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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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omg. I know I'm super late, but I just  had to say that I finally got the chance to wach 71-into the fire. Gosh, TOP made my eyes all watery. Lol. TOP looks so innocent in the movie. I mean, he looks so much like a kid!! Usually, I see a hot rapper with intimading eyes, but in the movie, all i could see was a scared innocent kid!!

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Guest Banana Peel

I think I'd be depressed for the rest of the 2010 if Big Bang doesn't make a comeback .__. like seriously, no matter how patient I could be for Big Bang, with all the anticipation they've given us with "SOON SOON SOON" for their comeback, I don't think I'd be happily waiting until 2011, lol.

I'm kind of worried now. Their recording is barely finishing (or at least I think, haha). And so far no teasers what so ever. I'm juuust a tiny bit scared that they will delay their comeback once and for all. ohhhh no. x_x

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@shinhdeplol - Thanks for the links! I'm just curious, why does Dae have a music thread and TOP doesn't?

Maybe we're over-thinking things...? We've only heard 2 tracks on BBTV, so I'm assuming most of the album is done apart from those songs which could have been last minute additions. I'll give YG one week to announce something. If he doesn't, then I'll seriously start doubting whether BB is coming back this year. -_-

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I trust in Jiyong XD I believe they'll be coming back soon.

I really hope so. But, no matter what decision they

would come up with...even if they come back like early

December, that's fine with me. Of course I want them to

receive awards and such too but none of that matters to me now.

Just really wanna enjoy BB songs...And if they want to

come back next year too, then that's also fine with me.

They're working so hard and I dont think they'll be in the

condition to promote songs if they force the come back

when they havent even finished recording yet. Although...

their performance last Kpop Night established the fact

that the boys can handle performing even if they dont

have enough rest... *__*

And has TOP changed his hairstyle alr?

But i love his curly haiiiiir D:

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WARNING: Serious discussion ahead. I had time in my hands so, I got into reflecting mood.Since there seems to be no news on the comeback, I've been contenting myself reading posts about our boys' other performances and noticed something.

I'm not sure where to post this so I opted to post here in VIP lounge instead. But after the issue on Daejong festival about the audience not reacting or clapping to the idol groups' performance, I've read more than a few comments saying how disappointed they are that TOP didn't clap or show appreciation despite knowing how it felt to be an idol group member who performs in front of a non-responsive crowd.

I understand where they're coming from because it seems that the audience were really bordering on rude with that film festival. I guess they were expecting him to be more sympathetic since he's been in their shoes before. I'm a little bit on the fence in this one because I see where they're coming from and at the same time, I understand TOP's restraint in reacting to the performances. The thing I respect about TOP is that he hasn't forgotten his idol roots and doesn't seem to be ashamed of him being part of an idol group. He didn't change his screen name to his real name which some have opted to do, a clear indication that he didn't want to divorce his idol persona from his acting one. And, his thank you speech involving VIPs there. I think this is the first time that a fan club came to support an idol group member not as a performer but as a nominee. TOP could have made some deep/insightful remark and leave it at that and VIPs would have not really noticed or thanked fans in general without mentioning BB's fanclub name. But he did and it made me tear up. I know from our POV, there's nothing shameful about being an idol but I guess some actors are a bit elitist (as seen in how they react to idol groups in awards ceremony) as well as the media in general (which is why it's a big deal that TOP got nominated as best new actor in the film fest). So, he seems to be in a bind during awards nights like the Daejong one. He's in between worlds during nights like this.

Anyway, TOP has been busy doing his acting gigs for these past 2 years more than being a musician. In BBTV season 1, YG even said that he has been particularly greedy with his acting and TOP said he also wants to be singer too. The thing is, TOP's acting career has been tremendously successful with Into the Fire under his belt and with that, I'm pretty sure he's gotten a lot meatier roles lined up for him because of the success of his film. TOP said he's going to focus on his musical career and take a rest from his acting since ITF took a toll on him and his psyche. TOP's acting career is different from a lot of idol group members since his career took off not with a drama but with a serious historical/war film which makes him a legitimate actor in front of critic's eyes. It must be so tempting for him to pursue acting more since it's an entirely new challenge and he's shown so much potential in it.

