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[Drama 2011] City Hunter 시티헌터

Guest adikkeluangman

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Guest szufontana

Hello i'm back~

Sharing some more BTS pics of Minho on CH set ^_^

*quoted image*

^^ Minho and his expression: the actor who has showed a lot of improvement in his acting skill :)

*quoted image*

^^ Cute fan-taken pics of Minho on CH set :wub:

Thank you so so much for the bts pics! Seriously, i don't know if this guy can get any hotter! :P

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New to the thread. Had to join because of Ep. 16 and rampant speculation on YS birth father. I dreamt about it all night and woke up thinking about it first thing this morning! Yes, I'm obsessed...

I'm completely torn apart about this biological father question because I HATE the birth secret plot line. I say this because it's left me confused and scatter brained about what this show really is about. I can understand if MY or JP is YS biological father, but not the president....The story may be laid out that way so that we can pick up all the clues as to the president being YS father, but the problem is that it doesn't make sense as far as the narrative structure of the story. (basically why would the writer choose to do this when it undercuts the story)

I have a billion reasons why I think making the president YS father (and unfortunately I think this is the case *dread, dread, dread*) but I'm only going to lay out a couple that really, really bother me 

1. The birth secret undercuts the origin story of the city hunter. 

We've seen how YS has become the city hunter and how he's driven by the memory of his father who was betrayed by the 5. If YS father was NOT one of the men who betrayed by the 5, but actually one of the 5, the president, then what can YS base his revenge and quest for justice on. Sure the 5 are bad guys, but now YS has lost his base and the Hero needs a foundation to stand on that guides his actions. What personal reason does YS now have for being the City Hunter? Once YS finds out the president is one of the 5 and his father, I think the most logical thing to happen will be a soul crushing, heart-breaking and complete loss of self-identity! "who am I and why am I doing the things I do and believe the things I do?" That is what YS and any other person would immediately ask. And the answer is, "I don't have a real identity because everything I am was fabricated by "evil puppet master" Jin pyo for his revenge....!".....WTH writer

Let's take Batman for example. (He's a "regular" guy with no super powers) What would the story be if Bruce Wayne found out after becoming Batman that his parents aren't really his parents, but the scumbag who killed his parents is his real father?! WTH 

OR Spiderman (he does have super powers). What if Peter Parker found out that his Uncle who was killed in random act of violence was not actually his uncle, but the scumbag who killed his uncle?! WTH

2. This birth secret shifts the focus of the story from the City Hunter to Jin Pyo.

This show is called City Hunter, but if the City Hunter (and his loving fans, US) are kept in the dark about the City Hunter's origins while we think we actually know about them, it takes away from the story being about YS, the city hunter. Instead the story is really about Jin Pyo and his revenge plot instead of being the origin story for the City Hunter. The better name for this drama would then be "Jin Pyo's Puppet Master Revenge," not "City Hunter." Basically I'm saying the weight and focus of the show is shifted from YS to JP. I don't like that to say the least.

Now the way to fix this and carry the dramatic arc to the fullest effect would have been to let us, the audience, know more explicitly from the beginning that the president is YS biological father. Similar to what the show did with Young ju (and they've done his father/son storyline very, very well) If the audience knew about the president being YS biological father from the beginning we could participate in the anticipation/dread of what's to come for our beloved hero and cheer him along the way. Instead it feels like we've just been slapped. The audience and especially me (!) is left feeling this lost of identity that YS will feel once he finds out the truth. This is not good because like I said it makes the story confusing and lacking a center. 

3. I hate to say it, but I feel like this show's biggest strength is now becoming it's biggest weakness. This show crosses many genres which has been amazing so far, but it's hard not to get them confused...

This show is action, drama, thriller, revenge, rom-com, sometimes straight comedy, and with a splash of family melodrama thrown in. That's great if you can pull that off, but its hard. Now with this birth secret, if the president is YS father then City Hunter has the same plot as Can You Hear My Heart! I said it first! (I think)

CYHMH- Tae Yeon Suk (Cha Dong joo's mom) raises her enemy's secret son, Bong Ma roo, and uses him to exact her revenge on her enemy, Choi Jin chul, unbeknownst to the son.

City Hunter- Jin Pyo raises his enemy's secret son, Lee Yoon sung, and uses him to exact revenge on his enemy, the president/the 5, unbeknownst to the son.

City Hunter and CYHMH have the same plot!...WTH *quoted image*

Bravo Malta.  What a brilliant piece of analysis.

