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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest shinhdeplol

^thanks for the photos. im loving the Vanness - Big Bang interractions ^^

uhm am i the only one who thinks Tabi looks a bit like Vanness. when i first looked at the thumbnails, i thought Tabi was Vanness :/

awwh Tae needs to remember to shave. he looks older and less cute here TT.TT



C: http://me2day.net/bsx99

BSX stores are soooooooo cool <3333

p/s: yay!! our thread title is changed. thank you shinhdeplol !! biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

v LOL no i didnt change it ^^ Jerilyn (the thread's opener) did :D

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It's not that Big Bang is selling out. I think it's the opposite.

From the start, critics have said that Big bang will not go far as an idol group because Korea isn't ready for a "revolution of idol". They were right. Though Big Bang gained a following, it wasn't massive and they continued to be just like everybody else. La La La to Dirty Cash - where did that come from?

If GD, TOP, Bae, Dae and Ri aren't happy in Big Bang, then why stay?

Actually, this "compromising their own music style" brings a smile to myself.


Because it goes to show how strongly each Big Bang member feel for their music. Other groups cannot say the same because they only wait for their company's composers to hand them their hits while BB has a passion for their music that controls how each of them sings.

This is the reason why I respect them and Shinhwa.

sorry to cut your post.

beautiful...~ i cant say more, really beautiful explanation..~

sometimes, i'm questioning myself, "why I like them so much, talent, look or what?" :blink: :blink: :blink:

then, I remember how their music lead me to listen more;

simply because..

their passion to music is endless

their talent is anonymous

perhaps this are the reason why I stick with them till now

and till whenever only them, BIG BANG..~ B) B) B)

p/s: yay!! our thread title is changed. thank you shinhdeplol !! :D :D :D

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Guest miared

It's not that Big Bang is selling out. I think it's the opposite.

Well, not really. You said it yourself, TOP and GD could have moved to a different company that will let them sing the songs that they want to hear.

Wait- what?

Doesn't YG already do that for them? TOP is able to write and release songs that he wants and he will have his solo album that will contain songs that he wants to sings. GD released a solo album that contained songs he composed and therefore wanted to sing. YB released songs that he wanted to sing and co-wrote songs with Teddy that he wanted to sing. Wedding Dress didn't achieve the success that Look Only at Me received but he got to sing what he wants. Seungri got to sing Strong Baby that GD wrote for him and that, I'm sure he wants to sing.

Their solo activities is where they get to sing the type of songs that they want. Being in Big bang is where they can enjoy doing crazy stuff that they wouldn't normally do by themselves as solo artists.

If GD, TOP, Bae, Dae and Ri aren't happy in Big Bang, then why stay?

Actually, this "compromising their own music style" brings a smile to myself.


Because it goes to show how strongly each Big Bang member feel for their music. Other groups cannot say the same because they only wait for their company's composers to hand them their hits while BB has a passion for their music that controls how each of them sings.

This is the reason why I respect them and Shinhwa.

Sorry, sorry-------------your post was so damn long that I had to cut the meaty parts out! Don´t be mad now, I´ve left the ones I want to clarify and answer further, since your (very long and good) post represents most of what I´ve read over the last three or four pages ...........so this should not be a problem.

Weeeell---------------------everyone wil have their opinion on what selling out is- so commenting on this would be pretty useless. Mine won´t change.

As for their solos being the real opportunities for them to actually reveal their true colours---I can only agree. I myself have stated time and time before that I always look more forward to their solos than anything else. And I can really only praise them all here, especially Taeyang for trying routes that in most cases clearly arn´t intented to please the masses or fill the account, but rather show where their interests lie .

And YES----I cannot wait for TOPs solo-album to drop, since I consider him the biggest talent in BIG BANG (don´t kill!!!!!) especially when it comes to writing and composing.

Now your next sentence got me smiling as well (in the good way)------------why would any member stay in BIG BANG if they weren´t happy there? Well, of course for the money, why else.

Even though I honestly doubt that any of the members would not feel comfortable where they are right now.