While I'm on the subject, I've also seen a similar trend with the rest of the boys being pulled in a different direction from the group. Not so much in terms of music but the way their solo careers have been growing stronger. YB's been lauded by so many critics for his solo work and his international appeal as a solo artist.And his fanbase has grown bigger and separate from VIP fandom. GD, on the other hand, also has his individual following and right now, I see a potential conflict on him being a producer vs him being an artist. A lot may not really follow him as a singer but I'm pretty sure he's earned most people's respect as a composer/songwriter. Daesung seems to be doing so well at variety. GD once said that he was jealous of Dae spending so much time with variety people that he'd forget about Big Bang. And now, he's taken up acting too. Seungri's probably the least seen as a strong individual performer but I think he'll prove himself in no time. His acting is really great sometimes even more convincing than TOP's. He might not get leads like TOP does but I think if given the opportunity and time, he will be a really competent actor. He's also proving his worth as an MC which I think he'll do really good in.

Don't get me wrong, I love how successful they are as solo acts but I guess it all comes down to me being worried about Big Bang boys solo careers overshadowing the group. I know they probably won't do boy band stuff as they grow older and having their solo career ensures their longevity in the business. But I really love Big Bang as a group. Their music as a whole have really made some bad days brighter and lifted my mood more times than I can count. I guess I'm too attached to them being together. I know they probably won't break up because their careers are pretty well managed by YG. But as I wait for their album together again, I just can't help but feel melancholic and sad. Anyway, I hope BB boys can be like Shinhwa who all had strong solo careers but maintained their group together.

Sorry for the rant but this is why I hate waiting for album releases. It makes me think too much instead of spazzing to their hotness. T__T

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Guest Michala01


Well I'm glad I'm not the only one who's been having these melancholy thoughts about the future of the group and about what the boys want to do as individuals. I've said before that I think I would be OK with them not continuing to make music as Big Bang if they wish to follow their respective solo careers but it still makes me very emotional to think that this might be their last album, and to be honest sometimes I feel like it will be ph34r.gif at least for a long while. That's one of the reasons why I'm so eager for it and yet apprehensive at the same time, it's been such an uncomfortable few months waiting as these thoughts have been running through my mind a lot. 

After TOP did so well with ITF I was honestly worried he would leave the group, not even going to lie. As you pointed out, I'm sure he has been offered many more great acting roles because he proved himself to be a legitimate actor. Not to mention that he's very bankable and loved by the Korean public in general as all of the boys are. When he was doing promotions for ITF he was enjoying himself a lot from what I could tell and I couldn't help but think..."will he leave? has he found his true calling?" 

Then there's GD who has a huge following in his own right proven by the spectacular success of Heartbreaker last year. I doubted him less though because he seems to be quite attached to Big Bang, the name, what they've built together and what sort of legacy he intends for them to leave. I can see him continuing to work as a producer and performer though. 

The others are just as capable of surviving on their own. 

I don't even know where I'm going with this...I really don't want this to be their last album for the foreseeable future. The thought of it upsets me but I can't help but feel like it may be the case. Sorry just how I feel. 

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Guest juang_bb

^^^ i think as a VIP, it's pretty normal to think about what's going to happen with the group seeing how successful they've all become with their solo careers. we all feel proud of them and support them 100% be it group or solo, but of course, as a VIP first, and them being gone for 2 years now as a group, you can't help but have those thoughts run in your mind. although i can say im pretty secured with them remaining as a group, but i won't lie and say that those worries never cross my mind especially with other groups crumbling around them. and YES, I do hope they remain together like Shinhwa. Im not very familiar with the solo careers of the Shinhwa members, but i think what happened to Big Bang's career as a group and as well as their solo careers is quite unusual. im not a kpop pro so correct me if i am wrong, but in recent memory, no other group has really been able to achieve that kind of success... so you know, as a VIP... we don't know where to look back for reference. we're just here supporting where this will take us, and hoping that they keep being together and successful as a group, while also being successful venturing in their own careers. Right now, i prefer not to worry about it, sometimes i just think, for as long as they all stay in YGE, then im at peace. No matter how much I hate YG for having his own calendar, I still admire him for letting them grow on their own.