The writer threw a curve ball on the birth secret that had me scratching my head.  One of the comments I read in Dramabeans compared it to “Three Men and a Baby.”  First there’s his biological father, then Jin Pyo, his adopted father, and lastly the president.  

You’re right.  If it turns out that YS is indeed the son of the president, then all the preparation for the big revenge from the time he was barely out of the cradle, his own existence dedicated to a higher calling, would be negated.

Crossing genres in a drama is tricky for a writer in that she has to maintain a certain balance for the story to flow smoothly.  She has to plug all the inconsistencies and plot holes (which she did in the last two episodes) in order for the story to be plausible.

One of the inconsistencies that’s been nagging at the back of my head was when Nana found out that YS was the City Hunter.  It would have not been an issue if she’s not a Blue House guard.  In her position, her character had to be above board in and out of her job.  There’s a conflict of interest and she’s divided between her loyalty to her country and her love for YS.  She was already accompanying YS in his missions and should the authorities find out about her complicity, she’ll not only lose her job, she’ll land in jail for aiding and abetting someone who’s breaking the law.

So when Nana went back to the Blue House as a guard to the president, the break-up between her and YS was inevitable and necessary.  It accomplished two things; by distancing her from YS, she’s spared from being criminally liable and keep her image clean and her integrity intact (a security guard who protects the President cannot run around with the City Hunter in her spare time) and, I hate to say it but I think the writer may be preparing for a physical and emotional showdown between YS and Nana.  Since the president is one of the men tragetted by JP and CH, Nana will more than likely be caught in the middle of the conflict.  What could be more dramatic and gut wrenching than being shot by the woman you love.  Oh boy, I hope this does not happen (I was in a daze for days when Jo In Sung committed suicide at the end of “It Happened in Bali”).

I would have preferred it if Nana left the services of the Blue House after she was injured and YS did not break up with her.  She’d be YS’s girl Friday and together, they fight for justice for the downtrodden for the remainder of the drama.  The story would be cleaner in that it would satisfy the craving for romance (what’s a drama without romance) for all those romantics out there and action, for the action addicts. 

I agree with you that Young Ju’s story was well written, allowing us to see his relationship with his father that’s tenuous at best and the emotional devastation he felt when he discovered that his father was nothing but a corrupt and greedy man.


I also like the parallelism between YS and YJ in that both men, although working on the opposite sides of the law, want to uphold justice even if their ways were different.  The cat and mouse game between the two with YJ closing in on YS, was just fascinating to watch.  In the end, I hope to see them working side by side.

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Guest bashful

You know how a lot of actions drama has sad ending. Like IRIS for example. Well I hope this one will be a happy ending for NN and YS. YS and NN both deserve to be happy.

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Guest dramaok



img: rabbit @LMH gallery

ok, leslie and dramaok, please be the elephants :D I'll be Nana!!!! :D (then can kiss kiss and rub rub, hahahahah!!!) *run away before I get bombed at!!! :vicx::ph34r:

*throws bomb*

yeah you know what it's fine w/ me.

just do me a favor and jump the boy ASAP if you can channel some NN.

also, BTW, he's not just touching and petting the elephant.

that is all i can say. :phew: i'm too shy to say the rest. :unsure:




i've been so captivated by LMH's Yoonsungee that it's all i can think about,

but I have to say actor Lee Joon Hyeok has been great as prosecutor Kim Young Joo.

the actor is mighty fine too.



img src: asia today + my daily





img credit: fandh @ tistory

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Guest crazypilovee

^^ do i see some bromance b/wn YS & YJ? ;)

About how some aren't liking the birth secret because it will make YS lose the base of his revenge, i'd like to comment about why i think the birth secret is good for YS...

This drama has evolved around the theme of revenge on the group of 5... but revenge is a cruel thing. in korean dramas & movies, the lead characters who carry out their revenge to the end usually end up dead... (for example OldBoy, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, The Devil, Bad Guy, I'm Sorry I Love You)

We know that YS is a good guy, but the fact that he's so caught up on this revenge is what is bringing his right to live/have a good ending down. b/c inevitably, those who don't forgive but continue to hate their wrongdoers ultimately suffer their own demise. Now YS has never carried out his revenge wrongfully, as in kill innocent bystanders or even his targets, and he made sure they were punished by law.... BUT that doesn't get rid of the fact that he is obsessed with revenge & has this hate inside of him.

