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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest g-dragon1988

^ oh those kissy lips of GD!! Im just going to sleep well tonight!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ~~Let's kiss each other , Jiyong~~

And that pic from GD's me2day profileㅋㅋSo adorable!!~I really like the BANGS!!

8 pages !! OMG I didn't even count!!! I should be more active here~~aww! It's a good way to practise my english anyway -.-;ㅋ

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Guest intelligirl

I'm loving how fast this thread is moving :D

more seungri at premiere


c: seungrifan via omo__嚸の丶@ baidu

magazine scans



c: bestiz via 大吧keita314314无名阿并 @ baidu

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Guest shinhdeplol


[japanese/ Eng/ Rom]HANDS UP lyrics

Hey Ho Hey Ho!!!!!!

Hands up high high and low 手と手あわせ強く握って

Hands up high high and low te to te awase tsyoku nigitte

Hands up high high and low Hand in Hand, grasp together strongly

Hands up high high and low inside out just one step two step

Hands up high don't stop the beat 俺の心臓のように

Hands up high don't stop the beat Ore no shinzou no you ni

Hands up high don't stop the beat Just like my heart

Hands up high 二、二、二度ないこのとき

Hands up high ni, ni, ni do nai kono toki

Hands up high There will never be a time like this again

周りの 声なんてもう We don't care

Mawari no Koe nante mou We don't care

We don't care about things like the voices around us

Let's work it, let's work it, let's work it now

見れば わかるさココロの目は

Mireba wakarusa kokoro no me wa

If you look, you can understand the aim of the heart


Umaretate no inochi no you ni

Like a newborn

今さ 愛の輝き放て

Imasa ai no kagayaki hanate

Now emit the glow of love

Baby just 1,2,3 go

Hands up high high and low 手を取り合い地に足つけて

Hands up high high and low Te wo toriai chi ni ashi tsukete

Hands up high high and low Take eachothers' hands and put your feet on the ground

Hands up high high and low inside out just one step two step

Everybody please don't stop その思い感じて

Everybody please don't stop Sono omoi kanjite

Everybody please don't stop Experience that feeling

なにが起きても Cause we belong together

Nani ga okitemo Cause we belong together

No matter what happens Cause we belong together

Everybody please don't stop you got me going crazy

Inside out, just one step two step



Not rushing,


Sono toki ga kuru no wo matsu

I will wait for that time to come

I see now

自ら 切磋琢磨し現在進行中

Mizukara Sessatakumashi genzai shinkou chuu

Right now I am trying my best to improve myself, for myself

ponponpow what about you ponpondown

Let's work it, let's work it, let's work it now

打てば 響くひとりひとりに

Uteba Hibiku hitori hitori ni

If you strike, it will reverberate to each and all


Tsutawaru tamashii no sakebi ten ni

Let the shout of the soul that reaches everyone raise to the heavens

希望の光 ココロに灯せ

Kibou no hikari Kokoro ni tomose

Illuminate your heart with the light of hope

Baby just 1,2,3 go

Hands up high high and low 手と手あわせ強く握って

Hands up high high and low te to te awase tsyoku nigitte

Hands up high high and low Hand in Hand, grasp together strongly

Hands up high high and low inside out just one step two step

(Now put your hands up)

Hey Ho Hey Ho!!!!!!!

Hands up high high and low 手と手あわせ強く握って

Hands up high high and low te to te awase tsyoku nigitte

Hands up high high and low Hand in Hand, grasp together strongly

Hands up high high and low inside out just one step two step

Hands up high high and low 手を取り合い地に足つけて

Hands up high high and low Te wo toriai chi ni ashi tsukete

Hands up high high and low Take eachothers' hands and put your feet on the ground

Hands up high high and low inside out just one step two step


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Into the Fire VIP Premier - the boys look so tired but still hot! they were so suportive of Tabi. i love it when they started clapping and cheering for Tabi when it was his turn to talk to the crowd. they were like a bunch of kids cheering their friend. Taeyang is still hyper again and he looks so proud of Tabi when he was talking to the camera while GD is silently enjoying his popcorn! hahaha....

MTV Live Fancams - it was really like a Big Bang concert with the sea of gold crowns and everyone was enjoying and dancing. i can''t wait to watch it. hopefully, MTV Asia will air it as well just like VMAJ. hopefully, there will be more fancams before the actual airing.

