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[Drama 2011] City Hunter 시티헌터

Guest adikkeluangman

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Guest joooan

Whenever YS use the "Sorry, but my girl is waiting for me" alibi, it reminds of his "Just wait a little bit more" conversation with Nana. He seems to be so happy that NN is really waiting for him! :"> OTP! ♥

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Guest dracog

episode 18 have the best action scene especially JP and YS relationship, i love the dynamic awwwwww. please i really need the president not to be YS father, it will kill YS mentally. please add other twist hu

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Guest shopaholican

episode 18 have the best action scene especially JP and YS relationship, i love the dynamic awwwwww. please i really need the president not to be YS father, it will kill YS mentally. please add other twist hu

i think it's confirmed that the president is the father of YS, which is really quite sad..... JP brought him up to bring down his biological father. I don't think JP feels any love for his 'son' YS even though he saved him from the landmine in thailand.

What's the point of bringing the child up to destroy him?? omo..

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Guest myphim

For those of us who have been longing for our OTP to kiss again, here an MV for that. Hope to see some kisses at the end.

Kiss Kiss

I wonder if anyone will recognize who this pretty GIRL is... :lol:

Pretty Girl


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Guest chello

leslie, i'll try my best! this is gonna be my first ever


fanfic so pls forgive me if i dont live up to ur expectation, ya?

i love ur fanfic too, esp with the visual effects, hahahah.. i dont think i can find those images to put in mine though... :(

calling Dramaok!!! where is ur fanfic?????

erm, sorry to butt in, is this fanfic going to be made accessible to others?! :lol:

Happy Weekend Hunters! Only 2 more episodes to go, oh what will I fill my Wednesday and Thursday nights with now?! :D

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Guest miniejungle

i'm also really disappointed at the lack of NS&YS interactions... i bet if they had even one skinship scene (even just a hug... please!) in ea. ep... they would've gotten over 20% ratings... because since alot of CH watchers are LMH fans, don't the writers know that we NEED romantic scenes? why let those pretty faces go to waste? huhhh!?!?!? the fish tank scene was the perfect opportunity too....

i've noticed since PT (he also wore alot of skinny pants) that LMH has a nice, perky butt hehehee :3

but i agree, a "nice" guy like Choi Eung Chan will never make it in politics, much less become the Prez. it's such an idealization of what a President should be like...

and i'm thinking... if CJM & Choi were such "close friends"... how can Choi be this nice while CJM is so evil?

crazypilovee, i know, his butt has been the source of our many late night talks way back from BOF and then PT as well, but in CH they just showed it full on for a good 20seconds!!! how cool and sexy!!! (oh me and my Minho madness has started again, blush.gif )

I agree with you two about the president's speculations here. not pointing at Choi Eun Chan directly but yes, how can an evil man be friend with an angel? didn't we always hear "birds of the same feathers flock together"? hmmm...

erm, sorry to butt in, is this fanfic going to be made accessible to others?! :lol:

Happy Weekend Hunters! Only 2 more episodes to go, oh what will I fill my Wednesday and Thursday nights with now?! :D

chello, haha, for the "milder" part definitely it's accessible to our city hunters, but when it gets too explicit i think i'll just read it myself. too shy to share with you all, :vicx:

leslie, dramaok: as per my promise, here is part 1 of my fanfic. Sorry I stop at the most important part but i've been burning midnight oil just for it. Enjoy and let me know if it's good enough to continue ya? this is my first time ever writing fanfic so bear with me!!!

YS races against the clock after knocking out Chun’s man with all his force, anger, and anxiety, trying to rescue Nana. “I’m almost there, Nana, just hang on another second, ya?” He jumps straight into the freezing water, reaching out for her. She’s nearly at the bottom and gasping for air, already struggling to remain conscious. The weights tied to her body are just too heavy for her to bear, and in water, the panic starts to set in. Nana sees YS jumping in and her heart bursts with mix emotions. “I saw him gotten hit because of me just now and now he’s rescuing me again”, she thought. She opens her mouth, wanting to call out his name but swallows the salty water instead and loses the last breath of air left in her. “I can’t die now”, Nana thinks, but her body is starting to shut down. With no air left, she’s choking and starting to lose sight of him. “Yoon Sung-ssi, I love you. I want to be with you, I don’t want to die now” – it's her last thought before she loses conscious.

