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[Drama 2011] New Tales of the Gisaeng 신기생뎐

Guest fanda4000

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The study of Aesthetic Structural Sculpting

The study of Theatre & Arts

As engineers with peripheral association with Architecture...

We sometime view the human body as a structure that can use some aesthetic remodeling or sculpting.

Cultured men are interested in the Theatre and the Arts.

We view dramatic offerings with an eye on the aesthetics of the structures.

We tend to notice form as well as the function of the structures.

We pay attention to smoothness of forms.

We notice if clothes are used to lift, pad, or sculpt.

When looking at Korean Theatre and Arts...

The Arts are usually smoothly presented, and noticeable if they're not.

It is apparent that Korean dramas tend to use clothes to pad more than to lift or scultp.

The smooth outlines in the Theatre make it abundantly clear that padding are being used.

Built-in outline altering padding can be used in the Theatre to captivate men's attention. :D

Okay, you get an A+ for this paper/explanation.  With this piece of poetry that addresses an issue without ever (un)mentioning the body of the issue, you definitely can be a politician's speechwriter.   Bravo! :w00t:

Of course, everyone also know that the topics of "Architecture" and "Theatre"  is so. full. of. it . . .  phew.gif:w00t:

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Guest old soul

After watching 14 episodes already, the women's fangs are starting to come out. Ra Ra's biological mom uses her birth secret to get money from the grandparents. Sa Ran's stepmom doesn't really care about Sa Ran, but feels she can use Sa Ran as a means to obtain a profitable marriage. The head Gisaeng wants to wreak havoc in Joo Hee's marriage and will jump at any chance to cause this. Joo Hee, I think, is the only one who has yet to show what she's capable of, but I sense that she can be the most evil of them all. Little hints here and there into her personality show signs that she's a very cunning woman. As to Ra Ra, she is not only spoilt and bratty. I don't know if she really cares for her friends or she just wants to have friends around her. She obviously thinks she's better than any of them. And the way she manipulated that date-matching game was so presumptuous of her. Once she couldn't continue because of her tooth, she just manipulated it again so that no one else can have anymore fun without her. She'll never give way for anybody. She always has to be the best in anything. What a combination Joo Hee and Ra Ra will make against Soon Deok and Sa Ran.

I'm liking the way the love story is unfolding. I think the writer is trying to establish a deeper love between Da Mo and Sa Ran. I'm not sure if anything will come of Eo San and Soon Deok. I think even if nothing develops between them Joo Hee will still think otherwise. I think her insecurity of not being able to bear a child will start waking up her demons. For sure, there is not much affection between Eo San and Joo Hee as compared to other couples who have been married for such a long time. Joo Hee is very much aware of this. I think the storyline of the adults will be more complicated than the children.

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Guest kawaiiyuki

I tend to have to watch the episodes twice before i come up with what will happen.

But yes it's time for our couple to have some bumps in the road. We've got rr and dm's parents (not sure but mom doesn't seem too interested in having SR as a daughter in law as grandmother)

Is SR buying into everything DM is say? I don't think so. I think she's just being nice and listening to what he has to say. No point in arguing about birds nest if she doesn't know too much about it.

I have a feeling that the preview about rr questioning SR about DM is a fantasy scene. I don't think their other two friends would spill the beans about SR and DM in front of RR, knowing rr's personality.

someone wrote DM saving SR from the giaseng house. Haha blush.gif I think she'll enter willingly because she didn't make into the dance company. I think their engagment/wedding will take place when she works as a giaseng and that will prevent DM's father from liking her causing a nice big road block and rr will try to squeeze her way in since she knows dm's dad likes her.

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I have a feeling that the preview about rr questioning SR about DM is a fantasy scene. I don't think their other two friends would spill the beans about SR and DM in front of RR, knowing rr's personality.

