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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest propera898

OMG ib BB 24 hours part 2ª i love how TOP tease the guy about doing a collab with him! his smirk was so cute! :w00t:

and eating banana hahahaha we know were the monkey magic comes now :wub: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and TY sitting besides TOP so cute blush.gif TY-TOP momment i really thought TY was going to sit far apart but he didnt !!!!! i dont se many TY-TOP momments anymore so i got really excited :D


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Guest fiyfly

Normally I really respect when there are good discussions going on, whether or not I agree with what people are saying because discussion is healthy and I find most of the conversations rather interesting. And the so-called article about Big Bang's power is definitely something that will ellicit conversation (though I'm not going to grace such a biased piece of writing any more attention as it does not really constite an article, but rather an opinion piece that is being seen as actual "news"). I do just want to put out there that whatever your sentiments on different solo activities of BB members, let's try to keep the conversation about BB and not on whether you think someone's solo activities is good/bad/otherwise. This can quickly turn into a rather unpleasant situation if things go down the wrong path (if you get my drift :D).

On another note, answers to the quiz :):

1. My list of favorite Big Bang members is: While I try to love them all equally, I do have a soft spot for Daesung

2. The body parts of the Big Bang member that I like the most are: All their smiles

3. The 5 songs of Big Bang I love the most are: "A Good Man", "Tell Me Goodbye", "La La La", "Lies", "Heaven"

4. The best Big Bang couple is: GDYB - it's pure love

5. The saddest Big Bang moment is: Daesung getting into the accident

6. The Big Bang member who kiss the best is: GD

7. The happiest Big Bang moment is: when they're playing together - I love watching them goof off

8. My first impression of Big Bang was: They have potential, but rather ruff around the edges

9. My favorite photo of Big Bang is: Any of the Fila or Nii pics

10. The craziest Big Bang member is: TOP

11. The most romantic Big Bang member is: TOP - I think he'd be most like to surprise you

12. The shyest Big Bang member is: TOP or Taeyang

13. The most outgoing Big Bang member is: Seungri

14. The Big Bang member with the most sexy lips is: GD - his pout :)

15. The Big Bang member with the greatest body is: Taeyang

16. The Big Bang member who will get married first is: GD

17. The Big Bang member who will get married last is: Seungri - I think there's too much he wants to accomplish firsts

18. The Big Bang member who will be romantic in bed is: .......

19. The Big Bang member who will be passionate in bed is: ......

20. The Big Bang member with the worst habits is: They all have bad habits - I find it rather endearing :D

21. I think Big Bang is the best Kpop group because: They challenge themselves and the industry. They're definitely not radical in any means, but the way they look, the way they create music and their sound, and the fact they have pretty successful solo careers in just 3.5 short years is rather amazing and pushes other artists/companies to rethink how they promote. I also appreciate that they're growing and fulfilling their potential rather than sit on their laurels and think that what they are now is good enough since they're popular - each of them have the internal drive to become better for themselves and for their fans, which I don't honestly see that much in Kpop nowadays.

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Guest Alla

ok..called me closed-minded or whatever

but I'm starting to dislike this thread lately bc of

many unnecessary discussion

why do we need to make assumptions or rumors or to dissect the reason for everything that has happened..

what is this??..TY fans VS GD fans???..

do you guys really know what is happening in Korea??...

I really HATE when people make assumptions/rumors!

TY is doing well on chart for unpopular genre and what

more important is he's doing what he loves

i hope i make sense..but whatever

Stop worrying too much for Bigbang,

they know what they're doing! GDI..aigoo..

torn down your insecurity!

People should remember this YGE/BB is not perfect

and Everyone in YG/BB is doing their best and all of them work very hard..

so there is no need to blame anyone in everything that is happening..aigoo

one question tho

are u guys not tired for trying to find the reason for everything that is happening?

bc I do and I don't think that's necessary bc no one knows,it will just create rumors,sigh

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Guest juang_bb






thanks for this. the vids cheered me up. :D

i agree with Alla, let's stop with the unnecessary discussions (although i am guilty of answering some of it too), especially now. there's just too much negativity going around already, in YB's thread and now even here. It won't help if we keep dwelling on it too much. Maybe we can all agree to keep it positive especially now that we're waiting for them to comeback.

i recommend that you guys just watch the vids.... the boys are so adorable!!! :D btw, maknae's looking good!!!

vvv I am missing their performances too. the other day I was watching BigShow 09, earlier, i watched some of their performances for their REAL and GREAT concerts.

