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[Drama 2011] New Tales of the Gisaeng 신기생뎐

Guest fanda4000

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So its going on live right now (I think) and I can't watch - hmmmmmm!!!

@ Auntie Mame & Dramaok - all true (re Assorted Gems)

if you're given the chance to meet your soulmate in life, it is saddest thing when you knowingly let him go.

because the rest of your life you will have to live knowing he exists but not with you.

so the blessing becomes a curse, by the choice you make.

let's not have Saran repeat this mistake.

Hitting a little too close to home for comfort - Ouch!!

Yup, it hurts :tears:

Heal fast, Saran

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I have downloaded ep. 31 (RAW) - but I can't watch it - just reading a little preview is making my heart feeling so sad already - so I will wait (you know I will watch it later) until I set my heart ready for this. Why does the writer do this - don't these two have enough heartache already but to add this - geez. tongue2.gif

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I have downloaded ep. 31 (RAW) - but I can't watch it - just reading a little preview is making my heart feeling so sad already - so I will wait (you know I will watch it later) until I set my heart ready for this. Why does the writer do this - don't these two have enough heartache already but to add this - geez. tongue2.gif

Try opening it with Windows Media Classic. It works for me.

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Try opening it with Windows Media Classic. It works for me.

Sorry @flouder2004 for the misinterpretation. I can watch it okay but my heart is not ready for the drama that will come with it. I really want to see what is going on but I am waiting for someone to do a recap on this eps. so I can prepare myself for it.

Again sorry for any misunderstanding.

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Guest dramaok

torrent for ep. 31 if anyone needs it.


for XviD-HANrel.avi 700MB


i haven't watched it yet. still trying to get the file.

but from what i read on the korean board,

it looks like today's episode,

saran tells damo they are not meant to be,

seeing how damo's grandma wanted to tie them together,

but she died the same day.

damo confronts ma yijoon about withdrawing the hair-raising intent,

but ma yi-joon tells damo the difference between him and damo

is that damo isn't willing to do that for saran, while he is.

and that someone like damo whose soul is shallow does not recognize when a precious soul is present,

and will come to regret later on,

however, someone like him (ma yijoon) knew from the start that saran is someone with a deep soul.

damo moves out of buyonggak.

that's all i was able to gather. i haven't watched it yet so i don't know how accurate it is either.

the folks on the kbs board are pretty pissed off at ji hwa ja, saran and ma yijoon right now. lol.

i'll translate some of the message titles:

- "first time so fed up with the female lead of a drama"

- "what the hell is this?"

- "annoying and disappointing development"

- "what the hell is this, dear writer"

- "irritating drama"

- "i'm so frustrated"

- "Dan Saran is frustrating me to death. Is she good or is she frustrating?

- "Damo better not go abroad"

- "Ep. 31's precise development = 0%"

- "Whoever marries Saran who is so fiesty will end up being henpecked for life"

- "So annoyed just looking at Saran"

- "Disappointed at Damo who is giving up again"

- "Damo is too good for Saran"

- "I hate human beings. I hate human beings"

- "This drama really pisses me off"

- "20-something with a 40-something is disgusting"

- "truly pathetic"

- "writer Im is a hoodlum"

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Guest Locturne

Wow... the people who comment on the kbs boards sure are blunt. I watched the episode, though I missed some parts. And, well, as they say, there wasn't much development.

From what I can remember (there may be some parts that are wrong)

Damo seems to have given up Saran. She made a long speech to him and repeated her wish to live a "proper" gisaeng life; she told him about his grandma dying just when she intended to push them to date and said it must be fate thwarting them in getting together. Everyone teared up at that.

Rara was visiting Saran at Buyongak when Damo came and witnessed the scene. She was moved to tear when she saw Damo trying to convince Saran not to raise her hair. She too tried but with no better luck.

Saran also proposed Damo to raise her hair himself, and he asked her if it was the kind of relationship she wanted them to be in.

Before giving up, Damo paid Midas a visit. He told him he was not a good partner for Saran, that he (Damo) was far better for her, Midas said he did not disagree with Damo, but that he shouldn't be saying that to him but to Saran. Damo asked if Midas loved Saran, Midas said she was cute, and he intended to marry her later on.

