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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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may i join in the conversation and discussion?

well my point of view is...

Big Bang (the five of them) debuted in 2006, and they are still standing today. Think about it, this year alone, they had 2 concerts going on. And both concerts don't lack power and energy. They've been through so much, and so much, I mean comedy (coffee prince, beethoven, bbf, idol world, etc.), wonderbang, olympic park concerts, japanese debut (garagara go), YG concerts, FILA ads, LG ads, hip-hop to mature men, more n more.

As fans, yes, we might be a lil upset if they 'do' (god forbid) disband...but at least we got massive memories of them boys creating a boyband legend and we can say in a few years later that "i was, and i am still a BIg Bang VIP"...

whoa, i think im making this sound like it's really the end. BUt i do hope bb lasts forever cuz this is kinda a fan-biased view. who would wanna ssee their favorite band break up? i dont...

but as of now, i think its best we take in what big bang decides and what YG has scheduled for them...and plus, YG to me is a family...and families do split apart and move on, but their roots never change...

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Guest MidnightByul

dang...this thread just be so deep, it's scary. haha.

I'm jumping in if you don't mind.

In terms of Daesung and Seungri, pretty much everything you guys said, is spot on. Since, day one I think Ri has always been very much attached to his hyungs, I've noticed it from watching past videos of them back in 2006, while on radio shows or whatever else.

Daesung, has always been the one on the side. Sad to say, although I do love Dae a lot- he's very precious- I never thought much more about him. Kinda mad at myself for that. I think everyone has had that one thought in their head "Behind Daesung's smiles..what exactly is there?" or something of the sort. Because I have. He smiles so much, almost all the time, that I honestly get worried at times, wondering "what's going on with him these days?.

Like, you stated. He rarely ever opens up truly and fully about his feelings, or what's currently going on with him. Which I wish he would start doing, because I think it would change a lot within the group and for Daesung himself.

Now, with how long these five will stay in YG, I don't really know. Eventually one or two may leave YG, I'll accept it when it happens.

And, I really really hope they pull a Shinhwa.

YG to me is a family...and families do split apart and move on, but their roots never change...


I agree. YGFamily is something way too precious to these boys, to just erase.

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Guest juang_bb

these days, i dont really worry about Seungri at all, well except for him being prone to injury and sickness, but other than that, Seungri has really grown into a one fine man. I just like what he has become, his attitude, his relationship with his hyungs, everything. like when i think about how Seungri has developed all these years, i feel like a proud mama, i feel relieved and be like "yes, he grew up well" :) he actually seems to have become a LOT closer to his hyungs, and the hyungs seem to have gone closer to him too. they may tease him a lot, but to me it's just a sign of their fondness and how comfortable they are with him, and they know him. it's just that his awkward relationship with Dae is still there, hopefully not as awkward as before, since i can imagine that both of them have tried. it's just that i think Dae really is a complicated person, and he's too complicated for our maknae to figure out. heck, he seems to be quite a challenge for any of the boys to really figure out.

however, i don't blame Dae for being complicated. I think that's just how he really is. I will be honest again and say that Dae does makes me worry from time to time, like everybody else, even just like the boys themselves, he just leaves you scratching your head sometimes. and there's definitely a LOT more to him behind those angelic smiles. even now that im trying to write what I think about Dae, im still left wondering. I wish too that he opens up more but you see, i know people like him who are just naturally very private. like they don't talk about what they feel, when they're mad they usually just keep quiet, and they're really not the easiest people to get close to. even if you're close to them, they still seem to have that invisible barrier that tells you - okay.. you cant really get close to me anymore coz that's my own private space already and i aint sharing it - type of thing. i dont know, i dont personally know him and this is only based on my own observation and what i've read about him from the members.

Im just happy that TOP is really very sweet to him. I think TOP sees Dae's reservations that's why Dae is the only one he's very touchy with. I mean TOP doesn't like being touched..period. he's a softie inside but he doesn't seem to be the most naturally affectionate and touchy guy out there. i noticed how he really only does it with Dae, its like if you aint Daesung, then you cant get a hug from TOP. lol :lol: so i think its his way of reassuring Daesung, show him some love. ToDae :wub: YB gets along with Dae very well because they're both quiet, he probably has the most things in common with Dae. GD is actually very sweet with Dae too. I think he treats Dae similar to TOP's, it's just that he has Ri to dote on more that's why we see it less. But when he's with Dae, he seems to be always showing him affection. :)