I still believe that most boybands break up because of their desire to grow on their own and do their own thing. This is how I always looked at it, that's why i appreciate the fact that they're able to do both. It probably means we'll have to wait longer in between albums as compared to other groups, but heck, i'd take that anytime than seeing them end up like the rest.

Also, for some reason, i sigh in relief, whenever I hear about their hardships with their solo projects and them ending up wanting to go back first to BIGBANG. it's like them being soldiers sent into a battlefield where every man is for himself, and after all the gunshots and bruises, they all can't wait to return, retreat and take refuge in their "homebase". seriously, that's how they all seem. just take a look at the 3 hyungs who's had some solid solo projects. they all seemed stress and burnt out with their solos, and now that they're back to the group, they all seem charged up, happy, healthy and lively.

edit again: btw, i forgot. i was really going to say about TOP at Daejong. well, i agree that the crowd in general could have given the idol groups a better response but i may just be TOP bias, but some people singling out TOP should just give him a break. seriously, the boy probably has too much stuff to worry about that night already. it's his first time to be in such a prestigous event and he's the only idol who's been able to successfully crossover and be nominated, im pretty sure he's trying to fit in. wouldn't it be weird if he goes clapping and smiling and bops his head the entire time of their performance while the people around him are all :| c'mon now. at least he is actively watching them unlike that one guy who's like falling asleep, and he was actually smiling when 2pm came out with the roses, and just watch his fingers when 2pm was performing, it was moving with the beat, even the kVIPs made a funny gif of it. he's just holding it in because of the environment he's in.

but what made me really touched is when he thanked the VIPs. that right there tells you that even if he did successfully crossed over to the acting industry and is now being considered a legit actor, he is still not ashamed that he is an IDOL. he could have just thanked the fans in general who supported him and im pretty sure the kVIPs wouldn't mind. BUT NO! he thanked BIGBANG's FANCLUB, VIPs, specifically in front of all the **taking the mad fans' words** "too cool for school, snob actors and actresses" in that venue. seriously, i had to replay that part over and over again because i felt proud. i saw the kVIPs posts at bestiz that time too, and they themselves probably felt even prouder. i mean, TOP really didn't have to specifically mention VIPs, since it's a film awards not a music related trophy and certainly not Big Bang's achievement, but well... what can we do, the boys have always been thoughtful of VIPs. is it just me or compared to other idols, they mention their fanclub's name more often and thanks them specifically more often. coz i know some idols just thank the fans in general.

super LONG post... but this is such a nice break from all the reading and studying i've been doing. :lol:

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Guest Michala01

Also, for some reason, i sigh in relief, whenever I hear about their hardships with their solo projects and them ending up wanting to go back first to BIGBANG. it's like them being soldiers sent into a battlefield where every man is for himself, and after all the gunshots and bruises, they all can't wait to return, retreat and take refuge in their "homebase". seriously, that's how they all seem. just take a look at the 3 hyungs who's had some solid solo projects. they all seemed stress and burnt out with their solos, and now that they're back to the group, they all seem charged up, happy, healthy and lively.

lol I like your analogy and I agree. It's so obvious when you see them together, they're just happy to be there working as a group. 

In my humble opinion they never seem happier to me than when they're together. That may be me being delusional but I don't think so. 

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Guest hayakatsu

i don't get what the worry is. jiyong says they're 80% done. why are we doubting that still? yea sure bigtone tweeted that they're still recording. he didn't specify whether they just started or they were finishing anyways right? not to mention, at this point i think they're just retouching stuff. or it could be that he's working on a different thing completely! like maybe another seungri solo project or something. we dunno for sure. but at this point, i'm positive that the album is on it's way. they still have a couple of weeks left and it's not really that impossible to pull off shooting an MV within a week. artists have shot an MV within a day. that is if they have decided the title track which i have no doubts that they probably already have. so really, lets have faith, shall we?