Japan Magazine Scans - thank you for sharing the scans. the lemon ballons are so cute and i love how playful they are in the pictures. they were really enjoying the shoot and the balloons! hahaha

"Taeyang's New Look" - i think i'm in the minority too that likes Taeyang with a stubble. i think he looks hot and very mature. it also goes well with his new style, checkered prints. i'm greatly anticipating his full album, so, i'm very excited if he'll retain the stubble or if he'll go back to the clean shaved look...

TMG Rankings - i'm happy that they are still in the Top 5. as VIPs, we are hoping for a higher ranking but i think they've done well considering that many established artists in Japan have released albums as well on the same date with TMG.

Thank you to all for all the scans, pictures and links. Let us keep this thread moving again! :)

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Guest toozdae08

Ok I'm going to pose a question that came from a conversation/reply I made to a post from Allkpop's bashing thread. The post was the op's rant against YG and Universal's promotion of BB in Japan and I found myself agreeing somewhat.

This is the relevant part of what Sake said

YG / Universal pisses me off so much with the way they're handling Big Bang in the Japanese industry.

After a year of being in the j industry, and being on complete hiatus in the k industry, you'll expect, G Dragon, the LEADER of Big Bang to at least speak some Japanese, but no he still doesn't speak a single word. How does YG expect Big Bang to make it big in Japan when the majority (3/5) of them can't even hold a simple conversation? Isn't this kind of rude to the Japanese fans? I mean if you're going to be in Japan, at least learn some of the language.

Not only that, but why are they going into Japan every 4 months with a new single / album, and then leaving after like 2 live performances? Do they seriously expect that kind of insanely half-assed promotions to work? No variety shows, no talk shows...just small-name interviews that the public would never give half a crap about unless if they were Big Bang fans.

I really like Big Bang, but I'm honestly getting embarrassed at Big Bang's situation in Japan. Even I honestly don't think they deserve half the awards they have been getting, not when there are people like Hilchyrme and Scandal (fellow newcomers) who's singles have been selling at least 100 k + and they're only getting even more popular, while Big Bang's 'Tell me goodbye' is the lowest sales they've had so far.

So my question is

Are you satisfied with how BB is being promoted in Japan? What do you like/hate and why should they change (if you think they even should)?

My response is that I agree with Sake somewhat. Below is my response to Sake:

I completely agree with you. YG needs to decide what he is going to do with BB. Does he want them to stay in Korea, go to Japan, do solo work?!?! They seriously can't do it all and all this back and forth from Japan and Korean is really hurting their health. Half the time I see GD he looks sick. I don't blame either GD nor TOP too much for not knowing as much Japanese as they should considering TOP was busy being an actor half the time and GD had to not only produce his own album but also 2ne1's too. They're not super human YG!!! But it is embarrassing that GD and Top can't speak enough Japaneses to hold a conversation after more than a year of being there. like serious wtf. It is getting embarrassing. YG needs to make a decision of what he wants them to do and it's going to be a hard decision. I think the best decision may be for them to just stay in Japan a la DBSK/ Boa and maybe focus their solo projects for Korea.

If they want to dominate the Japanese market they need to wake up and show that they care. Right now, only Taeyang and Seungri and Dae (somewhat) is really showing the Japaneses ppl why BB is so hot. Half the time, TOP is sleeping during the few interviews that they do. Taeyang tries his best and always probes GD and Top to say something but they can't. I can continue to rant about this but this isn't a BB thread so I wont. But I totally agree with you.

So any replies?

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Guest Bongs

Are you satisfied with how BB is being promoted in Japan? What do you like/hate and why should they change (if you think they even should)?

To tell the truth, I don't really know how Jpop works. I'm familiar with how Kpop works, cause y'know Big Bang, but I'm very ignorant of how Jpop music works. I do have favorite bands like GreeeeN, The Pillows, supercell, FLOW. It's just that I don't really follow them if or when they go in variety shows. :lol: I'm such a bad fan. :lol:

In response to the topic, I agree with your statement:

I think the best decision may be for them to just stay in Japan a la DBSK/ Boa and maybe focus their solo projects for Korea.

I feel like the boys are over worked with going back and forth between countries, including their individual activities. I want them to have a period of rest and THEN comeback with AWESOME music. Not the "hurry-make-a-Korean-mini/full-album-so-we-can-go-back-to-Japan-and-release-a-single-while-trying-to-release-one-of-the-member's-solo-album." That's just too much yo.

Dear YG,

Please stop the BS; I know you love BB, but you have other artists under your name to flaunt besides BIG BANG. As much as I love BIG BANG everywhere, I'm also concern about their health; so PLEASE give them a vacation so other artists like Se7en, Gummy (her promotion was too short IMO <_< ), YMGA, 2NE1, 1TYM (if they ever comeback...) can show off what they can do, y'know. A human being can only take so much.