When she opens her eyes later, it seems like ages after that dreadful incident. However, Nana can still feel her wet clothes against her body and she is carried to somewhere. Just by being able to inhale this familiar and sexy scent, she knows she’s in Yoon Sung’s arms. “I love being carried by him”, she muses… but right away thinks about what just happened. So he saved me again. She stirs, and Yoon Sung looks down at her.

“Nana, thank God you’re awake. How do you feel? Are you alright? Let’s go to the hospital. You were out for a while.”

“I’m fine, please send me home. I don’t want to go to hospital. Where are we?”

“Going to my car now. Let’s just go check up at the hospital. I want to make sure you’re ok”.

“No, please. Send me home. I’m alright. You don’t have to worry about me”.

“How not to worry about you? I even had to do CPR on you! You didn’t even wake up then!”

“But I’m awake now right? I asked you not to come, but why did you show up here? Now send me home, or I’ll take a cab home!”

Yoon Sung signs, and put her in his passenger seat. “Ok, I’m drive you home”.

They were quiet the whole way home, each thinking about the other. Yoon Sung is relieved that she’s finally ok, judging from her bickering mood with him. Nana is thinking about what YS just said. “He did CPR on me???” she unconsciously touched her lips, trying to remember how these lips met just a moment ago. She quiet curses herself of losing her consciousness for so long that she couldn’t feel his lips on her. “Nana, you’re so pathetic. Didn’t he ask you to leave him? Why do you still think about his lips at this time???” Little does she know, for Yoon Sung, now he can be assured that she’s alright, is also thinking something along this line…

They reach her house. She tries to opem the car door,but Yoon Sung is too quick, he’s already there opening the door and in one swift move, scoops her up in his arms again. She puts up a weak protest:

“Let me down. I can walk”

He ignores her and carries her all three plights up to her flat. Surprisingly for Nana, Yoon Sung still has her house key with him. He opens the door with one hand while still holding her by the other hand, and carries her into her bedroom. Yoon Sung gently puts her down to her bed, looking tenderly at her. “I’ll get you some warm drink. Just stay here”.

He comes back with a mug in his hand and helps her sits up to drink. While she drinks, he gently combs her fray hairs aside. Yoon Sung’s voice becomes so soft: “Nana, I’m sorry, because of me you are like this. That’s why I can’t be with you.” He turns to go, only being held back by the wrist.

“Do you think I will let you go like this? After you save me again?”

“Nana, I hurt you!”

“That’s not you! That’s Chun. He does this because he knows you will hurt. Stop blaming yourself. And stop pushing me away! Do you think when you said to forget you, I would just do that? And even when you didn’t reply me, I would stop waiting for you? For me, there is no one else besides Lee Yoon Sung. Even if you don’t want to, I’ll wait for you forever!”

“Nana, why are you making it difficult for me?”

“Please, I don’t even know what will happen in the future, but let me be with you, ya? Let’s do it together. I don’t want you to be so alone and lonely anymore. At least with me, we have each other. Please don’t push me away, Yoon Sung-ssi!”

With that, Yoon Sung turns back to face her. Her eyes, brimming with tears, looking at him with burning love. These eyes, he thinks, have appeared in my dreams ever since I was 17, smiling at me. He wipes away the falling tears from her face, and she reaches up to his face. He kissed away the tears, and suddenly they find themselves entwined to one another.

He’s sucking her lower lip, savoring it for a moment, before parting her lips with his warm moist tongue while pulling her closer to him. Nana starts to have difficulty breathing. She can feel his scent, his urgency, his suppressed emotions that he has been trying to hide until now enveloping her fully. Feeling choked because of her heart which is pounding wildly with excitement, she seems to have forgotten how to breathe. Nana doesn’t have the time to think, but instinctively she responds to the kiss, and opens her mouth to welcome his tongue. They meet, and she feels the sensations went straight through her spines to the deepest place, where all feelings climax.

