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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest chaq_momiji

I heard Tell Me Goodbye reached number one on Oricon Chart??????

-oops,,, I got it wrong.. they reached no.5.. but top 5 is GOOD ;)


Whoaaa... congratulations, guys~~~~~ :D

whoaa.. BigShow live CD will be out less than a week...

I got to do somethin' to get myself one of those.. >_<

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[NEWS]Big Bang T.O.P “Want to show the human Seung Hyun Choi as if I’m naked”


The stereotype of Big Bang’s T.O.P (Real name Seung Hyun Choi) and the true himself was totally different in a good way. The two far like the difference between boy and man, and idol singer and a great actor. Even then, he smoothly went back and forth between the ‘Idol TOP’ covered with fabulousness and the lonely ‘actor Seung Hyun Choi. Inside the strong appearance, he had innocent hopes. Childlike innocence, unlikely seriousness from an idol in his 20s, and going nonstop at the challenges. In him, there is variety of color spectrum present.


His presence that shows even without saying one word within Big Bang. His charismatic look, and the layers underneath has created his own charisma. In beginning of June, before the movie plays in the theatres, I met with TOP at a café in Sam-Chung Dong.

▶“Even the fans do not know me well”


Idol Group Big Bang is in the center of the glamorous spotlight. In the middle, TOP captures the fans with his eyes. But TOP showed his bare face without the fabulous looks of the stage and said “since from young age, I became used to the glamorous stages, from my real self I feel there is a distance”

The image of Jang Bum who is pushed in to war and shuddering in terror in movie ‘Into the Gunfire’, opening in theatres 16th, is not the image of TOP that we know of. His face color has become darker, and his trade mark of eye line is completely erased as well. Jang Bum who has tears on his eyes due to the most extreme fear is completely different from charismatic TOP who captures everyone’s eyes on stage.

“TOP on stage for the last 4 years was splendid. But I don’t think there was an opportunity to show my real self. Even when fans evaluate me sometimes, it makes me think ‘they really don’t know about me’. If it was few years ago, I would have been afraid to take the character of Jang Bum. It would have been embarrassing as if I was completely naked. But now, I want to show the true appearance of Seung Hyun Choi. I actually wanted to find my real self within the role of Jang Bum.

Many idols that have ‘just happened to’ started acting had to experience and tough standard of ‘witch-hunting’, but TOP is slightly away from that. But TOP has shown acting that was way over the expectation in IRIS, and in the movie ‘Into the Gunfire’ he has done his part very well. The movie director Jae Han Lee, who worked with TOP, evaluated him to be “an actor who will grow big in the world of movies.”

But that does not mean that the first movie was easy. Last year, while staying together with the crew at Kyoung Nam Hap Chun, he had to experience the limits of mental and physical pain. In between the filming the movie, he had travel back and forth between Japan and Korea to assimilate Big Bang schedule, and when he came back he had to wear clothes of Jang Bum. Even on the fancy stage, or at a film site, he had confusing days whether he is Jang Bum or TOP.

TOP who says “becoming one with the character and your own body is endlessly lonely process,” claimed watching the movie ‘AVATAR’ with his senior actor Seung One Cha was the warmest moment that he remembers during the filming time.

‘When my energy dropped all the way to the ground, Seung One (hyung) took me to Dae Gu. He reserved ‘Avatar’ ticket secretly. We sat next to each other wearing the 3D glasses together, and my heart was warmed up. At Hap Chun, being far away from the members, the time alone felt lonely, and I tried really hard to live as a person named Jang Bum which was difficult, and it was a big strength for me.


▶“Rapper who writes and spits out their own lyrics, they are like actors.”


“Experience as a rapper gave my acting wings.”

When he shares feelings with people as rapper of Big Bang, he communicates through many dance moves and eye contact. That has become the foundation of delivery of emotions and communication with the audience. Sometime, having time alone away from extremely pungent life style, as he comforted his loneliness he strengthened his sensuality. The things that he has learned as an idol singer on stage naturally connected to his capabilities as an actor.

TOP, who says “The experience of when I sat down in front of the desk and wrote the lyrics not as a singing singer but as a rapper, has helped me in acting,” emphasized “just as people would remember the rap if lyrics and I need to be one body, in acting the effort to become one with the character (Jang Bum) .”

