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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest GD>Girls' Desire

my first time posting here

It's acceptableto voice/express your worry/opinions

but the thing is once people start voicing their opinion,they will start

blaming the other members and arguing using nonsense/ridiculous statement

for exmaple,this one below

SO IM NOT BIAS TAEYANG but i can see people like him and hes getting more famous on his own so Gdragon is a crontovertial guy and Taeyang is someone whoses fames is all only becuase of his talent his passion and his dedication nothing else unlike i hate to say but gdragon.

i want to write a little bit more about what i said i do thinK gdraong is controvertial but hes got a lot of talent and above all this 2 ARE NOT FRIENDS they are brothers i dont think taeyang bothers at all or even thinks about what we are talking at all i feel BAD

about it now T.T they care for each other and support so i dont care if the outcome has bad critics + , i know this guys love each others and respect so ,,,,, I JUST WANT TO HEAR THE SONG AND GET IT ON MY IPOD ! :D

how come you could say GD is famous not because of his talent??completely BS

don't ever question the boys(TY,GD,TOP,DS,SR) talent,hard work and their contribution to BB's achievement all these years

each of them(TY,GD,TOP,DS,SR) are well known for their music,talent and hard work.you should watch GD/BB TV..yeah

I just like to quote this from ygbaby at Always Taeyang fansite:

i don’t know what to say with all the things you said. lol i hate to say this but sometimes youngbae fans are really selfish when it comes to him to the point that you forget that he is, first and foremost, a member of big bang. i don’t know. i don’t understand and i can’t understand. and i think, featuring your friend of 10 years in your title track isn’t to be hated. all i know is youngbae has the most say in his album and yg artists are not puppets controlled by yg. yg gives his artists the freedom to do whatever they want. whatever.

“In the future at the time of death, if I am to choose a person to guard that position for me, I will choose Taeyang without hesitation.” – Jiyong

GDYB is love. that’s all i know.

learn to appreciate and be optimistic

summer with bigbang is gonna be hot :D

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Guest sryche

guys, hope u dont mind.

there are a lots of updates going on and i would like to share them to u. click on my sig thanks

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Guest loveYB

to say the truth, i don't really see why we should be really disappointed that the title track features gdragon. i for one, also really hope that taeyang will shine alone since this is his solo album. but you have to know, this is HIS album. don't tell me YG or even taeyang himself have never realised this possible problem? i believe, since they decided to make this song a title track, there must be something about it that they are really confident about. and this confidence, comes from taeyang's ability to stand out and shine, that the focus won't be shifted at all to gdragon, but instead how gdragon's rap will further enhance the song. i hope you guys get what i'm trying to say.

i don't know, i know you are all worried and concerned about taeyang, but let's talk after the real promotions start? because i believe in taeyang's ability, i believe in gdragon (for just treating this whole thing as helping a real friend instead of using this to boost his popularity), i believe in YG, and most of all, i believe in BIG BANG. and it hurts me to see some taeyang fans saying negative things about gdragon. they are friends, we know that. why bring gdragon down?

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Guest kowwow

@hayakatsu: perfectly stated! 100% Agree w/everything!

Seungri's my bias but I support every BIG BANG members. I have every members solo album/singles and also some of their feat. for other artists.

Regarding Strong Baby, all those comments were only about his appearence in the MV on youtube not the actual song. Plus GD only performed w/Seungri for his goodbye stages and appeared less than 45secs. When people see them on stage they are just excited cause they're happy that BIGBANG supports eachother, cause I know I do.

Like someone mentioned earlier those comments on the mv were from I-VIPS only. I-VIPS are the ones that doesn't appreciate Seungri and always bashing him, but I don't care cause I appreciate him and all members that's all that matters.

Anyways, it would be awsome if Seungri was feat. in one of the song, but then it's ok too cause I don't want those bashers to starting bashing on him again.

It's good that we all want to share are opinions about what we like and dislike about their music, but I just don't like it when people tries to find the culprit to their dislikes. Instead of all of us trying to figure out their market strategies and personal business we should just appreciate their music and efforts!

Hope this last line did not offend anyone! Peace!

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credit: baebae558@alwaystaeyang...I hope you don't mind taking out your comment.

This is exactly what I observe

The korean fans a really upset with taeyang, for making gd apart of the title track. They really don’t like BB too much. They wonder why he decided to have gd featured instead of another artists, when countless other artists have stated that they want to work with him. They are also upset that gd will be in the MV too.