So to me, if YS finds out that his ultimate target is his own father, and then gives up on the whole revenge thing & somehow learns to forgive him (for ruining his life i guess, not for killing his real dad nemore)... that is something that can save his soul & therefore his life. he will definitely go through an identity crisis and all, but it's better for him to realize that revenge is futile and that no matter how wronged he was, he needs to able to forgive...

Yes, getting proper justice for those who are wronged by evil ppl is important and good to do for heroes like CH, Batman, Spiderman... but when it comes down to personal revenge, i think it will be their downfall to take it personally & act on that hatred.

Malta: as for ur point #2, i don't think JP is taking that much away from the CH... well first of all, from the start of the drama from one the promotional posters, we see that JP is one of the main roles in the drama (he's overarching YS). i mean the father & son relationship b/wn YS & JP has always been emphasized, and altho JP is being like a puppet master, i think the ultimate effect would be on YS and how he deals with the new revelations... JP can try to be the controller of the story but we know he will never be, and that YS's actions/emotions will always be the main focus of the drama.

YS has always kept on finding out that his life isn't what he thinks it is (first JP not real dad, then mom not dead, then mom didn't abandon him, etc...), so although this last birth secret may be a big shock i don't think it takes away the point of the story....? i do understand it makes us feel left out & disgruntled by finding out now & i think it woulda been just as great if they told the audience from the beginning.. but hey it still makes a good twist!? haha iono...


Actually, I've read somewhere before that LMH is not planning to go into military service. Apparently, in S Korea, you're exempt if you are the only son. He has no brothers, only an elder sis. So yay for us, more of LMH! :rolleyes:

is that true? can someone clarify this? haha i've never heard of this before... i kinda want him to go tho cuz it'll bring his image up & shows he's a very nationalistic person (like Hyun Bin :wub: ).. but i will definitely miss him for those 2 years!! :(

InSong: ohhh okay i recognize that song but i couldn't find it in the OST part 1-6... sorry! haha maybe they'll release it later?

otchosais: good luck on ur exam!!! omg u have so much self-discipline :D i wish i had that too for my MCATs lol.... >.<

i also agree the winter bell tolling scene would most likely happen in the end too! most likely (i would bet 90%) it will be BOTH YS & NN together :)

...but it could also be a scene where NN goes to fulfill their promise & we see a dream sequence of her meeting YS for the very last time... altho it's a plausible scene from sad drama endings i hope it doesn't happen!!

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Guest tahweewee

Can someone please please give me a website where I can go watch this drama subbed? The sites I found have all the video removed due to copyright issue. :(

You can watch it at viki if its available in ur region, sadly not for me :( . If it doesnt work on viki you can watch it on epdrama or dramacrazy they usually have them subbed the next day or so :)

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도서관에서 응찬을 만나게된 윤성은 깜짝 놀라고,

잠시 둘 만의 대화의 시간을 통해 응찬의 인간적인 면을 보게된다.

한편, 청와대 오찬 자리에서 대통령 경호를 맡게된 나나는 진표와

천재만이 오찬 자리에 등장하자 긴장하고,

윤성도 합류한 그 자리에서 대통령을 겨냥한 사건이 발생하는데...

^ the only part i understood there is that there's a BIG LUNCHEON at the Blue House and Nana will be there as the President's body guard.

people at DC are spazzing that this could be the scene where YunSung and Nana will shoot each other because Nana will protect Pres..idk i hope Google trans is right. XDDD

@Mr.Marley: you can check DRAMACRAZY.net

@dramaok: omg you! lol..i dont even want to imagine.lmao










credit: dc inside

i wish they'd become a family *sigh*


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You can watch it at viki if its available in ur region, sadly not for me :( . If it doesnt work on viki you can watch it on epdrama or dramacrazy they usually have them subbed the next day or so :)

Awesome! Thank you so much for the info :)

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Hello Hunters!   Oh how i miss City Hunter now more than ever.  Happy that it's Monday once again and looking forward for wed to come faster. 

to all HUNTERS!!!

I am so HAPPY that I had the chance to be with this GREAT thread

and to be with all the HUNTERS here!!!


I will miss this thread!!!

*Anne Margaret*

sorry i cut it short..

.otchosais a bit sad after reading your post. i will surely miss your posts here!  Good luck on your exam and i do hope all your hardwork will be rewarded. biggrin.gif


Credits to SBS and soompi for the pics.