Now, your compromising statement I kinda didn´t get...........spit some more on that ;T

However, I´ve read everyones comments regarding this, and it seems that people got the wrong meaning out of my words. Well now----I really was in a hurry that day- I think I even mentioned it?---so I couldn´t really elaborate on every bit of it.

Let me explain what I meant with my ---------COMPROMISING---comment.

I did not mean that there was an issue with the members contributing their own personal style to each song----because, in all honesty-----the only one (beside TOP) that really directs and decites BIG BANGS next style would be GD anyways.

Whatever he prefers at the moment will represent 90 percent of the next albums direction.

As he, so often mentions--he is BIG BANG. :ph34r:

I doubt that Daesung and Seungri really care that much anyways, since------peronal opinion------I consider them the least interested and talented in the group. Don´t get me wrong here, I like both of them a great deal, but the main reason the two of them joined BIG BAG in the first place was because they wanted to entertain.

Seungri just wanted to dance, while Daesung wanted to make people smile.

Tey are good at what they are doing, but they certainly don´t stand out . And especially not the way GD, TOP and TY do. The latter simply play in a totally different league of their own.

Now, just to make sure------I like them, and this is in no way meant as offensive or something. I am merely speaking my mind. No fighting :excl: :excl:


With most songs they (mostly GD) write and compose, BIG BANG has to make sure that the melody, lyrics....ect will appeal to the masses.

I remember hearing GD say so himself. He mentioned how a bunch of the more serious hip-hop, rap-songs got cut because they simply didn´t have the appeal to sell- and that he sometimes feels bad for not being able to do such kind of songs.

(Remember the interview in whch he also mentioned that TY and him were shocked when they found out what YG had in store for them------he even mentioned wanting to change companies himself.)

With compromising their songs, I also meant that they tweak their songs in a way that will appeal to young girls especially. They have started to pursue the romantic route and what I would call really "cheesy" songs. "Haru Haru" is just cringeworthy to me----I can´t watch that video.

Now---before anyone starts with it-----there is nothing wrong with appealing to young girls and such. There are singers who dedicate whole albums to one girl (love) alone- BUT- there is "Haru Haru" romantic and (for example) "Arizona" (Kings of Leon) romantic-----the latter is pure style, while the first is cheesiness overload.(To me)

Simply comparing their solo- albums and songs to everything they´ve done in the past two years shows the stark contrast- to me. Real quality is something else. So of course, I will refrain from praising something like "Gara Gara Go" the same way as "Sinners", "She´s Gone" or "Friend".

The difference in quality shows greatly.

To put it more blunt---------I would have compared BB to the BlackEyedPeas before--------------whereas now they pretty much stand on a Justin Bieber level. To me.

They sell---------oh, no doubt about that. But really now----------I want the quality back.

While I can recite almost every single song from their frist two/three albums (only group activities here) by heart, I can hardly remember a single beat from any of the songs they´ve made the last year/or two.


I am not saying this because I want them to sing a certain way----I mean----hell yeah, I have my preferences, but I don´t mind waiting until they release something more to my liking. It´s really just the whole vibe that sticks out to me right now.

Imagine Britney Spears being all underground rap for example!? That would simply be s.t.r.a.n.g.e.

(Don´t take this too seriously here------this should simply pose as another example of how radicale BB change appears to me)

But again, I can only say that I deffinitely can´t blame them. As if anyone would really turn their heads on such amounts of money just to demonstarte their dignity. I know that I wouldn´t--- and 90 percent of the people living on this earth would follow me on that desicion. And BIG BANG are no different when it comes to that.


To close this----------yes, I really like BIG BANG---------I am not a hater or jealous or anything like that. I like to talk, and hear peoples opinions on all kinds of things. I hate writing over the internet, for it clearly takes away the "tone" and colour of a comment------I never get angry over comments left here, I never feel attacked.

I write in peace.........