The korean yb- based fans want a young bae album not a big bang album. Many of the fans are questioning taeyang and his integrity as an artist, and if this is really the “youngbae: they know and have supported. Many are also stating that they will have to think twice about purchasing the album.

I also wish that gd was not featured in his title and that he worked with artists outside of yg. I don’t think their voices go too well together. If anyone form BB would have been featured i would have liked it to be top instead of gd.

And for those of you who don’t know independent gd korean based fans don’t like yb and yb korean based fans don’t like gd.

I am just afraid that instead of gaining fans that yb will lose his hardcore fan base, who have supported him up till now like ybmania, dcyb and other fansites. That would be just a shame. and i really hope it is not some marketing ploy.

I feel pity for both of them. I don't really know what is YG marketing strategy.

Most of YB fans are anti GD/BB and some of GD fans from DC sites are anti YB.

Now a lot of YB fans are writing bashing/hating comments at gddc site and some BB fan sites.

I srsy HOPE this will not effect YB's solo album.

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He needs a girl? We're more than ready to be his. HAHAHA =))

hayakatsu: "YB worked on this album for a whole year and if he feels it to his best advantage and confident enough to put GD on his title track then none of us should question it and just support it. don't worry abt whether he'll be able to shine or if someone else (which is his best friend in his whole wide world, btw) would take the spotlight away from him." THIS. You know? if i could vote your post up for numerous times, I DEFINITELY WOULD :)) Thankyou so much :)

GD>Girls' Desire: I remember that quote from GD :) GDYB *____*

and about the VIPs not being united? o:

We're just having healthy, meaningful discussions all the time.

I dont think that alone would conclude that we dont get along

or we dont unite at all for BIGBANG :(

True VIPs would know how much VIPs do love and respect each other

as much as they do for BIGBANG too <3 :)

No matter what other fanclubs say, imo, VIPs is still the best P:

HAHAHAHA. I know Im so biased. But whatever B)

And about the YB and GD fans...omigod. :(

What kind of VIPs are they? I understand their points

but all i could think of is...UNFAIR. -_-




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Guest TOPsexyeyes

I just realized that's it's only a few hours left before tabi's turn it up mv. I feel like not going to school tommorrow hahaha! But I'm sure tabi will hate me if I do that hahaha!

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Guest juang_bb

okay, i'll make it short since i don't have time.

by this time, i think we should have learned already to trust YG and the boys' decision. no matter how questionable it is...it always works out best in the end. it is not unfair to YB if GD is featuring in his title track...what's unfair to him..is us fans, bringing in so much negativity to his album way before it is released. YB put in so much hardwork and effort into it, if he's not happy and thinks GD, his best friend, will "steal" his spotlight, he wouldn't have agreed to it. i will be honest and say that i knew this kind of discussion will come up when I read that the song was the title track, but i just think that the discussion here has become so negative already. let's just keep in mind that this must have been YB's DECISION. let's also trust GD, i know that although he may seem to be the most arrogant person to non-fans, he is very sensitive and i don't hink he would want to take the spotlight from YB. what they're doing here is supporting each other, i hope the fans especially VIPs will do the same.

the song will be EPIC!!! we can't get enough of GDYB love, actually make it... can't get enough of BIGBANG boys love

oh.. and i could care less what other fandoms think about OUR fandom. no one knows the fandom better than us, VIPs. we may have discussions here but i think we are one of the BEST out there. that's just what we do... we DISCUSS. but when it comes to supporting BIGBANG and the boys.... they got NOTHING on us! :D

now... i can't wait for TOP to TURN IT UP later!!!

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Guest jiyongie_

I think us VIPs are united but just caz we are too old and creates too much fuss and drama><

I mean I dont really care what Taeyang and GD and YG wants to do with their music they are bringing to us.

It always turns out to be epic so deal with it.

I don't get why us fans really really makes everything sounds so bad.

They grew up together so they want to promote a song together so what? Whats so wrong with it.

If you have stupid problems like that don't even call yourself a VIP please.

I'm sorry but these kind of topic should not be mentioned. [iTS DUMB AND REALLY IM PRETTY SURE IT MAKES GDYB FEELS BAD]

I know because I am an underground rapper and dancer. [both GDYB, BIGBANG inspired me and I just dont like how people are talking like this]

So please stop?

