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[Drama 2011] City Hunter 시티헌터

Guest adikkeluangman

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The producer of ‘City Hunter’ laughs off the rumors about Lee Min Ho


There is a rumor about City Hunter‘s Lee Min Ho, hypothesizing he died on the show and became a ghost.

On the 28th, SBS’s Wednesday-Thursday drama City Hunter aired its last episode. Lee Yoon Sung (played by Lee Min Ho) got shot and people thought he died.

However, the producer of the drama said, “He didn’t die. Even though the ending was somewhat vague, I didn’t mean to make people think that he was dead. That last scene, where Lee Yoon Sung was driving, expresses his sense of justice as a city hunter.”

He was asked if he was thinking about making season 2. He laughed and replied, “No. It may be possible if Lee Min Ho wants to be in the drama.”

Meanwhile, City Hunter aired 20 episodes in total and was loved by many people.

Source : Korea.com

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Guest chloe.c

^ Aw, I like the producer said he would think about if it Lee Min Ho wanted to be in it. That means he would only produce a sequel with the 'real' City Hunter and no replacement !!! Hehe.

Glad to know that he really did not die!! GOOOD! :sweatingbullets: Don't have to worry, be sad, or cry. Hehehe. And it at least makes room for a 2nd seasonnnn...even though I don't see it at the moment.

You know, they should just make a City Hunter SP, like japanese dramas do and just devote that whole thing to YS and NN HAHAHAHA. :wub: Sorry, my OTP fangirling speakinggg ^_^

Although the ratings weren't really THAT high, but I think the amount of interest that the audience showed and the hype on the net, internationally is actually really high...so OH WELL, ratings are just numbers anyways and 20 is very decent already :) I bet their broadcasting rights from outside the country will sell really well anyway!!

I'm gonna miss City Hunter so badddd. :( When I watch the ending, I'm gona cry. AND I'm gona cry when their lovely OST song blasts at the end...seriously. Then I think I'll cry whenever I listen to songs in the OST. Oh no. GETTING EMOTIONAL. :tears:

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Guest merlyunho

and by the way, dramabeans has posted up the ratings for city hunter! considering how completely smitten the girls (and us) to minho's portrayal as the city hunter, i'd say the ratings is very well thought out. lol.

City Hunter (2011) 시티헌터

It isn’t flawless, but it did everything I wanted it to and then some. Action, intrigue, humor, heart. (10 / 9) -javabeans

This show has ruined me. Now I want every drama to be as badass and heartfelt. Damn you, City Hunter! (10 / 10) -GF

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Guest Dipyramidal

Actually, I thought that the ending was very fitting for City Hunter.

Jin Pyo sacrificed his life, so that Yoon Sung can realize the dream that he had always wanted: to live as a normal person

As the person that put Yoon Sung in that position, it was him that allowed him to be freed of his revenge.

Jin Pyo, in my opinion, was one of the more interesting character in this drama.

Thank you to all Soompiers for contributing to the discussion, and I greatly thank everyone in the production and cast for their hard work.

I truly enjoyed every ounce of the drama; it was a pleasure to watch.

@the ending, I was disappointed that there was none romantic scene between them! You could see their eyes match up and the lust to rip each other's shirts and get some action on.. but no :< I'm just going to interpret the ending as YS and NN live together happily, because I'm oblivious and blinded by their immense love for each other. Sometimes, I wish I could interview the writers and ask them questions that are currently pondering inside my head.

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I'm just curious, what happened to the President? Did he really get impeached? I don't know if its just lost in translation but after Yoon Sung sent out the copies of the classified mission records and the campaign funds what happened? I remember a guy in the grey suit came to over to tell the President that he cant protect him anymore. Does that mean he was removed from office?