Yoon Sung continues with his kiss, but he has left her lips and has started tracing her jaw line and to her ear lobe. “She’s really got big, soft ear!” he thinks to himself, while kissing and lightly biting her ear. Nana goes weak and feels so helpless, somewhat scared but yet excited and anticipating at the same time. Her hands, acting on their own will, are busy tracing his face, to his gorgeous Adam apple that she always secretly wants to touch and to kiss, down to his broad shoulder and stopping at the shirt buttons. She’s so caught up to realize what she is about to do – unbutton his shirt – when she realizes where his hands are and suddenly freezes. He has kissed her down to her nape, down to her cleavage, and has carefully eased Nana down to her bed. Yoon Sung’s hands have been exploring her body and they are underneath her shirt now. She starts trembling uncontrollably with his touches. Yoon Sung looks up at her and tenderly kisses her lips again. Nana’s lips seem to be even softer and sweeter than before, Yoon Sung thinks. While immersing in the kiss, he begins to remove her shirt buttons. His hands reach to her back and unclasp her bra. At this time, the inexplicable anticipation and nervousness causes Nana’s heart to palpitate and beat rapidly. She holds on to him tightly, as if telling him to slow down, but her hands, again, acting on their own will, are desperately pulling his shirt away. He chuckles at her actions, and as the heat is rising high, Yoon Sung’s hand lightly traces from her waist and towards her breasts.

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I can’t begin to imagine the effect of the fallout on YS once he discovers that his real father is the president. To add to his devastation, he’ll soon learn that he’s been lied to by the people closest to him, KH and JP.  He just reconciled with his mother after years of thinking she abandoned him only to face another shocking revelation. 

JP was a dedicated and loyal soldier happily serving his country.   All that changed when his best friend and their companions were killed, betrayed by their own people.  After that he did a complete turnaround and embraced the dark side, metamorphosed into his evil twin and dedicated his life making money through drugs to fund his revenge against the group of five.  With money and power behind him, he could very easily do the job of getting rid of the 5 evil men himself.  But why take an innocent child, turn him into a killing machine to do his dirty work?  

It’s now dawned on me that JP took YS away from his mother for his ultimate revenge by pitting son against the father. 

Among the group of five, JP must have hated Eung Chan the most.  He could have stopped the massacre but he didn’t because he was also safeguarding his career/ambition.  The biggest sin of Eung Chan was his indifference and failure to protect his own men when they were led to their own slaughter.  He’s just as criminally culpable as the persons who pulled the trigger that killed them. 

JP waited for 28 years until the time was ripe to met out his own brand of justice.  He saved Eung Chan as the last man standing among the evil elite so that he can savor his victory.  Eung Chan was his “piece de resistance,” served in a silver platter to YS, the unknown son who will bring about his downfall.  Revenge is certainly best served cold.


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It’s now dawned on me that JP took YS away from his mother for his ultimate revenge by pitting son against the father. 

Among the group of five, JP must have hated Eung Chan the most.  He could have stopped the massacre but he didn’t because he was also safeguarding his career/ambition.  The biggest sin of Eung Chan was his indifference and failure to protect his own men when they were led to their own slaughter.  He’s just as criminally culpable as the persons who pulled the trigger that killed them. 

JP waited for 28 years until the time was ripe to met out his own brand of justice.  He saved Eung Chan as the last man standing among the evil elite so that he can savor his victory.  Eung Chan was his “piece de resistance,” served in a silver platter to YS, the unknown son who will bring about his downfall.  Revenge is certainly best served cold. 

I wrote the same senario some 50 pages ago as that was the only thing that made sence of how JP treated YS. JP told MY's picture that he would take the most cruelest revenge ever.

But I dont think P did it to save his career, he did it to get the protection for his country by the US army as these where really troubled times in asia with a lot of animosity between Democratic and Commusintic countries and even within countries. Thats why JP for the moment spared P and that he saw that he had regrets about it.