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Guest juang_bb


After TOP did so well with ITF I was honestly worried he would leave the group, not even going to lie. As you pointed out, I'm sure he has been offered many more great acting roles because he proved himself to be a legitimate actor. Not to mention that he's very bankable and loved by the Korean public in general as all of the boys are. When he was doing promotions for ITF he was enjoying himself a lot from what I could tell and I couldn't help but think..."will he leave? has he found his true calling?" 

i think you dont have to worry about TOP leaving. i only worry that he might push his solo album again if another great acting offer comes along, but him leaving Big Bang? naaahhh! this is not me being TOP bias or anything, but I think he's been the most vocal among the 5 of them on how much he has missed his members. he's also been the most vocal about treating his members as his own family. and he's been the most vocal on what he dreams for Big Bang... remember Before-Bigbang-After-Bigbang? and isn't he the one who wants to have a Big Show 2050? :lol:

his greed for acting, i actually understand his decision of pushing his solo album, i mean... acting projects and great roles and scripts doesn't come by often, most of those are once in a lifetime opportunities, and if you miss it, then it's gone. that's exactly what happened to ITF, right? on the other hand, his opportunity to do a solo album will always be there especially since he'll be BOSS, his own direction, own concept and his own decisions.

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Guest juang_bb

^^^ im telling you, it's a cycle. its actually like a VIP cycle we've been having for months now. it's just that right now, we've hit that part of the cycle again where there's barely any updates nor anything to spazz about and still no comeback info so a lot of us are starting to get antsy.

it's like this, we wait---> then we got some juicy info about the comeback or some hints or something ---> then we get our hopes up and get really excited ---> then while we're still on a high from that info, BB has some activities to spazz about (eg anniversary, japanese single, kpop night) and this thread if you notice will move super fast ---> then, no updates... and this thread goes slow for a few days ---> then we start getting antsy, we lose the hope we had earlier, we start having long discussions, or worse, we get into a heated argument and some worries at the back of our heads are being brought up ---> then, some info gets dropped and we're back to the beginning of the cycle.

gosh... i believe ive been reading too much of my textbooks now. :lol:

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Guest evilgary

same i'm having the same faith that their comeback would be soon

but still i don't mind waiting more if they feel that they want to give the best to their fans

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Guest shinhdeplol




C: verdad // 빅뱅LOVE♡ @ bestiz

ToDae love ^^

@shinhdeplol - Thanks for the links! I'm just curious, why does Dae have a music thread and TOP doesn't?

Sorry to cut your post :D

Simple because no one created it for TOP :lol: , which I think has both good and bad sides. No TOP's music thread means less inconvenience for VIPs but some ppl may think its not fair :sweatingbullets:

So complicated right? :sweatingbullets:

- - -

I think those were taken at the handshake event today :w00t:




C: 빅뱅갤 // 빅뱅LOVE♡ @ bestiz


at Ginza,BIGBANG handshake venue.Lots of ppl!! http://twitpic.com/32hku5 only SR and DS dont wear shades (:

They're shaking hands w/ 2000 ppl w/ nicest smile.It's memorable XD

C: TeamBIGBANG @ twitter

I just realize that Dae hardly wears shades :lol:

And J-VIPs are so lucky :tears:

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Guest intelligirl

^ OMG I want to be there.. There's so many people WOW~ JVIPs usually don't take many fancams out of respect, but I hope they do this time T__T

Seungri Focused Screencaps from BTS of Big Show 2010 Repackaged DVD



c: MIMI** @ AMEBLO via 叶包子_ @ baidu

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^ woo, Ji's hair looks great like that. thank you for sharing the photo :]

maybe FujiTV will air the handshake event tmr in the news.DS looks a lil bit tired today ): & T.O.P's the softest hand (as always) LMAO

credit: TeamBIGBANG @ twitter

[TRANSLATION] G-Dragon’s interview from Numero Tokyo magazine

1. What is your dream for BIGBANG and for yourself as a solo artist?

Both are the same. My dream is to get great results no matter what the circumstances they make us what do. We just do what we want to do.