In Ep.14, AhMi asked if she should tell RaRa about this and the other friend said why not. I think both of them are interested in seeing Rara's reaction after hearing the news because they both know that she won't take it easy given her bratty attitude.

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for ep. 14.

the shark's fin crap is rather ignorant. it made Sa Ran come off as somewhat of a materialistic snob (to me) for buying into whatever Damo was saying about collagen and what not. what was the point of Damo feeding it to her? for sexual potency? or just.. ? he seemed rather annoyed the whole time they ate lunch too. and then they go and order a jjajjangmyun, the cheapest of all fusion sinokorean dish afterwards? say what? :crazy:

yeah me too. so sweet. :wub:

i also dun get it why they do the shark fin thing i thought it is more eco fashionable to refuse shark fin .i always had to ask foreigner friends if they mind the dish just in case .lol ..but to chinese that is a delicacy , very expensive dish if it is of preium quality .i feel like they just showing off how fine taste they have in food -;; and okay the tea . good pu-er also costs alot ~~!

the birdnest talk .it is just a common way we use to describe the lifestyle of high class society in HK we get the idea from drama serial lol ke but ya suppose to be true that it is a good skincare dish

sometime i find SR choice of topics so random --;;

i wish the SR's parents have an affair...run off to the same island they met~~ keke .that will be quite sweet..~~

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Guest Hanjae

i wish she stopped at the birds (swallow's) nest propaganda (really? all the rich in Hong Kong eat this every morning?) another distaste in Sa Ran's comment. why did she say this to damo and grandma? i don't get it. i am fast becoming annoyed at Sa Ran. i guess she's just a book-nerd and trying to be helpful but i don't know it's not.. well i don't know.

I don't know about the shark's fin, but the bird's nest thing has some truth in it. Eating it every morning might be a bit of an exaggeration, but there are some people who DO eat it very often. Some aunties I knew in Hong Kong used to try and out do each other by bragging about how much bird's nest they bought for their in-laws for New Year's. Typical Chinese idea of overdosing on stuff that's supposed to be good for you, lol. Perhaps Im Sung Han thought that'd show off her (or Sa Ran's) knowledge of HK or something. There was a time when my dad came home with several boxes of the stuff so I had to have bird's nest soup every other morning to finish it off. *shudders*


Anyways, regarding the shark Fin Soup. It is expensive soup.. But, I thought mostly that you have shark fin soup in weddings and special occasions... So, I have not gone that far of why they are eating that soup yet... So, I guess no comment of it... Now, the birdnest swallow thing.. Forgive me, isn't that for special occassion/weddings too??? So, please forgive me as I am confuse of those two...

Yes, you mostly have shark's fin on special occasions, but that's pretty much because it's insanely expensive. And sometimes if the couple/their families aren't willing to shell out that much cash, you could be sitting there with your bowl of "shark's fin soup" digging for hours before you find even one shred of actual shark's fin, lol. Eating a huge bowl of it like that at a restaurant is pretty much showing off. Bird's nest is also expensive, but it's not uncommon for people to have it normally. You can get the cheaper bird's nest with rock sugar pre-packed in little bottles ready to eat, or you can get the actual bird's nests in boxes and make soup with chicken or something.

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Regarding the shark's fin, I thought it was because DM wanted to one-up SR because she asked his grandmother if she had bird's nest while in Hong Kong. :huh:

When the answer was in the negative, SR said to DM that he can get some for his grandmother on their next trip.  So, I thought he introduced her to shark's fin because she brought up the subject of bird's nest.  ??? :huh:

Both shark's fin and bird's nest are expensive dishes because of the scarcity of the raw ingredients and the amount of labor involved in preparing the raw ingredient to the point that it's edible.  It is served on special occasions.  But, it can still be part of an ordinary everyday dinner because of the supposedly, medicinal value of the items.  Their dish of shark's fin is definitely on the high end because the shark's fin was a 'comb'.  Meaning that it was a whole piece, instead of being in strands.  (Analogy would be an entire piece of beef versus ground beef.)   