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Reading all the comments about the president, and his involvement or not made me wonder who (out of all the targets/dads) did the worst. All the 5 are evil,  I don't think the president was horrible, in one way or other. Who was the worst though? JP is hanging onto revenge stole a child, and abused this poor kid for 28 years. YJ's dad was evil to college level kids (killing Nana's parents too). Target 2 was worse than that imo by starving children.  Target 4 is evilest out of them all currently with his 'kill them all' motif. The president was to chicken butt to handle the bad years ago, but he did have a good excuse of wanting to keep the government from falling in reaction to the hit from the north. 

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Guest farhah1986

I wrote the same senario some 50 pages ago as that was the only thing that made sence of how JP treated YS. JP told MY's picture that he would take the most cruelest revenge ever.

But I dont think P did it to save his career, he did it to get the protection for his country by the US army as these where really troubled times in asia with a lot of animosity between Democratic and Commusintic countries and even within countries. Thats why JP for the moment spared P and that he saw that he had regrets about it.

You were right....I remember the scene that JP finally meat with P after 28 years in the hall,JP said that he try to understand their deed by sacrifying all 20 soldier...maybe they don't have any choice or whatever reason it is but JP then said that after he saw what the group of 5 have been doing with all the corruption and misdeed make him feel that the death of 20 soldiers is for nothing and only become victim of political aspiration.Actually i'm quite agree with what JP said....maybe they have their own reason and difficulties that make them need to sacrifice them, but he find their sacrifice is totally wasted.

I've got a feeling that YS may know about his bio father at the end of ep 19 or 20.Will he blame JP for manipulate him to destroy his own father or what?I think the handkerchief given by his mother will do the talking,its either the president or YS will realize it first or maybe JP will reveal it first.But the thing that can't be denied is that the person that will get hurt most is YS.I really hope that JP will stop hurting YS.I can feel that he's quite fond with YS especially when he saw YS finally reunite with his mother and when YS stab his own hand but his his ultimate revenge make him able to put them aside.I wonder if YS is getting into life and death situation what will he do?Do you think the time he save YS from the landmine is because of his revenge or because h really care for him.No matter what he raise YS for 28 years,so I think no matter how cold JP is he must have a soft spot for YS.If I'm not mistaken when target 4 ambush his house and YS and him get into fight,Jp got distracted an get beaten,I think its because he feel worried for YS safety>Am I too bias with JP character?I don't really care because I do love his character..HAHA.whatever it is I hope we will get a great plot for the last 2 episode

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Guest crazypilovee

haha another reason JP hates Choi Eung Chan could be b/c KH liked Choi instead of JP & he even fathered her child... he's jealous xP

I think they made us confused because in the first episode, they showed Young Sung going back to Korea "7 years later" right after the scene where JP saved him from the mine and told him about the revenge. He was 17 at that time, when he also met Ajusshi, who had just escaped from Korea after the 16-year-old Nana's parents' accident. But at the beginning of episode 2 there are a few scenes of YS training really hard in Thailand and he's wearing the bullet necklace...so it looks like he spent a couple years working on his fighting skills right after his home was attacked and his Thai mom died. When JP gives him the paperwork for his enrollment in M.I.T. he's probably around 20-21, so in the present he's 28.

Waiting for next Wednesday is such a torture!! I really hope they'll be a little more generous with spoiler pics, at least for episode 19, or give us the written preview earlier than usual!

ahhh okay that makes sense!!! haha thankss :D

crazypilovee, i know, his butt has been the source of our many late night talks way back from BOF and then PT as well, but in CH they just showed it full on for a good 20seconds!!! how cool and sexy!!! (oh me and my Minho madness has started again, blush.gif )

I agree with you two about the president's speculations here. not pointing at Choi Eun Chan directly but yes, how can an evil man be friend with an angel? didn't we always hear "birds of the same feathers flock together"? hmmm...

chello, haha, for the "milder" part definitely it's accessible to our city hunters, but when it gets too explicit i think i'll just read it myself. too shy to share with you all, :vicx:

leslie, dramaok: as per my promise, here is part 1 of my fanfic. Sorry I stop at the most important part but i've been burning midnight oil just for it. Enjoy and let me know if it's good enough to continue ya? this is my first time ever writing fanfic so bear with me!!!