BTW tABI music video is COMING:D

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Guest bluishme

Guys let's be positive.. Our boys will surely be sad to see us fighting over each other..

Come on guys.. Our boys worked hard to give us new and better songs.. We should support them

No matter what.. Taeyang's album and TOP mv will be the start of something for all of us, VIPs..

We waited so long for their comeback.. Thus we should be more united.

Hope I make sense :)

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Guest k-yoz

i dont get it why yb fans hate gd..

and vice versa...i mean..if they like bigbang

they should treat them equally...

yb was also featured in gd's album

right?...and i think..yb just was so

thankful to gd that he was being featured

in gd's album...so yb also payed in return...

can't see anything wrong in that one...

we all know how these two have been friends for

a long time...how tight their bonding is...

this whole gdyb issue must stop...they

can't do anything if yb wants to put/featured

gd on his album...we just have to support

yb and gd as well as the rest of bigbang members..

i know this what yb wants...gd wont steal anything

from yb...if you yb fans (and the whole vip) believe

in yb...then he can do this...he will surely shine...

this album will have a good result...

we always say that we are vip's...we dont have to mind

those other who just support only yb and support

only gd...we can do much better on that one...

no matter what..we have to always support all of them...

this actually was a big problem...and i dunno..

i just hope some people will be more open minded..

and try to think in a good way...

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Guest bluemaid

Discussion is great! One of the things I remember from an old interview is that the Big Bang members appreciate that their fans give them honest feedback and can love them and be critical at the same time. I honestly have not seen any bashing here. And I think we shouldn’t be over sensitive about comments that may have been clumsily worded since not all the posters speak English as a first language. Everyone here loves Big Bang … otherwise, why be here?

My two cents…

As the members do more solo work, it is natural that they may get fans who like their solo work but are not necessarily fans of Big Bang or of the other members. For example, there may be fans of Daesung from his work on FO but who don’t like Big Bang music or who like TOP the actor but not as a rapper.

Considering how different the musical inclinations are of each of the members, they may have solo fans who prefer their solo music to that of Big Bang. It may not be so obvious in the case of GD since he takes a larger role in shaping Big Bang’s musical direction, and his solo work is closer to that of Big Bang’s. But for YB, DS and TOP, their individual fans may like their individual music and ONLY their music but not the others. (R&B fans may only follow YB for example, and trot fans only like Dae.) It just reflects the musical preferences of different people.

The solo work which makes Big Bang unique (and should I say, great) is also what leads to more “disunity” among fans since more solo work means more fans outside of the VIP fandom. This is where the problem is now. Independent TY fans are afraid that he may be “selling out” by adapting a more Big Bang-esque sound, based on the fact that he is including GD in his TITLE track. No one is blaming it on GD but they are skeptical of TY/YG’s decision to include GD since it MIGHT be the result of gimmicky marketing or a change in musical direction. (And yes, they believe that TY is at fault if he does not stand up for himself as an artist.)

TY knows his fans and he knows they are not blind fans. He said it himself that they are music fans first and foremost. (He also knows that they worry too much, even before the fact. Which they are doing right now and are basically proving him right…hehe.) So in the end, he knows he has to deliver good music to appease them.

I think the emotional turmoil that TY went through last year was a good help for him in that he is more prepared to face the challenges of demanding fans and a public who may not be ready for his brand of R&B. He is prepared to face things on his own terms and live with the consequences of his own choices. As a long time TY fan, I really admire him for insisting on doing what he wants (and being patient about it.) I respect his decision to include GD. I may or may not hate the song when it does come out, but I’m glad he is able to do what he wants. And I truly believe this is what he wants.

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Guest syao_sid

This is exactly what I observeI feel pity for both of them. I don't really know what is YG marketing strategy. Most of YB fans are anti GD/BB and some of GD fans from DC sites are anti YB. Now a lot of YB fans are writing bashing/hating comments at gddc site and some BB fan sites.I srsy HOPE this will not effect YB's solo album.

omo! I'd like to think that those fans are just minority. I mean REAL VIPs know GDYB's deep rooted friendship and their fans should show support like how their idols do.

I understand that there are GD/YB fans that are not BB fans but to bring the other idol down is just absurd. We can't force them to like all of BB's members BUT atleast show RESPECT 'cause after all they all come from the same TEAM.

I wonder how would GDYB feel if they knew 'bout this. That's just so sad.

Anyway, I believe that TRUE YB/BB fans would support Bae no matter what so to hell with those so-called fans.