A Very Concern Fan.

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Guest johnnyquest89

Ok I'm going to pose a question that came from a conversation/reply I made to a post from Allkpop's bashing thread. The post was the op's rant against YG and Universal's promotion of BB in Japan and I found myself agreeing somewhat.

This is the relevant part of what Sake said

So my question is

Are you satisfied with how BB is being promoted in Japan? What do you like/hate and why should they change (if you think they even should)?

My response is that I agree with Sake somewhat. Below is my response to Sake:

So any replies?

I don't really like how their Japanese promotions are being done but, I don't agree with some of the reasoning that you used. One, the group hasn't been on Hiatus completely in Korea. In the year they've been promoting officially in Japan each member had something he was working on in Korea as well. Top had his Dramas, Daesung had his Variety show and Musical practice(then there was the Accident) with Seungri which he performed and both promoted before the accident. As for Taeyang and GD they were both working on their solo songs. GD delivering a full album while Taeyang released two singles that were promoted in Korea for some time between August-December. So it wasn't just completely pulling out of the Korean scene to work in japan. There are also mini concerts they've had for things like hite and stuff

Then for the Dig on learning a language enough to hold a conversation. Honestly You don't Need to know a foreign language to be able to promote there and be accepted. In almost every interview they even bring interpreters with them showing they don't know the language but they want to get their messages across and understand whats being said around them. If they would just go with the members who spoke - the interpreters and just sat there like that, then it would be a rude insult imho, but there is no shame in openly showing what you lack.

Now in general like I said I don't like the way they handle their Japanese promotions but in the sense that to me they seem too spread out for fans to get their expectations higher than it should be. Sure, they're secure in Korea's popularity scene, with a % of fluctuating growth/decrease here n there but if they want better results maybe they should "Completely pull out for a few months-year" and completely focus on japan. Sure there will be more complaints than now but a year won't kill them.. progress in music from the kpop scene hasn't been that great to push them out.

Though this may be speaking too soon. Yes, usually a single albums best sell date is the the first but we should atleast wait a week or so to really see the effect BB has had on the Jpop industry, after all they did have their tour that got extended a bit from high demand. Don't really follow the other groups but maybe even though they got outsold by X amount of albums the tour and stuff was what pushed them ahead for the awards (this subject I don't really know and am not to clear on facts myself so just a guess/opinion though the awards don't really affect my fandom so ...)

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Agreed with johnnyquest89

I don't think its fair to say that GD and TOP did not make an effort to speak Japanese. They might have been promoting in Japan for a year now, but we all know how much TOP and GD were busy last year. GD with his solo album+concert and TOP with his drama+movie shoot etc. Compared to them, other three members were not that busy though they did do some stuff on side. I don't find it rude at all.

I also felt that it was rude to say that they were undeserving of the award they won in Japan . The number of sales does not represent the quality of music. Their album sales might have been lower than other Jpop artist that debuted last year but it doesn't mean their musics were better..

GGG was ok for me but Let me hear your voice+heaven was Damn good ;]

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Guest toozdae08

@ johnnyquest89 I know that you can do well in Japan without being able to hold a conversation but I feel that BB is trying to establish themselves in Japan -hence signing with a japanese label - and the members should be trying their best to improve their Japanese. I feel that Big Bang can promote and big accepted in Japan without being good at the language but if they want to make the same impact in Japan that they did in Korea then they need to learn the language.I haven't seen much improvement from GD TOP and I feel that is because they are stretched too thin.

I feel that what YG should do after their korean album/mini-album is to spend a solid 6months to a year in Japan - release a japanese album, a full 8+ song album or a series of mini-album like their debut year, getting familiar with the ppl, get their face other there, go on as many shows as possible and kind of saturate the market and promote promote promote. Then during the next 6 months after have members doing solo project (movies, shows and solo albums) and maybe have them doing stuff in Japan as well as Korea (YB's Japanese should be good enough by then). And then do something similar the next year until they are fully established.

I too disagreed with the undeserving part but I can see where he/she was coming from

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Guest GDLOVE1430270694

So my question is

Are you satisfied with how BB is being promoted in Japan? What do you like/hate and why should they change (if you think they even should)?

So any replies?

I get where you guys are coming from and it must be frustrating for the Japanese fans but we do have to remember that that is not the only market Big Bang is catering to and they have been Hiatus (Korea) for almost 2 years and with new bands popping up every month it is important that they return to the motherland to secure their rightful place and REMIND their fans why they loved them in the 1st place.

