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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest shinhdeplol

Big Bang’s TOP Is Jealous of Sandara Park’s Confession for G-Dragon?

Sandara’s recent confession about G-Dragon has left Big Bang’s TOP in deep regret.

Aired last January 29 on KBSTV2 “Entertainment Tonight,” Sandara Park revealed that, “When I think about “Oh, this man would make a romantic boyfriend,” the man that comes to mind is G-Dragon.”

This confession came from the time when Sandara Park went on a ski trip and when she had trouble carrying her board, G-Dragon came and took it from her and carried it instead.

Sandara Park revealed, “I have that image in my mind when I think about men I’d like to date,” she explained.

When G-Dragon was told this, he said “Sandara Park was carrying this big board so it looked like there were two people and she had a hard time,” he continued, “Thank you for thinking well of me,” he finished.

TOP then revealed, “I didn’t go ski with them at that time,” he said, “If I did, I may have been chosen instead, I should have followed. It’s such a waste,” he expressed regretfully, with a jealous heart.

Source: http://news.nate.com/view/20110130n06052

Translated by: knucklepink@DaraGonHideout.com/ BlackjackBelle@OhDara.wordpress.com

Uploaded by: WeLoveDara@twitter.com

Shared by WNtm @ bigbangupdates

:huh: <- my feeling when reading this article

Leslie unni and Nurika unni help!!!!!! <_<

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Big Bang’s TOP Is Jealous of Sandara Park’s Confession for G-Dragon?

Leslie unni and Nurika unni help!!!!!! <_<

HMMMM what would you like me to do? *cracks knuckles*LOL

just kidding but GAH articles like this is funny...

people are putting a lot of meaning on a simple joke.


DAISY omg if my friend didnt point that out

i wouldnt even notice..or maybe because

i wasnt paying enough attention haha but thanks

for posting the vid!

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Guest omgshinshin

I don't know where to post this since it also has GDTOP but it's mostly Seungri/GD :)

Again, finkling from gdheartri @ livejournal did a rough translation of the g-ri parts, but you'll see some topri too :D

Seungri/GDTOP Choi Hwajung Powertime Translations


January 31st, 3:10

Haha so the video was posted before so I'm just going to include the translation bits. I didn't translate all of it but I translated the gri stuff or random stuff I thought was funny. Tons of topri and uhh not very much gtop HAHA suck it gtop fans (I kid, I kid) but I included everything I translated this time, not just G ri though there's a focus on G ri. I put a star in the beginning of the paragraphs that have G ri in it. I started to mark the times at first but since I ended up translating most of it you can pretty much follow along. But uh, now that I look back on the translation I pretty much did nearly the entire thing... Anyways, it's INCREDIBLY long, so it might take a while, and now that I look at it it looks like I wrote a goddamn fan account or something. Note that CH is Choi Hwajung.

- - - -

Seungri mentions he had a fever but came because he had more of a fever to come to the radio show hahaha. Around 5 CH asks TOP if Seungri calls him hyung nowadays after "TOP" (because of NAN) and TOP says yeah recently. CH mentions that since TOP is an English name, there actually shouldn't be a hyung and Seungri says yeah, we just call G-dragon "G-dragon" without the hyung.

*Around 6:30 GD says "I have a bit of a cold, but I find strength seeing Seungri because I feel like I shouldn't get sick too." And CH asks why Seungri is getting sick and he says stuff about not enough sleep, watch out for the cold, etc. And GD says "When Seungri promotes by himself, he doesn't get sick, but when he promotes with me he seems to get sick" and they laugh. CH mentions that they must have excitement/anticipation and such so they are anxious and then Seungri says they started promoting together yesterday and he started getting sick again yesterday. GD says it must be their own problem. Too much touching I see

They talk about Big Bang's rookie days because the last time they went on the show was then and CH also says it's hard for rookies to find the right style/color but each Big Bang member had a lot going for them before even their debut. Seungri compliments TOP about his underground stuff and CH says Seungri can be a DJ.. then TOP holds his hand. HAHA, sorry, my love for Topri is kicking in again.