Later, Oh Hwa Ran told Saran that since Damo had given up, she didn't need to get together with Midas, but Saran said she couldn't be sure that Damo had really given up.

Saran went back to her family's apartment to tell the news. As you can imagine, Gong Joo wasn't happy, though she didn't make a scene.

Her mother, on the other hand, was on cloud nine, when she learnt how rich Midas was, and when she saw the diamond necklace of Saran.

The father wasn't happy, but he didn't try to stop her. (he was just passive, as always)

Jin Anh visited Rara's real parents' house, but I missed this scene. The parents seem to have made up.

Saran told Damo's mother that Damo had completely given up. The mother said she was both sorry and thankful. She thanked god (literally). But later, she saw that Damo was staying in bed with no energy. When the dad came back, she sneaked in a remark about how Saran was a good girl, but the dad rebuked her (as always), at the end of the episode, she pays Saran a visit, but we don't know why.

I still don't know how to hide the spoilers, so sorry for just leaving the post as it is.

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Guest liaahx

Streaming link: Episode 31

- "Ep. 31's precise development = 0%"

This one hilarious to me lol..but I haven't watched the episode yet xp

Thank you dramaok and Locturne for clarifying what went on in today's episode.

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Guest songssiissii

if midas CEO was better looking, i wouldn't have such a big problem with the whole hair rising situation. rawr.

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Guest liaahx

if midas CEO was better looking, i wouldn't have such a big problem with the whole hair rising situation. rawr.

lol I was thinking that too. I think they cast this actor on purpose so that we don't sway too much in his favor and forget about Da-mo. Imagine if he was like Kim Sung-soo or something (not as old, but I couldn't think of anyone else), I'd be rooting for Sa-ran to go for it. xp

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Guest Q_Park

It seems like the majority of the comments have to do with the viewers being frustrated and pissed...well, it is a makjang weekend drama. What else did they expect? Maybe they were more ticked off than usual. :P

- "what the hell is this?"

- "Damo better not go abroad"

- "Ep. 31's precise development = 0%"

- "I hate human beings. I hate human beings"

- "writer Im is a hoodlum" 

"Write Im is a hoodlum." LOL I concur with the statements above. 

I had the same thought today. If the Midas CEO were better looking like, coughUhmTaeWoongcough, I wouldn't have a problem with him. The only reason I thought of UTW was because he reminds me of BHD in Delightful Girl Choon-hyang. I couldn't hate him there. 

Just seems like this drama is going in circles. Hmm...

Ratings went down today. AGB Nielsen:

Nationwide: 16.4%

Seoul - 16.9%

- Kyu

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Guest mhugh

Whew, what a story Im is weaving. I feel emotionally spent just watching it. But I'm very encouraged about Da-mo's mother coming to Boo-young-gak at the end of the episode. Sorry for taking so long, but translating takes a long time, especially unhappy scenes, but I thought these scenes were important to know why Sa-ran is doing what she's doing. Okay, here are the tidbits on the episode 31.

Ra-ra tells Sa-ran to just go along with Da-mo regarding his marriage advances when Sa-ran tells Ra-ra that she’s raising her hair.

Ra-ra, without batting an eye, “I like the way it is now. (If you raise your hair,) you’d look older.”

When Sa-ran tells her what raising hair means, Ra-ra’s expression darkens, “With a guy?”

Sa-ran nods, “Yeah.”

Ra-ra brightens, “With Da-mo oppa?”

“No… with a different guy.”

Ra-ra’s expression changes again, “You’re kidding, right?”

“Like you said before, I want to end it (the relationship with Da-mo) anyway I can.”

Ra-ra goes onto ask her a barrage of questions such as, I’m sure he’s not married, how old (is the old geezer), does Da-mo oppa know?

Sa-ran tells her, “Not yet.”

After Madam Oh tells Sa-ran that it’s time for Sa-ran to tell Da-mo about the hair-raising event today, she tells Sa-ran that it’s best if Madam Oh tell Da-mo first. After hearing the news from Madam Oh, Da-mo comes to Sa-ran’s room while Ra-ra is still there.

But before he comes, Ra-ra tells Sa-ran that she’s against her raising her hair. Sa-ran tells her to think about it from her perspective.