YS races against the clock after knocking out Chun’s man with all his force, anger, and anxiety, trying to rescue Nana. “I’m almost there, Nana, just hang on another second, ya?” He jumps straight into the freezing water, reaching out for her. She’s nearly at the bottom and gasping for air, already struggling to remain conscious. The weights tied to her body are just too heavy for her to bear, and in water, the panic starts to set in. Nana sees YS jumping in and her heart bursts with mix emotions. “I saw him gotten hit because of me just now and now he’s rescuing me again”, she thought. She opens her mouth, wanting to call out his name but swallows the salty water instead and loses the last breath of air left in her. “I can’t die now”, Nana thinks, but her body is starting to shut down. With no air left, she’s choking and starting to lose sight of him. “Yoon Sung-ssi, I love you. I want to be with you, I don’t want to die now” – it's her last thought before she loses conscious.

When she opens her eyes later, it seems like ages after that dreadful incident. However, Nana can still feel her wet clothes against her body and she is carried to somewhere. Just by being able to inhale this familiar and sexy scent, she knows she’s in Yoon Sung’s arms. “I love being carried by him”, she muses… but right away thinks about what just happened. So he saved me again. She stirs, and Yoon Sung looks down at her.

“Nana, thank God you’re awake. How do you feel? Are you alright? Let’s go to the hospital. You were out for a while.”

“I’m fine, please send me home. I don’t want to go to hospital. Where are we?”

“Going to my car now. Let’s just go check up at the hospital. I want to make sure you’re ok”.

“No, please. Send me home. I’m alright. You don’t have to worry about me”.

“How not to worry about you? I even had to do CPR on you! You didn’t even wake up then!”

“But I’m awake now right? I asked you not to come, but why did you show up here? Now send me home, or I’ll take a cab home!”

Yoon Sung signs, and put her in his passenger seat. “Ok, I’m drive you home”.

They were quiet the whole way home, each thinking about the other. Yoon Sung is relieved that she’s finally ok, judging from her bickering mood with him. Nana is thinking about what YS just said. “He did CPR on me???” she unconsciously touched her lips, trying to remember how these lips met just a moment ago. She quiet curses herself of losing her consciousness for so long that she couldn’t feel his lips on her. “Nana, you’re so pathetic. Didn’t he ask you to leave him? Why do you still think about his lips at this time???” Little does she know, for Yoon Sung, now he can be assured that she’s alright, is also thinking something along this line…

They reach her house. She tries to opem the car door,but Yoon Sung is too quick, he’s already there opening the door and in one swift move, scoops her up in his arms again. She puts up a weak protest:

“Let me down. I can walk”

He ignores her and carries her all three plights up to her flat. Surprisingly for Nana, Yoon Sung still has her house key with him. He opens the door with one hand while still holding her by the other hand, and carries her into her bedroom. Yoon Sung gently puts her down to her bed, looking tenderly at her. “I’ll get you some warm drink. Just stay here”.

He comes back with a mug in his hand and helps her sits up to drink. While she drinks, he gently combs her fray hairs aside. Yoon Sung’s voice becomes so soft: “Nana, I’m sorry, because of me you are like this. That’s why I can’t be with you.” He turns to go, only being held back by the wrist.

“Do you think I will let you go like this? After you save me again?”

“Nana, I hurt you!”

“That’s not you! That’s Chun. He does this because he knows you will hurt. Stop blaming yourself. And stop pushing me away! Do you think when you said to forget you, I would just do that? And even when you didn’t reply me, I would stop waiting for you? For me, there is no one else besides Lee Yoon Sung. Even if you don’t want to, I’ll wait for you forever!”

“Nana, why are you making it difficult for me?”

“Please, I don’t even know what will happen in the future, but let me be with you, ya? Let’s do it together. I don’t want you to be so alone and lonely anymore. At least with me, we have each other. Please don’t push me away, Yoon Sung-ssi!”

With that, Yoon Sung turns back to face her. Her eyes, brimming with tears, looking at him with burning love. These eyes, he thinks, have appeared in my dreams ever since I was 17, smiling at me. He wipes away the falling tears from her face, and she reaches up to his face. He kissed away the tears, and suddenly they find themselves entwined to one another.