*CH asks how Seungri felt about GD at first. Seungri says "Jiyong used to be famous as a kid rapper for YG. I looked up Jiyong hyung online because I knew I was going to train with him and he was a cute kid rapper but when I saw him in real life he was big/grown up. So I thought woah, he grew up a lot! His body grew." They laugh and then he mentions (paraphrasing a bit) "A while ago, after we did the music broadcast, after my performance it was GDTOP's. The feeling/color was very different. It's the same Big Bang, but since we all have a different color, and different music styles, the feeling is nice. Daesung and Taeyang hyung also have their own colors, too." And TOP is like why don't you say anything about me? And Seungri says "because I love you" and they all start guffawing.

*I think GD was jealous unamused because CH said wow does Seungri talk this much at the dorms? And GD responds he's usually really not funny in real life, but if there's a camera or a broadcast, he's very good at talking. Then Seungri compliments his hyungs saying "TOP hyung is really funny, I almost died once. He's very funny in his actions and funny in a WAAA way. Jiyong hyung is very good with his words."

*So CH asks who is the most popular amongst girls and Seungri keeps snorting/laughing and says it's Jiyong. TOP is laughing too and says "why are you laughing when you're saying that?" Seungri continues "When females are around, his eye smile totally becomes half moons." Dude, so much snorting, oh Seungri you are so subtle. CH asks how about TOP? So Seungri continues, "TOP is very blunt [kind of in a aloof/cold sense]. I asked why hyung is so blunt and he said 'my purpose is to make them wonder about me.'" HAHA GOD HIS IMITATION WAS JUST. And lol TOP trying to be mysterious. Seungri says "He purposefully says nothing" and imitates him again, "It's the genuine [in a true.. feelings.. sense] thing to make your girl wonder about you. There is no need to talk [with girls]." GD is like "Seungri, that's burdensome...." and laughs and Seungri says he practiced that for a couple days.

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*Seungri reads a bunch of comments really cutely. GD says that "I'm very active. Seungri and my personality is very similar, but I think I lower my presence more than him. When I meet new people I do that but Seungri doesn't." Basically, he's quieter or shy around new people. TOP says if it was between the Big Bang hyungs or females... Seungri would choose females.

*GD says "We're roommates, we live together. It's been a few years but he hasn't had a girlfriend yet. He lines/places them up instead." Seungri keeps laughing at that and GD makes these funny hand motions... another translation fail, basically it's like he meets a lot of girls but no girlfriend. CH says "doesn't that mean Seungri doesn't have one single woman that he really likes?" Seungri says he's the type to make girls happy and says there's that saying "ladies first" and as a guy he wants to let them have fun. Then he says that his girl friends boyfriends contact him a lot LOL HAHA and that they don't like it when he talks with their girlfriends. He also says he doesn't really feel the need to make a girl his when he first sees them but also admits he got rejected a lot by girls. He looks at the computer screen and says some commenter told him to stop talking about girls and instead talk about music because her heart is going to burst HAHAHAAHA.

Now this is around the 20 mark. They mostly just talk about how the GDTOP album came about and they've said all of this before. They also talk about the Secret Garden parody but... they revealed like, nothing about it. I know you want to be the main characters Seungri and Jiyong

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*Back around the 32 mark and Seungri says stuff about getting 50k votes/replies. TOP is like "please just vote if you want to see us more" HAHA and GD says "I think our fans are lazy." TOP also says "yeah, we're going to be lazy too and never perform." GD suddenly blurts that Seungri was #1 on "Rising Stars" in the UK and says "Seungri, you've become a really big star now." CH asks Seungri to say stuff in English so Seungri just blabbers nonsense and GD says "Man, that's so embarrassing." They blame it on Seungri being sick with the fever.

