm so captivated by this drama :3 i cant wait for next wed... it seems SO far away :(

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