He’s sucking her lower lip, savoring it for a moment, before parting her lips with his warm moist tongue while pulling her closer to him. Nana starts to have difficulty breathing. She can feel his scent, his urgency, his suppressed emotions that he has been trying to hide until now enveloping her fully. Feeling choked because of her heart which is pounding wildly with excitement, she seems to have forgotten how to breathe. Nana doesn’t have the time to think, but instinctively she responds to the kiss, and opens her mouth to welcome his tongue. They meet, and she feels the sensations went straight through her spines to the deepest place, where all feelings climax.

Yoon Sung continues with his kiss, but he has left her lips and has started tracing her jaw line and to her ear lobe. “She’s really got big, soft ear!” he thinks to himself, while kissing and lightly biting her ear. Nana goes weak and feels so helpless, somewhat scared but yet excited and anticipating at the same time. Her hands, acting on their own will, are busy tracing his face, to his gorgeous Adam apple that she always secretly wants to touch and to kiss, down to his broad shoulder and stopping at the shirt buttons. She’s so caught up to realize what she is about to do – unbutton his shirt – when she realizes where his hands are and suddenly freezes. He has kissed her down to her nape, down to her cleavage, and has carefully eased Nana down to her bed. Yoon Sung’s hands have been exploring her body and they are underneath her shirt now. She starts trembling uncontrollably with his touches. Yoon Sung looks up at her and tenderly kisses her lips again. Nana’s lips seem to be even softer and sweeter than before, Yoon Sung thinks. While immersing in the kiss, he begins to remove her shirt buttons. His hands reach to her back and unclasp her bra. At this time, the inexplicable anticipation and nervousness causes Nana’s heart to palpitate and beat rapidly. She holds on to him tightly, as if telling him to slow down, but her hands, again, acting on their own will, are desperately pulling his shirt away. He chuckles at her actions, and as the heat is rising high, Yoon Sung’s hand lightly traces from her waist and towards her breasts.

haha ur fanfic... ;) it sounds very realistic though.. like what would happen after the heroine rescues his love interest in an american show.... whyyy can't this happen in kdramas!?!? hahaa

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JP waited for 28 years until the time was ripe to met out his own brand of justice.  He saved Eung Chan as the last man standing among the evil elite so that he can savor his victory.  Eung Chan was his “piece de resistance,” served in a silver platter to YS, the unknown son who will bring about his downfall.  Revenge is certainly best served cold.

Quoting JP, "Revenge is not revenge unless one knows it is."

I can also see how the targets turned out the way they did.  Once you murder someone and get away with it, every criminal trespass must have been a cakewalk.  Their consciences must have been cauterized that day in 1983 thinking their actions were legitimate from that day forward…..

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Guest RemixeD2ice

Waiting for episode 19. And I keep wondering what they will do with that Seok Doo Shik guy (aka McCreeps, lol, what they call him on dramabeans).


Even though he was "bad" and somewhat of a loser for never really winning a fight, I keep hoping now that he heard what Cheon Jae Man had to say about him to YS over the phone, that they will show him possibly on the good side.....or something....IDK. But he's just so badass looking. Haha. I don't want that scene of him being tied up to be the last I see of him. At least, I'm hoping to know what happens to him afterwards. Ahjussi can't keep taking care of him forever. xD

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Guest jajami

crazypilovee, i know, his butt has been the source of our many late night talks way back from BOF and then PT as well, but in CH they just showed it full on for a good 20seconds!!! how cool and sexy!!! (oh me and my Minho madness has started again,  blush.gif )

I agree with you two about the president's speculations here. not pointing at Choi Eun Chan directly but yes, how can an evil man be friend with an angel? didn't we always hear "birds of the same feathers flock together"? hmmm...

chello, haha, for the "milder" part definitely it's accessible to our city hunters, but when it gets too explicit i think i'll just read it myself. too shy to share with you all,  :vicx:

leslie, dramaok: as per my promise, here is part 1 of my fanfic. Sorry I stop at the most important part but i've been burning midnight oil just for it. Enjoy and let me know if it's good enough to continue ya? this is my first time ever writing fanfic so bear with me!!!