And, this is another reason why I think DM was trying to retrieve his 'top-dog' spot over SR.  He could have very well ordered shark's fin soup, in which the fin would have been in strands because that is a lot cheaper.  (Cheaper because not so much shark's fin is used for the dish.)  But, he ordered a 'comb' for each of them, which surprised the waiter, who had asked if they would be sharing the dish.  And, this was also what brought the Head Chef out of the kitchen to personally meet these 'special' guests.   DM's more like his father than he knows.   :P

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Guest Trina987

hi everyone,

after reading everyone comments... okay, first I have not finished watching episode 13 and episode 14 due to have a busy life as a stay at home mom.. Anyways, regarding the shark Fin Soup. It is expensive soup.. But, I thought mostly that you have shark fin soup in weddings and special occasions... So, I have not gone that far of why they are eating that soup yet... So, I guess no comment of it... Now, the birdnest swallow thing.. Forgive me, isn't that for special occassion/weddings too??? So, please forgive me as I am confuse of those two... Now, about Sa Ran and Ra Ra to me they are both Bitter including Ah Da Mo... So far, at least Sa Ran/Ah Da Mo are happy and smiling when they are together... But, as you know the villianess will appear.. Ra Ra as of now being a good friend to Sa Ran... She have not her claws yet... I think once she found out of their relationship and after Sa Ran become Gisaeng.. She will be on the dark side and we will probably see the typical cliche kdrama of the villianess.... So, I am happy we see this side of her even though she is bratty and spoiled until she turn to the dark side... As for Sa Ran stepmother, hrmm... will she turn mean to Sa Ran once the truth be told of her birth or something worse... I am not quite sure... With both Ra Ra fake mom and real mom, well they both of course will probably be really mean to Sa Ran once the truth be told due to that they both love Ra Ra very much... Well, the real mom of Ra Ra not that much but she can do some damage to Sa Ran.. Therefore, there will be lots of obstacle for Sa Ran so that she can be gisaeng and I am looking forward to her be in the gisaeng and see her in training to be a gisaeng.... I agree with shirley that I would like to see more of Sa Ran parents when they are young so we know what really happened to Sa Ran and Ra Ra and explain why they both are the way they are now....

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Guest dramaok

Sa Ran never went to Hong Kong or ate bird's nest, but she advices the grandma it's what the rich ppl eat cuz it makes women look young. and it's good for man too. should she really be telling an elderly who goes to Hong Kong regularly, who also has a sister who apparently lives in Hong Kong this information? then she almost naggingly faults Damo for not feeding the soup to his grandma, infront of his grandma. this might come off as a flirt and well-meaning teasing, but i thought it was out of line, out of place, and obnoxious.

same w/ the situation with Shi Jo and Hong Ah, and the whole trot singer incident. first, i think thats a fake Na Hoon Ah. but anyways, she points it out to them, that the singer is present, and when her friend Ra Ra is too embarassed to go and fetch an autograph for the granny, she should've ended it there. for her to do it for Hong Ah, when her friend Ra Ra said no, it came off as a out of line and out of place thing again to me. i suppose her intention was well-meaning. getting the fangirl what she wanted, but both Shi Jo and Ra Ra told her to ignore Hong Ah's impulsive act, but Sa Ran decides she can do it and she knows best? it's still Ra Ra's grandparents, not hers, but her action kind of belittled Ra Ra, imo.

same w/ the whole skinship with Da mo. he can't touch her but she can? she says, "if i do it it's okay".. why the double standard?

and again with the whole advice on what to do about Damo's parent's relationship. she doesn't even know the details of the their marriage or life, but she seems to be convinced her opinion is right.

i kind of get that Sa Ran is suppose to come off as a well-read, and intelligent woman who is prudent. but her acts are imprudent to me. maybe i'm the only one.

