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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest toozdae08


No it isn't. It's just the girl's version with the pitch lowered. Minzy sounds a lot like Dae when they lower her pitch and CL a lot like GD.


Honestly, I'm understanding KVIPs a little more each day. There are plenty of other kpop groups out there (a new one comes out like every week)but they do nothing for me. I seriously want BB back like RIGHT NOW. If I could I'll make my own BB comeback t-shirt too. At this point they better come back this year or a lot of fans will be left scorned. All we've gotten is a vague Oct~Nov from YG, hints from all the boys and YB saying something about Oct. I'm like at the edge of my seat.

When I first heard that BB was coming back - I actually didn't react very well (if you guys remember). Like I couldn't put my mind around it and I was a little angry too. YG has said BB was coming back before and hadn't happened. It was a little easier to be angry/upset than to be happy and hopeful. Even now with all the hints and the whole 80% complete, I'm still in disbelief that BB will actually comeback. And I'm going through a little BB withdrawal at the moment too.

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Guest shinhdeplol

September calendar (hope those havent been posted yet ^^)













C: cn.lottedfs // BIG_wow @ baidu

Jiyong's captures at TV Asahi Ontama. He is such a cutie ^^

GD, geek in the 'pink'!!!





C: dcgd // bestiz // BIG_wow @ baidu

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Guest juang_bb

And I'm going through a little BB withdrawal at the moment too.

don't worry, i think you're not alone on that one. and like someone posted previously, we're probably going to be very Big Bang deprived while they prepare for their comeback. which means we'll be suffering from more BB withdrawal. like now, YG is not even mentioning anything about the boys at all. I am hoping he'd post something about the boys on YG-Life, even just a little bit, to at least get us through this period and let us know what's up, but there's nothing. :(

since their japanese promotions for BH is pretty much over, they don't really have any major activities lined up except for YB's concert. and maybe the HARU drama. so i guess it'll be quite hard to get some new updates about them almost everyday. sigh. but on the bright side, i hope this lull means that all their focus is now being directed towards their comeback preparations.

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Guest itszmaeee

Big Bang will be back before we know it. I can feel that it's just around the corner. YG will drop bombs before we even notice it. Even though we don't hear or read any BB's comeback related articles, I bet YG will just drop it randomly. So guiiisssee, let's not lose hope! Our boys will be back!

[sorryfortherandompost. i just felt like i had to get it out there (:]

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Guest juang_bb

has this been posted before?!?

i think they just made DAESUNG's BRAIN MAP :lol:


C: aogjs0625 @ naver (bigbang2me)

i think the big one at the top says DORAEMON (?)

i see HYORI NUNA (big one at the right) and MINJI DONGSAENG (below the heart, lower left)

and of course... my ToDae heart is happy when i saw this. right below Hyori, a special part for TOP HYUNG!!!! :lol::P

somebody can probably translate this, my knowledge of hangul is very limited ;)

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Guest shinhdeplol



C: LOTTEDFS // 权家的 @ baidu




NIKE AIR TECH CHALLENGE HYBRID White/Purple 2009 Summer Release




Dior Homme 19cm Nostalgy Jeans



Phenomenon Velvet Army Cap[black/Purple]

C: 프다미G @ DCInside

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I'm suffering BB withdrawal too D: And it's getting

worse everyday. I think I've rewatched all their variety

shows already and now, I'm replaying the concerts I have

of them in DVD. =( Sigh. I wanna see them active again

in korean shows. Lol. Good thing Seungri has "Enjoy

Today" and Daesung will be up in "What's Up" too, YB is

promoting "I'll Be There" and they'll have a mini-drama soon

or else I'll go crazy. Hahaha.

Anyways, I like their short interview at Ontama :]

It's nice to hear TOP speaking japanese more nao

and GD's little japanese comments make me smile.

WOnder what they were saying though~ But yeah...

Them happy on interviews makes it more interesting to watch.

I'm also glad the lightstick issue has been resolved.

Wheeew. If T-ara and BB goes to some music show,

I'm afraid fans will clash so yeah. ^^ this is good news.

VIPs, let's hold on :D

Does anyone have like a question or poll something to

keep the thread moving? :)

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Guest shinhdeplol

C: miseremeiYT07 @ YT // bigbanghaven.blogspot.com

- - -

In episode 4 of Enjoy Today, the mission is to collect a money by selling goods like ski equipment, CDs, laptop at the countryside.

Quick trans of the scene where Seungri was trying to sell the idol CD box:

Seungri: "What singer do you like the most?"

Granddaughter: "TVXQ"

Seungri: "And who's your second best?"

