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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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hehe, Thuy do you forgot something~?


Jiyong's "To young to live to fast to die" tattoo~??

Its clearly not Jiyong tho~ tho I do hope he built up his body a lil bit bigger~ hehe


OMO, I never thought of Danny oppa~ yup, it could be him too~!! hehehe


now the mystery is settle~ its Maknae's abs after all~! hehe

I always thought those abs belong to him~ :D

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Guest shinhdeplol

^ Yeah I forgot :lol:

Forthcoming BIGBANG schedules

[TV]SBS Haha Mong Show [DaeSung × SeungRi]

May 1, 2010 3:05 PM



May 5, 2010 7:00 PM

[CM]「Eversense」45s Long :: First Air Date

May 9, 2010

SeungRi Day

May 12, 2010

C: teambigbang.blogspot.com

^ Excited for all of the activities above, esp the release of Eversense CF :D

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Guest blank_blank_cuti3

LOL...Everybody's guessing about these hot body pictures! AHAHAH...I'm pretty sure the person next to Dae is Seven, cuz of the face (eventhough he's not facing us...LOL)...Cuz remember, he's coming back soon at the end of May! And I remember his hair is already pretty long during GD's concert!

Anyhow, I can't wait for all of their upcoming schedule! Cuz I'm BB-deprived! LOL...

I especially can't wait for the Everescence Ad!

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Guest Procrastinator001


After debuting as a part of Big Bang, Seungri was so happy that it almost seemed like a dream. But he soon experienced a ‘slump’ too.

“From some point in time, I found that I couldn’t control my facial expressions on broadcasts. I hated having to smile when I was feeling pissed, and being serious when I was really happy…”

Seungri was at that age where he should've been expressing the passion of your youth while going through both positive and negative experiences in order to mature. Being trapped in a square box called the television, he started feeling frustrated.

He started showing his true feelings whenever he was asked an uncomfortable question or put in a situation that angered him.

“I was insanely scolded by G-Dragon. I cried my eyes out afterwards. Why couldn’t I even show what I was feeling? Cos it was my job? I said I couldn’t do it anymore.”

President Yang Hyun Seok approached Seungri during his hardest time and reasoned with him.

“If you can’t even control yourself, how are you going to move the hearts of others?”

Seungri realised that his seniors were right. And after that, broadcasts became a lot more comfortable for him. Even when an awkward question or uncomfortable situation was thrown at him, he learned to pass it off wittily.

“I try not to repeat my mistakes.”

Life in the entertainment industry is full of trouble and scandal. Even after that, there were so many more difficulties for Seungri to overcome.

“Rumours are a terrifying thing in the entertainment industry. For example, I’m friends with Goo Hara right? Then the rumours spread like ‘I heard they’re friends-> I heard they had lunch together -> I heard they went on a date -> I heard they went on a trip together -> I heard they’ve been…you know.’ I think people are mentally wired to exaggerate when they’re telling people stuff. It terrifies me. That’s why I never talk about my problems.”

Even when he has concerns, Seungri says he can’t tell anyone about them. Could the bright, confident side of him that we usually see possibly be a protective mask hiding his true nature and self?

“That’s the way to survive in the entertainment industry. A long time ago, I let out my concerns to someone I was close to. Afterwards I said ‘I would like it if you didn’t tell anyone, hyung’. But the next day, someone else came up to me and said ‘Cheer up, kid.’ In that moment I really felt like I was standing naked in front of everyone.”

He didn’t want to show everything on the inside to the countless people around him. The fear celebrities have of having their personal lives exposed to the public is almost unimaginable.

“I want to be clothed in front of the public. I think I realised that a young age. I have to approach people from the heart but sometimes I find myself thinking ‘This person’s just trying to get to me’, there are even times when I act like a machine to others.”

Seungri is often torn between his real self and the image he shows to the public.

“I’m the youngest, right. So sometimes I have to do things that the others can't. When we meet producers I have to act cute and I have to do certain things on broadcasts too, because I’m the youngest. But I’m just thankful that I’m able to be here with the others.

And I also think that I need to improve more. I’m sure there’s a reason why people like cellphones that have lots of functions as opposed to one that can only call and text. I think I have to be an all-rounder too.”

▶Part 6 of Seungri's Star Diary will be released on April 30 on the AsiaE Homepage(www.asiae.co.kr).


Trans Credits:
sjay.x @ BBVIP.net


Not meant to offend the first translator but I find this translations much more better and didn't confuse me as much >.<

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Idols who will always be young and cute

A Chinese website carried out a survey on which idol will always be young and cute.

G-Dragon and TOP came in at #8 together.

