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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest intelligirl

What do you think of GD featuring on Taeyang's title track? Do you think that GD will steal some of Taeyang's thunder considering this is his comeback track or do you think this is epicness adding to epicness?

oh, this is a good question. I didn't think about this before, but I can see why you would be conflicted. Honestly, if it was just a solo song like Strong Baby was then the GDYB collab would be ok, but since it's the title track of his album then, yeah, I agree it's kind of stealing some of YB's thunder. We'll just have to wait and see how big of a role GD has in this track and how they'll promote it, I guess. I am excited for it nonetheless! :)

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do you guys know that "stealing" is such a harsh word

so..yeah..now GD is stealing from his own BFF.and blah..blah

do you guys ever wonder whether this is YB's wish as a friend..maybe he wants GD to be featured in

enough..is enough..stop blaming GD..he has gone through a lot last year

stop thinking too much..just wait and see what will happen

then you guys can discuss this issue for hundreds of pages.

sorry for my poor english but really stop putting the blame on GD..

idk why people always want to discuss something that is uncertain

because it will hurt a lot of people in the process

just wait until you hear the song and see TY's comeback stage

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Guest syao_sid

The VMAJ making is so cute!

I have a feeling that GD knows Japanese better than what he made it seems.

He's just not confident enough to speak it on interviews. hehe

What do you think of GD featuring on Taeyang's title track? Do you think that GD will steal some of Taeyang's thunder considering this is his comeback track or do you think this is epicness adding to epicness?

TBH, i'm kinda anticipating that this kind of talk would arise. It's pretty normal for a song nowadays to have a featuring, it just so happens that the feat. would be GD.

As a VIP, I'm psyched bec. who doesn't adore a GDYB collab? I just hope that everyone would feel the same way too.

GDYB never had a problem with this anyway. actually the fans kinda started it (eg. Look At Me Part2).

BUT hopefully VIPs would know better this time to support the boys like how GDYB supports each other. ;)

GDYB is ♡♡♡

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Guest MidnightByul

Stealing Tae's thunder?

Nah, I doubt it. Taeyang shines in his own way, just like GD. P

I just feel like, even though GD is featured on TY's album, isn't doesn't mean TY will not get the spotlight, they are brothers and best friends after all. And, hey maybe GD just wanted to return the favor to Tae, anyway...

I remember when people were on GD for making a part 2 of look only at me, when he was only doing that to add to the amazing track that was TY's version. I don't know even know if I'm making sense here..LOL.

so yea that's my take.

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Guest bluishme

What do you think of GD featuring on Taeyang's title track? Do you think that GD will steal some of Taeyang's thunder considering this is his comeback track or do you think this is epicness adding to epicness?

i don't think so.. hmmm.. i love gdyb collab and i think there is a reason why Taeyang chose this track to be the title/lead single..

we just have to wait and see right? haha

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Guest comforcloud

Instead of talking about stealing thunder, I remember a few pages back, there was a discussion about YG using too much GD's name to promote

I cant stop thinking about this after seeing the details of title song.

Personally, I prefer not to see a featuring for title song , especially a SOLO comeback

a gdyb collab?? that's not far from a BB song

if the rap part is really necessary, there r plenty of other rappers in YG

why cant they choose someone else and let GD focus on BIGBANG'S new album?

he doesnt have to be in every album yg produces.....

but considering strong baby lives, they might just cut out the rap part and still rock the song..

anyways, I hope noone is affended, this is just my opinion

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Guest jiyongie_

What do you think of GD featuring on Taeyang's title track? Do you think that GD will steal some of Taeyang's thunder considering this is his comeback track or do you think this is epicness adding to epicness?

--->I don't think so. I mean GDRAGON and SOL have been together since young age. SO tehy can do anything they want. Many fans knows it too^^

Its a blast when they collab. Same for Korean Dream until the netizens were like:[ . Its always epic when two of the best[my opinion] korean rnb singer and rapper collabs.

--->Also, Taeyang and GD has their own light[everyone does DUH], they shine differently, and get that much attention. For what I'm just trying to say is nothing is gonna be wrong with featuring GD. I mean many antis or so will be all that, but usually the songs turns out a hit and then yeah.

---->Just saying I don't like to bring these subjects up it creates too much dramas:D




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What do you think of GD featuring on Taeyang's title track? Do you think that GD will steal some of Taeyang's thunder considering this is his comeback track or do you think this is epicness adding to epicness?