YS races against the clock after knocking out Chun’s man with all his force, anger, and anxiety, trying to rescue Nana. “I’m almost there, Nana, just hang on another second, ya?” He jumps straight into the freezing water, reaching out for her. She’s nearly at the bottom and gasping for air, already struggling to remain conscious. The weights tied to her body are just too heavy for her to bear, and in water, the panic starts to set in. Nana sees YS jumping in and her heart bursts with mix emotions. “I saw him gotten hit because of me just now and now he’s rescuing me again”, she thought. She opens her mouth, wanting to call out his name but swallows the salty water instead and loses the last breath of air left in her. “I can’t die now”, Nana thinks, but her body is starting to shut down. With no air left, she’s choking and starting to lose sight of him. “Yoon Sung-ssi, I love you. I want to be with you, I don’t want to die now” – it's her last thought before she loses conscious.

When she opens her eyes later, it seems like ages after that dreadful incident. However, Nana can still feel her wet clothes against her body and she is carried to somewhere. Just by being able to inhale this familiar and sexy scent, she knows she’s in Yoon Sung’s arms. “I love being carried by him”, she muses… but right away thinks about what just happened. So he saved me again. She stirs, and Yoon Sung looks down at her.

“Nana, thank God you’re awake. How do you feel? Are you alright? Let’s go to the hospital. You were out for a while.”

“I’m fine, please send me home. I don’t want to go to hospital. Where are we?”

“Going to my car now. Let’s just go check up at the hospital. I want to make sure you’re ok”.

“No, please. Send me home. I’m alright. You don’t have to worry about me”.

“How not to worry about you? I even had to do CPR on you! You didn’t even wake up then!”

“But I’m awake now right? I asked you not to come, but why did you show up here? Now send me home, or I’ll take a cab home!”

Yoon Sung signs, and put her in his passenger seat. “Ok, I’m drive you home”.

They were quiet the whole way home, each thinking about the other. Yoon Sung is relieved that she’s finally ok, judging from her bickering mood with him. Nana is thinking about what YS just said. “He did CPR on me???” she unconsciously touched her lips, trying to remember how these lips met just a moment ago. She quiet curses herself of losing her consciousness for so long that she couldn’t feel his lips on her. “Nana, you’re so pathetic. Didn’t he ask you to leave him? Why do you still think about his lips at this time???” Little does she know, for Yoon Sung, now he can be assured that she’s alright, is also thinking something along this line…

They reach her house. She tries to opem the car door,but  Yoon Sung is too quick, he’s already there opening the door and in one swift move, scoops her up in his arms again. She puts up a weak protest:

“Let me down. I can walk”

He ignores her and carries her all three plights up to her flat. Surprisingly for Nana, Yoon Sung still has her house key with him. He opens the door with one hand while still holding her by the other hand, and carries her into her bedroom. Yoon Sung gently puts her down to her bed, looking tenderly at her. “I’ll get you some warm drink. Just stay here”.

He comes back with a mug in his hand and helps her sits up to drink. While she drinks, he gently combs her fray hairs aside. Yoon Sung’s voice becomes so soft: “Nana, I’m sorry, because of me you are like this. That’s why I can’t be with you.” He turns to go, only being held back by the wrist.

“Do you think I will let you go like this? After you save me again?”

“Nana, I hurt you!”

“That’s not  you! That’s Chun. He does this because he knows you will hurt. Stop blaming yourself. And stop pushing me away! Do you think when you said to forget you, I would just do that? And even when you didn’t reply me, I would stop waiting for you? For me, there is no one else besides Lee Yoon Sung. Even if you don’t want to, I’ll wait for you forever!”

“Nana, why are you making it difficult for me?”

“Please, I don’t even know what will happen in the future, but let me be with you, ya? Let’s do it together. I don’t want you to be so alone and lonely anymore. At least with me, we have each other. Please don’t push me away, Yoon Sung-ssi!”