Ra-ra retorts, “If I were in your shoes, I’d take Da-mo oppa’s offer.”

Sa-ran explains, “For us, it wasn’t good from the beginning.”

Ra-ra tries to explain that a lot of couples start with quarrel to end in love, but to no avail.

Da-mo confronts Sa-ran, “Is it all true? I’ve heard it from Madam Oh.”


Da-mo cannot believe it, “Look at me. I’ve already told you that my mother has more or less accepted you already. When my father comes back…”

Sa-ran interrupts him, “For me, instead of a man like Da-mo, I feel more at ease with Midas (not what she calls him, but easier for me). And I respect him.”

“You may think what you’re doing is for my own good, but you’re not helping me.”

Sarcastically, “You think I’m doing this for your sake? I’m doing this only for myself. Do I look like I have time to think about others? I’m telling you, I chose him!”

“What is it about this thug that you find attractive?” <thug, gangster, or someone with similar attributes>

Surprised, Ra-ra chimes in, “He’s a thug?”

Da-mo continues, “Wealth? I have at least that much as well.”

“You inherited it (the wealth). Did you earn it yourself?”

He tells her that he didn’t dawdle either and that after their marriage, he can work hard and earn ten times what Midas has.

Ra-ra asks him how old Midas is. He tells her that he’s 44 years old.

Ra-ra is beside herself. She turns to Sa-ran, “I can’t imagine (this scenario to be true). This is not the right thing to do.”

Da-mo agrees and tells Sa-ran, “You are not in a normal state of mind.”

Sa-ran returns the kindness, “And you think you are?”

He raises his voice, “Yes! I’m crazed by love. I’m crazed by love, but what are you crazed about?”

“He is charming in his own way.” She means Midas.

Good thing Da-mo doesn’t have high blood pressure, “That old geezer?” He yells, “That old geezer?”

“You don’t think you’ll get old?” She tells him that Midas may be born a little earlier, but he has good qualities like kindness, thoughtfulness, and communication ability. She tells him that she liked those qualities, and those very attributes attracted him to her.

As if to say, Please, Ra-ra implores her, “Sa-ran! I’m really speechless (floored).”

Ignoring her, Sa-ran directs her heat toward Da-mo, “Try to remember everything you did to me. Think about how many times you stabbed me in the back* and betrayed me?” *<hit the back of the head means stabbing someone in the back>

“The first time was a mistake, and I betrayed you once.”

After a moment of silence, Sa-ran asks Da-mo, “You say you love me?”

He yells at her, “Yes!”

“Then let me go.”

Still yelling, “I can’t let you go!”

“True love is doing something for someone, not fulfilling your desire.”

“Yes! I can’t let you go because I love you. I’m only thinking of myself, (you’re right), but I still need you.”

With final resolve showing on her face, “I’ve made up my mind. This issue is over and done with.”

Da-mo doesn’t yet give up, “That thug, he’ll give you up as soon I explain everything to him.” He gets up.

“Midas is also curious (about you)… because I’ve already told him about you.”

Dejected temporarily, Da-mo slowly sits down, “Don’t do anything you might regret. It’s enough that you’ve made me suffer this much already. It’s not enough?” Sa-ran has no reply and turns her head away slightly. “Can love always be perfect? I admit that I was immature* and foolish. I’ve told you I’ll do better from now on. That I’ll be good to you.” At this point, Ra-ra’s eyes are glistening with tears as she is moved by Da-mo’s sincerity and love for Sa-ran. (Literally by deficient, he means he doesn’t deserve her)

Sa-ran is calm, “(It’s because) I no longer want to be hurt (emotionally). I plan to lose my destiny and not look back.” The destiny being her misfortune written in the stars, but I think she means Da-mo here also.

Da-mo sounds bitter, “Enough talk of this destiny. I am your destiny. I am. Take me as your destiny. You should not decide on your life so lightly.”

“This is about me trying not to be greedy, and I didn’t come to this conclusion lightly.”

Da-mo is chocking up, “You’re 25 years old. Your ideal match is 29 year old me, not that almost 50 year old womanizer! People are going to laugh at you.” He goes on to tell her that his cursory research on Midas revealed that he has womanized all kinds of young women from models to actresses. “You are attracted to that kind of thug, you say?”