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Guest sakime-yong

1. My list of favorite Big Bang members is: GD,TOP,TY<SR<DS

2. The body parts of the Big Bang member that I like the most are: GD:melting smiles and puppy eyes.

3. The 5 songs of Big Bang I love the most are: ALL OF THEIR SONGS BUT IF I HAD TO PICK THE


4. The best Big Bang couple is:GRI?. GDYB!

5. The saddest Big Bang moment is: GD involve into many controversies :crazy:

6. The Big Bang member who kiss the best is: I think all of them. But GD proves me~keke

7. The happiest Big Bang moment is: BIG BANG TV

8. My first impression of Big Bang was: hmmm I say I didn't like them at first.

9. My favorite photo of Big Bang is: So many

10. The craziest Big Bang member is: TOP+DS

11. The most romantic Big Bang member is: I think the image is to GD coz he is so sweet but I think its Seungri for my observation he is the most likely to like Girls.

12. The shyest Big Bang member is: TAEYANG!

13. The most outgoing Big Bang member is: GD

14. The Big Bang member with the most sexy lips is: GD of course!

15. The Big Bang member with the greatest body is: Taeyang but in my eyes its GD *AMEN*

16. The Big Bang member who will get married first is: GD :wacko:

17. The Big Bang member who will get married last is: TOP he say so..

18. The Big Bang member who will be romantic in bed is: hahaha I guess GD! I can't breeeeaaaatheXD

19. The Big Bang member who will be passionate in bed is: Common GD again? or it is just my wild imagination. sorry.

20. The Big Bang member with the worst habits is: hmmmm SEUNGRI?

I think Big Bang is the best Kpop group because:

I guess we have the same common anwswer with this. ABOVE all I will not state all about it. Its just that They are BIG BANG and they are different to others.

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wow! i kan not believe this a lot of angry vip! we kant jux

let a article ruined us u know! wat ever happen we are the ones

that know them the most dont let some stupid article put us against

each other n saying this n that! we r vip we know them we stick

with them and we kare less wat other has to say! i mean its shocking

how they are pointing at taeyang also saying this n that fans against

gd fans wat the! i mean come on we support all five of bigbang as a group wen they

go solo we support their solo too! so STOP it and stop saying

gd fans only support gd, taeyang fans only support taeyang cuz at the end

of the day we are VIP to them as BIGBANG or as a individual ! so cut it!

this forum need more love not vip hating on vip!

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Before I would like to answer the quiz, I want to share my thoughts with you.

About the SOLAR thing I don't know but IM the one who really LIKE the INAG?. Its such a good song really.Really when I first heard their songs it's not really catchy to me but you know the type of songs that are not easy to get the tune at first is the song that you will never get tired and sick of it. It's just that yeah some song's will you get hooked at first and some are DIFFERENT TO EARS that's why.

About the article I feel upset IT IS NOT TRUE that BIG BANG lose their touch!. Why they are so fund of making negative news about them? while when the news is about their success some part are missing or they will not all include it!. Its so unfair, or maybe that they think BIg BANG is so much great success back before?. I don't really want that article to be posted everywhere coz the others will think "Yeah I think it too" then they will compare BIG BANG to others :wacko: . Of course BIG BANG is the BEST!.

It is just that they are on hiatus in KOrean MUsic industry which is their HOME and MAIN.

WE should wait coz it's near AUGUST for their comeback!

I think that will make us realise that our support is not enough, we should GIVE MORE!

And I shall say some are not loyal that's why.


No dear, you're not the only one who likes INAG. I ABSOLUTELY HEART THE SONG DESPITE WHAT THE CRITICS AND NETIZENS HAVE SAID ABOUT IT. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what those so-called music critics are saying about BB or TY's album, it's what we think and how we as VIPz will continue to support them in all of their endeavors.

Gah. And puhlease! ENOUGH OF THIS JI vs Bae competition! People, have respect for these two, whose friendship lasted for almost a decade now. Both are poles apart as artists and as individuals but obviously, that didn't hinder their friendship as it has lasted this long and I believe, is STILL GOING STRONG.

I, myself is a fan of them as separate artists and I think what we should all do to avoid this unnecessary issues between these two is to have respect, not just to Ji and Bae but to their respective fans as well.

Hear me netizens?

That's it. Can we please go back to happy thoughts now? :P

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Guest Banana Peel

Sigh. It's so sad seeing GD and YB fans hating on each other when GD and YB are the closest friends in BB. It's pretty unnecessary. And it feels weird, as if those who criticize one another are not fans of Big Bang as a whole but only one member. I just hope these GDYB fan wars would stop or something <_<

I think all of these drama and sensitive stuff is going on because of BB's long hiatus in korea. I hope all goes back to normal once BB makes a banging comeback :D

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Guest blank_blank_cuti3


Thanks for sharing with us!

Did anybody catch that there's a camera following them in Part 2 & Part 3?!

