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[Drama 2011] New Tales of the Gisaeng 신기생뎐

Guest fanda4000

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Guest mhugh

Sorry for the last minute notice, but I won't be able to do recaps for the next two weekends.

This weekend because of a personal matter that just came up, and I'll be away for the weekend. The next weekend, I'll be 3000 miles away in a conference, and the last time I tried to download Kdrama in a hotel, with the "broadband" speed in the hotel it would've taken me 48 hours to download one episode.

As badly as I feel, I know you probably won't even know I was gone because dramaok, Anthony, and the amazing people at Viki will satisfy all your subbing needs.

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Guest kawaiiyuki

is it just me or does dm seem to be worried about something in today's epi?

I can't believe they left us with that cliffhanger but it looks like the triangle is about to start.

I can't wait for tomorrow's episode. I'm really loving how well sr and gj are getting along.

From the previews it looks like gj never like rr and is not going to let her walk all over sr. :P

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So I just saw Ep 15. RaRa really did find out about Saran and Damo. Lots of drama happens in Ep. 16, apparently. As much as I don't like RaRa, I do feel sorry for her. Because her friend did sort of stabbed her in the back. SaRan should have told her the truth from the start. She's dating a guy that her friend really likes and pretend that nothing happens. I mean doesn't she think that this will come out eventually, especially if she's entertaining the thought of marrying DaMo? One thing I don't like about SaRan is that she's a bit cold/insincere to RaRa. If she doesn't like RaRa, then she shouldn't hang out with her. Even though RaRa is a spoiled, self-centred and arrogrant brat, but I think she actually likes Saran. And she's always bluntly honest with Saran.

I think the best female character is Saran's little sister. She's straightforward and honest. Whether she likes something or not, she will let you know. She doesn't go behind anyone's back. I'm glad that Saran is really warming up to her though.

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Guest suliat

So I just saw Ep 15. RaRa really did find out about Saran and Damo. Lots of drama happens in Ep. 16, apparently. As much as I don't like RaRa, I do feel sorry for her. Because her friend did sort of stabbed her in the back. SaRan should have told her the truth from the start. She's dating a guy that her friend really likes and pretend that nothing happens. I mean doesn't she think that this will come out eventually, especially if she's entertaining the thought of marrying DaMo? One thing I don't like about SaRan is that she's a bit cold/insincere to RaRa. If she doesn't like RaRa, then she shouldn't hang out with her. Even though RaRa is a spoiled, self-centred and arrogrant brat, but I think she actually likes Saran. And she's always bluntly honest with Saran.

it was Damo that told her not to say anything about their relationship in the first place. and how is sa ra suppose to tell rara that she is dating Damo, when rara, might tell her that she should stop dating him (posibbility). and since sa ra character iis till a little unclear, when cannot know what her reall feelings her for rara

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it was Damo that told her not to say anything about their relationship in the first place. and how is sa ra suppose to tell rara that she is dating Damo, when rara, might tell her that she should stop dating him (posibbility). and since sa ra character iis till a little unclear, when cannot know what her reall feelings her for rara

Actually Damo never told her not to tell. He just said he doesn't want to talk about Rara. I believe that he prefers Rara not to know about them but I don't think he really cares all that much. Even if he did say not to tell Rara, but Saran's first loyalty should go to her friend, not just some boy she's dating with an expiry date. If she tell Rara and Rara tell her not to date him, but the decision is still up to Saran. Atleast this way, she's not going behind anyone's back. It's true that Saran never clearly say how she feels about Rara, but you can tell that she doesn't really like Rara by her expression. Everytime Saran receives Rara's phone call, she always has this annoyed facial expression and rolled her eyes before she answered the phone.

Don't get me wrong, I don't like Rara or dislike Saran. I actually don't like Rara because I find her too arrogant and selfish. But that doesn't mean I can't feel sorry for her about this one thing. I do think that she deserved better than this from her friend. As for Saran, I do like her in general. I like that she has a backbone and she can tone down Damo's arrogant attitude. I just don't like that secretive attitude of hers.

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Guest kawaiiyuki

Yeap DM did tell SR she can tell rr about them dating. He just didn't wait to talk about rr. As for SR not telling rr i'm not really sure why she wouldn't tell maybe she felt rr didn't need to know everything about her. (i have a friend who doesn't tell me she's dating) Or maybe she's just waiting for the right moment. But whatever the reason now the cats out of bag and rr knows.

Why does dm looked so troubled in today's episode?

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Guest revengeoftheflowers

Ra Ra is my favorite character for entertainment reasons, and oh boy, she looked PISSSSED at that dinner table. She looked like she was going to flip over the table and choke Saran. And, then that CATFIGHT she has with Gong Joo looks juicy!!! She really brings some electricity to this slow paced drama, and they need to feature more of her whether it's her villainous side or comical side. I think I also am partial to her, because she looks like a younger version of Bi Chwi from Assorted Gems whom I just adore.