Now I´d like to hear some questions from you guys/girls as well :ph34r:

I wanna have something to think about :excl:

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Guest Unnursvana

I doubt that Daesung and Seungri really care that much anyways, since------peronal opinion------I consider them the least interested and talented in the group. Don´t get me wrong here, I like both of them a great deal, but the main reason the two of them joined BIG BAG in the first place was because they wanted to entertain.

Seungri just wanted to dance, while Daesung wanted to make people smile.

Tey are good at what they are doing, but they certainly don´t stand out . And especially not the way GD, TOP and TY do. The latter simply play in a totally different league of their own.

Now, just to make sure------I like them, and this is in no way meant as offensive or something. I am merely speaking my mind. No fighting :excl: :excl:

I don't agree at all with this bit, sorry to cut your post BTW and I don't want to start a fight with you, you are titled to your own opinion.

Yes sure, Daesung and Seungri are not TOP or GD and they are not as creative in the composing department and everything like that but I doubt that they don't care about what they are doing, sometimes I get that wipe from Seungri but not Daesung and no I am not being bias.

I don't think Daesung only wanted to entertain people and just make them smile, I think he truly loves singing just as Seungri truly loves dancing. Daesung tried everything to get into some sort of a singing school against his parents (father?) wishes and he used to practice singing like crazy (singing with his head in a pillow and such things) and he probably still do so I doubt he just decided to get into YG just because he wanted to make people smile, I think singing was his dream just like dancing is Seungri dream.

Just had to throw it out there.

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Guest g-dragon1988

Sorry, sorry-------------your post was so damn long that I had to cut the meaty parts out! Don´t be mad now, I´ve left the ones I want to clarify and answer further, since your (very long and good) post represents most of what I´ve read over the last three or four pages ...........so this should not be a problem.

Now I´d like to hear some questions from you guys/girls as well :ph34r:

I wanna have something to think about :excl:

I respect your opinion..but why do you always talk about their bad sides?? You always talk about members negatively..We all love BIGBANG and we don't want to search for their FAULTS~~everyone makes faults..they re human like we are~ and I don't see what is the problem that Seungri is less talented than others?? People are different, and I don't see anyone complain yet..People are NOT perfect yet.

And I like them all, I love their KOREAN and JAPANESE music and it's not typical IDOL music at all~ You once said you hate songs like 'haruharu' ' last farewell' and 'lies'...It punched my heart so strong..These songs gained much attention, and GD gave his best to make these hits..When you make better songs than BIGBANG speak about it..But it's not you who is the judge of which songs are bad or not..If people don't like them, they wouldn't be popular like this. Only because person like you is telling opposite things about them, it doesn't mean we all think like you. For us, BIGBANG is PERFECT. Whatever they do.

And I saw you seem like obssessed about members speaking english..well they are ASIANS!! Please get over it..and I think T.O.P's english in TMGB is SO DAMN GOOD!! I prefer them speaking KOREAN , cuz they ARE KOREANS.

I just love everything they do. And when they act gay, I love them, and when they make a mistake, I love them, when they pronounce bad english, I love them, whatever they do I'll love it. I'm not here to look at their faulses and mistakes.

And I don't think they started selling out. Please don't bring a negative energy here~~speak more positively about them...PLEASE~

You once said GD wore 'gay' shirt..why do you think it is gay?? I love his fashion style and it suits him. If you're european please get that Asians are tiny and very shy. Especially koreans, they LOVE fashion and all, so they try to be as stylish as possible. To Europeans, it looks GAY because If an European wore GD's clothes he would surely be called 'gay' there.

Asians are totally different than American and European so don't compare them please~ Compare them to Asian groups and singers..Cuz ASIA and AMERICA/EUROPE are two different worlds.

I don't want to fight with you, but I'm just trying to help you realize...Europeans will always see asians with other eyes..

If you showed BIGBANG to asians, they would be 'WOW' but if you showed them to European they would say 'GAYS'~

If I got it right, you want them to be Americans or Europeans? Cuz everytime their music seems european, everytime their styling seems european, everytime they speak something in english..you get excited...

I want them to be what they are, I want them to be KOREANS, to make korean music and stay what they are, without trying to be something they will never be able to be.

