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Guest vangmonie


junhyung tongue *spasm, spasm.

dayuummm you lynn. i should eat you! RAWR!

LOL he's sooo sexyyyy.

LOL i know right?! crap. why can't it just

be me&bling. -_______-

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Guest xchibilove

;___; its still not working hun ):

if you want, I can look up a pic for you (:

just tell me who it is and i can go photohunting (:

All of them are not working? or just some? );

I can send them by email? LOL.

I tried to click on some of the pictures, and all of them work but one.

Was it number 2 that didn't work? Number 2 was a picture of Lee Taemin from SHINee.

I found that picture on tumblr, and it took forever.

And I don't want you to go through all that trouble of trying to find it D;

But then again, I have the photo because I just found it! xD But I'm having trouble to decide because I found a couple more that look good T~T , so you could decide which looks better(;

123  Hope they work, if not, I can give it by email or something! xD But it's also in my likes: tumblr! If you need that, I can give you my tumblr. The Lee Taemin pictures I want are the first 3 in my likes. But that's only if you need it from that.(;

P.s. Personally  I like the first one! xD

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All of them are not working? or just some? );

I can send them by email? LOL.

I tried to click on some of the pictures, and all of them work but one.

Was it number 2 that didn't work? Number 2 was a picture of Lee Taemin from SHINee.

I found that picture on tumblr, and it took forever.

And I don't want you to go through all that trouble of trying to find it D;

But then again, I have the photo because I just found it! xD But I'm having trouble to decide because I found a couple more that look good T~T , so you could decide which looks better(;

123  Hope they work, if not, I can give it by email or something! xD But it's also in my likes: tumblr! If you need that, I can give you my tumblr. The Lee Taemin pictures I want are the first 3 in my likes. But that's only if you need it from that.(;

P.s. Personally  I like the first one! xD

Oh hehe. sorry i didn't clarify! XD it was only number 2 that didn't work xD haha but anyway, they work now ^^ so I'll be working on your poster now (:

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Guest xchibilove

Oh hehe. sorry i didn't clarify! XD it was only number 2 that didn't work xD haha but anyway, they work now ^^ so I'll be working on your poster now (:

Yay! Thank you! ;D

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the dark side, are you on the light side now? xD

jino is cute and i kind of wish i saw him at the year end awards.

anyways, i love the cchart for "hana deul set" is quite cute.

also, sorry for the late reply, and happy new year to you too!

anyways, i definitely love the BEAST perf of YaYaYa. watched that so many times. xD

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Guest xchibilove

I forgot to mention just in case, I changed one of the pictures. The last one. If you already put in the last on on the poster, then its all good. Sorry i didn't mention it earlier! xD

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Guest YunRa1430270238

Keep Your Head Down!! Amazing song right there!! <33

You must be a BoJoong shipper? LOL!! I love your artworks. Simple but very clean and nice looking. The character chart is so adorable with the flowers!!! XD

I can't tell how much I fall in love with Why of TVXQ and because Yunho said Ara is pretty and thanked her in the album!

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  • 3 weeks later...



key is not happy with you guys thinking that I ditched XD

hahah i love keyyy so flippin much <3

HoKey ftwww ;D

xchibilove: finally posted your poster! XD hope you like it. sorry if its not what you had in mind ;~;


I'll be back with everyone elses reply in like a few seconds . gotta go eat dinner. ! =D

stephie<3 : i think we figured out the whole minho thing already XD hahaha. and your cc's are the bommmmb . com ! ;D and hopefully you update soon! i'll be look forward to it! ;D

chel: CHELLLL! WOMAN!  I MISS YOU! XD and haha thanks but i bet you could do sooo much better than that!

monieee: dude..i always die when he sticks his tongue outt. ohh i have one more giff XD


ohhh i think i died XD okay i shoud stop posting GIFS of Junhyunggie cause i think I'll kill all my stalker and my ninja stalkers with his effin sexiness (; hahaha and i know right? :\

vicky: haha yeah. pretty much. i'm trying to practice my light side but i think i should start practicing my dark side now. my dark posters are getting rusty -_-"

and yes he is. he disappeared again ;____; i am so sad! SM >< and oh gosh. BEAST is wayyy to cute XD haha and no i didn't ditch! XD been super uber busy with school and had nooo inspiration :\

JungYunho_GoAra: WAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~ LOL sorry i had to sing it XD hahah. and haha yes. but they're kinda rubbing off of me now :\ /gets bricked

but yeah i am and haha thank you ^___^  WAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE okay sorry. had to sing it again XD hahah thanks for stopping by!

GUYS! IM OFF HIATUS NOW! XD i failed like half of my midterms though -___-" im absolutely disappointed in myself like a lot. my grades are really bad too D; aishhhh -___- so i'll be taking only 5 more requests then I'll be done with this tr. so keep requesting! (:

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Guest stephie<3

OMG I JUST HAVE TO SPAZZZ ABOUT THAT GIF ! HOKEY ~ i ship jongkey though LMFAO <3 anyways watching the grudge, i'll edit after you edit with the replies XD


lololol yeah we did. a while ago keke ~ ehh ? no they're not dont lie to me lyn LOL. i really need to update dont i. hmm...i think im going to update HMADM soon. heeheee. post the luna pics soon so we can finish our icon battle (:

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Guest xchibilove

Wah~ Thanks you so much(;

I just wanted to ask if it's okay if I ask other people to make a "Love so Light" poster too.

I just want to see a variety, but I really like yours.

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Guest believe.

requesting: poster.

photos: you dont have to use these. you can just use any stocks if you want since my fic is nongasoo. but i provided these anyway. oh and it doesnt necessarily have to have a guy in it, it can just be the girl, thats why most of my photos were girls. or it can just be the shoes. but i dont mind, im sure whatever you'll make will look fine! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

stocks: well my photos were stocks anyway but you can just use whatever

text: Love Heels... right?

subtext: I heard that good shoes will take you to good places. Take me back to his heart.

mood: its a love story. soft colours and effects please! 

etc: theres a picture of heels in one of my photo links, can you try and put that in the poster as well? you can use different heels if you want, just make it pretty (: 

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hehe, or maybe you could do both? you can be a lark or dight... *hahahah* >D

and yeah, sucky, but hey, i read that SM is coming out with another boy group, so maybe he'll be in it?

BEAST is always cute. lol despite their names. ;]

and ahh that's good to know, and ewww school, and hope you get some inspiration from somewhere!

anyways, i like how the "love so light" poster came out. all of it's pinkness with taemin and the girl. hehe.

hope you're taking care and not getting stressed or anything. C:

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