At the end of part 3, TY,GD, and TOP were doing their fanservice! (LOL..)but the camera was trying to follow TY as he ran around, I spot a camera man filming VIPS up at the top, who is standing next TOP.

And in Part 2, there's also another cameraman following TY as well as he tries to "fake greed SR, GD, and DS and he said something in Korean.

I wonder why are there cameras following them!? I seriously hope it's BBTV...hehehe...showing the process of the making of their album! That'll be SUPER awesome!

As for the article, I dislike that article so much...but let's just put it aside. We know Big Bang better than that. Let's just look forward and move on.

I can't wait for SR and TY to guest star on Strong Heart eventhough I think that the show is exeggerated... i missed SR alot, so I'm glad he's finally doing something aside school (not that it's bad)...but still, know what I mean?! hehhee..

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Ugh so much Drama/in-fighting lately. I agree its time to be more positive!!

Seeing ToDae warms my heart :wub: thanks for links.I miss them so much. I can't wait for more moments like this.


Oh AND Strong heart will be funny seeing TY and maknae together!

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Guest g-dragon1988

^ ㅠㅜㅠ Still talking about GD and TAEYANG? T.T Fans are no one to judge it..only GD and TAEYANG know what they are doing..and I think they laugh at fans comments!!-ㅇ-

Why is it bad if GD is helping TAEYANG?;; They are friends, very good friends!~If one is more popular, it doesn't mean he wants to gain attention more, but he wants to help his friend!!

It is a waste of time what all fans do!! ~~~>.<ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋInstead, let's wait BIGBANG comeback!!~^ㅇ^


You see what TAEYANG said about JIYONG in his newest interview??

지용은 나에게 가장 친한 친구다. 사적인 이야기도 자주 한다"며 "그런 친구가 연인에 대한 이야기인 '아이니드어걸'에서 랩피처링을 해주는게 가장 맞는 것이 아니겠느냐"고 반문했다. 또 "나를 잘 모르는 다른 사람보단 나를 누구보다 잘알고, 평소에도 비슷한 이야기를 자주하는 지용이야말로 피처링 랩퍼로서 최고라 여겼다. 그래서 부탁했고 지용이도 최고의 랩을 해줬다"고 말했다.

태양은 "지용이가 그렇게 봐주니 너무 좋다"며 "10년 가까이 함께 한 친구다. 서로에게 항상 득이 되는 존재다. 그 친구가 아니였다면 지금의 태양도 없다. 내가 열심히 하려는 원동력이 된 친구다"고 지드래곤을 치켜세웠다.

또 "서로가 가지고 있지 않은 부분을 가지고 있다. 서로 보완이 되고 자극이 되기도 한다"며 "우리는 천생연분인 것 같다"고 웃음지었다.

가수로서의 지드래곤에 대해선 "개인적인 감정을 배제하더라도 뮤지션으로서 탁월한 친구다. 그렇게 랩을 할 수 있는 사람이 흔치 않을 뿐 더러 음악적 센스도 꿇리지 않는다"고 칭찬했다.

또한 "다만 무슨 일을 해도 큰 이슈가 되는 친구이기에 가쉽도 많고 파장도 크다"며 "조금 폄하되는 때가 간혹 있어 친구로서 매우 안타깝다"고 덧붙였다.

I will not translate all...but he thanked JIONG a lot, and said he was a big help for him...JIYONG is his best friend and person who knows him better than anyone, so he asked him to feature his song..~~He also said ''If there is no friend like him, I would be gone too''

*I had a help from foreign friend with english..hope you understand it~_~

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Guest ctharyar

I will be honest and say that yes I am guilty of this. As a huge GD's fan, I felt insulted, disheartened, and RAGE when I see TY's fans bash GD on many sites, international as well as korean (especially DCGD). On DCGD, a site full of die-hard GD's fans like myself, there are pages upon pages of TY's fans leaving nasty comments and criticizing GD for wanting to steal the limelight from what was supposedly TY's 'first solo' or being a 'sell-out'. In fact, you don't have to go far, just take a look at SOOMPI - there are also pages upon pages of 'fans' complaining about why GD was featured in TY's title song, how GD will steal the spotlight, how GD's fans left comments praising how sexy GD was on what was supposed to be SR's 'Strong Baby' MV, etc.

GD's fans are very sensitive to bad news and comments concerning GD because he had been through a lot last year with his solo: the whole plagiarism issue that was blown out of proportion to the concert issues and the possibility of jail time. Through all of this, GD's fans like myself, supported him and cheered him on...but then to know and to witness fans of what was supposed to be GD's bandmate and GD's best friend of 10 years giving GD a hard time is mind blowing. This was the worst kind of betrayal. What did GD ever do to deserve this kind of treatment from TY's fans? While GD was busy helping his friend by featuring in his song, by helping to produce/compose "After You Fall Asleep", by supporting TY's album through promotion on me2day...but what did he get in return? Pretty much nothing but complaints, bashing, and criticisms.

