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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Ji said that he was tired and hungry and ask everybody what they wanna eat and Bae suggest some food

that had a word "Yuna"~ and then silly Dae just had to make a word play saying~

"What Yuna~? Kim Yuna~??" :P

and then Tabi ask him whether he knows her and Dae brag that

he have meet her once~ Bae ask him again does he really knows Kim Yuna and have her number~ then

Dae brag saying he does because he have a lots of numbers(from famous ppl) in his phone~

Dae told them the story when he meet Kim Yuna, "when we saw each other, she shouts 'OPPPAA~!!' when she saw me~"

but the reality is she ignored him~ the part when Dae meet Kim Yuna was Dae flashing back what was really happen~

so Bae ask him to call her if he does really know her~ he tried but then he said its not connecting coz maybe

she's already change a new number~ Smart Tabi give an idea saying they should ask their stylist coz their stylist maybe know Kim Yuna's stylist~!! (u know like in YAB, AN.JELL's stylist are friends with DEVIL FAIRY's stylist~ :P)

sorry if I got it wrong, coz I understand the clip based on my poor Korean knowledge + their body language~!

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BIGBANG new 99 Secrets Hunter Video~!

The BIGBANG 99 Secrets Hunter with BSX started!!What's the secret number again,please,GD?

SeungRi's beatboxing^^

Taken from:: TeamBIGBANG~

Source:: bsssxxx


I gotta a feeling that the bsssxx acc is official acc from BSX themselves~

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The second Shouting Korea clip was too cute and hilarious. YB on that little tricycle was too cute. Then they scream into that thing (don't know what it's call) to see how loud each scream. TOP's scream was hilarious. Poor Dae being ignored by Kim Yuna, LOL, I love how he was all sad and running away because he was ignored. XD Too funny. The shirts they wore are so cute, too, I want one! XD

Also, I hope people take what Alla said into consideration.

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Guest blank_blank_cuti3

Big Bang 99 Secrets Hunter Video:

They're so HOT and good looking! I haven't seen SR's beatboxing ever since their debut days with the exception of it once during Battle Shinhwa days! OMG! I love it! I wish Top and GD would've join him too! LOL...but they was just like whatever! poor magnae! LOL...

Shouting Korea Clip # 2:

They're so adorable! Poor Daesung being ignore...but it's alright. I'm sure he knows there's alot of celebs who want to meet him! hehehe...The part about Top said that one of their stylist is actually Yuna's stylish too, so does that mean Big Bang came up with the story line (?) LOL....cuz it seems personal to me! XD Anyways, I can't wait for more clips and the offical MV! They better not be like Lollipop 2 MV that we got so much sneak peek that it turns out boring when the offical one is released...<__>

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Guest g-dragon1988

caps by me ^.~




























oh what do we see here? >.< it's my sweety butt~~kk


more to come..~~-.-;

credit: http://blog.naver.com/maxlover88

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Guest universe

^^ ermmm wrong thread??

the second Hyundai clip is one of the funniest things i have even seen this year hahaha. Top's face when he screamed into the decibels measuring thing was priceless!! and Dae was so precious in the entire vid with his dramatic expressions hahaha. i love the boys' spazzing faces when they called Yuna and she picked up hahaha. i officially love Hyundai. they brought us deprived VIPs sooo much joy!! can't wait to see Yuna with the boys in the next part :D

Top at the Dangook Uni event in SHORT SLEEVES!!! its so nice of him to be there since he studied there last time right?? gosh i really did a double take when i saw him showing off his arms. its about time, Top. finally after almost four years!! and he looked sooooo HOT in that still from In The Fire. :wub: i really should visit his acting thread later.

the chosen Lollipop Girl was one of the three who took pics with the boys?? she somehow lookd different. i can't really recgonise all of them haha

and i have been asking...are there still no trans to Seungri's last interview??!!!

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Guest g-dragon1988










credit: http://blog.naver.com/maxlover88

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Guest ooxstacee

I really hope/wish people would take what Alla said into consideration.

Please CUT DOWN on the caps and gifs.

Omg, the 2nd clip was so cute!

I loved GD & Dae 'crying.' LOL! And Dae's dream/imagination then him running & crying at the end. Anyone notice the way he ran? Hahahaha, omg. And the screams, especially TOP's scream. Wah, and their reaction when they called Yuna. I already over-spazzed about this last night when I watched it.