The focus will be on TAEYANG!! trust me. YG nor GD would ever even dream about stealing YBs moment. I predict GD will sing a snippet during the chorus like he did in "strong baby" THATS IT!! and even if he does a small rap thats just adding to the epicness of it all. No worries :D !! ITS ALL ABOUT YB! I can't wait.

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Guest ooxstacee

What do you think of GD featuring on Taeyang's title track? Do you think that GD will steal some of Taeyang's thunder considering this is his comeback track or do you think this is epicness adding to epicness?

I'm actually really excited about it. If YB or YG thinks GD's going to steal some of YB's thunder, I don't think either one of them would allow the song to be YB's title track. Of course, there will always be those really bias fans who'll only listen to the song for GD, but what can you do? GDYB = AMAZING. Plus, we probably won't see GD at all, while YB's promoting, until probably towards the END of his promotions [like Seungri & Strong Baby]. Seungri did REALLY good with Strong Baby, without GD showing up on stage, so there's really no reason to worry about YB.

But what I really think is that this should NOT be a title song. YB's TITLE song for his SOLO album, should be just him. But if that's what YB and/or YG wants, then mmmmk! They know what they're doing. Haha.



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Guest andloveyelledno

To be honest, ideally I would like it if TaeYang did his comeback title track on his own. Can you imagine if instead of "Heartbreaker" GD had come out with "Korean Dream"? It would be baffling so i'm confused as to why this is the case here. A duet would be better suited as a 2nd or 3rd single, not the main one. But from what i've heard, Bae's going to be promoting various songs at the same time so maybe this is just one of 2 or 3 title tracks. That's what I hope.

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Guest Chelsialooabc123

What do you think of GD featuring on Taeyang's title track? Do you think that GD will steal some of Taeyang's thunder considering this is his comeback track or do you think this is epicness adding to epicness?

I dont think there would be any stealing of thunder :D. They are good at different areas,GD is well known for his rap while Taeyang is well known for his vocals & dance moves and when two best males artist come together again,it would be a blast. I believe , as long as taeyang is happy featuring GD in his song we should support him all the way then :D !

I do wish to taeyang collaborate with TOP again!! Aww, i guess it would be awesome!

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Guest sryche

Let's not make so much fuss about it.

GD is not featuring in Taeyang's album but he co-wrote the song by writing the rap parts only...

aigoo sorry for double posting, broken mouse here

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Guest sryche

Let's not make so much fuss about it.

GD is not featuring in Taeyang's album but he co-wrote the song by writing the rap parts only...

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Guest itszmaeee

Rather than using the word "stealing" maybe just use "taking away". Stealing is pretty much more negative than taking away. Ima be completely honest with you guys, I'm seriously not that happy with GD featuring on YB's title track. I'm sure they both had agreed to it, but the simple fact that this is YB's comeback song after two years is sorta pushing it for me at least. I'm pretty sure a lot of you are going to enjoy seeing Bong and Youngbae on stage together, but as for me, I'd rather focus on YB. Also if you think I'm dissing GD, I'm seriously not. I just hope the rapping part is like Strong Baby then head on to the main artist. I mean I was expecting a GDYB colaboration for YB's full album so I'm not that that upset. I think everyone plus me are all being too judgemental about this whole thing. I think I'll wait for the full official song to be released then judge it. So a to add a little positive something something for GD, his rapping style hopefully will add some spice to the song. I know they both always bring it so bring it on!

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Guest andloveyelledno

Let's not make so much fuss about it.

GD is not featuring in Taeyang's album but he co-wrote the song by writing the rap parts only...

sryche we're not "making a big deal" out of this, we're simply having a legitimate discussion. It's nice to come here, post pretty pictures and squee but a lot of us also enjoy having actual conversations. Whether we like it or not, this is going to be talked about in fandom (I've heard YB's korean fans are already up in arms about this) so it's interesting to hear where everyone stands on this. If we can't share our true feelings with our fellow VIPs (Whether it be happiness or frustration) who else are we going to do it with?

G-dragon is indeed featuring in the song. It clearly says it on the website: "03 I NEED A GIRL (Feat. G-dragon)".

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Guest toozdae08

To be honest, ideally I would like it if TaeYang did his comeback title track on his own. Can you imagine if instead of "Heartbreaker" GD had come out with "Korean Dream"? It would be baffling so i'm confused as to why this is the case here. A duet would be better suited as a 2nd or 3rd single, not the main one. But from what i've heard, Bae's going to be promoting various songs at the same time so maybe this is just one of 2 or 3 title tracks. That's what I hope.