Im sure Universal and especially YG have their best interests in mind because there is no win-lose situatin here its either win-win or lose-lose. We also have to remember that they are professionals (and successful ones) and must know exactly what they are doing.

Big Bang are at such a position now that everyone wants a piece of them and i guess that since they cannot be everywhere they are making the best decisions they can at any point in time. As you can see the boys are overworked all the time so it does look like they are trying to accomplish as much as possible but things arent always perfect. I think after they finish wooing all their korean fans with their next album they will probably go and camp in Japan for a long time and concentrate solely on that market(as a band).

As for Mr. Kwon :wub: and Mr. Choi and their lack of the Japanese language.. i think they do realise that they have to commit more as GD had said in a recent interview. As you had already mentiond they were very busy in 2009 with their solo work so hopefully they have time this year to work on their Japanese.. Seungri did improve a lot in a short period of time and as a group i dont think they compromise in any area so i do think that both GD and TOP will surprise us the next time they go to Japan.

Im not very familiar with J-pop and am very biased (keke) so im gonna say that i think Big Bang did deserve those awards (unless Universal slipped in a bribe.. which i highly doubt and YG would never do somethng like that IMHO) and what ever maybe the shortcomings Big Bang had to face in Japan (in terms of publicity) they are becoming very popular, respected and loved in Japan. So i do think Big Bang, Universal and YG are doing something really RIGHT!!!

I hope you dont feel im counter-attacking you in anyway .. these are jus my personal opinions and might be way off for all i know. :unsure: . Neways, very interesting topic. :D

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Bigbang at premiere Into the Fire

i love when other members cheer up TOP when his turn to speak..~ hahaha :D :D :D

like classmates cheer up their friends..~ so cute.. :P :P :P

and daedae sure big fan of his hyung, he's so excited..~ *todae love* :D :D :D

Are you satisfied with how BB is being promoted in Japan? What do you like/hate and why should they change (if you think they even should)?

@toozdae08 i really get hurt when read your post. seriously :( :( :(

Yes, GD and TOP can't speak japanese fluently but it doesn't mean they didn't put an effort to improve the language.

With time constraint and busy with their solo activities (korea-japan), how can we expect them to speak fluently in short time.

I agreed if they want to established in Japan, they need to learn the language but its just unfair to say they never tried.

just the matter of time..~ they are human too, nobody perfect..

about undeserving award--> hurm.. dont you think this is too much.. they deserve it.

sorry, if my post hurt anybody, but i cant help myself.

Just so sad :( :( :( when someone said big bang's effort for almost 2 years in Japan and its nothing

then jump to conclusion that they not deserve the award.

sorry again. :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

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Guest andloveyelledno

I can understand everyone's frustrations as I myself feel them. Yes, their attempt to make it in Japan is half assed, there's no doubt about that. It is extremely difficult for a foreign artist to make it big in Japan. The only way you stand a chance is by spending a lot of time there promoting nonstop. This is what BoA did.

Meaning, the boys would have to completely leave behind their Korean activities and focus solely on Japan, which apparently YG is just not willing to do. Still, i'm impressed at what they have accomplished considering the situation.

First, I want to say that Seungri and Daesung have been studying Japanese like crazy. If you guys go back to a year ago, these two boys could barley speak a sentence. Now? They pretty much no longer need a translator.

GD was busy with his solo album during this time so when exactly was he suppose to learn Japanese? And TOP has been busy with his acting (Movie + drama) as well as his solo album. So I completely understand why they don't speak the language. They haven't had any time to study. And from the looks of it, this isn't something that YG had planned way in advanced.

Again, this all goes back to YG. You can't have the boys trying to conquer Japan and yet doing other side projects in Korea. Not only is it exhausting but it pretty much guarantees that they won't be giving their all to either one. Example: TaeYang with his solo promotions.

So this year the group will have their Korean comeback. Next year will be TOP and Daesung's solo activities. After all of that is said and done with, hit Japan again if you must...but only Japan.

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Guest toozdae08

Wow. I'm sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings. Esp. you kizuna1968 and I never said I thought BB didn't deserve those awards.

I personally feel that they did well so far this year but if they really want to dominate in Japan they need to put a more concentrated effort- like hit Japan and hit it hard. And like I said in my response to the OP at allkpop, I don't blame GD and TOP for not being good with Japanese considering how busy they were but at the same time I feel that if YG wants them to do well in Japan he needs to give them time to not only learn the language but also rest (GD and TOP have both lost a lot of weight in the past year) and with both GD and YB coming off of a depression from last year, the last thing I want is for the group to be over worked again and constantly jet lagged and another member get depressed.