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Guest songssiissii


this drama is a little annoying. characters have the most random quotes, most random moments...

way too many mothers. absolutely no facial expression from Saran...i feel like she got too much botox and can't make a facial expression...(she's very pretty but good grief, that nose is too pointy)

i'm watching episode 3 right now, yes i'm way behind but it's just not appealing so far. is it even worth watching all the episodes? it's just has the most random moments/scenes that leaves me thinking to myself "...wth?"

i like saran's step sister tho. shes very blunt.

Rara...i just wanna punch her in the face is sew her mouth shut

i really don't know...i miss secret garden. the dynamic is so different, acting is not at par

maybe i'm just being biased. someone tell me i'm wrongg

i wonder what the ratings are. this drama feels more like a morning drama

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@dramaok:  Nope, you're not the only one.  I also thought she made a faux pas with the trot singer.  And, it's something that may come back to haunt her, in the future.  :crazy:

SR thought she was doing a good deed for the grandmother.  What she didn't realized was that, in doing the good deed, she was showing up RR, creating tension between the grandparents and making the grandfather uncomfortable.  <_<

No matter how graceful, beautiful and well-spoken SR is, she hasn't had enough exposure in polite society to learn how to read a situation.  And, the ability to read a situation and function appropriately is how she will be judged in high society.

If she had read the situation correctly and noticed both RR and grandfather's reactions, she would not have personally gone to solicit the trot singer for the autograph.  Instead she should have asked the waiter to deliver a note, to the trot singer, requesting the autograph.  This would also have been a courtesy to the trot singer, in the event that he didn't want to comply with the request.  He wouldn't have been embarrassed at having to reject her request to her face.  And, she wouldn't look silly at being rejected.  :huh:

SR is doing very well communicating with DM.  However, the advice that she's been giving him may come back to haunt her, if DM's family finds out that she was the instigator of the disruptions into the family affairs.  :phew:

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I think the whole "Bird's Nest" & "Shark Fin" sequences are just writer Im Sung Han's weakness showing up.

She seems to like throwing in pseudo scientific trivia and pricey food items as "culture".

Remember "Assorted" gems:

- Luwak coffee

- Abalone congee

- Some kind of berries that was supposed to be efficacious for women's health?

- Ryu Bi's hilarious explanation of why cows grow fat on grass?

- Mathematic tutoring with no numbers or mathematical formula... just "clauses"...

Now that dramaok's pointed it out...

Sa Ran does seem like a busybody,

... poking her nose into the Geum family issues unnecessarily.

Sa Ran's involvement with the Ah family issues is a bit less clear.

Both the parents issue advice and the bird's nest advice just sounded immature.

The whole plot around what to do with Da Mo's parents sound like an Im Sung Han favorite theme:

"If only parents would listen to their children" and the converse

"If only children would listen to their parents".

At least it shows Da Mo and Sa Ran plotting together...

... and perhaps learning together that relationship issues

... are more involved and complicated than they thought. :)

It did occur to me that Sa Ran's conversational style is very gossippy.

It was that way with Da Mo, a lesser extent with her friends, and only a little w/ her family.

I was wondering if writer Im was showing how Sa Ran is like with people she's comfortable with.

Before my baby girl got married and left...

... she often spoke in that conversational style at home... though not in public. :)

Is that why the whole "bird's nest soup" sequence was introduced?... :D

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Guest kawaiiyuki

I don't know- I feel that SR doesn't know how to say no to RR. She goes to eat with RR's grandparents and then have to sit and answer questions about herself to them. I thought she was just trying to be nice. She still have pretty vig answers.

Does SR have double standers when it comes to no kinship rule? remember when DM came up with that rule in that contract it was for SR. She only agreed to date him because he placed the rule therefore, dm doesn't care when she says it's ok and not ok. But as we can see when he wants to kiss her in epi 14 (sorry hope i don't spoil anything) so in reality he'd like to cross that rule out.