“People have their own unique pain and wounds.”

“You think there are people without wounds? I also (have)… I’ve told you (before).”

Sa-ran looks at him, and a tear falls from Da-mo’s left eye.

She tells him, “April 11, on my birthday, before you met me, you actually had a dinner appointment with your grandmother which got cancelled at the last minute, didn’t you?”


“She (grandmother) invited me that night as well. She told me that she will create a natural, non-awkward environment, and she wanted me to date you.”

Surprised, “She did?”

“Your grandmother wanted me to be her granddaughter-in-law. And she didn’t just say that to be nice.”

Da-mo is beside himself, “How can you tell me that story now? You should’ve told me that night.”

Ra-ra is still glistening, but Sa-ran is almost sarcastic, “And if I did?”

“Then I would have, of course, obeyed my grandmother’s wish,” and he yells at her, “If my parents knew that was my grandmother’s wish, they would not have objected! Why are you telling me this now?”

“She passed away. What do you think that means? That is God’s way of saying we shouldn’t be together.”

Da-mo, Ra-ra, and Lee Do-hwa are all deeply saddened by Sa-ran’s way of thinking.

Sa-ran goes on, “Grandmother called me suddenly to postpone the meeting due to unexpected guest, and I, with my cake all ready, was in a dejected state of mind when you called me. Ecstatic (that you called), I rushed over in frenzy, (but then you’ve told me that) you didn’t truly love me…”

Da-mo can’t look Sa-ran in the eyes, and Sa-ran tells him she doesn’t want to even think about that night.

She drives the nail home, “The point is that if we were meant to be together, your grandmother would not have passed away that night. Just as your grandmother wanted, we would have dated freely, and we may be planning our wedding right now. God is telling us not to.”

Da-mo, in tears, cannot say anything. Sa-ran goes on, “One mistake is quite enough.” She tells him that she shouldn’t have continued their relationship, and that it was probably greed on her part, that was her greed that resulted in today’s situation.

Ra-ra cries out that even so, Sa-ran should remain as just a gisaeng and not raise her hair.

Ra-ra tells Da-mo to give Sa-ran up and let her go. Turning to Sa-ran, “Then you won’t raise your hair, right?”

“I didn’t come here because I was bored. I’m going to raise my hair and live like a proper gisaeng!”

Ra-ra and the other woman stops Da-mo from striking Sa-ran, and Da-mo is livid, “So you rather be sold to that thug of an old geezer. That old geezer?”

Very calmly Sa-ran tells him, “Everyone’s soul is pure.”

Da-mo becomes violent and smashes a tray full of food, “So you’ve already consummated with the guy in such a short time, huh?” <So, you’ve already erected a great wall with him> means sarcastic way of saying that she and Midas have already become a couple, not necessarily in a physical but rather in this case in an emotional sense. Da-mo’s becoming violent because he’s green with envy and frustrated, and I’m not making excuses for his behavior, but personally I don’t think he would’ve actually hit Sa-ran.

Lee Do-hwa warns Da-mo, “Mr. Da-mo!”

To Do-hwa, “Does this make any sense?” Looking at Sa-ran, “For this (innocent) young one… to (end up with) that old twilight-of-his-life guy.”

At this point, Madam Oh walks in, while Da-mo tells Sa-ran, “I can’t let you go. Even if the sky would to break into two…”

Sa-ran interrupts him, “My tolerance for dream (with you) ends here. If I go any further, if I get embroiled (into your life) anymore, if I get emotionally hurt because of your parents’ opposition, and even if we somehow got married, I’ll be abandoned again. I’m going to keep my place, no matter what.” By place, she means socially, she will stay where she is right now.

“You have that little faith in me?”

“How can I trust you after all you’ve done?”

“Okay. It doesn’t have to be me. At least that guy is not acceptable!”

“Even though he only met me once, he treated me without any pretense. Unlike young someone who deceives and jerks me around like a plaything. What good is youth, when you’re even more ragged than him?”

Da-mo can’t say anything, and Madam Oh gently tells him that he has to respect Sa-ran’s decision. She asks him to leave Boo-young-gak and reminds him that if he insists on creating more ruckus, then his behavior will be looked upon as not love but rather greed and obsession.