Let's have FAITH in YG and YB that they know what is best. After all we can't do anything 'bout certain things but SUPPORT their decision.

I'd also like to say that the GOOD THING about havin' a forum is not just to spazz about our fave idols but also to share in depth discussions about certain issues we can't discuss with our own friends but only with our fellow fans. We may disagree at times but this doesn't mean that VIPs are not united whatsoever. In fact I think it makes the bond stronger cause we are able to express our thoughts/opinions like how we can share our problems only with our close friends.

Let's just keep in mind that at the end of the day, we are all VIPs who love and care about Big Bang and only want the best for them be it solo or a group. ;)

ANNNNDD TABI's TURN IT UP mv is hours away!!!

we will have somethin' to spazz about so we can now probably move on from this topic. :D

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Guest AnJilaah

hmm this is my first time posting here and i just want to voice my opinion over the recent 'hot' topic. maybe base from my photo you could tell who is my bias but i'm hear to say my opinion as a Big Bang fan not as a GD fan.

i was happy and excited when i read about how GD featuring on Taeyang's album. and yeah maybe a bit of me will say i'm excited to see GD but as a Big Bang fan i'm more excited about having a BB being featured in it. if its TOP featuring on it, i'll spazz too. However, when i read the comments here and other sites, i felt disappointed. I love Taeyang, he may not be my bias on Big Bang but i respect and love him as a singer. I love his first album and i love Wedding Dress. i'm excited for his SOLAR album and i'm planning to buy it(even if it cost a lot. hopefully the DELUXE edition. hahahaha.*crossesfingers*) I may be a GD fan but i'm a BIG BANG fan first. i'm planning to support it with or without GD in it. Taeyang can hold his own on stage. I believe in him. :) so yeah i think we should wait for the track first before people start reacting to this collab.

We all know GDYB are best of friends, everyone knows that so we must all know that both of them wants the best for each other. GD may be 'arrogant' to some non fans but he isn't that attention seeker to 'steal' the spotlight from YB. and do think, no I KNOW YB will own the stage even with GD in it. We are VIPs. We support Big Bang. i know YB will be successful on his album. LET'S ALL BELIEVE IN HIM. YB FIGHTING! :3

hahaha i'm sorry if my first post here. i hope i can post more here soon :) nice to meet you all.

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Guest hayakatsu

The korean fans are really upset with taeyang, for making gd apart of the title track. They really don’t like BB too much. They wonder why he decided to have gd featured instead of another artists, when countless other artists have stated that they want to work with him. They are also upset that gd will be in the MV too.

The korean yb- based fans want a young bae album not a big bang album. Many of the fans are questioning taeyang and his integrity as an artist, and if this is really the “youngbae" they know and have supported. Many are also stating that they will have to think twice about purchasing the album.

I also wish that gd was not featured in his title and that he worked with artists outside of yg. I don’t think their voices go too well together. If anyone form BB would have been featured i would have liked it to be top instead of gd.

And for those of you who don’t know independent gd korean based fans don’t like yb and yb korean based fans don’t like gd.

I am just afraid that instead of gaining fans that yb will lose his hardcore fan base, who have supported him up till now like ybmania, dcyb and other fansites. That would be just a shame. and i really hope it is not some marketing ploy.

i'm sorry, this is officially THE stupidest thing i've read today.

if this is the reality of how it is over there, then these ppl shouldn't even be considered VIPs. if they are even VIPs in the first place. how dare they spit on a friendship so true. i would be ashamed to even be associated with those ppl.

so they're questioning YB's credibility and integrity just cuz he decides to collab with GD? on the basis of what exactly?? on the basis that they hate GD??? that they think GD is not good enough to be featured in YB's comeback title track? how ridiculous is that? y'know what? if that's what they really think of YB, his friends and his family, then go ahead and lose interest in YB. do it quickly cuz i know for sure YB will be able to gain new fans in no time.

honestly, i myself would have loved it if YB collaborated with non-YG artists, but to go so far as to say such a thing.... err, what's wrong with you?

if they are truly hardcore YB fans, then they should RESPECT his one true friend. same goes to hardcore GD fans too. tell you the truth, i don't even want to know someone who ONLY loves YB or ONLY loves GD. i'm GD biased but i totally love the whole of BIGBANG to bits and pieces.