*So around the 36 mark they go into some section of the show. Seungri reads off a bunch of choices about like gestures in love like hugging and stuff. CH asks what each would do if the girl told them "I love you." TOP and Seungri say #1, which is the taking the girl's head to the chest and hugging deeply. GD says #4, which is hugging to the point that she can't breathe. Apparently the explanation for #1 is for players and #4 is for people who rush into the relationship or something, didn't listen too carefully (there's this huge explanation, but it's all made up anyways so whatever). Seungri mentions that when he does #1 he says "you hear my heartbeat, right?" TOP is just smiling but GD cracks up and looks really embarrassed. Very subtle, guys.

TOP says Seungri and GD are the most talkative and then they play Seungri's WCID.

*Around the 45 mark, Seungri talks about the behind story of WCID. He says "Jiyong hyung helped me a lot with WCID, because I'm very lacking. Originally it was going to be I'm breaking down, but GD changed it to I'm breaking down, down, down [he sings it and it's different]." And Jiyong adds "At first, the title was Mohuhjjulago [as opposed to nan uhjjulago] which would be fine for anyone else, but for Seungri it sounds a bit like satoori [kind of like dialect/accent usually from countryside]. So I said we should change to 'nan'" Seungri says "if Jiyong hyung didn't change it, I would be in big trouble. I'm not very good at designing, so GD helped me a lot with that too. I put aside my pride. Before, I said I would do it all myself because I was way too stubborn but this time I got the advice from the other members and the staff."

They talk about their clothes and fashion but nothing really new. One hilarious thing is that Seungri said he thought these purple pants looked really good on GD but if he wore it he'd look like his countryside grandma. TOP says that he thinks Seungri would look good in it. They chat some more, nothing that interesting. Around the 51 mark, they go into another section where CH says two words and the three have to reply with one of them immediately. None of the words had a consensus from all. One of them was kiss/hug and GD and Seungri chose kiss and TOP chose hug.

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*Comes back at around 59 mark. Lol TOP makes a pun and says he's trying to get Seungri's approval. CH asks who Seungri likes more and Seungri says "I've always liked Jiyong hyung a lot though I usually don't try to make too much of a difference [in how much he likes them]. But there's something about TOP hyung that draws me in. He is good looking. I want to make a beautiful person museum and put TOP on display. He's seriously good looking, look closely. [GD looks unamused and sad. OT3 fanfic is needed.] Jiyong hyung is more of a charismatic style. He has a nice smile." GD notes that no one ever says he is good looking (well, while smiling). LOLANGST.

*They talk about shopping (because of that section with the reply immediately thing). CH asks what they want to buy the most and TOP says Seungri's feelings. GD says hats, what the hell Jiyong. Seungri chose sports over shopping and says he has to exercise to not faint during promotions. CH asks if he has abs and he says it's gone down a bit... only for a bit and GD laughs. They talk about how he hasn't been showing his abs, and he says it's because he wants to be sexy in other ways and all that deep stuff. CH asks why GD keeps giggling and Seungri says "GD laughs just whenever I talk. I guess the hyungs think it's cute." And GD says "Yes, it's because he's cute." i know he really wants to say "Seungri's abs are all mine"

They also talk about imitations and TOP does his imitation that he always does of Yoon Moon Shik and GD imitates Yang Hyun Suk. TOP also imitates Seungri when Seungri called TOP after the NAN broadcast LOL like "TOP hyung, that was a bit much! You shouldn't do that hyung, I felt so embarrassed/upset! I don't know about anything else but that thing with Hyun Seung was especially a bit much! What do I become if you say all those things?" Seungri, CH, and TOP are pretty much laughing like crazy. GD again just smiling. I see you being jealous Jiyong

They talk about the kiss/hug thing and TOP say he just likes hugs more and Seungri says he heard kisses are good for your health (HAHA). GD is laughing and TOP says "do you want to do it with me?" Then that leads to the Daesung/TOP kiss in the 3d thing and he says he did it because he wanted to be funny when Daesung's joke ended up being not that funny. He says that the picture went around a lot and now people think he's weird. TOP says that he'll kiss Seungri if he wants and Seungri says no thanks. Because Jiyong is always watching. They also talk about what scoldings they get the most from their mom and Seungri says there's not much and GD says it's "Stop buying! You bought stuff again? Stop!" And TOP at first says it's nothing, but then says it's the same for him too, but with toys.