I never doubted Dae's passion for music though, i honestly think that he'd pick it over variety. I think Daesung loves performing and singing on stage so much. I dont know if you guys noticed, but the last few times i've watched their concerts, I've been observing Daesung more. I know the common expectation is that GD and TOP does a lot of adlibs during their concerts and are usually the ones who gets the audience involved while the other three sings, but when you watch Daesung closely, he actually does a lot of those. He never fails to amuse me because he doesn't seem to be that kind of performer, you know? like a lot just expects him to sing and go with the flow, but he actually gets himself involved in their concerts and it's obvious he's having a lot of fun. i enjoy him most when they're doing hiphop because DAE seems to love it a lot, though he doesn't seem like it. :P he's just so into it, sometimes even more than our hiphop boys. even just when he's doing the backup vocal during TOP and GD's rap part... he's so into it. i love it!

he's really carefree and loose on stage, that i think it is his only real outlet. no wonder why their performance during the Dream Concert, his first ever perf after the accident, meant a lot to him. he said it himself that he's always touched during their concerts, like it's the best feeling. he may be really quiet, but i think he loves music and performing and i think that's why despite him feeling a bit distant sometimes, Big Bang means a lot to him. Isn't he the one who said in their Numero Tokyo interview that his Big Bang members are the most important to him? especially after gathering together privately during their anniversary and realizing how grateful he is to have met such great members?

ahhh... that NUMERO interview is really :wub:

moving on... arent you guys curious about what happened on their 4th ANNIV!?! i remember some people saying that they all seemed tired and out of it during their 4th anniv video, but based on GD and DAE's answers, it seemed to be a very meaningful gathering for them. seriously, just hearing about them having small talks here and there about them and everything else makes me happy :) so nice to be a VIP, agree?

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Guest toozdae08


While Dae is really good at ballads he does love hip hop a lot - I remember when the boys had that rap battle and Dae tore Ri apart. And his fav song off of YB's album was Break It Down which was the most hip hop of all the songs.

And I'm with you, I don't doubt Dae's love of music since he's such an amazing performer. He's very fierce on stage and has amazing stage presence. I adore Dae to bits and I love watching him perform - he has such fun on stage that I can't really imagine him giving it up.

And yeah, watching the 4th anniversary vid they all seemed out of it except for Ri. I was thinking maybe late night partying but something meaningful seems to have happened between them that day. Like we've all said, the boys are getting closer which is a joy to all us VIPs.

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Guest juang_bb

a bit OT...

have you guys seen that article on akp, the actor with the same exact name as Dae dying in an accident.

i swear!!! that gave me quite a scare! coz we were just talking about Dae here, then I went there, and i read KANG DAESUNG and ACCIDENT in the same freakin sentence again! I almost had a mental breakdown! well im exaggerating, but you get my point. then I read the title again.

i dont know the actor, but may he rest in peace.

just kinda rare to have same names in an almost the same industry.

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Guest Michala01


RIP whoever it is. thank god it's not our Dae though...wow that sounds rather selfish when I say it like that but the thought of anything bad happening to any of our boys just no I could not deal with it. 

I am having huge big bang withdrawals at the moment. We've had no news of them for a few days booo tears.gif

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Guest shinhdeplol


Original size


Saw this scan in DCGD and it makes me feel soooo proud of VIPS :wub:

C: GKGD @ DCInside

Look at the sea of crown lightsticks :wub:

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UGH. Apparently I've been BANNED from allkpop--although I have NO idea why (I've only posted 4 comments, ever, and somehow that was enough to get me banned). & now I can't access allkpop articles on the boys. So if I HAD seen that story on akp, I would have freaked out too.

Agreed with what everyone has been saying about the Maknae--I used to worry a lot about whether he would stay with Big Bang, but those fears have been put to rest. I've grown a lot more attached to the maknae recently, and my admiration, respect, and praise of him has grown leaps and bounds. Just him saying that Big Bang is the ace card of his life reassured me of his thinking about group. At this point I have no doubts about him.

As far as Daesung goes, I did wonder about him. But I have never, ever questioned his passion for music. I remember reading an interview about how he decided he would be a singer--he said something about how at night, he would sing into his pillow to muffle his voice. And we all know that Daesung went against his parent's wishes to become a singer--that even when he qualified and went to a special program for singers, it still wasn't enough to please his parents. I think, perhaps, Daesung has had the toughest road to becoming a singer, because he had to do it completely on his own. His passion for music was the thing that kept him striving when no one believed in him.

(ah, this just breaks my heart. I'm seriously crying while typing this out)

Although Daesung seems so bright because of his smile and how personality on variety shows, we all know that he's incredibly shy. He can turn up the charm, but he remains, at heart, I think, a polite, soft-spoken, God-fearing man. I also think that he has clear ideas about propriety. <--this is the main reason why I think we see a different Daesung with Big Bang and sometimes when hes with others.