Granddaughter: "Jo Kwon" (2AM)

Seungri: (frowned) "Do you think that BIGBANG is cool?"

Granddaughter: "Yes"

Seungri: "Who's your most favorite BIGBANG member?"

Granddaughter: "Seungri!"

Granddaughter: "BIGBANG Seungri,what are you doing here?"

Seungri: "I'm here for the sale visit!!"

Translation: teambigbang.blogspot.com

Taken from bigbangupdates.com



C: 초크 @ DCinside

- - -

D-10 to HARU


C: 빅뱅LOVE♡

C: JiYongi1988 @ YT


C: BIU. @ DCinside


Jiyong <3333

C: 빅뱅LOVE♡

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Guest Michala01

Taeyang TV & TOP in se7en TV!  Ahh i was NOT expecting this! Such a pleasant surprise! TOP looks so fly and hot as usual. Hope this gets subbed. TOP's laugh is so cute lol. 

Ontama TV - Seungri has been a naughty boy in Japan lol? I love all their inside jokes! They all look super handsome in that video wub.gif

I can't wait for Big Bang TV! 

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Guest juang_bb

i thought it was just going to be 2NE1tv, thank god we're still getting BBtv, i'd take anything BB right now, even short clips. lol! YB was so cute singing and Tabi!!! hotness.. i don't know how many times i've replayed se7entv. :lol: his laugh was so cute.

new CF?!? looks like it's for another LG phone.

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Guest shinhdeplol

LG Optimus CF??? Could it be the one with SNSD?


C: 빅뱅LOVE♡ // 대성갤

Spot Dae??? ^^





C: 프다미G @ DCinside


C: DCGD // 权家的 @ baidu



^ OMG DAERI!!!!!!!!

C: happyrichlifeyf2 @ YT

^ chaotic :lol:

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Guest Michala01

i thought it was just going to be 2NE1tv, thank god we're still getting BBtv, i'd take anything BB right now, even short clips. lol! YB was so cute singing and Tabi!!! hotness.. i don't know how many times i've replayed se7entv. :lol: his laugh was so cute.

new CF?!? looks like it's for another LG phone.

I watched it ten times or so as well laugh.gif His laugh needs more than a few viewings! 

NEW CF? Hell yeah! Jiyong on a couch, yes please! 

My day just got a whole lot better, that is the effect the have on my mood lol 

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Guest piano.1993

Isn't Optimus the phone BB was rumored to advertise with Soshi? I have been backtracking at SNSD's thread but no talk about it. And Jiyong is shooting alone, so I think this CF is BB-only. I wish it would be like LG Crystal, all the versions are cute~~~

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Guest shinhdeplol

^ Let's wait for the official announcement, I think it will come up in a few days ^^










C: DCTOP // BIG_wow @ baidu

Dae's fanart from IN2D parody ^^


C: 강능@DCDS // @ smileholic

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Guest Michala01

The new ONTAMA video is so funny! They look like they're having a fun time with it. Can't wait for subs weeeeeeee~

GD so cute at the start and I wonder what TOP was pretending to eat or whatever he was doing 









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^ OMG DAERI!!!!!!!!

C: happyrichlifeyf2 @ YT

^ chaotic :lol:

Sorry to cut ur post Thuy.. :)


They were asked about their fav Japanese food (I begin to hate this Q's,CLICHE'!! :P )

and the boys started to become bunch of dorks answering the Q's

at the SAME TIME infront of DIFFERENT CAMERA.. lol~ :lol:

Tabi was trying to demostrated he way of eating sushi and sashimi.... maybe??? lol~ :lol:

And then Maknae being the wise one try to calm the situation down

and asked back his hyung what's their fav Japanese foods~

Tabi likes sushi & sashimi while Ji loves curry..

Bae loves ramen, Maknae tries to do a lame word play using,

"Ramen, Sukimen, I'm a Ikemen! (I'm a pretty boy!)" but the hyungs

just ignore him! lol~ poor Maknae~ kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk~ :P:lol:

Dae just had to shout and declare that he LOVES natto..!! He thinks that

natto is an interesting dish, the way u have to stir the sticky beans

before u can eat it! He thinks its interesting! lol~ ^_^

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Guest intelligirl




? 우후훗 ~ ~ ~

승리, 정형돈, 정준호, 서지석, 신현준, 공형진, 김현철 이 이천 에 왔 네요 ~ ~ ~

귀연 승리, 매력덩어리형돈 ~ ~ 너무좋아 ~ ~

[출처] 일밤 오늘 을 즐겨라 | 작성자 알파 천사

c: 알파 천사 via ●_●_vivi@ baidu

qt chef! :wub:

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