They cannot be Americans. They way they sing, the way they talk and behave, you have to realize it. Asians are a whole different race than Westerns. They have their long tradition and they were grown to be like that. You will always find something bothering about them because they are not your race. If you find so many faults in BIGBANG go find an european group there who will please you.

I think if you spoke like that to other koreans, they would simply tell you 'goodbye'..cuz koreans are even more obssessed with them than foreign fans are, believe me.



And I TOTALLY agree with this.^^

And something to make up my mood ^____^ This man, I just can't get enough of him~~!! ahh! It's HOTT here~~!!*ㅡ.ㅡ*


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Guest SoshiBangBang

I dont get how someone who claims to like Big Bang and shows their dedication just by putting in a few colors, bolding a few words and changing the sizes of words. I believe the bulk of you guys just go with what miared says based on your own indecisiveness, you guys don't know what you want.

I think why this thread has slowed down so much is due to the fact that I keep seeing bashing here.THE NEGATIVE VIBE IS PUSHING EVERYONE AWAY. Everyday I see someone slagging off GD just because what he composes isnt quality and that they're tired of it. In our own Big Bang thread. I believe that a thread dedicated to an artist should compromise of unconditional love and that only. Of course, a little constructive criticism is allowed here and there, just to show and tell ourselves that Big Bang has room to improve and that is what I keep looking for in their next release.

I agree on one thing, their Solo's are more prominent just because they've been releasing Korean Solos for the past 2 years. If we had a BB album in that 2 years, I'm sure we'll still be talking about it now rather than the solos. Taeyang's HOT was a great album. One of the better made albums at that moment of time. GD's was just pure quality (2009 BEST SELLING ALBUM). He showed how versatile he could be by showcasing the many genres he can do in his album. The guy who writes songs and composes them for Big Bang can do more than just techno mini cooper. GD also said that his all time favourite composition was Haru Haru.

I'm also disgusted when someone says Dae and Seungri are the least talented in the group. Without Dae and Seungri, BB will have no voice. Sure, Tae is the main voice of the songs we have but Dae and Seungri is what makes the songs complete. Who is going to hit that impossible note? Dae and Seungri. Big Bang is complete only with 5 people. I dont see GD being better than Daesung or Seungri better than Taeyang. They are all equal in their respective strengths. Dae just wants to sing and entertain. GD will write verses which he thinks the members can fully convey if not why bother.

I like their japanese Singles more than Korean singles so far it's because we get to see moe of Dae and Seungri. Their voices are killer and are always shadow-ed by the likes of TOP and GD. They just dont get enough exposure for their vocal talents in Korean songs. That's my 2 cents on that. Let's compare their 2010 releases.

(KOR)Hallejulah - What we've been asking for all this while. But No Dae and Seungri, I always feel there's something missing when I hear this song.

(japanese)LMHYV - Their 3rd title song for japanese market. Great song, less of GD and TOP. More of the other three. Good overall, no world beater but great song.

(KOR)Lollipop 2 - What people are calling techno-hiphop fused together. IMO, this is a really good song. Their parts are also distributed quite fairly, but Tae had lesser.

(japanese)TMG - Not enough of GD and TOP. But the vocals are awesome! No complains here.

I know language's a problem but I dont see why Tae,Dae and Ri can sing in japanese and the hyungs can't rap in japanese. I know their schedules always packed but I dont really know what GD's does all the time, he's always busy.


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Guest intelligirl

miared, just because Daesung and Seungri don't stand out for you does not mean they don't stand out for others. To some people they happen to be their favorite members and I must say that both of them contribute a lot to Big Bang's popularity. All of Big Bang's members are talented in their own way and they all worked very hard to be in the group so I feel that it's a little unjust to say that one of them doesn't stand out or is in a different league altogther.


I'll just leave this here because to me you sound like the girls in the beginning of this video and I think Seungri does a pretty good job of addressing your thoughts in his part of the song.