When he's with Big Bang, it's not a variety act, so he doesn't need to act like he did in FO. When Daesung is doing variety, he knows hes supposed to be over the top, entertaining. In the area, it not only is appropriate, but it is expected.

Daesung knows what role he plays in Big Bang. Like the rest of the members, he clearly respects GD & Taeyang for their experience and their leadership roles. He clearly respects TOP as his hyung. He plays his role and lets others shine in their roles. I think he definitely perceives a hierarchy within the group & as part of him keeping up propriety, he is never, ever above himself/whatever he perceives his role to be in the group.This is also why I think there is awkwardness with Daesung and Seungri.

Seungri has all the confidence in the world in himself, and so sometimes doesn't shy away from praising himself. Not only is this not something Daesung would ever do, but I believe that it is something that Daesung wouldn't even consider. Like the idea would never even come to him. I remember watching when Big Bang was on "Come to Play" and after seungri was finished telling a story, Daesung was murmuring on about how could Seungri say that about himself. Seungri's confidence, which can cause him to be (in)directly boastful, goes against Daesung's idea of propriety, and is fundamentally something to which he can not connect/understand/comprehend. I think this is the biggest reason why the two maknaes have had misunderstandings in the past.

But going back to the point about him being a very shy individual. Like others have said before, I think its in his nature to be a very private person. Its like an offshoot of him maintaining propriety--he doesn't want to bother others with his own problems, so he handles it himself.

Since he won't share his struggles with others, I am really thankful that he has TOP to ease him and who allows him to be carefree. I'm thankful that he has GD to support him and care for him (like others have said, I believe they have a really good relationship). I'm thankful that Daesung has Taeyang, who is his religious brother. I'm thankful that he has Seungri, who is his dongsaeng, his singing companion, and someone to share this experience with.

Even though he may not express his emotions openly, just watching Daesung bawl his eyes out on stage at MKMF 2007 lets me know that he feels things deeply. & I think he truly cherishes being in Big Bang, because it's allowed him to be a singer.

My only wish for him at this point is for him to have a solo album. Because we all know how important it is for the boys to show their musical tastes outside of the group.

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Guest juang_bb

^^^i like what you said about Daesung and propriety.

anyway, i just saw this ToDae fanvid by dlitelover. it's a mix of the recent and old ToDae moments and it is also well done, so i really loved it. and now im sharing it :)

ToDae fanvid

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Big Bang holds special handshake event for 2,000 Japanese fans

Via tokyohive:

While many of us were probably dressed up in costumes and/or trick-or-treating, Big Bang was busy greeting fans in Tokyo.

On October 31st, the group made an appearance at the Fukuya bookstore in Ginza to celebrate their new photo book “ELECTRIC LOVE TOUR 2010”. Approximately 2,000 fans showed up for the handshake event, and the boys held on vigorously. It took the group 1 hour and 15 minutes to shake all the fans’ hands.

Leader G-Dragon said, “I’m happy to have met the Japanese fans, making wonderful memories.”

Posted by: asphodel @ AllKPop

Taken from: AllKPop

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15. Artist you want to work with?

There’s one among the male artists, but I can’t remember his name… I also want to work with m-flo.

Gdragon i love you soooooo much i want to squeeze you. M-Flo is amazing

and ive always been looking forward for your collab *sigh*


- i dont want to expect anything at all because YG will just break

my heart. 2nd week of NOVEMBER? psssh i think it'll be pushed back again

so i'll just wait. Im sure there will be a comeback but as to WHEN

that remains a BIG QUESTION


Im sorry if i cannot quote the VIP who mentioned it but DAESUNG got a music thread because of his Gwisoon,Chicken CF song,BIG HIT etc. Unfortunately TOP didnt get any Music Solo thread because he only released on song which was TURN IT UP and someone way back fans were mostly spazzing on TOP Movie thread. Anyone is welcome to open a thread for him but if you want also we can wait until he releases more single or album.

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【EVENT】『BIGBANG PRESENTS ELECTRIC LOVE TOUR 2010』 Photobook Launch & Handshake Official Release Photos (BIGBANG's Official Blog)




Via BIGBANGオフィシャルブログ

Taken from: TeamBIGBANG


Twitter Update (Messages for Big Bang)


皆さん!!ありがとうございます(^-^)/ これからも夜露死苦!!!!!

Credit: Code Boram @ Twitter



Big Bang @ KPOP Night Concert in Singapore ⑤ [PHOTOS]








source: KPN's Facebook

Posted by: Yvonne @ Big Bang Updates

Taken from: Big Bang Updates

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Guest Michala01

So very jealous of the Japanese VIPs right now! The fangirls were crying..well I would have been the same if not worse lol. 

GD with the little kid was the cutest thing gahh 



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