I agree Sa Ran is pretty shady friend towards Ra Ra. And YES to if she dislikes her, she really should not hang out with her. Although Ra Ra's response will be overdramatic and just ridiculous, Sa Ran put herself in this situation. She knows what Ra Ra is capable of, so she should have been straightforward early on. I don't see SR as some innocent victim. Although I'm really not sure what I would have done if I were in Sa Ran's shoes? I guess if I were Ra Ra, I would have probably punched Sa Ran. And, if I were Sa Ran, I would have ripped out Ra Ra's hair. I'm just kind of trashy though. ;)

Gong Joo is really really adorable. I love how protective she is over Sa Ran in the previews. She is the moral compass of this drama...the way a person should behave.

All of the older women in this drama scare me....they all have a very underlying dangerous side to their personalities. Everyone is so underhanded and manipulative.

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By the way, here the ratings *


Nationwide: 12.6%(9th)

Seoul: 14.3% (9th)


Actually, it was a problem at the beginning, to tell or not to tell ? * But it was also a difficult choice.

At first, SR fought a lot against her own feelings__it was like 'love at 1st sight' for DM but she didn't have the strengh to go against RR who said 'Ah Da Mo is mine'. Also, she didn't tell RR about the hotel accident so we can't say she's a bad friend, actually I think at the beggining she really wanted to let DM to RR but she just couldn't do it. And DM went after her, told her she was beautiful... it was a golden opportuniy. DM was attracted by HER (and it's not her fault) and not RR__even if RR is her friend she just couldn't resist. [Actually I understand Sa Ran, because if I were her I'd probably do the same. ^-^]

I don't dislike RR... well i actually like her a lot, she's cute and quite innocent in a way. She's rich and beautiful and doesn't understand when people don't like her or find someone better than her__I think, dispite her behaviour, she lacks confidence (because people keep sayin SR is sooooo beautiful and maybe because the problem with the university like we saw at gisaeng house & now because DM rejected her). I think it's okay for her to blame SR for lacking loyalty (even if DM didn't show any interest so far when he was with her). It's also probably a way to dramatize the 'daughter-problem' even more__SR, her new ennemy is actually her father's real daughter as she's not.__ Hard*

Anyway, I'm really curious about SR & DM's relationship after that cause they can stop the contract anytime but according to the preview they won't...

Also for DM, I can't understand why they send him away that much, last week he was in HK, this week in Japan... WHY ? For his behaviour I guess it's because he becomes more and more serious about SR (I thought that last week with the fake 'become my wife'). At the beggining it was curiosity, then attraction and now he probably falls deeper in love with her but he's awake by their differences and obstacles, especially his family and her also__I don't think he's so sure she'll say yes. The 'skinship contract' frustrates him a lot too (like we saw last week at the restaurant). Anyway, this contract will eventually break this week__I mean IT HAS TO* Their relation has to move on.

Also, the handsome doctor is back, I wonder why.

And, I loooove GJ, she's so funny and sincere. Totally waiting to see her defend her sister against RR__the sister-relation changed a lot and that's great__thanks to SJ who has a reaaaaaaally great body, okay we got it PD*

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Guest Hanjae

I've also thought that Sa Ran has been a little over-secretive in some cases (like hiding the fact that she's going to the Grandma's house from Son Ja; I mean, why would she need to?), but I don't think she should be blamed for not letting Ra Ra know that she knew Da Mo. It's not so much a case of "not being straightforward to a friend" as it was missing the right timing to tell her about it.

In the beginning, there was frankly no need to tell them. Firstly, she'd only seen Da Mo once at his house briefly after she performed for his grandma. There was an instant attraction there, but she's clearly not that close to her friends; why on earth would she go out of her way to tell them she bumped into a hot guy that day? Besides, she neither knew his name nor did she think she'd meet him again. She looked like she wanted to tell them when they went to the bathroom to chitchat at the group date, but Ra Ra jumped in and instantly announced that she liked Da Mo and wanted their help to get him. Knowing her personality, it would've been awkward, and Sa Ran obviously wasn't going to act on her attraction to Da Mo. In normal circumstances, she likely would never see him again and her brief acquaintance with Da Mo would become irrelevant. For someone like her who prefers to keep quiet in general, it's not surprisingly she decided to let the matter drop.

After the group date, it was Da Mo who kept finding excuses to see Sa Ran again and further their acquaintance, and by then it was too late to let Ra Ra know without looking like she had deliberately meant to steal her guy. Ra Ra reacts so badly at the smallest thing (like Da Mo stopping briefly to talk to Sa Ran when she watched the two of them riding) that I don't think it would've helped much even if she had told her earlier, anyway. The minute Ra Ra spotted Da Mo, it was already too late to prevent her mini-explosion of jealous fury.

