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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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I want them to comeback as soon as possible

to enable them to grab any big awards

i know that winning an award doesn't matter to some of you guys

but I won't lie to myself it does matter to me

I know that they deserve those recognition more than anyone else

even before I heard or listen to the new album

I would cry a river..lol..jkjk

but yeah I would be really upset if they just attend a big event as a guest

I want them to give an epic performance like in 2008 and win an award at least

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I want them to comeback as soon as possible

to enable them to grab any big awards

i know that winning an award doesn't matter to some of you guys

but I won't lie to myself it does matter to me

I know that they deserve those recognition more than anyone else

even before I heard or listen to the new album

I would cry a river..lol..jkjk

bu yeah I would be really upset if they just attend a big event as a guest

I want them to give an epic performance like in 2008 and win an award at least


hah..ive just replied to Kim's PM when i saw your post. Honestly as much as i want them

to be back soon i just dont like the idea of them doing it latter part of the year

because there might be technicalities of them being nominated with awards etc. I want

to see them reaping lot's of trophies when they make a comeback because by God they

deserve it.

Epic performance from BIGBANG would be like the one for MKMF 2007 when they performed

lies..THAT was the AMAZING.

that there are new * NO OFFENCE * Gods of the East.

uh-oh haha..i know we cant contain our excitement but i hope we'll not

drag other fans here that might be offended by that.

p.s IF i'm not mistaken MAMA is just the replacement of MKMF..right? cause it's just under

MNET..IMO.MKMF a.k.a MAMA is one if not the biggest music awards show in Korea.

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Guest peppermintsugar

I want them to win awards, too. I started staying up until insane hours of the night to watch the shows streamed live, and there's nothing more exciting to me than the thought of waiting up until the sun rises to watch my bbs perform live! Watching BEAST win this weekend, seeing Dongwoon cry -- it just makes you realize how truly amazing the recognition must feel, people out there recognize the hard work you put into it -- I want that for Big Bang too and I KNOW they can get it!

Really, if anyone deserves it, it's them.

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Guest Michala01

Honestly, it would be awesome to win awards and yes it's nice to have the big awards like group of the year and album of the year but at this stage it's like the LAST thing on my mind. I just want them back first, I'll think about that stuff later 

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Guest shinhdeplol

I don't think the boys will have the chance to get Daesangs or any big year-end awards unless they release anything right now (since the voting for awards usually starts at the end of Oct or the beginning of November). I'd rather they push their comeback even further to the beginning of 2011 so that they will have the chance to be big winners next year T.T i'd be heartbroken if they don't get any awards like Song/ Artist/ Best Male Group of the Year for their comeback T.T

I want them to win alllll the big awards to make up for their 2-year absence :(

IF i'm not mistaken MAMA is just the replacement of MKMF..right? cause it's just under

MNET..IMO.MKMF a.k.a MAMA is one if not the biggest music awards show in Korea.

it's not really the replacement but kinda the improved version of MKMF (according to MNET ^^) MAMA has more influence in the whole Asia while MKMF is for Korea only

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Guest Unni_Ashley

if their comeback is at MAMA...is it so long to wait??? i know that will drop a bomb but... :sweatingbullets:

i hope that the day will be in Nov :rolleyes:

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As much as I LOVE to see the boys win big awards on MAMA this year,

but I gotta say I hope they didnt.. Maybe Best Male Group or Best Album at least

but not Song of the Year or Artist of the Year.. Coz I'm sure netizen

will attack them and said that the boys just make a comeback and dont deserve

those awards..

I still remember back in 2008 on MKMF~

Cassie was so pissed DBSK didnt win Best Male Group and Artist of the Year

but rasional fans thinks its fair coz at that time DBS just made

their Korean comeback for couple of months and BIGBANG has promoted

in Korea all year and they deserved it! ^_^

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it's not really the replacement but kinda the improved version of MKMF (according to MNET ^^) MAMA has more influence in the whole Asia while MKMF is for Korea only

I wonder how can it be an improve version when it's practically the same thing.LOLS MNET is just TT___TT oh well

i think there was an article about that before..with all the name change etc..but then im too

lazy to dig it.

I'd rather they push their comeback even further to the beginning of 2011 so that they will have the chance to be big winners next year T.T i'd be heartbroken if they don't get any awards like Song/ Artist/ Best Male Group of the Year for their comeback T.T

TRUE...that's why id like to have their comeback MID of the year

but then we can only wait and see... *SIGH*

CRAZY STUFF!!! love the bracelets

Eddie Borgo CONE BRACELET Womens Fall/Winter 2009





c: 프다미G


but what group is being shipped by a SHAWOL?

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Guest shinhdeplol

^Shawol is SHINee's fans unnie :D

About the account, I saw the new tweet and it was smt like "This is our place to be together" :lol: I still dont want to believe it because everyone can write those kind of general sentences :lol:

Perhaps we should wait for more confirmation. If its really Jiyong's, I hope he can confirm through his me2day or Cyworld :D


C: 비율. @ DCInside

^ Am I forgetting things already or this cap hasnt been shared before???

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Guest shinhdeplol


From what photoshoot is this?


From their F/W photoshoot for Lotte :D Sorry to cut your post unnie ^^ Wow today you have posted a lottttttt :P



그들의 꼽은 한국 최고의 그룹은 빅뱅과 포미닛.

좡하오취안은 "빅뱅을 가장 좋아 한다"며 "멤버 5명 모두 각각 개성이 있고 노래와 춤에 재능을 갖고 있다"고 말했다.

그는 또 "빅뱅은 노래도 직접 만들었다"며 "우리의 목표도 빅뱅 같은 전문성을 갖추는 것"이라고 했다.


출처 : 빕츠

C: 빅뱅LOVE♡ @ bestiz

^ WHo are thos guys and what did they talk about the boys???

Compliments, of course :lol:


According to Google Translate, they said all of BB's members had talent in dancing and singing, BB canproducing songs on their own and they wanted to be like BB :w00t:

I <33333 it when they are complimented :lol:

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YEAH Thuy...

cause BB's gonna be back soon..lol.

Trying to know my way again on Korean sites...

and btw do you remember that WORDPRESS account of Vicky?

is still up? i need to ask her if the-gdragon.com is still alive.lols.

And about that TWITTER ACCOUNT.

i saw a post from VIP section of BBVIPZ...

they seemed to promote it as part of the official YG list of Twitter accounts

so i guess i have to ask Korean Vips for that...


Just read their posts on VIPZ

it seemed that they are not too sure if it's the real Kwon Ji Yong

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Guest evilgary

yea if they do their comeback as ealy as possible, they would have a chance to get awards which is really important. i feel the same that way too.

i do agree that 2007 MKMF was an epic performance by them

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From their F/W photoshoot for Lotte :D Sorry to cut your post unnie ^^ Wow today you have posted a lottttttt :P

C: 빅뱅LOVE♡ @ bestiz

^ WHo are thos guys and what did they talk about the boys???

Compliments, of course :lol:


According to Google Translate, they said all of BB's members had talent in dancing and singing, BB canproducing songs on their own and they wanted to be like BB :w00t:

I <33333 it when they are complimented :lol:

If i didn't recognize wrongly then they shld be this boy group from Taiwan called: Lollipop :P

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Guest Michala01

umm I hope this pic is allowed tongue.gif I'm not a shipper myself but I thought it was so well done wub.gif (credit justalittlebit@tumblr) 


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