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Guest SoshiBangBang

I like that point of looking Big Bang being a Korean Band not a Korean Band trying to break into the American, European or whatever market. They're a Korean Band in the Korean Market and does japanese for the japanese Market.

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Guest toozdae08

I personally feel that what GD and Tae were talking about were that they were not overall satisfied with some of the Japaneses songs mostly because they have less input in it. In YG they feel comfortable saying "no, i don't like this" or "can we change this" or "this isn't really our style" but since they're working with Universal in Japan they have a little less freedom. Not to say anything bad about Universal but they're taking a chance on our boys and so they are a little less trusting of the boys direction when compared to YG and the boys are a little more shy voicing their opinion seeing how they are working with newer ppl in a language they don't fully understand.

However, saying that GD completely determines the direction BB goes in is wrong. I really doubt that the other boys -especially Tae and TOP- would just sit back and completely let GD lead everything. They probably do compromise because it is 5 guys in one group but I'm sure that they feel comfortable expressing their voice. Especially Tae considering that he is the one that takes over when GD is not there and has been in YG just as long.

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Guest BeraAugust

Intelligirl, you'r right, with me Daesungie is number 1 :lol:

so sometime i feel lonely at thread, but it's okay because i love all of them.

"All of Big Bang's members are talented in their own way and they all worked very hard to be in the group "


Miared i thought you're so much "Seungri just wanted to dance, while Daesung wanted to make people smile."

sorry but it make many people sad expecialy with me, you make me uncomfortable

But, it's okay.

Point is " difference of points of views", so there is no need for further argument, you guys have your opinion.

Reading your post, hehe sorry in one minute i thought you're revolutionary fighter. just for fun

We're V.I.P

Daesung ah, maybe you smile so much haizz... :lol:

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Guest Kushi

miared, just because Daesung and Seungri don't stand out for you does not mean they don't stand out for others. To some people they happen to be their favorite members and I must say that both of them contribute a lot to Big Bang's popularity. All of Big Bang's members are talented in their own way and they all worked very hard to be in the group so I feel that it's a little unjust to say that one of them doesn't stand out or is in a different league altogther.

I agree with you completely, Daesung is my favorite member because he's easily the most talented.

Don't get me wrong, I love and think every Big Bang member is very talented. But for me, Daesung's singing is what I look forward to within a BB song, without Daesung, I honestly wouldn't have given half a crap about BB. Nor would I have ever grown to love them all.

@ Miared

I never cared much about what you said before, but saying they're *'the least interested and talented in the group', *'but they certainly don´t stand out' AND *''The latter simply play in a totally different league of their own' is just going way way too far (especially in a BB thread). Just because you make your words coloured and different sizes doesn't make you a BB fan, but the fact that you could actually post those sentences makes me think that you're an anti.

I respect that you have your own opinions on BB, but what you have just said... that's what an anti would say, not a VIP. What you said weren't opinions, but rather just some straight up bashing.

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I doubt that Daesung and Seungri really care that much anyways, since------peronal opinion------I consider them the least interested and talented in the group. Don´t get me wrong here, I like both of them a great deal, but the main reason the two of them joined BIG BAG in the first place was because they wanted to entertain.

Seungri just wanted to dance, while Daesung wanted to make people smile.

Tey are good at what they are doing, but they certainly don´t stand out . And especially not the way GD, TOP and TY do. The latter simply play in a totally different league of their own.

Um WTH? they don't stand out? have you heard both of their high notes??? Big Bang would never survive with out them! both of them are steadily improving their already amazing vocals and pull their weight in Big Bang. Seungri is a genius when it comes to choreography and has probably responsible for helping create some of BB catchy moves! Daesung vocals stand out in every song he sings and his solo album will be amazing!! I know we all have our own personal opinion but ease up will ya.

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Guest kara-sue

Daesung and Seungri as "the least interested and talented in the group"?

Wow. Unbelievable.

Sure, we all have favorites/personal biases in the group, but to make such a bold statement questioning their interests, talents, and indirectly, contributions within the group (and to make such a statement lightly) is just plain rude. It's practically an indirect insult to Daesung and Seungri as individuals.