I'm hoping for this because I do want a GDYB promotion and mv but not for Taeyang's title track cuz that's just not fair. Things may be cleared up tomorrow if another song comes out with the word Title next to each. I'm hoping that he promotes more than one song at a time - also hope he doesn't get too overworked.

Also, I asked this question for 2 reasons.

1) I'm a big YB fan (he is my bias) and I saw some YB fans were kinda of upset that GD is featuring on YB's title track. B4 that I was just hella excited for a GDYB song but that got me thinking. I'm hoping that this is maybe the 2nd title track and not the comeback track.

2) This place was too dead. There was very little activity nor discussion going on. I wanted to post a question that had ppl thinking and responding. If anyone else has a topic of conversation that they want to bring up please bring it forward. BB will be having their comeback soon and we're barely moving this thread along.

Also, thanks for the feedback. I really appreciate it.

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Guest andloveyelledno

toozdae08, YB is my bias as well :)

Since Bae himself alluded to the idea that he would be promoting more than one song at a time, I think it's safe to expect this. And let's not forget that Teddy was briefly featured in "Prayer" so it could very well turn out to be the same thing. GD simply makes a very quick appearance that doesn't even warrant his presence during performances.

Maybe Bae felt comfortable releasing this because he already put out and promoted "Where u at" and "Wedding Dress" which were all his own (Not counting that one sentence appearance by Teddy). The more I think about it, the less i'm willing to believe that YG would dictate which song would be released as a title track. I'm sure he gave advice but I can't imagine him forcing him.

Please, these conversations are quite welcomed! At least by me. Keep them coming :)

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Guest TOPsexyeyes

Although I am excited with the collaboration.. I just want YB to be on his own with the title track. GD is very famous, controversial and such. He has the most fans in Big Bang right? The spotlight that YB deserves on his own will be shared with someone more famous than him.. GD. Even though GD will only be rapping a few lines, you cannot control GD fangirls spazzing about it (And there are A LOT GD FANGIRLS). Remember strong baby? Seungri's solo, yet if you look at the comments in Strong Baby's page in youtube.. most of them are more ecstatic with GD rather than Seungri. You cannot control fangirls to be "respectful" of the main artist when their bias is also appearing.

I just think that YB has waited and worked for this for soooo long and I hope he gets the much deserved attention with no one to share it to. They can release "I need a girl" as the 2nd single fine. But not the MAIN SINGLE. It just gives the impression of YB needs someone like GD to get noticed, and THAT IS NOT TRUE.. He can shine on his own.

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Guest yaoming11

Although I am excited with the collaboration.. I just want YB to be on his own with the title track. GD is very famous, controversial and such. He has the most fans in Big Bang right? The spotlight that YB deserves on his own will be shared with someone more famous than him.. GD. Even though GD will only be rapping a few lines, you cannot control GD fangirls spazzing about it (And there are A LOT GD FANGIRLS). Remember strong baby? Seungri's solo, yet if you look at the comments in Strong Baby's page in youtube.. most of them are more ecstatic with GD rather than Seungri. You cannot control fangirls to be "respectful" of the main artist when their bias is also appearing.

I just think that YB has waited and worked for this for soooo long and I hope he gets the much deserved attention with no one to share it to. They can release "I need a girl" as the 2nd single fine. But not the MAIN SINGLE. It just gives the impression of YB needs someone like GD to get noticed, and THAT IS NOT TRUE.. He can shine on his own.

i agree

and wasn't Prayer the first single on his last mini album but he promoted his second single, Only Look at Me more?

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When i read the news, i almost jumped from my seat in excitement you know o:

For me, it's all about making the song even more epic than it alr is with YB :)

So...let's please not think that GD would be doing some "stealing" of the spotlight from YB.

And we should consider the assumption that YB might be the one who

asked GD to collab with him :) I MEAN...GDYB is like REAL-EST COUPLE

THERE IS IN THE KPOP WORLD. Instead of feeling all these negative

feelings towards YB's album, we should SUPPORT him :) LOL.

It's not like GD's a stranger. They're BEST FRIENDS...if you don't know yet. o__o

It's good to have a discussion like this but

it just exudes negative things out of the things we should be happy about.

And im sure GD's fans will support YB as well. It wouldn't be a problem.

If the song comes out, we'll see what happens. I'm sure GD wont steal the

spotlight away from his friend :| YB has his own shine anyway.

We shouldnt worry that he'd be "overshadowed" or smething...

But anyway....HOWHEMGEE.

The title itself sounds hot x) YB, really, if you need a girl...


Just sayin =))))

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