But i really miss YS and NN.   I hope they reconcile soon but i want NN to pls don't come easy this time.  Don't settle for a back hug you deserve so much and if YS didn't realize it, it's his lost.  (tend to take CH too serious lately) 

I'm excited to watch NN guarding the Pres and how will YS handle the situation.  I'm still confuse if the Pres is the biological father of YS.  

Those who share their photos, video clips and infos about CH much appreciated!  Have a lovely day CH fans.  smile.gif

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Guest webby


도서관에서 응찬을 만나게된 윤성은 깜짝 놀라고,

잠시 둘 만의 대화의 시간을 통해 응찬의 인간적인 면을 보게된다.

한편, 청와대 오찬 자리에서 대통령 경호를 맡게된 나나는 진표와

천재만이 오찬 자리에 등장하자 긴장하고,

윤성도 합류한 그 자리에서 대통령을 겨냥한 사건이 발생하는데...

YS was surprised at meeting the president at the library. the two of them managed to talk for a while and the warm/humane side of the president is revealed.

On the other hand, during the Blue House luncheon, Nana who's now the president's bodyguard becomes nervous once she sees Jin Pyo and Cheon Jae Man appearing at the luncheon. Yoon Sung is also present at the luncheon when an incident breaks out where the president becomes the target...

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Guest miniejungle

leslie, you can just stay an elephant, hahaha, I'll make sure more things happen between Nana and YS from next episode on!!!! :D

*throws bomb*

yeah you know what it's fine w/ me.

just do me a favor and jump the boy ASAP if you can channel some NN.

also, BTW, he's not just touching and petting the elephant.

that is all i can say. :phew: i'm too shy to say the rest. :unsure:


naughty dramaok!!!!!!! :P but if that is a compensation for you and leslie, by all means, enjoy while it lasts!!! cos you know wuri YS doesn't *ahem* sit on the elephant often, see? :D and if I were Nana he would have been devoured by me ages ago already... you think i'll just let him hold my hands (only)????? :ph34r:

is that true? can someone clarify this? haha i've never heard of this before... i kinda want him to go tho cuz it'll bring his image up & shows he's a very nationalistic person (like Hyun Bin :wub: ).. but i will definitely miss him for those 2 years!! :(

this is what i found online - i don't think being the only son is a good enough reason to be exempted from military service - i do want him to serve the army too, and I know he'll be back, even better than before!!!

South KoreaMain article: Republic of Korea Armed Forces

South Korea has mandatory military service of 21 months. There are no alternatives for conscientious objectors[47] except imprisonment. In general, with very few exceptions, most South Korean males serve in the military. The duration of service varies from branch to branch of the military.

Exemptions are granted to Korean male citizens with physical disabilities or whose mental status is unstable or questionable. When a Korean man becomes of legal age, he is required to take a physical check-up to determine whether he is suitable for military service. Every male is labeled into one of four different grades. Grades 1-3: normal, Grade 4: special service. Grade 4: special service is given to individuals that fulfill their military duties as a civil worker amongst civilians.

There are some controversies portrayed in Korean media concerning special treatment given to celebrities. Some celebrities are given exemptions to their mandatory military service, even though they clearly have no physical disabilities. The government has begun implementing tougher sanctions to those who attempt to avoid their military duty. It is considered shameful, undutiful, and treasonous for a man to take measures to avoid his military service when he is healthy and capable of fulfilling his 22 month requirement. In the case of celebrity, Yoo Seung Jun, he was a popular Korean pop star but in 2002 he became a naturalized American citizen in order to avoid his military duty in Korea. For this reason, Korea has banned Yoo from the country and actually deported him. Another more recent example is MC Mong. He is a very popular singer/rapper in Korea who began his career in the early 2000s. In 2010, it was discovered that MC Mong took measures to avoid his military service. He got his molar teeth removed in order to dodge his mandatory military duty. As of March 2011, he has been to trial to face these accusations and faces a potential two-year prison sentence.


도서관에서 응찬을 만나게된 윤성은 깜짝 놀라고,

잠시 둘 만의 대화의 시간을 통해 응찬의 인간적인 면을 보게된다.

한편, 청와대 오찬 자리에서 대통령 경호를 맡게된 나나는 진표와

천재만이 오찬 자리에 등장하자 긴장하고,

윤성도 합류한 그 자리에서 대통령을 겨냥한 사건이 발생하는데...

leslie, YS hasn't discovered the 5th target as the president yet so i think there would not be any shoot-off the next episode (hopefully) :(

webby: thanks for the translation dear. you're always so helpful!!!! *hugs*

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Guest luv_harmony

YS was surprised at meeting the president at the library. the two of them managed to talk for a while and the warm/humane side of the president is revealed.