It's unfair to single them out when they work just as hard and give 110% to the group. As for their talents? Well, one just needs to listen to their medley at the ELT. Daesung has an impressive vocal range (his high notes are insane!) and Seungri has consistently and significantly improved. He's got a solid control of his voice, perhaps honed through his musicals.

I've always been a silent lurker (first post ever...eeek!), but I just had to point out that that statement was not cool. Big Bang is made up of five guys and they are all talented and wonderful in their own ways, and they wouldn't be where they are today without each and every one of them.

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LMAO vips lashing out on that girl/guy who writes with bolded color. Her/his post are always like that. last time when me and some other soompi vips commented about her [ridiculous] post, we were labeled as "new people" who doesn't know anything. As a matter of fact, i have been part of BB fandom since 2006. Thanks to my amazing memory, I even remember the line when someone told her not to be offended by people like "us" and to write more..

My point is

This is not a thread to Bash BB's outfit, song, styles. I strongly dislike people who comes off with "i dont mean to bash.....*inserts full of crap* and ends up with but i love them though" yea right <_<

ps: don't quote me

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Guest evilgary

Is that a gun which top is carrying? Is that picture based on his upcoming movie or was it a picture from the past ? I feel that Top looks really stunning with his long hair in IRIS

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Guest loveshatori

I doubt that Daesung and Seungri really care that much anyways, since------peronal opinion------I consider them the least interested and talented in the group. Don´t get me wrong here, I like both of them a great deal, but the main reason the two of them joined BIG BAG in the first place was because they wanted to entertain.

Seungri just wanted to dance, while Daesung wanted to make people smile.

Tey are good at what they are doing, but they certainly don´t stand out . And especially not the way GD, TOP and TY do. The latter simply play in a totally different league of their own.

i agree with most of your comments besides this

i dont think their original intentions are a reason to call them the least talented i dont want to single out taeyang or top but looking at their weaknesses you really see that seungri can really rival them in terms of his own strengths like being able to dance well and being able to choreograph

for example Top cant dance for shiz so much that its funny and of course lovable

even comparing taeyang to seungri, even shaun points out that seungri picks up the choreo the fastest besides gd

it shows that seungri has more of a natural tendency/ talent for dancing while taeyang had to train for years to be able to dance as he does now taeyang even admits himself that he has no natural talent (not to say i wholeheartedly agree with this statement but ...) when looking at seungri's strengths like dancing singing ( just listen to his musicals) and absolute confidence and charisma its unfair to call him the weakest link

now daesung dont get me started with him though sometimes i cringe when daesung misses a note, the man can belt and hit those high notes like no other when it comes to vocal talent that guy seriously beats everyone in the group you had to be born with that voice honestly in most bbs songs, i think its his voice that makes it have that wow factor

not to mention daesung, is extremely entertaining hes funny, outrageous and just out there

what my point is that its unfair to call on the least talented because if we were to make a bullet list off our their strengths and weakness as well as talents all of them are on the more or less on the same level

the reason why they always get the short end the stick it is because they are the youngest, yg generally gives royalties to the gd and taeyang and top

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Guest shinhdeplol


:/ "Seungri just wants to dance and Daesung just wants to make people smile"

okay if Seungri is like that, why should he be so upset when YG said during BB docu that he was more like a dancer not a singer? why should he try so hard to have a spot in BB? he could have been an excellent dancer if he wanted, but im sure he wants to sing, thats why he chose the harder path: being a BB member (surely being a dancer should be much easier) and tries hard to improve. and, something that anyone not deaf can realize: his singing skill today is x100000000000000 times better than the early days of Big Bang (not like he used to be horrible, he sang pretty well then imo).

and it's really the first time i have ever heard Daesung is more interested in being an entertainer than a singer :/ idk how to state my feeling now but...uhmm your statement itself sounds ridiculous to me.