They also talk about their ideal types. Seungri says he wants a cute voice, and TOP wants someone who can handle herself well (not that much cussing, etc.), and GD wants someone who can do everything. Also they talk about how Taeyang has never had a gf, again, how the YG CEO would most likely set him up for marriage out of the 5 members, and how he is forever alone (loljk).

*They also talk about what scene they want to reenact in Secret Garden. Kind of lazy but one funny part is after Seungri described what he wanted to do (kiss the girl like it was nothing and see if she would have any reactions/shaking/nervousness) CH notes that he is a player and he denies it while TOP says he is. GD says that the YG CEO first wanted to give Seungri the name "sunsoo (player)" HAHA. CH asks who changed the most in personality and looks and they say Daesung. Seungri says TOP did not change at all and that from the first time he saw TOP Seungri thought TOP was very good looking. Also, CH talked about "deh shui" kind of sounds like "dash" but from the context I think it's pretty clear it means picking up someone (trying to get them, "dashing" towards them). TOP says he's never been picked up by a girl and GD says Seungri tries to pick up girls a lot. Seungri gets back at him later when GD says he's never actually done it before but if he really likes someone he will. Seungri says GD forces Seungri to do it for him instead. GD says "Why are you like this today?!"

They ended up getting 70,200 votes/comments (they were going for 50k+).

- - - -

john tesh I didn't realize this was so long, they talk so much, I'm sorry but WHATEVER LOL MORE G RI IS ALWAYS A GOOD THING. This took a long while to translate haha, and sorry the quality of translation faltered in the end. Seriously though, maknae is looking really good here and was really funny. He seriously sounds like he runs the show hahaha. Justomg. A lot of topri with them holding hands and staring at each other and laughing and GD looking angsty HAHA /delusional. I'm beginning to ship OT3 harder than g ri now

T/N: I got a lot of questions about the roommate thing last time. It's like Korean-ified version of roommate, so the definition can be slightly different so it doesn't HAVE to be in the same room. We all know they sleep together but don't look into it too much as a change in dorms, it's still GD/Seungri and TOP/Dae/Tae. Also, "player" doesn't really mean like.. in the pimp sense lol. Take it down a notch to more of really good at being with girls or getting a lot of girls. As a side note, if you are going to take this translation outside (post it wherever you want) please don't rearrange my words (you can take out the personal opinions and such, of course). I got a weird/negative message because of the way something was construed or translated but it was because the secondary source altered it. Thanks! :)

translations by finkling via gdheartri@livejournal

credits:youtube sjbbwonderful

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@omgshinshin OMG. Thanks! The entire show was too funny. LOL. There are too many things I'd like to quote from that translation but I can't because I'll be gushing so much and I'm running on adrenaline coz my insomnia is killing me now. LOL.

I love how it's TOP-Ri this time around. GDYB, ToDae are ever present and we hardly ever see maknae and TOP exchanging jokes like this. Except probably when they did Nineteen LOL. I love how they challenged VIPs though lol. Exceeded expectations and all.

Seungri is clearly born for variety and talk shows. He's very good at his words and pushing the right buttons to get the reactions he wants. And TOP is as usual, very very funny. LOL.

Will spazz more later when I'm not as weird lol.

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Guest shinhdeplol

from that evening date? :D



C: 승리하자!



Source: powervictory (as tagged) via baidu, sonewish

Credit: bigbang updates

Shared by NPuPaE @ BBTH

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