With that, Yoon Sung turns back to face her. Her eyes, brimming with tears, looking at him with burning love. These eyes, he thinks, have appeared in my dreams ever since I was 17, smiling at me. He wipes away the falling tears from her face, and she reaches up to his face. He kissed away the tears, and suddenly they find themselves entwined to one another.

He’s sucking her lower lip, savoring it for a moment, before parting her lips with his warm moist tongue while pulling her closer to him. Nana starts to have difficulty breathing. She can feel his scent, his urgency, his suppressed emotions that he has been trying to hide until now enveloping her fully. Feeling choked because of her heart which is pounding wildly with excitement, she seems to have forgotten how to breathe. Nana doesn’t have the time to think, but instinctively she responds to the kiss, and opens her mouth to welcome his tongue. They meet, and she feels the sensations went straight through her spines to the deepest place, where all feelings climax.

Yoon Sung continues with his kiss, but he has left her lips and has started tracing her jaw line and to her ear lobe. “She’s really got big, soft ear!” he thinks to himself, while kissing and lightly biting her ear. Nana goes weak and feels so helpless, somewhat scared but yet excited and anticipating at the same time. Her hands, acting on their own will, are busy tracing his face, to his gorgeous Adam apple that she always secretly wants to touch and to kiss, down to his broad shoulder and stopping at the shirt buttons. She’s so caught up to realize what she is about to do – unbutton his shirt – when she realizes  where his hands are and suddenly freezes. He has kissed her down to her nape, down to her cleavage, and has carefully eased Nana down to her bed. Yoon Sung’s hands have been exploring her body and they are underneath her shirt now. She starts trembling uncontrollably with his touches. Yoon Sung looks up at her and tenderly kisses her lips again. Nana’s lips seem to be even softer and sweeter than before, Yoon Sung thinks. While immersing in the kiss, he begins to remove her shirt buttons. His hands reach to her back and unclasp her bra. At this time, the inexplicable anticipation and nervousness causes Nana’s heart to palpitate and beat rapidly. She holds on to him tightly, as if telling him to slow down, but her hands, again, acting on their own will, are desperately pulling his shirt away. He chuckles at her actions, and as the heat is rising high, Yoon Sung’s hand lightly traces from her waist and towards her breasts.

wow ... your fanfic is soooo real.... pls.. continue writing it....!!!

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I wrote the same senario some 50 pages ago as that was the only thing that made sence of how JP treated YS. JP told MY's picture that he would take the most cruelest revenge ever.

But I dont think P did it to save his career, he did it to get the protection for his country by the US army as these where really troubled times in asia with a lot of animosity between Democratic and Commusintic countries and even within countries. Thats why JP for the moment spared P and that he saw that he had regrets about it.

At the beginning, I kind of understood where Eung Chan was coming from with his "sacrifice a few for the greater good of the country" speech.  But as the drama progressed, I saw that it was more out of self-preservation than anything else.  He continued to tolerate the abuse of power and greed of his 4 co-conspirators and never really raised a hand to stop them.  

I'm placing myself in JP's shoes and I find myself hating the man.  There's such a thing as "command responsibility."  As the leader and propagator of the mission that sent JP's troops to their deaths, he had the responsibility to ensure their success and safe return.  JP must have realized that the reasons Eung Chan initially gave him were just lip service and adding insult to injury, the men who died were all but forgotten, their memories buried to avoid exposing their evil deed.  Instead of hailing them as heroes, they were blamed and called traitors. 

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Guest samasta93

leslie, dramaok: as per my promise, here is part 1 of my fanfic. Sorry I stop at the most important part but i've been burning midnight oil just for it. Enjoy and let me know if it's good enough to continue ya? this is my first time ever writing fanfic so bear with me!!!

I enjoyed reading your fanfic, you definitely have a good talent for writing :lol:

anyway, I love how you described the moment before they "exercised".. it was so real and felt like I could sense the "cold war" atmosphere~ hahaha~ but.. dururururumbumbumbum.. when I scrolled down, :w00t: ohohohoho... I stopped eating my okonomiyaki and put it aside so that I could concentrate totally on reading the rest.. :D

B) I wish you would continue it~ (how bout babies? lol) :P ohohohohohohoo~~

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