1. Jaejoong (TVXQ)

2. Donghae (Super Junior)

3. Sohee (Wonder Girls)

4. Eunhyuk (Super Junior)

5. Taemin (SHINee)

6. Tiffany (SNSD)

7. Sungmin (Super Junior)

8. G-Dragon & TOP (Big Bang)

9. Yunho(TVXQ)

10. BoA

11. Leeteuk (Super Junior)

12. Kibum (Super Junior)

13. Sunmi (Wonder Girls)

14. Taeyeon (SNSD)

15. Dana (CSJH)

16. Yoona (SNSD)

17. Hongki (FT Island)

18. Heechul (Super Junior)

19. Siwon (Super Junior)

20. Kyuhyun (Super Junior)

Source: http://ent.gz163.cn/tstx/xwsj/874689.shtml

Translated by: Miseremei @ bigbanghaven.blogspot.com

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Guest shinhdeplol

More photos of the phone chain (???) with photos. I swear this looks so incredibly cute that I want to buy it like right nao <_<

Why do I have to live so far from Korea????? <_<




C: 길밖 // Boosa @ popcornfor2

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Guest Lucky

shinhdeplol: Nope your not alone.lol.

I too think its GD, although its crazy to think its

him, but I think it is. but I also agree with a_thao4ever,

it does look like Taebin! if it's him, i'll be happy too. considering the

tattoo on his arm.

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Guest shinhdeplol

From an article about IRIS

A huge promotion event, featuring the main cast including Lee Byung-hun and Kim Tae-hee as well as popular idol group Big Bang, will be held in Osaka on May 26 and in Saitama Super Arena on June 1. From May 21 thru June 6, there will be an "IRIS Exhibition" held at the Roppongi Hills Tokyo City View. Rumor has it that props and wardrobe from the drama shootings will be featured in the exhibit, and cafes and bars will turn into "IRIS"-style venues.

source : asiae.co.kr

taken from bigbanghaven.blogspot.com

v no one-liners please

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Guest miared


I swear you're one hecka rude richard simmons fan..actually i highly doubt that ur even a fan of BigBang.[more like an anti]

Every post of yours in this thread has been throwing insult to BB members. Not once, not twice, you're insulting them over and over again.

Arrrrggghhhh---------------girl are you crazy in da brain??????

What the hell---------------because I say it can never be TOP you get aggressive like this? I swear to god-------when I just read your comment, and the other one below, I had to re-read it four times to make sure I was seeing correctly. Who the hell was I insulting? I had absolutely nothing aggressive in mind when I wrote that post.

Now I really wanna know!

The "I´m so angryyyy".....ect, talk was just that....me exaggerating, pretending to be crazy mad. I mean, do I have to use :) after every sentence so that people know I´m not serious?

Whether you think I´m a fan or not doesn´t really interest me. I´ve had this talk on more than one occasion already and it´s getting tiring to answer it everytime. I´ve been around BIG BANG ever since they first debuted, even before. I will praise them on my own terms. I will comment on the stuff I like and don´t like equaly.

miared, umm, aren't you going a little too far about this top having abs thing? I mean, i don't think it was really necessary for you "trick" us with an edited picture -.-; I know you're only expressing your own opinions on that, but no need to put down others' opinions. people are just guessing or assuming on this ab picture, no need to try to prove that your assumption is the correct one. Just saying.

And again------------------what the hell??????

Going too far with what exactly? I was exaggerating. Nothing else. I enjoy discussing such things, be it hair, clothes or whatnot.........but I also enjoy to exaggerate immensly as well. I do that because I am a very lively talker in person---and kinda trying to bring it across over the internet as well.

There have been times when people have commented that I always came across as cold---so I changed that, in order to prevent such thinking.

And just why the hell are you talking about tricking??????? I seriously almost fell off my chair- no joke-when I read that! There was no intention of tricking anyone. I have just started using PHOTOSHOP two weeks ago, and this picture of TOP there was rotting away in one of my folders. I simply used it because it was there(just as I´ve used other pictures as well). Nothing more, nothing less. I just wanted to see if anyone would catch on it.

If anything, I was expecting a good laugh about it------------heeeellll----I really just can´t believe this :excl: :excl: .

And how am I putting other peoples opinions down?????

I can only repeat myself here. I don´t want to prove anything. I don´t want to be right. I was only exaggerating out of pure joy. When I word stuff like that, know that I am just waiting for someone to respond in jut the same crazy manner! :excl: :excl: Even if I honestly believe that TOP will never be able to build such muscle, my wording was not meant to be this upsetting. If nothing else, believe this.

I have seen people here going on for pages and pages about similiar things as well, posting 40 or more pictures to present said issue, yet I never took that as their way of proving anything.And neither did anyone else.

I have read peoples comments about the abs as well--------do you really believe that I get mad reading their guesses? Half of them think they belong to Daesun or GD even. I read such comments and go on. No particular comment weights more to me. I always enjoy reading peoples thoughts on such matters------no matter if they go against mine in every way possible.

The reason why I posted was because people approached me. I always tend to response and comment to and with people who seem to have the same opinion as me. But that is not because I want to be right or the likes..........it´s merely that that way I know that I won´t upset the other, since we share the same opinion anyways. When I read comments like "They surely belong to Daesung!", I leave the creators discussing it with others. They have enough other people on here to do so.