Also, I love all of your responses and the diversity of thought here on the thread, Much love to everyone here.

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Guest infinite7

Ive been noticing lately that TaeYang has been growing facial hair. Does anybody know why? I think its a new rugged look for him I kinda like it in an off sort of way.

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{TRANS} Big Bang BIG SHOW 2010 Book Part 3


BIGBANG spent 2D1N in the villa located in the mountains which was covered in snow.

The smiles never leave their faces.

How do you create a new fresh look out of this merry atmosphere?

The production team starts to brainstorm…


Seungri occupied himself with a table tennis match.

With overflowing strong confidence which even surpasses a national representative, he kept everyone entertained.

Yes, Seungri-goon

Since it turned out this way, please reincarnate as the new hope for the table tennis arena.


“We haven’t done this for a long time.’

The members sat down in a circle on a mat,

playing games and cracking jokes with nothing to worry about.

This is the moment which they have each others’ companionship.

“It feels as though it is not part of the schedule but a trip with only the 5 of us”

At the sight of the roasted sweet potato, the 5 members of BIGBANG ate them with a look of bliss.

The managers who participated in countless football competition in the army and the dance instructors who engage in year round practices and trainings were against BIGBANG, it was evenly matched as both teams were equally strong.

“This is too simple!” said the manager who often shower BIGBANG with care and concern.

His usual ways were gone but exuded extrememly high self-confidence,

There is now a friendly mental battle between the managers whom they treated like part of their family and BIGBANG.

The managers who participated in countless football competition in the army and the dance instructors who engage in year round practices and trainings were against BIGBANG, it was evenly matched as both teams were equally strong.

“This is too simple!” said the manager who often shower BIGBANG with care and concern.

His usual ways were gone but exuded extrememly high self-confidence,

There is now a friendly mental battle between the managers whom they treated like part of their family and BIGBANG.


“Hyung, you should be more lenient with us~”

Athough they were people whom they spend more time with than with their family, in the realm of winning and losing, the hyungs remained calm.


“This is because we are still younger in comparison to hyungs!” said BIGBANG with a spark in their competitiveness.


Even Daesung, the all round artiste, also has something which he does not specialise in…

It’s the kind of football skills which put the team in a dangerous predicament.

Daesung who was still teasing the continuous defeat of TOP-goon in table tennis a while ago, had a hit on the nerve when it comes to football this time round.


The table tennis match which they gathered and ate tidbits,

the football match which that competed with the manager hyungs and

the dinner along with other games…

Though it has been said that they were as close as a real family,

being able to see a new side of each other in this new and foreign environment, will make the trip a more memorable one.


A content questioning game was conducted in relevance to YG FAMILY and BIGBANG.

The crew began to get worried.

It seems like BIGBANG will get all the questions correct, why not lets just end this boring game?

But… their dinner that day would only remain mediocore!


The deep feelings and thoughts which they were unable to convey to each other under normal circumstances can now be presented in a new light.

Even though they did not show any excitment on their faces, the thought of this got everyone of them excited.

Everyone of them understands and treasures each other.

Although it is only a short 2D1N, the members have made a promise for 2010.

Kwon Leader said, ” We have been hardworking in the past but BIGBANG will put in even more effort from now on.”


Translations: xiao_de@ibigbang fansite

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Guest Unni_Ashley

Wow. I'm sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings. Esp. you kizuna1968 and I never said I thought BB didn't deserve those awards.

I personally feel that they did well so far this year but if they really want to dominate in Japan they need to put a more concentrated effort- like hit Japan and hit it hard. And like I said in my response to the OP at allkpop, I don't blame GD and TOP for not being good with Japanese considering how busy they were but at the same time I feel that if YG wants them to do well in Japan he needs to give them time to not only learn the language but also rest (GD and TOP have both lost a lot of weight in the past year) and with both GD and YB coming off of a depression from last year, the last thing I want is for the group to be over worked again and constantly jet lagged and another member get depressed.

Also, I love all of your responses and the diversity of thought here on the thread, Much love to everyone here.

i've read your other post and yeah, it's hurt...but with this post, i can understand more about what you mean. I love this comment of yours, really^^. What the boys've done deserves anything they had received. And like you said they should put more effort if wanna hit Japan. Yet...i - and i think most of Vipz - miss them in Korea. To me, their image in Korea is really them, the really Big Bang. Not that i dun like what they are now, i love it but not the way i love BB's Korea :P. So.... well i dunno what im saying now...hehe...just waiting for their comeback this Aug. But above all they need rest more... :)

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