The new BSX clip! Hehe. They're too cute.

They look so refreshed these days. <3 I love it.

Their hair and EVERYTHING! WAH.

TOP at Dankook.

He's showing more and more skin lately.

I spy muscles! <3


I wish they hugged at the end. That would've made me akldjfkljdsf!

Even though this doesn't really belong, I just have to share with all the VIPs. LOL!

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Guest Alla

ok.aigoo...why some people did it again?

@shinhdephlol:please be considerate to others

yes..each of the gif is less than 1mb..but it will be 10mb if you posted up more than 10 gifs

@g-dragon1988:sorry..but you posted up too many scaps..and I believe it's not necessary since most of us have seen the clip

sorry guys..but please don't be selfish

anyway, love the 2nd clip

Daesung is hilarious..love his gag so much in this clip<3

omo..seungri beatboxing..sounds good...he could beat G-top someday..kekeke

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Guest intelligirl

MC Mong tweeted and posted a picture of his fan encounter with Stevie Wonder. Turns out Seungri was there too!!


It's not confirmed, but I am almost positive that the boy in the picture is Seungri. I think he wore that bracelet in the photoshoot with Yuna, I've seen him use that backpack before, and I even recognize his shirt! Isn't that cool?

Never mind it's not Ri, but a guy who looked/dressed like him. Sorry!

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Guest Kushi

Did anyone watch Hyori and Daesung's duet and Daesung's solo live yet? I have to say, Daesung sounds quite amazing these days. It seems to me that he's been more confident and is taking more risks with his singing lately - which makes him sound even more amazing since he can control it well.

@ the people complaining about caps

While I agree that caps and pictures can be somewhat annoying, you can go to your 'my controls' -> 'board settings' -> and turn off 'view images in posts' option. If these caps are really bothering you.

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Guest sweetflower

@ the people complaining about caps

While I agree that caps and pictures can be somewhat annoying, you can go to your 'my controls' -> 'board settings' -> and turn off 'view images in posts' option. If these caps are really bothering you.

^Thank you.

I, for one, appreciates what Thuy and others (gd1988) are doing to keep this thread from being 'dead'. From what I see, they are the most active posters in this thread, so despite the over-abundance of pics/caps, they are doing their best to contribute to the forum and there's always an option to turn off 'view images in posts' like what Kushi said if those pics bothered you or crashed your comp.

Let's NOT discourage GD/BB fans from posting, sharing and spreading their love to other fans like me. We should unite, not divide. PEACE.

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Guest shinhdeplol

g-dragon1988: you can post all those caps in thumbnails ^^ it doesnt take long :)


LOL this has to be my favourite dance parody of Magic. love how he shook like crazy during the omo omo part =]] thanks to Daeesung, this song is growing on me :D





C: http://me2day.net/bsx99

v lol pls add another ^ :) dont point at my post i didnt say anything hehe

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Guest loveariddle

^it's not like we don't appreciate it, but wouldn't it just be better to put the pics in thumbnails or post just a bit and link the rest?

anyway the new bsx clip is so cute. and I'm really sad that no one's translating seungri's interview part 8 and 10 yet.. it's been so long :'(

ahh forgot to comment on dae and hyori's perf. his voice is perfection, I swear *_* and he did chitty chitty bang bang's dance a bit XD

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Guest twistedbluesoul

Does anybody here have close-up pictures of TOP at the Dankook University???

I've been trying to scout for pictures for hours but i'm still unsuccessful.


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Guest shinhdeplol

^ I havent seen any close-up photos of him from that event, which I think is really weird <_< But Im sure VIPs will post them here if they get hold of some ^^

- - -



C: bbviplover // VIP_SDS @ BBTH

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Guest g-dragon1988

I am sorry if I ever done anything bad to you all~ I was just working hard T.T And my computer is never lagged from all those pictures..I don't see any problem in posting many photos like that if it's JIYONG..*0* I have more than 13000 his pictures already, and I never get enough of him. If it's me , I would post his photos for 24h..But okay~ I should not post like that anymore. Thank you for telling me.





credit: 네이트/gdpinE





credit: 네이트/gdpinE

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