i agree with the others saying that Dae-ri do not appeal that much to you does not mean they do not stand out. they DO stand out, and are more talented than some members of Big Bang in some certain areas...for example, Seungri's dancing skill is usually just as great as Tae's...but sometimes he outdances Tae...and and he certainly outsings Jiyong. Daesung's voice may not be as unique as Taeyang but he can sing live more stably than Tae most of the time (Tae's awesome, but he has his off days).

im not saying this because Daesung and Seungri are my bias...i dont have a bias in BB, i love them with passion equally. i dont want to start a fight with you, because you seem like you wont ever change your opinion, but i hope you wont state what can make quite many people upset here again in such an annoying way. it would have been better if you had kept it to yourself :huh:


LOL you took the words right out of my mouth. =]]

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Guest ilovearronyan

Daesung and Seungri as "the least interested and talented in the group"?

Wow. Unbelievable.

Sure, we all have favorites/personal biases in the group, but to make such a bold statement questioning their interests, talents, and indirectly, contributions within the group (and to make such a statement lightly) is just plain rude. It's practically an indirect insult to Daesung and Seungri as individuals.

It's unfair to single them out when they work just as hard and give 110% to the group. As for their talents? Well, one just needs to listen to their medley at the ELT. Daesung has an impressive vocal range (his high notes are insane!) and Seungri has consistently and significantly improved. He's got a solid control of his voice, perhaps honed through his musicals.

I've always been a silent lurker (first post ever...eeek!), but I just had to point out that that statement was not cool. Big Bang is made up of five guys and they are all talented and wonderful in their own ways, and they wouldn't be where they are today without each and every one of them.

hahhahaha all these posts about how seungri and daesung are/are not as standing out/talented/important compared to the other three members.

I guess it's because they all have different charms,

Some people look at the amount of experience they had beforehand,

some observe the quality of their voices,

some observe through the vitality of roles they have in the group..

well since they all have different roles in the first place,

I say that we can't really compare them at all

(especially not to EACH OTHER)

And to me, they are equally as important within the group.

As they've always said, BB members exist to complete each others' weaknesses

YG said that in their documentary as well...

Since GD is the leader then he would have the greatest responsibility to represent the members,

however I think whatever the members do they all still represent Big Bang equally.

Not to mention that within their solo activities they are completing the various different fields of the entertainment industry.

GD in producing/composing/writing more songs.

Taeyang in performing as a true musician.

TOP in acting.

Daesung in the variety world.

Seungri in the musical world.

Whenever Seungri acts all powerful and over-confident in front of everyone,

I would feel that Big Bang truly believe in themselves and we should believe in them too (in terms of making music and become a long-lasting group).

Actually, to me, at least, Seungri's strong personality packages the whole of Big Bang since he's also the maknae. Unlike Daesung, he shows off his confidence in front of everyone. If Daesung was the maknae (he likes to be modest, especially in front of the seniors) then Big Bang's image won't be as "strong" as it is right now. It will be different.

When TOP states that he wants to be a mysterious person rather than a lovable(?i frgot wat he said in the interview) person, I felt that Big Bang's quality is deeper than we all see.

Even though that we hear often that GD is the "face" of Big Bang, it doesn't mean the other members are less important than he is. But ofc GD still plays the biggest role in Big Bang.

Hahahahha it might show that I'm not as biased towards Daesung so I haven't commented much about him.

But back then, BB was known to be the idol group which isn't involved in the variety world much. But because of Daesung's "great entrance" through the show Family Outing, besides the other idol members such as Heechul from Super Junior (idk anyone else ahhaha) which are popular in variety shows, we would think of Daesung as well.

This is what i call covering up each others' weaknesses.

In contrast to Daesung, Taeyang has never been to variety shows except just once.

Hahahaha I think I've just blabbed off in this post, without a structure in my points and explanation. Sorry if it doesn' make sense.

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Guest andloveyelledno

Now your next sentence got me smiling as well (in the good way)------------why would any member stay in BIG BANG if they weren´t happy there? Well, of course for the money, why else.