I feel the as of now SR is still the private type of girl. she's still suppose to hold this mysterous arua therefore we don't get many facecial expression but if you noticed when she's around DM she is smiling more. :)

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Guest Trina987

okay... I finally watch the episodes 13 & 14 fully sub in viki... To me, about the shark fin soup and the bird nest thing is oh well... my family and I have it when we go to weddings and they serve that or when there is a special occasions. We have both to celebrate anniversaries, birthday parties, graduations, and etc... I do think since SR did not have it... ADM want to please SR so he order the dish for her... I think that is great but kinda wanna show off due that he want to kiss SR.... Now, does people really have a conception dream... When I was pregnant of my two boys.. I do not have a conception dream at all.. Although, I did dream about having one boy and one girl.. Not two boys... :P So, do people really have conception dream at all???? The preview of episode 15 well, RR will finally know the truth or will SR will lie about it.. I do hope SR just tell the truth.. I do not like she is lying as there is already enough lies goina around.. The birth secrets is finally come out too.. But, i think it will take a few episodes of the truth comes out and how everybody is gonna deal with it... Now, will this make SR to become a gisaeng.. I would hope so as I do not know when she become gisaeng.. i do not think it will be when SR/DM about to get married.. I guess we all have to wait until Writer Im tell us... Anyway Anyway, does anyone have the text preview of the next episodes????

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Guest kawaiiyuki

okay... I finally watch the episodes 13 & 14 fully sub in viki... To me, about the shark fin soup and the bird nest thing is oh well... my family and I have it when we go to weddings and they serve that or when there is a special occasions. We have both to celebrate anniversaries, birthday parties, graduations, and etc... I do think since SR did not have it... ADM want to please SR so he order the dish for her... I think that is great but kinda wanna show off due that he want to kiss SR.... Now, does people really have a conception dream... When I was pregnant of my two boys.. I do not have a conception dream at all.. Although, I did dream about having one boy and one girl.. Not two boys... :P So, do people really have conception dream at all???? The preview of episode 15 well, RR will finally know the truth or will SR will lie about it.. I do hope SR just tell the truth.. I do not like she is lying as there is already enough lies goina around.. The birth secrets is finally come out too.. But, i think it will take a few episodes of the truth comes out and how everybody is gonna deal with it... Now, will this make SR to become a gisaeng.. I would hope so as I do not know when she become gisaeng.. i do not think it will be when SR/DM about to get married.. I guess we all have to wait until Writer Im tell us... Anyway Anyway, does anyone have the text preview of the next episodes????

Not sure about the conception dreams. I've heard of them but not really sure.

I think inorder for things to pick up RR will have to know about DM and SR dating. What's a love triangle without the other side right? :P The question is will SR tell RR or will she deny it. But either way rr is going to throw a hissyfit cause she can't stand other people liking sr more then her.

As of now we're just all waiting to see how sr get sucked into the giaseng. so many ways and so many reasons. :) Not to decided which way.

One thing is for sure SR's stepmom is driving me crazy. First she spys on sr and then she does all those nice things for sohn-jo in hopes of moving into his apartment. (wait does he live in the next building or something?)

But i'm really liking sohn-jo relationship with sr and he seems to be growing closer to gj. I wonder how long he'll stay with them. doesn't look like sr and gj mind. I think gj likes sharing a room with sr. They're doing more sisterly things together like that facial in bed together. :P

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Guest dramaok

conception dreams are common among Korean. not always the pregnant woman, but often times, a family member, or someone close to them. it foretells not just gender, but often times the temperament and the success, the fate of the baby.

there are books that explain the various dreams and many people believe them to be true and accurate. but then again, many don't dream such dreams (or can't remember) too.

but esp. in Im Sung Han's dramas. they always have conception dreams. lol

her characters always have an obsession with one's fate and pillars.

conception dreams always accurate and must-present in her characters.

there's always a shaman and a Buddhist monk or two that foretells another's fate too.