But still, it is hard to do both in between the identity of idol singer and actor. But his serious view of acting was enough to disregard the prejudice opinion that ‘actor is an idol singer’s light hearted curiosity’

“Although I am not a professional actor, I’m confident in expressions. Movies and character expressions are all sensibility. I wanted to connect the methods that I learned on stage to communicate with the fans with acting. Communication is one thing after all. Sensible part that is passed on through each other’s heart.”


Joking around saying that he lost the ‘instinct’ as a rapper because he has been focusing on acting, he says “I will not be going back to Big Bang”, showing his hopes of the activities as a singer. Lastly, he showed the special affectionate love for the members saying “the thoughts of members pulling pranks are for the comforting of one another. Because we can feel the exhaustions without talking. It is for each other and comfort to each other”

Source: Herald Economy

Translated by & Credit: rim21c@21BANGS.com


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yeah,it seems that TMG single and Big Show CD are sold out atm

wrong info><

Big Show 2010 Live Album Cover:

***this is not the DVD***





source:YGe official website

thanks for all the translation of the mag

I really enjoy reading them^^

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Guest juang_bb

okay so i have a few things to comment on. that Q&A was really entertaining, i LOVE it. Like someone has mentioned here, I like how their answers to the BB family question are all pretty much the same and consistent. it's like they know each other all too well and they've all accepted it.

and yeah...TOP still smokes. I actually kinda LOL'd a bit with his answer regarding his lighter. some of my closest friends are smokers and it happens to them too, all the time! at least TOP isn't pretending to be all perfect... like what he said in his making book interview, he sucks at lying. what you see is what you get, if you don't like it...then oh well. love him for that. plus, he did admit that he teared during the premiere, i would too if people appreciated something that i put all my effort into.

nice to hear that they're very happy with their VMAJ win. pretty sure it'll boost their morale and do better in Japan. oh and so much G-RI and SUNDAE/SUNLITE love going on. I love how GD still tease SR and SR just shows him more love in return. :lol: DAE and YB...they've got a mutual understanding going on. haha! they're like the opposite of G-RI. I also spazz a bit to see 2 of my fave korean dish mentioned..kimchi jigae and japchae!!! :)

lastly... TOP..what the heck is a HALF-BODY BATH?!? teach me! LMAO! :P

edit: the two lengthy interviews of TOP...WOW! that's all i can say. he's sooo deep. we can see his passion for music and acting. I love how in between the interview and in the end... he can't hide the fact that he is lonely without the members. that's probably why he's been such a dork in their recent activities...he must have missed them a lot. awww.... :)

and BIGSHOW LIVE ALBUM already sold out?!? now that's fast. i'll probably preorder my copy too!

shindeplol i'll answer your quiz tomorrow. for now, im off to bed. :D

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Guest Bongs

I noticed something about the member's stage names; all their names in one way or the other relates to being NUMBER 1. :lol:

GDragon: The dragon is the mightiest which relates to being number 1.

Taeyang: He's the SUN, the center of the solar system which relates to being number 1.

Seungri: He's name means Victory; that's a no-brainer

Daesung: He's name means great success; again no-brainer

TOP: Quite obvious, no?

If someone else discovered this before me, then I'm slow. :lol: Yeah, that theory just bugged the ish out of me, so I had to post.

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Guest sweetflower

⑵ If Big Bang was a family, who would you choose to be the father/mother/eldest son/second son and the yougest child?

GD: Me: father, Seungri: the youngest son, TOP: baby, Taeyang: Mother, Daesung: the eldest son.

T.O.P: GD: father, Seungri: uncle, myself: baby, Taeyang: mother, Daesung: the eldest son.

SOL: GD: Father, Seungri: someone who lives next door, TOP: baby, myself: mother, D-lite: the eldest son.

DL: GD: father, Seungri: the youngest son, TOP: second son, Taeyang: Mother, myself: eldest brother.

V.I: GD: father, myself: second son, TOP: youngest son, Taeyang: Mother, Daesung: eldest brother.

To me, this is a pretty good and accurate depiction of their roles in the group:

GD is the father - the authoritative figure, the head-of-household, whatever he says goes.  TY is the mother - the nurturer, the comforter, and (dare I say it?!?) the nagger (lol, not according to me, but according to TOP -  he said TY nagged him more than his mothersweatingbullets.gif ).  TOP is the baby - surprising since he's the oldest in the group.  What shocked me was that SR's not even a part of the family according to TY and only the uncle according to TOP...ph34r.gif

⑷ If you were a female, who would you consider to date among the members?