I do NOT hate TY (in fact, I like him a lot), but I do feel justified because of the above reasons (his fans/supporters) to not support him. This is indeed sad, but true that I'm not alone - I've talked to other GD's fans and they felt the same way - insulted and extremely mad.

I know that an eye for an eye makes the world go blind, and you can hate me all you want, but there's no reason for GD's fans to support TY when TY's fans don't support GD.

sweetflower... I'll never be mad at you for that. I understand how you feel. See my avatar, I'm obviously GD bias eventhough I love all the boys. I felt the same way when I see some bashing toward Ji Yong. That's why I think of this reason why but I feel bad for YB though. I admit I keep my fund to purchase BB upcoming album instead of spending it on YB as well. If YB's fans didn't offend Ji Yong, I would have bought both. I'm so sorry, YB. Although I love you, I'm GD bias.

However, I can't wait for BB comeback, I'll definately be there to support them and Ji Yong.


sorry, if I brought up negativity to the thread. I was merely stating my own opinion & speaking my mind but I'm going to stop now.

Peace out!

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Guest g-dragon1988

^ We have the right to love out favourite member, that is okay~~^ㅇ^

I am GD fan too..;; And I admit I buy all BIGBANG things..only because HE is in itㅎㅎㅎ~

But I would never bash other BIGBANG member, especially if someone is his BEST friend ..for years~~That is so rude..and IMMATURE-ㅜㅜ

TAEYANG said everything in his new interview, I hope fans will understand it better...They are FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!! Not opponents..ㅠㅠ

And even though GD has many many work to do..he will still appear on 방송 with TAEYANG..ㅠㅠHe is still kind and helping his best friend~~How can a fan be so rude to him...ㅠ__ㅠ

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Guest hazeleyes0115


1. My list of favorite Big Bang members is: TOP, GD, Seungri, Taeyang, Daesung

2. The body parts of the Big Bang member that I like the most are: TOP: eyes & lips, GD: lips Seungri & Taeyang: abs Daesung: eyes & his smile!

3. The 5 songs of Big Bang I love the most are: My Heaven, Sunset Glow, Last Farewell, Lies,

4. The best Big Bang couple is: G-Ri & GTOP

5. The saddest Big Bang moment is: GD controversies & YB fans bashing him

6. The Big Bang member who kiss the best is: i think TOP

7. The happiest Big Bang moment is: them winning awards, everytime they talked about how they want to be together even when they're old, they don't want their group to disband.

8. My first impression of Big Bang was: Super Cool

9. My favorite photo of Big Bang is: all of their pics are <3

10. The craziest Big Bang member is: TOP & Seungri

11. The most romantic Big Bang member is: TOP

12. The shyest Big Bang member is: TOP & Taeyang

13. The most outgoing Big Bang member is: GD

14. The Big Bang member with the most sexy lips is: TOP & GD

15. The Big Bang member with the greatest body is: Taeyang & Seungri

16. The Big Bang member who will get married first is: GD

17. The Big Bang member who will get married last is: TOP

18. The Big Bang member who will be romantic in bed is: GD

19. The Big Bang member who will be passionate in bed is: TOP

20. The Big Bang member with the worst habits is: TOP

21. I think Big Bang is the best Kpop group because: they are GREAT

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ok, VIPs. we should stop here.

we need to move on with positive thinking.

dont be so weak because of that crappy news, we can do better than that.

but, frankly said, i enjoy all the comments because i know

you voice out because you care.

So, let's stop here. :wub:

Lets be a fan that SUPPORT our boys..!~




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Guest netty

Sweetflower. I understand what you feel. I am too GD bias.

I even did fly to Korea to attend GD Shine a light concert.

And it's huge to me. Since I never ever paid much effort to anyone like this.

So you can tell GD is such the love of my life lol

And I know it's very hurt to see someone bashing so much on my sweetheart ^^

But I also love YB / Tabi / Dae / Maknae a lot too.

YB in particular has a little more of space than others ^^

because I love the fact that YB is GD forever best freind. And I adore their love and friendship so very much.

So I just can't stop giving my support to him cuz GD loves YB.....and so do I. Hahaha. :)

It's not YB's fault. It's only some of his immature fans who create the whole heartless issues.

So please don't take it too serious then.

We GD's fans are somehow getting used to the bashing eh ? /></ We are stronger and stronger each time.

And I'm glad I already did order my Deluxe version. And it's coming...yeah !

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