The problem with this statement is that you're just making bold assumptions based on....well, i'm not sure what. All of them made a conscious decision to join an idol group so it's not like they started off doing indie music. They were always mainstream, just a different type. Being in the group has given all members endless opportunities, fame, money, and knowledge...but, most importantly, it has allowed them to grow as a group and individually. I'd be shocked if any of them regret joining the group.

But let's assume for one second that they are unhappy being in BB and want out. You do know they have a contract, right? So they can't just walk away. So again, I don't see where you're coming from with your statement about being in it for the money. In reality, most if these idols make pocket change which is why some companies are getting sued.

I doubt that Daesung and Seungri really care that much anyways, since------peronal opinion------I consider them the least interested and talented in the group. Don´t get me wrong here, I like both of them a great deal, but the main reason the two of them joined BIG BAG in the first place was because they wanted to entertain.

Seungri just wanted to dance, while Daesung wanted to make people smile.

That's your personal opinion and you have a right to it. But of course, I have to disagree. Each have their own individual talents and strengths (Can anyone in the group sing with the power and range of Daesung? No. Can anyone in the group rap with the melody and flow of TOP? No.). They each have their own field of expertise and together they create something quite wonderful. It's unfortunate that you dismiss these two. Maybe you should watch their duet at the Electric Love Tour and tell me again that they aren't talented.

Tey are good at what they are doing, but they certainly don´t stand out . And especially not the way GD, TOP and TY do. The latter simply play in a totally different league of their own.

Seungri is the second most popular member in Korea behind GD so apparently he's doing something right.

The problem is that Seungri and Daesung haven't been given the time to shine in the same way their hyungs have. Let's face it, usually their singing parts tend to be quite minimal as the main focus is usually always on the rapping. And TaeYang gets to shine during his solo albums (He has more than any of the other members). The maknaes tend to get left behind.

It is only now in their Japanese songs that they have been given the opportunity to really show what they can do. I can't tell you how many people i've seen comment, after hearing their Japanese ballads, that they had no idea that Daesung and Seungri could sing like THAT.

They sell---------oh, no doubt about that. But really now----------I want the quality back.

While I can recite almost every single song from their frist two/three albums (only group activities here) by heart, I can hardly remember a single beat from any of the songs they´ve made the last year/or two.

Maybe because they haven't released a Korean album in a year or two? lol

There are many factors to what makes a song great but it seems you only focus on the beats, which I guess is why you consider The black eye peas "quality" music. LOL sorry but I have to laugh at that.

You also seem to only like GD/TY/TOP and as solo artists so i'm quite confused as to what you're doing in this thread. Each member has their own individual threads at soompi jsyk.

You once said GD wore 'gay' shirt..why do you think it is gay?? I love his fashion style and it suits him.

Agreed. And I have to be honest, I pretty much dismissed her on the spot when she used the word "gay" as a negative. It's something I find very appalling. And it's sad that people hold others to their own messed up standards of how a "man" should dress and how a "woman" should.

I think why this thread has slowed down so much is due to the fact that I keep seeing bashing here.THE NEGATIVE VIBE IS PUSHING EVERYONE AWAY. Everyday I see someone slagging off GD just because what he composes isnt quality and that they're tired of it. In our own Big Bang thread. I believe that a thread dedicated to an artist should compromise of unconditional love and that only. Of course, a little constructive criticism is allowed here and there, just to show and tell ourselves that Big Bang has room to improve and that is what I keep looking for in their next release.

I disagree with you about this thread being negative. Maybe it's because I fled many others due to the drama but this is actually one of the most friendly and positive threads i've come across on this site. We're all fans but we're not blind sheep either. The one thing I like about us here is that we can all give constructive criticism without some crazy fanatic coming in and accusing us of "bashing". There are things that Big Bang has done that we don't like, that's inevitable and we should be able to voice that.

The problem with miared's post is that instead of simply bringing in the topic of "selling out" and asking us to discuss our thoughts on the matter, she's point blank saying some members aren't very talented and going as far as insinuating she thinks their music is crap. She needs to learn how to have a discussion in a fan thread without starting a war because...that ain't it. It IS borderline bashing.

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