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Guest kawaiiyuki

Guess SR's dad made up SR's conception dream.

Looks like we're also getting more giaseng storyline while at least head chef is looking for her daughter. why do i fear she'll be going in one big circle.

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Guest suliat

can i come in defense of Sa ra? if yes, here i go.

in every point you all have bring up, i have any of you think about it in her position? like you all have establish, in the story, class play a big part in who they date, associate with, and even wants to marry, all this issue can be seen with the two rich family members in the story on. to me sa ra know where she stands in everything, knows her family situation, and more than anything know herself.

her relationship with her family

immediately after her mom died, the father did not wait long before marry a new wife, if it was you how will you feel? i think she feels lost and helpless, no one to turn to but herself. the only person she thinks loves her the most is her mom and she is dead. by associating less with the family, she thinks she is protecting herself from being abandon. i think that is why she expect little from people around her, including her friends.


you know there are sometimes, we as an individual also do exactly what she did, it might be minor, but we still sometimes do it. have we all forgotten that she is just as ignorant as rara about what is going on with the adults. to me, think the reason why she chose to go and ask for the singer's signature, is because of the grandmother's expression" she be came sad, she cant even get the signature of the singer she likes the most". sara knows her friend's behavior the best and how she will react when grandmother asked her. to her she might be helping her friend, while reducing the tension in the air.

relationship with Damo

relationship with Damo is the only thing that she benefits from. actually, they both are benefiting from it. hearing Damo's family issue makes her appreciate her own family much more, which we can see in the way she associates with them now. choseing when they can have kinship or not, is just a way to let Damo know that everything is not about money, the more i trust you, the more you get to know about me, what i want and how i wants to be treated. we all can tell she like Damo, and vise versa, both they both did not know how they feel about each other. to me being in a relationship is not only bout truat, but also about understanding, to her damo's grandmother is someone she really likes so therefore she is family, so sometimes being childish as some of you call he behavior might be due to comfortable she is now with the people around her.

this is my taught, i might be wrong,please correct me

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Guest Q_Park

Written previews are out!!

Episode 15

다모가 일본을 갔단 사실을 알게된 사란은 애자에게 넌즈시 다모가 출장을 갔냐고 묻고, 애자는 당분간 쉬니까 그냥 여행으로 갔을뿐이라고 대답해준다. 사란은 자신에게 한마디도 얘기 하지 않고 일본으로 간 다모에게 내심 섭섭해 하는데...

After finding out that Da-mo went to Japan, Sa-ran asks Ae-ja if it was a business trip. Ae-ja tells her that Da-mo just went on a vacation and Sa-ran becomes disappointed at the fact that he didn't bother to tell her...

Episode 16

애자가 다모와 사란을 만나게 하려 하자 수라는 사란의 신상을 알아보려 하고, 손자는 술에 취한 라라를 집까지 데려다 준다. 공주는 언니 뺨까지 때린 라라에게 뭐하러 잘해주냐고 하는데...

Ae-ja tries to get Da-mo and Sa-ran together, Soo-ra tries to find out personal? information about Sa-ran and Son-ja drops off a drunk Ra-ra to her house. Gong-ju asks Ra-ra, who slapped her sister, why she's being all nice...

I'm not 100% sure about the last part so please take it with a grain of salt!

- Kyu

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Guest HelloDreamer

Argies...the previews sounds werid. Even when DaMo went to Hong Kong with his Grandmother for vaction he told her. Why would he have to lie to her about going to Japan.

I didn't like the preview...seems like the storyline of them finding out Sa Ran is actually their long lost grandaughter/daugher, will be alot of episodes to go. LOL. The father is constantly trying to hide the fact that she isn't his real daughter. Now that the step-mother knows, if she finds out Sa Ran is born from a rich family she would be greedy like Ra Ra's real mom and trying to get money from the grandparents...

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