2. What’s the difference between doing the stage with BIGBANG and as a solo artist?

With all 5 members, we can play jokes with each other, that kind of things. But as a solo artist, there are some hardships because it’s lonely.

3. Recently, what moved you the most while doing stages with BIGBANG?

We had our 4th debut anniversary last August 19th and had a private moment with just us members. We talked about a lot of things.

4. The most happy moment privately with just yourself?

My birthday, which was on August 18th!

5. What roles do you members play in a team?

Me, I’m the daddy. SOL’s mom. TOP is the youngest child. D-LITE is the oldest child and V.I is a friend of the youngest child. *laughs*

6. What do you think an ideal man needs to have?

Men must have abilities. Plus, I want to be the person who can be kind to the weak and be strong to the people who are strong.

7. The place which you want to go to the most?

My house at Seoul.

8. The thing you want to get?

Same, a house *laughs* For now I’m living with my members altogether. So sometimes I want to live alone, but I think I just have to live like this for now, just a little longer.

9. The most precious thing you have now?

Friends and familiies. My USB memory which has all the music of BIGBANG for the album this year. I can’t ever lose these.

10. Your type of girl?

I like a girl who can understand what I want. A girl who has a great sense of humor.

11. The difference between Japanese and Korean girls?

Maybe korean girls are the active ones and Japanese girls are the little timid ones.

12. Store you usually shop in Japan?

13. Brand you like?

12 & 13. Yaoyama’s LOVELESS & Faline Tokyo at Harajuku.

14. What do you consider the most when you style yourself?

Feeling. When you match everything, it looks good on your whole body.

15. Artist you want to work with?

There’s one among the male artists, but I can’t remember his name… I also want to work with m-flo.

16. What have you been thinking recently besides music?

I think about everything including music all the time.

Japanese to Korean translation: DCGD

Korean to English translation: HuisuYoon@21BANGS.com

Magazine Scanned by: -undercurrent@tumblr

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Guest toozdae08


Yeah, its a cycle and I'm hoping we get something to be excited about soon or else we'll likely get angsty and start arguing again.

I've entered the angsty and disappointed phase myself and I'm really hoping YG throws us a bone or something to chew on and get excited about *sigh*.

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Guest hayakatsu

Sorry to cut your post.

Simple because no one created it for TOP, which I think has both good and bad sides. No TOP's music thread means less inconvenience for VIPs but some ppl may think its not fair.

So complicated right?

i thought the reason TOP didn't have a music thread before is cuz he didn't officially have a solo song outside of BIGBANG. that's why no one made one for him. daesung has a music thread because he had Big Hit that was promoted for that chicken CF right? hmmm... so now that TOP has released Turn It Up shouldn't he have one too? or is it only created if the song is promoted? since Turn It Up was never promoted that means he can't have one yet, right? or is Turn It Up a song released as part of BIGBANG?

wow. BIGBANG is so complicated since they are like the only group to release solo songs within and outside of the group.

@juang_bb: lol. that was a very in depth analysis of the minds of VIPs. you pretty much nailed it. LMAO. but still. we should really hold on to ji's words. he promised! seungri promised and YB promised. i'm pretty sure if they say so themselves... it should be true. but coming from papa YG? no way am i gonna believe him. sorry YG. we trust the boys more than we trust you. haha!!XP

btw. am i the only one who's missing daesung? he's been really busy lately with filmings and stuff. i hardly see or hear about him anymore. TT^TT ......I REALLY NEED MY BOYS RIGHT ABOUT NOW.

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5. What roles do you members play in a team?

Me, I’m the daddy. SOL’s mom. TOP is the youngest child. D-LITE is the oldest child and V.I is a friend of the youngest child. *laughs*

This warmed my heart too:

3. Recently, what moved you the most while doing stages with BIGBANG?

We had our 4th debut anniversary last August 19th and had a private moment with just us members. We talked about a lot of things.

OH, and he is such a tease!

9. The most precious thing you have now?

Friends and familiies. My USB memory which has all the music of BIGBANG for the album this year. I can’t ever lose these.


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