Da-mo meets Midas, but Midas basically tells him that it’s his and Sa-ran’s problem, not his. If Sa-ran were to tell Midas that they are over, he would gladly let her go, but not until then. And Midas tells Da-mo that he plans to marry her within 3 years.

Da-mo asks Madam Oh if Sa-ran were her own daughter, would she not stop her? That gets another face to face with Sa-ran, but not much progress here either. Sa-ran admits that she doesn’t have any romantic feelings for Midas at all but she wants to stay close to Madam Oh and wants to concentrate on her dancing. She asks Da-mo if she doesn’t do this, does he think there wouldn’t be another or two of Ah Da-mo in the future (to bug her). Ouch, that’s really hitting below the belt.

She then asks him if he’s not happy about Midas, then maybe Da-mo himself can raise her hair. She tells him, you say you love me. Why can’t you do that for someone you profess to love? He asks her, “Even to me, you want to be a gisaeng?”

“Don’t turn it around like that.” She goes onto say that he’s not really in love her because he’s too afraid of other people’s ridicule and his parents’ disapproval.

He asks her how much more cruel is she going to be.

She reminds him that as she told him before, she’s not the old Dan Sa-ran, that she has lost her innocence. Instead of foster-sibling, she tells him she’s going to accept him as a friend and asks him to visit her. As she leaves, she tells him since she’ll be seeing him again, she won’t say goodbye. But she is essentially saying goodbye, and knowing this, Da-mo can’t help but shed a tear.

When the woman informs her that Da-mo has left the premises, Sa-ran calls his mother. It’s interesting that instead of Sa-ran, Da-mo’s mother has Sa-ran’s moniker in her cell phone as Ji-in (지인), which means someone you know, but it can also mean someone with an esteemed character.

Sa-ran tells her that Da-mo has just packed his bag and left and that now she can relax.

His mother tells her, “I don’t know exactly what to say. I’m grateful … and apologetic.”

Sa-ran assures her that it was nothing and that she shouldn’t feel that way.

It doesn’t help that the background music lyric says, love is cruel like that.

Sa-ran loves Da-mo, misguided but in her own way.

The lawyer makes up with Joo-hee (Ra-ra’s mother) by enticing her with 2 week vacation abroad of her choice, and she chooses Italy. But then he ruins it. He opens up his arms and tells her, “Come here, you old baby.” When Joo-hee complains, he reasons that since she’ll be 60 years old soon, should he call her just baby. She reminds him that she’s almost 10 years younger than that.

Da-mo tells his mother that it’s over between “that friend (Sa-ran),” so she has nothing to worry about now. But seeing his son passed out on his bed after drinking the whole bottle of liquor, she decides to be his son’s cupid, I think. She first tests out her husband, but he thinks she suffers from senility for suggesting to marry off their son to a dancer whose father is unemployed and her stepmother works in Boo-young-gak, with or without his mother’s stamp of approval.

Soon-doek and Dr. Geum’s mother are getting closer. Ra-ra’s grandmother has at least expressed her consent about her son and Soon-doek marrying each other to Soon-doek. The only problem is that she wants them to live quietly together but wait until he retires and then officially marry. I wonder how many years before he retires, but by Soon-doek’s expression, which was not that of overjoyed glee, it must not be anytime soon.

Gong-joo’s mother wants her to go horseback riding, to meet rich guys probably, but tells her that she’s putting on some pounds on her legs instead. Gong-joo asks Sohn-ja just coming out of his room if he thinks her legs are fat, and he replies, “Compared to your face, a little.” He gets two nice slap on his arm for that remark, and laughing he tells her that he was joking. In Korea, wide face is not considered attractive, so Sohn-ja’s comment was not all insult.

Sa-ran tells her family that she’s raising her hair this Saturday, and that after a month they can move to that nice house (or condo) that Midas bought for her, but Gong-joo doesn’t want to live in a place that her sister paid for by sacrificing her life and youth. Gong-joo tearfully asks Sa-ran, “For whom are you doing this? Didn’t you say you were going to just dance?”

