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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest Alla

BB in japanese Mag:



[NEWS]"Bangs" Cartoon book 1st Edition is sold out




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Guest g-dragon1988

@Alla: That magazine's name is Jugan TV Guide~(주간TV가이드)^^~~Well, at least I found so on korean sites~~

I'm loving it!! Anyone knows how can I buy it??...

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Guest andloveyelledno

I'm in the minority as I like Youngbae with a little scruff. He has such a baby face that the hair makes him look a little rougher (Which I love).

Thanks for the fancams, I love watching them as they give me a feel of how the audience reacted to them

EDIT: Just watched them. Holy crap, that really did look like a Big Bang concert. The VIPs dominated the place. Did you guy see all the light sticks?.Very cool :D

They looked like they were having so much fun *jealousy* Has anyone here seen them live or is planning to? I'm going to see them next year at the Big Show, if everything goes as planned.

Agreed, Jiyong looks skinnier than ever. Pack some meat into those bones, boy! It's probably all the stress. On the other hand, strong baby has gained weight and it looks mighty good on him.

I know i'm going to be a sobbing MESS watching Iris. It's a war movie so that's pretty much a given, no? Seeing all these young kids fighting and dying...*sigh*

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Guest Alla

sorry for posting multiple times>.<


@andloveyelledno: I saw the boys live at GD's solo concert and planning to go to Big Show 2011^^

TY @ 71-Into the fire premiere:



Tell Me Goodbye- Music Box Version

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Guest shinhdeplol

Translation for Big Show 2010 Making Book Part 2


I purposely asked Taeyang.

"Which part of Daesung do you admire the most?"

"I always thought about how Daesung manages to smile so brightly.

No matter how I hard I tries, I can't do it like him."

Daesung always manages to brighten the mood,

but during practice time, he can be serious too.

Looking at Daesung and Taeyang now, the cheerful side of them,

it's just as looking at my own Brother.


First band practice. 10:30PM.

Although the training started only at 10PM, but the training room was still as busy.

Seeing the band members who also works with them during last year BIG SHOW,

"How are guys doing? Do look after us again this time round."

In the training room was Taeyang practicing the song, "Wedding Dress".

It was the first time that Taeyang was doing his solo track in the practice room.

Despite the late hour, but somehow you don't notice Taeyang being exhausted.

Today as well, the members only manage to have their dinner at late night.

Jiyong's health was not in a good condition. He looked pale.


T.O.P loves to joke.

He always come out with a lot of funny ideas and will add to Daesung's joke.

It never fails to make the crowd laugh.


Taeyang did a live show on the stage.

Although there were no lighting or big speakers,

but as long as there's music and Taeyang's dance,

no matter where it's at, it's a prefect performance.

Now, it's no longer just a 10 square ft. practice room,

but a stage that many thousands of people look forward to.


From the Daesung that is singing,

it reveals another side of him.

Now, that guy who is singing, was he really the guy we saw from earlier?

The happily joking around Daesung?

Or is it just a honest young man?

I no longer can tell the difference.

The only thing I know is that, that guy is someone who is singing with his heart.


The training started.

The pale Jiyong from before seems to be recovering.

Indeed, to Big Bang,

music is their source of Energy.

The members offered a few suggestions for each others solo performance.

The solo performances which matters a lot, is making Big Bang nervous too.

But, it also became a forward motivation for them to work even harder.

Credits: 腻儿zaVI@baidu

Translated from Chinese: Yvonne@www.bigbangupdates.com

Please credit when re-posting^^

- - -



Source: http://meguse7en.blog25.fc2.com/

Taken from bigbanghaven.blogspot.com

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Guest littlevoice

^100609 2NE1 & Big Bang at 71: Into the Fire VIP Premiere - ETN News - you beat me to it :)

ohh... this one's the cut version of just BB

100609 2NE1 & Big Bang at 71: Into the Fire VIP Premiere - ETN News



Its fun to see them like kids watching a movie, they were really proud!

I would probably do the same thing if I also watch it, however its not going to be shown in my country... too bad.

and theres rumors that 2NE1 TV would be back right, I hope BIGBANG has an episode again this time :)

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Guest g-dragon1988

Credit: gilbakk002 @ youtube

hahahahaㅋㅋㅋㅋGD eating popcorn!!!! It's so cute!!!! >o< I wish he told something..~~ahh I'm so glad he looked happy and relaxed~~ And I'm seriously lovin his hair too~His face looks so SLIMㅋ Ohh I want to be there to eat popcorn with him tooㅋㅋㅇㅈㄴ

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Guest shinhdeplol









C: VIPZ Bigroom // WNtm @ bigbangupdates.com

Jiyong looks so small :lol: *cute ^^*

- - -


C: BSX me2day

See Seungri in the photo just above the bottom? He looks so fine :wub:

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Guest g-dragon1988


>> Single

*1 モーニング娘。 15,525

*2 アイドリング!!! 14,510

*3 木村カエラ 13,936






GD's Ment in Japanese Magazine TVGUIDE 100609

기회가 있으면 일본에 머무르면서 장기적으로 활동하고 싶다고 생각한데요

더 일본사람들에게 가까이 가고 싶고 일본어가 조금 부족한 나와 탑은 더 열심히 공부하지 않으면 안되겠다.

If I have chance, I would like to stay longer in Japan and do long-term activities, get more close with Japan's people, and me and T.O.P should study japanese more seriously.

^ㅠㅠnoo!! don't go from Korea! Jiyong..ㅜㅜㅜㅜ


I uploaded GD eating popcorn part on youtubeㅋㅋCheck it out ^.~

100609ETN 포화속으로 시사회[팝콘먹는 지드래곤]


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Guest ilovearronyan

haahahha the thread is no longer dead and I'm having a hard time reading every single posts.

Will BB stay together or break up??

I really think that they will eventually disperse to do their individual solo activities

but keeping their contract and names as Big Bang members might or might not happen.

Yeah like someone said

I remembered once KWON LEADAH mentioned that he wanted

BIG BANG to go on as long as possible just like how SHINHWA is going

strong as a group even after 10 years.

I stil hope they'd at least keep their names though,

as Big Bang's TOP, Tae, Seungri, Dae and Ji.


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Guest chaq_momiji




where you gonna put your hands, Seungri?? kekeke...

he's so handsome in that photo... more manly... haha... and he'll having his coming of age day soon...

strong baby becoming strong man,,, n___n

whoaa.. love to see those MTV LIVE fancams... everyone's havin' a good time.. and the crown stick was everywhere!!!

awesome... feels like Bigbang concert rather than various artists'.... ^^

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Guest g-dragon1988

Asia - Pacific Global Tolerance with Music 2010 at UNIVERSAL STUDIO JAPAN

Date: 7.24 Saturday -

Performers: BIGBANG, 초신성, 카토미르야, (미정)


^ They seem to spend their summer time in Japan mostlyㅠㅠIt makes me so sad..They start to be like TVXQ


Japanese.Magazine JA Television+TVGUIDE100609[GDSCANS]

I died from his smile. I died from his body line. I died from HIM~~~@#)*@_)%&#%)#$ㅇㅈㄴㅋㅌㅁㄴㅂㄴㄴㄹㄷㄳ







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Guest evilgary

lol why is seungri hand in that particular way just behind daesung. i wonder what is he thinking of?

Wow it seems like taeyang is growing some facial hair in the pic

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