also, abt wanting this to be a youngbae album not a BIGBANG album, i'm sorry, but were you gone during YB's solo debut? that was a youngbae album. no BIGBANG except for bits and pieces of teddy and kush. add to that, YB is 22 for heaven's sake. and this is only his 2nd solo album. he's got yeaaarsss ahead of him to consider collaborating with other artists. if you can't be patient abt it then you're not cut out to be a YB fan. we do a lot of waiting here in the home of YG Family. to quote our lovable dorky top and YB himself, if you want to leave then you can leave.


i'm sorry for being all cranky. i truly am. i just feel upset still. again, i'm really sorry guys. i just can't believe so much negativity is around on the EVE of our beloved BIGBANG and YB's LONG AWAITED return.

just a TOTAL mood spoiler. a party pooper. and tomorrow TOP's solo will be released. hopefully we'll all be brighter and more cheerful.

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Guest TOPsexyeyes

i dont get it why yb fans hate gd..

and vice versa...i mean..if they like bigbang

they should treat them equally...

yb was also featured in gd's album

right?...and i think..yb just was so

thankful to gd that he was being featured

in gd's album...so yb also payed in return...

can't see anything wrong in that one...

we all know how these two have been friends for

a long time...how tight their bonding is...

this whole gdyb issue must stop...they

can't do anything if yb wants to put/featured

gd on his album...we just have to support

yb and gd as well as the rest of bigbang members..

i know this what yb wants...gd wont steal anything

from yb...if you yb fans (and the whole vip) believe

in yb...then he can do this...he will surely shine...

this album will have a good result...

we always say that we are vip's...we dont have to mind

those other who just support only yb and support

only gd...we can do much better on that one...

no matter what..we have to always support all of them...

this actually was a big problem...and i dunno..

i just hope some people will be more open minded..

and try to think in a good way...

Hey, nobody mentioned about HATE here. That's too strong for a word.

Everyone here LOVES each and every member of the band.

There would just be times that discussions like this will arise, but that doesn't mean

we hate a BB Member or such. That's just insane. Discussions are healthy in my opinion cause it improves relationship among groups, fanclubs and such :sweatingbullets:

Like friends we love, sometimes we cannot just stay quiet with everything, sometimes we need to voice out our opinions on such matters (cause soompi is a thread, discussions are allowed.. Hmmm)

But VOICING OUT OUR OPINIONS DOESN'T MEAN WE CARE LESS FOR THE PERSON RIGHT? Most of the time.. voicing out opinions signifies care for the subject.

I know very well that GDYB has the best brotherly relationship in big bang, and the collaboration was both agreed by the 2 members. Nobody said (I never said) that I was against the collaboration, in fact I find in AWESOME. I know it's gonna be awesome. My point was just that I HOPED Taeyang could be on his own with the Title Track. I hoped YG chose the title track with YB on solo. That "I need a girl" can act as 2nd or 3rd single. Period. I never picked on GD (Gosssh I love the guy how can I pick on Jiyong!) This accusations are hurtful cause I respect GD as an artist.. I am always at awe with his songs.. The Leaders' #1 in my ipod with 125 or so plays, and TOP's to act like nothing's wrong isnt even in the TOP25 ( And I call myself a TOP Bias huh, that's just how much I love GD's works..) and to accused of Hating GD.. ARRR :( I was just stating how much fans GD have.. I just used Seungri's case as an example, not to pick on GD or his fans.. It was merely pointing out that when our Bias is in a project, our main attention would initially be on our Bias, not with the MAIN ARTIST. I'd take "Look at Me" MV as an example.. TOP is my bias, so instead of spazzing over Taeyang, IN MY FIRST FEW VIEWING OF THE MV, I was getting crazy of how much TOP looked so hot and sexy in the video (HAHAHA) it was just the later that I realized how great YB was at the video.

So in short, I wasn't only referring to GD fangirls, I for one is TOP's fangirl so our initial reaction was to spaz over our favorite right, but like you guys said.. spazzing over our favorite DOES NOT MEAN, WE ARE NOT GOING TO SUPPORT TAEYANG, CAUSE WE WILL 100% WILL. RIGHT?

And what I said before, being a fan of Big Bang for years made me trust YG. There would be decisions thatI would question not agree with but his decisions always come out to be correct and successful.. so through the years, though questions will still arise, I LEARNED TO TRUST YG. So with the GDYB Title Track collab, i trust YG in that and I know its gonna be EPIC.


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