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the last episode... got me teared up so much T____T; it broke my heart seeing saehee crying her heart out to youngjoo & it was just so sad to see her and his dad cries at that funeral scene...the scene with yoonsung & the president talking about the wrong deeds the president had done really heartbreaking to see. the fact that he cannot kill his real dad bothers him so much and the fact that the president found out that yoonsung is his son and apologized to him is just fja;lksjflds </3 i admire kim sangjung ahjussi acting a lot! he portrayed lee jinpyo so well that i literally hated his cruelty but loved him for his love for yoonsung despite yoonsung not being his real son. the scene when yoonsung took the bullet for his real dad, mr. president, i cried.. it shows that, no matter how wrong his father is, he would still want to protect his dad just like how youngjoo wanted to protect his dad. when nana dropped to her knees after yoonsung got shot, it really shows how much she loves him and feel sorry for him and wanted to protect him. the look in her eyes say it all. that she wanted to protect him from all of those and let him live a happier life. it was even more heartbreaking when jinpyo took the blame and say he's city hunter and got shot in place of yoonsung. the moment the two father and son reached their hands towards each other in blood on the floor made me cry so much idek... it shows that despite his cruel idea of revenge, he still loves yoonsung very much. and despite having a different idea of revenge from his father, yoonsung still loves and cares of jinpyo a lot as if he's his real dad despite the fact that he literally ruined yoonsung's life... sad isn't it?

the very ending was sort of vague. i actually like it but i wanted something more. i know that City Hunter isn't based on romance but since nana has been such a big impact to yoonsung's life. i think it would have been a better ending if the writers/director give us audience a view on how those two get together as lovers. i mean, smiling at each other at the end of the drama is great too but i wanted something more D: /i'm greedy for more YS/NN cute scenes/ but anyways, i love the ending as to how everyone in the drama smiles at the end. a smile of relief and pure happiness. but it's like they kinda of rushing things. i wanted to see how the relationship between yoonsung and his real father and dahye being his step-sister as well. and so much more! i really wish they would do a season 2.. puhhleasseee [= but anyways, City Hunter is a great drama. as much as i love Lee Minho, i honestly cannot find a word to describe how excellent his acting was in this series as well as the rest of the characters. Lee Minho you hottie, i love you! <3 LOLLL sighh, it's all over now T___T i really miss everyone already.. i guess i'ma ended up watching this drama again later on haha <33 i had a lot of fun spending my times watching this series and spazz and squeal and cried and rage over this drama. hands down, City Hunter definitely is the best k-drama of 2011! /tears

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Guest saracoco

^ Aw, I like the producer said he would think about if it Lee Min Ho wanted to be in it. That means he would only produce a sequel with the 'real' City Hunter and no replacement !!! Hehe.

Glad to know that he really did not die!! GOOOD!  :sweatingbullets: Don't have to worry, be sad, or cry. Hehehe. And it at least makes room for a 2nd seasonnnn...even though I don't see it at the moment.

You know, they should just make a City Hunter SP, like japanese dramas do and just devote that whole thing to YS and NN HAHAHAHA. :wub: Sorry, my OTP fangirling speakinggg ^_^

Although the ratings weren't really THAT high, but I think the amount of interest that the audience showed and the hype on the net, internationally is actually really high...so OH WELL, ratings are just numbers anyways and 20 is very decent already :) I bet their broadcasting rights from outside the country will sell really well anyway!!

I'm gonna miss City Hunter so badddd. :( When I watch the ending, I'm gona cry. AND I'm gona cry when their lovely OST song blasts at the end...seriously. Then I think I'll cry whenever I listen to songs in the OST. Oh no. GETTING EMOTIONAL.  :tears:

the ratings where bad?! i mean the last episodes were always got the ranking 1?I can see a season 2 of City Hunter maybe next year :) It all depends on Lee Minho!

