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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest shinhdeplol

Can you spot the title of some BB's songs on the wall?


C: 템포 @ BBVIPZ

YG cafeteria is sooooo cool

20100430 [ KTR ] Eunhyuk Wave - BigBang Lies

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Guest miared

No offense to all of you up there, but I come here to see updates about the boys not see you guys arguing over one of the boys having abs or not. You guys replying to each others' comments doesn't make this a Big Bang thread anymore because you are all having your own conversation arguing back and forth. I would like to see Big Bang pictures, updates etc. or any old videos of them. Can't we all just get along?

Hey-------------no offense to you too--------but we were just having a passionate conversation about an uber important update! Let us be! B) Back in GDs thread peole had like five pages discussing his one, single ring!!! And of course we must reply to each other, otherwise this wouldn´t be a lively thread. It would be boring. It would be fact listed after fact.

But yeah, let´s all get along. I like to get along with everyone. But then again---I´ve never felt offended by any comment made here before, EVER.

Peace out :ph34r: Peace out :blink: Peace out :excl: Peace out :wacko: --I will behave.


i hope it doesn't discourage you to post less. i don't think your post is insulting. just very objective.

Hehehe, no, it doesn´t. Though I must admit....I just had a moment with myself....selfpity to the extreme....but it only lasted for five seconds. My head injuries prevent me from taking anything personal!!!!! :excl: :excl:

@miared---lol man your always going through things like this huh? I actually like the way you voice out ur opinion...I remember once you said if you didn't like BB then why would you be wasting your time posting a long as post and changing the color and font or something like that in here....I guess some of them are new here??? cuz I've seen miared in the BB thread for quite a while now... a year to be exact cuz that was the time I join the BB thread...you know Miared you kinda remind me of GD in a way...i don't know how to explain it....like you don't go with the flow and you state what you want(?) iono what I'm saying....lol

You have no idea! The messages I recieve here at times......pheeew. Hehehe---you remember that? Maybe I should put it up on my signal or something like that?

Hahahaha-------your words are heaven to my devastated ego. Now please--------feel free to insult me anytime you want. You have my personal permission to do so whenever you feel like it!


Buuuuuut-----I too can feel te storm! And damn it, now I really wonder what it will be like this time around. I´ve mentioned this before, but I´ll say it again--with each new album they bring out, they feel less and less like a boyband, and more like a bunch of, very close, guy-friends who enjoy coming together to perform. I mean.....they have grown appart so much over this previous year---stylewise, musicwise, characterwise....whatever-wise.

Each and everyone of them has grown so independent.

So yeah, I´m really curious to see what they have in store this time. Plus-----I am more than glad that they decited to take their time with this album. Seriously, the last album of theirs that actually had me remember the melodies was "Hot Issue"!


I am really enjoying those interviewspreads immensly. Though I wish we could get even more of them. I wouldn´t mind reading 20 pages of them on each member. Very insightful- and funny. Here at least, we can get a feel of how they all tick and function in real life.

Not to mention that they´re a breath of fresh air compared to the same old questions posed again and again.

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Guest bigbangsxxx

heyy~ i'm a noob at this forum stuff... someone needs to teach me >.<

i just wasnted to say that... BB FTW~

please add me and help me :D

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Guest k-yoz


just want to ask...

if you guys have a full mp3 of tell me goodbye?....

and the hahamong show...gosh...

i cant stop laughing....daesung and seungri

was just epic....they are so funny..

and the song...gosh..they did a good job on

composing that...i wonder what does jiyong says to seungri's

part...hahahaha....im imagining some tom and jerry scene...haha..

the trio (yuri,yoona,sooyoung)..gosh...they are so funny...

sooyoung was good in rapping eh?...hahaha..."no mercy get on

your knees" and she must've really like my daedae...daedae has a good

future ahead?...hahaha...

hyori unnie was so funny...

aww..she's concerned to daesung's health...

and she wants seungri's number...hahaha..

seungri-ah..you do know how much hyori unnie love bigbang right?...

ask her number now...hahaha

speking of seungri...awww...seungris star diary...about his lovelife...

dont worry seungri..you will soon find her (i wish it was mimi..)

good job guys...im so excited for bigbang's comeback...

and oh..i love the new yg building...its jjang...

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Guest vvvanilla

not sure if these have been posted... photos of daesung on the shooting of the CF(?) with kim yuna




taken from bigbangupdates

^ so excited to find out what they're shooting for.

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Guest evilishus

miared-I love you<3 and your posts!

It was nice to see Seungri and Daesung at the HaHaMong Show.Their music video was hilarious!This just made me miss the boys on variety shows even more :( Big Bang,come back.

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Guest missARROGANT

G-Dragon & Taeyang @ Rick Owens 50s cut


credit: ibigbang

a little bit longer version.

How cute GD can get. Even his small action is so adorable < 333


Your posts never fail to make me laugh out loud

Either the font/color that you use or the way you phrase or the topic that you discuss always amuse me.

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BigBang for iPhone, iPod touch, and ipid now available on the iTunes App Store


BIGBANG Calendars were sold out in less than two weeks at online shopping mall YG eshop! Now, the calendar is available as an iPod / iPhone application thanks to enormous requests of BIGBANG fans!. This application shows great and unique photos of BIGBANG and their signatures in a very user friendly UI.



thx alwaystaeyang @ twitter for the info

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Guest xxUntilwhenever

I guess it's time for me to stop lurking and start fangirling =P

OMG. Baby Ri's and DaeDae's "Like Big Bang" MV is hilarious! Daesung as Snoop Dogg... Just plain awesomeness.

I seriously can't wait to hear "Tell me goodbye". The little I've heard so far sounds awesome.

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Guest shinhdeplol


LOL this must be a fanart of Jiyong. well i think he would look scary with such an abs :lol:


thanks daisy for sharing the gif of Jiyong at the airport. i love what he was wearing. simply yet still stylish <33 i think he wore something similar during Last Farewell and Haru Haru days

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