On the other hand, during the Blue House luncheon, Nana who's now the president's bodyguard becomes nervous once she sees Jin Pyo and Cheon Jae Man appearing at the luncheon. Yoon Sung is also present at the luncheon when an incident breaks out where the president becomes the target...

Thank's for the translation & text preview.

I guess JP will come there to attack president but LYS will not be part of this incident. He must be there as he work's in Blue House & might rush to save Nana... in that case I want Nana to push him away. He needs to realize how it actually feels to be rejected & pushed away.. then later they can make up & kiss phew.gif

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YS was surprised at meeting the president at the library. the two of them managed to talk for a while and the warm/humane side of the president is revealed.

On the other hand, during the Blue House luncheon, Nana who's now the president's bodyguard becomes nervous once she sees Jin Pyo and Cheon Jae Man appearing at the luncheon. Yoon Sung is also present at the luncheon when an incident breaks out where the president becomes the target...

Thanks so much for the effort!  smile.gif

Is it too much to ask for a 30 sec preview right now!  i'm so demanding sorry..  biggrin.gif  


Credits to hancinema

What is the last twist of "City Hunter"?


Curiosity is rising about the final twist of SBS drama "City Hunter".

On the 16th episode of "City Hunter", all of Lee Yoon-seong's (Lee Min-ho) secret behind birth and such was shown. This day President Choi Eung-chan (Cheon Ho-jin), Choi Da-hye (Goo Ha-ra) and Lee Yoon-seong were having dinner together when Lee Yoon-seong took out the beans from his rice. Then his mother Lee Kyeong-hee (Kim Mi-Sook) said, "You are just like your father" and roused suspicions more. Netizen's say, "it looks like Choi Eung-chan is going to be his father".

On the SBS "TV News At Night" Lee Min-ho said there is going to be an amazing twist at the end. He also roused curisotiy even more when he said, "No one will ever be able to guess what happens" and more.

Source : news.nate.com/view/20... ( Korean )

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thank for the preview, I appreciate it alot :)

SO Nana will be the opposite against Yoon Sung and his father in the end? :( so sad

ahhh... I don't know How the writers will unfold the conflict. Hope it will end satisfying...

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leslie, you can just stay an elephant, hahaha, I'll make sure more things happen between Nana and YS from next episode on!!!! :D

naughty dramaok!!!!!!! :P but if that is a compensation for you and leslie, by all means, enjoy while it lasts!!! cos you know wuri YS doesn't *ahem* sit on the elephant often, see? :D and if I were Nana he would have been devoured by me ages ago already... you think i'll just let him hold my hands (only)?????  :ph34r:

PWAHAHA all the time I was thinking of this scene because it seems YS got tired of sitting on the elephant and wants the elephant to sit on him.WAHAHAH OMG KILL ME NOW. My mind has a lot of pervy wubwub going inside.lmaooo now im waiting for Dramaok's mini fic to have chapter 3 hehe


^Thanks so much for the trans webby!



As for the preview i hope that JP wont be behind this plot but he's most likely to do it. XDDD If YS would know that Pres is his dad then there would be a turn of events for he might end up saving him and fighting JP.GAH

I hope Nana and YS will reconcile on ep17...cause i need more lovin from them despite the drama building up cause of the revenge.

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Guest shopaholican

i also agree the winter bell tolling scene would most likely happen in the end too! most likely (i would bet 90%) it will be BOTH YS & NN together :)

...but it could also be a scene where NN goes to fulfill their promise & we see a dream sequence of her meeting YS for the very last time... altho it's a plausible scene from sad drama endings i hope it doesn't happen!!

i wonder how they are going to film a winter scene as it is not winter in korea now.. maybe just piling on the layers of clothes in this summer heat. hahahaha.

if jin pyo and cheon jae man are going to the luncheon together, cheon jae man must know that something is up or is going to happen because he doesn't trust steve lee/jinpyo anymore.

i feel so sad for nana, she is really going to be a human shield :( hopefully nothing happens during the luncheon. above all, i hope for a HAPPY ENDING!! pleaseee

I'm watching episode 15 and I know it's a drama but John Lee's mother just spilling the beans like that so easily over the phone... does it make any sense? If it's me, I will hang up. 

oh yeah i hated that! stupid mother of john lee.

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