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Guest zhnlenthy

finally saw the ending. again i'm amazed with the unpredictable scenes. CH hunter is different from other drama 'coz u can't really tell what will happen next. there's a lot of twist & the story is not focused on romance. i liked how they balanced every scenes & this drama didn't bore me. and i agree with the producer if they will push to season2 CH must be LMH. so season2 depends on LMH decision if he want to continue with the role or not. haha. let's give him time to contemplate and decide and of course he needs a break:)

but if there will be season2 i want to be CH vs. the snipper from the episode1 and the submarine guys. :ph34r:

since in season1 CH dealt w/ the 5 officials who planned the sweep mission in season2 CH must capture those EVIL guys who executed the plan. they have to pay also ^_^ CH vs the real KILLER!! (i want 100% justice :angry: ) and of course for the sake of love i want YS and NN finally get together in the end.

now CH ended i have to deal with CH withdrawals lol. now the wait is starting again for LMH next project and I'm so excited for it. goodbye HUNTERS I'll miss you all. see you! :D

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For me, this drama wasn't addicting nor was I in love with it... but it was an entertaining ride.

My favorite performances were by the actors who portrayed Jin Pyo and Young Joo.

I thought Lee Min Ho was good in this too, but I'm still not crazy about him.

My neutrality regarding him may be the reason I wasn't able to love this drama.

If he can't convert me as City Hunter, I don't know how he will. :lol:

All in all, it was enjoyable. Definitely better than IRIS and Athena.

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Guest wwwatiw

sorry KYJ . I hated you before but NOW the only thing i can do is crying because of you . I'm really sorry . I'm a bad person :tears:

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[spoiler: City Hunter] The producer of ‘City Hunter’ clarifies the ending

On July 28th, SBS’s popular drama, ‘City Hunter‘ came to a close.

With the finale, the ending attracted much attention with controversial comments from viewers. The foster father of ‘Lee Yoon Sung‘ (played by Lee Min Ho), Lee Jin Pyo (played by Kim Sang Joong), was hit by a flurry of shots and ended up dead.

Even though at the end, Yoon Sung and ‘Na Na‘ (played by Park Min Young) were reunited in a happy ending, but some viewers were left to believe that Yoon Sung was actually a ghostly figure. However, the producer, Kim Yong Sup, stated to TVDaily on July 29th, “Yoon Sung is not dead“.

Kim Yong Sup elaborated, “Lee Yoon Sung (Lee Min Ho) sustained a bullet shot in the last episode, but after much time passes, he eventually meets Kim Na Na. He doesn’t appear as a ghost as it was actually just a time jump that we had set up. Of course, I respect the arbitrary interpretation of the viewers. However, just the fact that Yoon Sung didn’t die is strictly speaking, the definition of a happy ending. The director and writer put in the scene with this as their mindset.”

However, the last episodes of ‘City Hunter’ still resulted in the deaths of prosecutor ‘Kim Young Joo‘ (played by Lee Jun Hyuk) and Jin Pyo. Yoon Sung was injured by Jin Pyo’s bullet but recovered as time went by.

Source: TVDaily via Nate

by kdramacrazy @allkpop

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Guest strawbfairy

Just finished watching the ending and I couldnt stop crying...!

And I have to say Lee Min Ho's acting skills have improved tremendously. Im impressed :D Hope to see him more often!

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Guest y101y

I totally love how the story came to an end. I was sad they had to kill off YJ but to me he was the one person who can turn YS to be CH. I hope LMH and all the cast and crew come back for a season 2. Or at least give us a killer new drama with LMH. I've never been a big fan of LMH but after CH, he has prove to me what a great actor he is. To everyone on the set of CH thank you for an awesome journey you have given me and all the hard work. CH will always be my favorite drama! Fighting!!!

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CITY HUNTER-- I miss you already  :tears:   lol.  I finished watching this drama last night and oh boy, I cried.... and I cried even harder when YJ died.  In my opinion, this was a great drama and one of my favorites! This drama gave me everything: great acting, great storyline, suspenseful, killer fight scenes, touching moments, cute/funny moments. Oh, and I love the soundtrack too!  In other words, it was just FREAKING AWESOME. 

If there is gonna be a Season 2, I'm all for it. Wink if you agree.. LEE MIN HO agrees! ;)


Credit: Tumblr (If this is your image from tumblr, msg me and I'll credit you properly!)

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Guest Astralboy28

City Hunter will be one of the best dramas of all time. LMH and PMY looks great together. I wished the ending was 2 episodes. Anyhow, it was a great ending. I love the OST.

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