When Gong-joo sees her mother so happy at the prospect of living in a nice house, she asks her mother if she should look for a guy in his forties, too. And of course, her mother’s not happy at that, and Gong-joo tells her that she’s a typical step-mother. To which her mother promises more corporal punishment if she doesn’t stop the nonsense talk.

Da-mo tells his parents that he’s flying away, I guess to a vacation spot, for a month or two next Tuesday, I presume in his attempt to forget Sa-ran. After Da-mo leaves, his mother, understandably, sighs deeply, when all of a sudden, her husband yells at her, “Don’t sigh (like that)!” It scared the bejesus out of Da-mo’s mother and me alike. Da-mo’s father is not happy that his son’s marriage and thus the arrival of his precious grandbaby are delayed.

Do-hwa tells Madam Oh that it’d been normal if Sa-ran’s parents objected vehemently about their daughter raising her hair, but based on Sa-ran’s expression she can tell that her parents didn’t. She wonders if Sa-ran’s parents are not her real parents. Madam Oh replies that if that was the case, Sa-ran would’ve told them already. Even the veteran gisaengs can be innocent and naïve sometimes, huh?

Ra-ra’s birth mother tells her husband to pour mucho alcohol into the young doctor, who came invited to their house for a meal. I guess Ra-ra’s mother wants to know if the young doctor really loves her daughter or not.

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Guest dramaok



Where are you coming from?

I had a get-together with my employees.

Read this when you have free time.

See how the script is.

I just need to see if it's interesting or not, right?

Of course. That's what's most important.

There isn't a title?

I name the title the last. Actually...

This is just an excuse for me to come and see your face once.

Strangely, now that it's been decided, should I say it feels unusual?

It also feels as though this is how brides and grooms of the old days who marry without ever seeing each other's face first might have felt.

I have a physical flaw.

Do you like playing by the ocean?

I'm not particularly fond of salt water, and since my skin is weak, if I get burned I end up suffering.

Oh, what a great relief. On my back and on my chest, I have pimples.

I've tried taking Oriental medicine and I've gone through cupping therapy as well, but it didn't go away.

I suppose it's just my physical constitution. That's why I don't even go to swimming pools.

That's what you call physical flaw?

Of course. It's so stressful each time I shower.

I don't show it to others no matter what.

It's nothing big. It can be rid of.


With food.

Today, the guy named Ah Da Mo came. I told him off well and sent him away.

He's pulled his heart together completely and left.

If you have some ardent fans, send them all my way. I'll settled all of them for you.

i have a few comments about the scene above.

1. mr. midas, your physical flaw isn't just pimples. they are your least problems.

2. midas is a bit drunk but he's obviously thinking about their getting together.

3. ewwwwww and ewwwww

4. oh, but it shows midas is showing a vulnerable part about himself too. he's falling in love.

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As always thank you mhugh for the translation.

I cannot believe of what I'm about to say. I don't think I can watch this drama any longer if it continues down this path of Saran's acceptance of her destiny and insistance oo driving Damo away by having her raised by a man who could be her father. She loves Damo dearly but she has a heart made out of steel. Yes, he had pained her in the past but he has since redeemed himself by disregarding his pride and his self-esteem to work at the gingsaeng's house. He admitted that despite the manual labor, just living under the same roof as her made him happy. He poured his heart and soul out to convince her BUT yet she was not moved by his actions and feelings. She is one cold-hearted creature (Saran's fans out there- sorry but that is what I feel about her after watching this episode). There is a Latin saying, to err is human and to forgive is divine. Out of all of us who hasn't made a mistake in their life? Damo is no difference but with him he realized his mistake and tried his best to make up for it. Saran should not cling to his mistake but should have forgiven him!

To address the defense of Saran's actions because of her family issues/birth secret, yes I understand it is heart-breaking and can leave a painful scar. However, why doesn't she look on the bright side? How about trying to live a good life where you can prove others otherwise by living a successful and happy life just as anyone who has parents. Although no one can guarantee that her marriage with Damo would last forever, but divorcing him wouldn't leave her penniless either. She is an educated and beautiful woman. I don't think she cannot find any other work other than working as a gisaeng to support herself if down the road her marriage with Damo doesn't last.

Sorry for the long rants. But this episode is so frustrating. At this point, I can careless if Damo gives up on her. Everyone has a limit to what they can do and Damo is no exception.

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