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IDK why people are surprise by Sa-ran's character for not telling Ra-ra! :blink: We were shown from the get go that Sa-ran is someone who seems to live multiple lives (not in a bad way), she just likes to keep different parts of her lives separate, for crying out loud her own friends don't even know anything about her family and vice-versa so why would she tell them about her love life!! To Sa-ran it's probably none of their business. Maybe Sa-ran was waiting for her relationship to get serious and for the right moment before telling both her family AND friends!! Mind you, she is in a relationship that she is still fickle about (I remember a previous episode where she said something in her head along the lines of ...oh he doesn't want to marry me)!!! To a normal person it would have been proper if Sa-ran come out and told Ra-ra but for 14 episodes we have seen that is not something Sa-ran would do, point blank. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I'm guessing that Da-mo went away to Japan (please pray for Japan) on a quick decision to get his thoughts together or to see how she would react to his action, thats why he didn't telling Sa-ran. Also, I wonder if the stepmother, because she is so cunning, will use the information she knows about Sa-ran to get money from her grandparents when she realize what is going on!?!?!

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Guest Q_Park

Yes, our Handsome Doctor makes another appearance in today's episode. I wonder what Writer Im is going to do with him. Perhaps she is going to send him Ra-ra's way.




- Kyu

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Guest kawaiiyuki

Handsome dr is back! Love square/rectangle? or maybe he does go after rr. Her family b/g does fit what his mother wants in a daughter in law.

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Yes, our Handsome Doctor makes another appearance in today's episode. I wonder what Writer Im is going to do with him. Perhaps she is going to send him Ra-ra's way.

- Kyu

I Think it was this guy , rara's birth mother, was talking about as a prossible groom prospect for rara, that her adoptive mother disregarded, and didnt even take a look.

I think i remember rara's birth mother mentioning that he was a doctor.

So, maybe he is after all rara's future husband!

Who knows, anything is possible. =)

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I'm starting to like Ji Hwa Ja, Sa Ran's adoptive stepmother!

She's a bit crude.

She thinks of herself as greedy.

Her parenting philosophy is old fashion and a bit common.


She's loving toward her husband.

She's been kind to Son Ja.

She's been kind to Sa Ran...

... even before finding out that Sa Ran was dating Da Mo.

For someone so greedy...

... how is she so hardworking?

... how did she end up marrying a chauffeur?

... how is it she keeps telling her husband to rest and recuperate?

I think a lot of us had/have negative impression of her because:

1) Her inner monologue tends to be crude and rough.

2) She slapped Gong Joo for taking Son Ja to the riding stable.

3) Her annoying two-faced speaking style.

Looking at her actions and her history...

... she seems pretty likable as a person. :):D

Even her slapping Gong Joo can be understood if you think of the saying.


"Love a child... give her rod and cane."

"Hate a child... give her candy and caresses."

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Ra Ra is my favorite character for entertainment reasons, and oh boy, she looked PISSSSED at that dinner table. She looked like she was going to flip over the table and choke Saran. And, then that CATFIGHT she has with Gong Joo looks juicy!!! She really brings some electricity to this slow paced drama, and they need to feature more of her whether it's her villainous side or comical side. I think I also am partial to her, because she looks like a younger version of Bi Chwi from Assorted Gems whom I just adore.

I agree Sa Ran is pretty shady friend towards Ra Ra. And YES to if she dislikes her, she really should not hang out with her. Although Ra Ra's response will be overdramatic and just ridiculous, Sa Ran put herself in this situation. She knows what Ra Ra is capable of, so she should have been straightforward early on. I don't see SR as some innocent victim. Although I'm really not sure what I would have done if I were in Sa Ran's shoes? I guess if I were Ra Ra, I would have probably punched Sa Ran. And, if I were Sa Ran, I would have ripped out Ra Ra's hair. I'm just kind of trashy though. ;)

Gong Joo is really really adorable. I love how protective she is over Sa Ran in the previews. She is the moral compass of this drama...the way a person should behave.

All of the older women in this drama scare me....they all have a very underlying dangerous side to their personalities. Everyone is so underhanded and manipulative.

Yep, I agree that Saran is definitely not an innocent victim in this. Rara has every right to be pissed. Not because Damo is hers or anything like that, but because her friend is dating a guy that she likes behind her back. I think that Saran has every right to fight for her happiness, but she should have fight straight on, head to head. I also think that she has every right to keep her life private if that's what she wants, but when it's something that affects her friend as well, she should have been a bit more honest. I do agree that whether Saran told Rara about this before or after, the result would have been the same. Rara would explode either way, but atleast it would have been more honest. Actually compare the two, even though Rara is spoiled and bratty, I find her to be more innocent than Saran. Whatever she's thinking, she showed on her face, whereas Saran, you never know what is she thinking. She's so secretive about every tiny little things.

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