No need to change someones mind----why the hell would I even want to try?

I´ve only recently started posting pictures as it is. And being sick and in bed all day gave me lots of time to do that for a change. Is it really so hard to believe that I too just wanted to try it once? Present some pictures, and let people enjoy them. Why is that such a bad thing all of a sudden?

Now, please now--------------------don´t be put off by my wording or "tone"---------- but understand that I am really blown away by this.If it managed to convey only half of the swirling dizzyness that´s going on inside my head right now, I´m glad. Boy am I confused right now :excl:

Sorry for the long post-----but I´m sure it will happen again ;O

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Guest itszmaeee

No offense to all of you up there, but I come here to see updates about the boys not see you guys arguing over one of the boys having abs or not. You guys replying to each others' comments doesn't make this a Big Bang thread anymore because you are all having your own conversation arguing back and forth. I would like to see Big Bang pictures, updates etc. or any old videos of them. Can't we all just get along?

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Guest vip_gd

~ Eversense

LOL. after seeing the pictures

looks like a product a bunch of preteen girls should be promoting.


and i think the guy next to daesung is taebin too!

it would be easy to identify him if he had his brassy blonde hair


i hope it doesn't discourage you to post less. i don't think your post is insulting. just very objective.

actually i agree with what you said about TOP ..

if there's anything that has got to do with muscles, it's about striving for minimal body fat and proper gain weight. that's why pinching a very muscular man's skin is very elastic coz they have less body fat. lol and i guess that doesn't apply to flabby arms but i don't think his arms are flabby though. just kinda normal =P flabby would be like a punching bag. then again, idk myself, i'd have to see him in person to tell. and i mean, after loosing all that weight, he's bound to have excess skin.

besides, one look, i can tell that pic is seungri.

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Guest ooxstacee

The picture of Dae exercising .. I agree, I think it's Taebin.

Yay, first Ri (?) & CL (?) and now Dae & Taebin (?). LOL

YG family bonding in the YGym.

Eversense, LOL!

It does seem like it should be teen girls promoting it.

But nonetheless, I'm excited for the cf! :)


^ LMAO! I didn't notice that his hand was on Ji's butt!

That's too cute. ;x

But I agree. What's the point in arguing whether a member has abs or not .. -__-

They're all "fit" now.

Plus, not everyone can get abs, like a VISIBLE six-pack. It has a lot to do with your genes.

So let's lay off on the conversations/arguments/etc.

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^ LMAO! I didn't notice that his hand was on Ji's butt!

That's too cute. ;x

I know I was like OMO he's touching Jiyong's butt!!! Jiyong looks like a girl with that hair style... :ph34r:

@miared---lol man your always going through things like this huh? I actually like the way you voice out ur opinion...I remember once you said if you didn't like BB then why would you be wasting your time posting a long as post and changing the color and font or something like that in here....I guess some of them are new here??? cuz I've seen miared in the BB thread for quite a while now... a year to be exact cuz that was the time I join the BB thread...you know Miared you kinda remind me of GD in a way...i don't know how to explain it....like you don't go with the flow and you state what you want(?) iono what I'm saying....lol

I'm feeling so BB deprive!!!

so I got into BB in late 2008 and didnt get to enjoy the hype of their "stand up and remember" album when it came out summer of 2008 and I was pretty sad cuz I didn't get to experience how it felt like but now it feels like summer of 2008 is going to repeat itself with summer of 2010 and even better!!! IT'S GOING TO BE EPIC!

I also went and rewatched BB's comeback during 2008 and OMG it makes me can't wait for their comeback in summer!!! (or whenever it's coming out lol)

I mean can you guys just feel it? can you guys feel it? like now it's just the calm before the storm? like once BB comes back there's going to be a BIG as BOOM in the music industry again? OMG I'm getting so excited just think about it!!! otoke! otoke!!! what am I going to do!!!!

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Guest shinhdeplol




More here: http://www.bbvipz.com/bbs/view.php?id=bigr...sc&no=14609

C: 고냥이 G @ BBVIPZ

- - -

BIGBANG shcedules for May

1st (Saturday)

[TV] SBS Haha Mong Show - Daesung and Seungri

South Korea

5th (Wednesday)

[TV] Iris 2-hour TBS Special broadcast - TOP


9th (Sunday)

[CM] First airing of 45s Eversense CF


18th (Sunday)

[Event] Youngbae's 22nd Birthday!

22nd (Saturday)

[Event] Flo-rida's concert - G-Dragon

Yonsei University Auditorium, Seoul, South Korea

26th (Wednesday)

[Event] Iris promotion event

Osaka, Japan

C: YGBB @ LJ // alesch1919 @ BBVIP

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Guest jinnian

hey anyone know if theres recordings of top's early tracks shown in the big bang doco? like that diamond song etc. if so where??


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