V.I: GD. He has everything. His charm overflows!

Happy to see GRI love still going strong despite the previous accusations....and I agreed with SR - GD has everything wub.gif  

⑺ If you were about to receive a proposal from a girl, how would you like it to be?

GD: Proposals should be made by males. I do not want to see girls doing that.

Why do I get the feeling that GD is a very dominate guy?!?  His future gf must have a strong personality or else GD is going to completely dominate her with his confidence and personality. sweatingbullets.gif

⒁ How many mails on average do you send in a day?

GD: I have not counted but roughly 20 messages?

⒂ Who are the receivers of your mails?

GD: Mostly people from work.

⒃ What do you usually do when moving from one place to another?

GD: I usually listen to music while simulating the whole day's schedule in my head.

⒄ What is the thing that makes you think:" I do not want to keep my hands off this!" ?

GD: IC Recorder, pen and my PC. They enable me to write down lyrics and record the melody once I got inspirations. Nevertheless, nowadays a mobile phone could do all of the above things.

Poor boy - always busy with work.  People may hate him for whatever personal reasons, but one of the reason I love and admire him so much is because he actually work, actually put in a lot of time and effort to get BB to where they are now.  Agree with me or not, but if 2ne1 is Teddy's 'baby' then BB is definitely GD's 'baby'.

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Guest shinhdeplol


Which member do you think is...

1: the craziest off screen?

2: the clumiest with clothes?

3: most likely to date a celebrity?

4: the most easy going?

5: the messiest?

6: a neat freak?

7: the easiest to cry?

8: most likely to be a kid at heart?

9: the most generous?

10: your favourite?


hopefully this quiz will be as successful as the last one haha

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Guest mighty_cindy

TOP | A boy like a flower, a man like a weed

already posted on the previous page

i like his two recent interviews...wow I didn't know that he wrote that rap part in his duet with KHJ.

Which member do you think is...

1: the craziest off screen? TOP

2: the clumiest with clothes? (?

3: most likely to date a celebrity? TOP and GD

4: the most easy going? TOP

5: the messiest? TOP

6: a neat freak? GD

7: the easiest to cry? SR

8: most likely to be a kid at heart? TOP

9: the most generous? all of them

10: your favourite? TOP (2nd place is a tie between the remaining members)

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Guest shinhdeplol

Eversense BigBang Girl Ver.2

well this version is better than the last one, but i feel a bit weird looking at her armpit ROFL

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Which member do you think is...

1: the craziest off screen? --T.O.P

2: the clumiest with clothes? --seungri

3: most likely to date a celebrity? --seungri

4: the most easy going? --T.O.P

5: the messiest? --T.O.P / DAESUNG

6: a neat freak? --TAEYANG

7: the easiest to cry? -T.O.P

8: most likely to be a kid at heart? --SEUNGRI

9: the most generous? --GDRAGON

10: your favourite? --T.O.P

KEKE~~ just my opinion..

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TMG and the Big Show Album - SOLD-OUT already? power of VIPs and Big Bang... I'm starting to think that Taeyang's deluxe edition album will be sold-out so fast just like these two... hopefully, they will print more for VIPs... So, any news on the Big Show DVD? we will surely be broke this year with all these releases!

TOP's Interviews - i love these interviews! he is seriously deep and you will really learn a lot about him and you will love him more!!!

Q/As with Big Bang - love the pictures and their answers... looks like they enjoyed answering the questions and they really know each other well... hopefully, we'll have more japanese scans and interviews like these...

Big Show Album - Loving all the Hitchhiker and Perry Remixes! Is this a new version of Lies? 04. Lying (Hitchhiker Remix)?

Quiz Time

Which member do you think is... (this got me really thinking...)

1: the craziest off screen? TOP

2: the clumiest with clothes? i don't really know because i think all of them really takes good care of their stuff...

3: most likely to date a celebrity? Seungri

4: the most easy going? G-Dragon

5: the messiest? i can't think of anyone but maybe TOP since he says that their "mother", Taeyang nags him...

6: a neat freak? Taeyang

7: the easiest to cry? Daesung

8: most likely to be a kid at heart? TOP

9: the most generous? G-Dragon

10: your favourite? Taeyang

thanks for all the scans, pictures, videos, translations and links!

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Guest toozdae08


Which member do you think is...

1: the craziest off screen? TOP

2: the clumiest with clothes? (not sure what that means?!?! - Seungri)

3: most likely to date a celebrity? Daesung - he knows the most celebs or TOP now that he's doing movies and meeting celebs

4: the most easy going? - TOP or YB

5: the messiest? TOP

6: a neat freak? GD

7: the easiest to cry? That's hard - I was thinking YB because he was a cry baby when he was younger but I don't think so anymore. ummm - maybe GD?? None really.

8: most likely to be a kid at heart? TOP

9: the most generous? YB

10: your favourite? YB

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Guest sweetflower

Which member do you think is...

1: the craziest off screen? TOP

2: the clumiest with clothes? SR

3: most likely to date a celebrity? SR, hands down

4: the most easy going? DS or TOP

5: the messiest? TOP

6: a neat freak? GD, I seriously think he has a mild case of OCD

7: the easiest to cry? TOP (hardest will be GD)

8: most likely to be a kid at heart? TOP

9: the most generous? GD

10: your favourite? look at my avatar and sig

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Guest bluishme


Which member do you think is...

1: the craziest off screen? Seungri...

2: the clumiest with clothes? hmmm.. TOP i guess

3: most likely to date a celebrity? Seungri & GD.. haha

4: the most easy going? Daesung

5: the messiest? Seungri

6: a neat freak? GD

7: the easiest to cry? GD...

8: most likely to be a kid at heart? TOP

9: the most generous? YB... haha..

10: your favourite? TOP

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Guest fiyfly

Which member do you think is...

1: the craziest off screen? I think it really depends on the situation, but I would say TOP is extremely goofy off screen

2: the clumsiest with clothes? I wouldn't say any of them are clumsy with clothes - it just depends on whether you like their style, so none

3: most likely to date a celebrity? Seungri

4: the most easy going? Daesung or Youngbae

5: the messiest? Daesung

6: a neat freak? GD

7: the easiest to cry? Daesung

8: most likely to be a kid at heart? TOP or GD (when he's not working, GD really is a big kid)

9: the most generous? Youngbae - he really does have a big heart

10: your favorite? I love all of them :)

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Guest annefreaks

Which member do you think is...

1: the craziest off screen? Top.

2: the clumiest with clothes? -

3: most likely to date a celebrity? Daesung.

4: the most easy going? Seungri, definitely.

5: the messiest? Maybe top.

6: a neat freak? GD.

7: the easiest to cry? Daesung.

8: most likely to be a kid at heart? Taeyang + Top.

9: the most generous? GD.

10: your favourite? GD + Seungri

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hi everyone i'm new ard here so bear w/ me


Which member do you think is...

1: the craziest off screen? TOP

2: the clumsiest with clothes? i think its Seungri but Gosh his look for the Into the Fire Premier is totally kill!!

3: most likely to date a celebrity? Seungri

4: the mostb easy going? Taeyang

5: the messiest? TOP

6: a neat freak? G-Dragon

7: the easiest to cry? Seungri

8: most likely to be a kid at heart? TOP

9: the most generous? all but i think Taeyang is really nice and generous

10: your favorite? i love all of them but TOP is my bias

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Guest intelligirl

1: the craziest off screen? TOP and Seungri

2: the clumiest with clothes? Sorry what?

3: most likely to date a celebrity? Daesung

4: the most easy going? Seungri

5: the messiest? Seungri

6: a neat freak? GD

7: the easiest to cry? Daesung

8: most likely to be a kid at heart? TOP

9: the most generous? GD

10: your favourite? Seungri and GD

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Which member do you think is...

1: the craziest off screen? TOP. I love his dork side so much XD.

2: the clumsiest with clothes? TOP. I have read in one of the interviews before than he make clothes dirty? something like that.

3: most likely to date a celebrity? Seungri

4: the most easy going? Daesung

5: the messiest? TOP. I remember what YB said in Intimate Note, he always scold TOP for not arranging his shoes :P.

6: a neat freak? G dragon. its no guessing that its really him XD.

7: the easiest to cry? TOP. I have watched an interview of GD before he said that TOP always cry when they celebrate his birthday something like that ^^.

8: most likely to be a kid at heart? TOP. In terms of Big Bang will be a family he is always the baby and its really obvious that he is ^^. Isn't it cute? lmao.

9: the most generous? Youngbae because on what I have seen he is the most nicest ^^.

10: your favourite? G Dragon and TOP

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