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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest k-yoz

i really do wish...PEP will bring the boys here in phil.

i am so so so dying to see them...specially my daedae.....i will do everything just to see them...even if i risk my everything..literally....if ever they'll come here....i'll make sure i will see them...hahaha...this will be my chance...

im still waiting for the lollipop2 mv....until now...

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{TRANS} The 17 Things We’ve Learned About Big Bang – March Cosmopolitan

Trans Credits: sjay.x @ BBVIP

I really love these kind of deep interviews

from the guys.

No wonder they are an influential

group in the industry

My favourites from each of them are:

TABI - [#1. Noone has the power to destroy tough situations, so just try to enjoy it. The day we filmed the BSX CF, it got as cold as minus 15 degrees celcius. It was so cold that it was difficult to even move naturally, but even this I tried to enjoy. The members were all together for the first time in ages, as each of them have been busy with individual activities. This alone was enough to make the situation enjoyable. It’s possible to find fun no matter how unfavourable the circumstances. As long as you try.

#2. You doesn’t have to try to be sexy. Nothing is more attractive than your natural self, the way you are.

The situation does not

matter than much but what matters

is the kind of accompany you get.

& yes as long as you try you

can find it.

About the 2nd quote,that is

the reason why some

tried to be sexy but unable to attain

that level as yet.


#6.The thing that makes guys sexy is passion. Concentrate on what you’re doing. No matter what that may be, there is nothing sexier than the passion you show in the moments you’re concentrating and focusing on something.

He totally took words out

of my mouth.One of the reasons

why I find all of them are sexy.

Kwon Leadah

#10.It is pointless to choose a rival in style. Style is every person’s personality and individuality.

I totally agree with him on this.

It actually shows what kind

of person you are rather than just mere status.


#12.Boldness may just well be the key to turn your life around. I want to say that the most bold thing I’ve ever done up to now is deciding to become a YG trainee. I made a bold decision against my parents’ wishes. And I became Big Bang.

This can actually inspires those

that dreams of becoming big &

wants to pursue such a difficult path.


#15.Don’t be afraid of being tackled I’m not afraid of antis. I think they will drive me to help me develop and mature more. Even in the same situation, the results will differ depending on the way you see it and the attitude you decide to take towards it.

#17. Don’t believe in success. Rather than that, believe in the amount of your effort and passion If you try hard enough that you won’t regret it later, success will just come along as an result of that.

That is the reason why the guys

will always stay strong & be stronger than

before;doing their best.

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Guest Unni_Ashley

{TRANS} The 17 Things We’ve Learned About Big Bang – March Cosmopolitan

Woa if I manage to learn all those things from them, I will become so perfect haha

YB looks hawt in the scan from SHINE A LIGHT :D Tank top ftw!

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Guest nisssr3


cr: cau@dcbb

it's seungri(승리=victory), no? i believed this is a recent pic taken at chung-ang uni, coz one of the guy wore a jacket with the uni's logo.

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Guest shinhdeplol

@ nisssr3


Is this Seungri? *I edit your photo to ask you :lol: *

Seungri's new photos??? Those look quite strange to me







Is Gaho too heavy for maknae to carry? :lol:

C: 선-물 @ DCinside

TOP's scans @ SAL photobook





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Seungri's new photos??? Those look quite strange to me


those photos are from GD's Concert Making Book

those pics are from behind the scene of the skit/drama that was shown at the concert


G-Ri~~~!!!!..sweetest thing ever!

@Thuy, do you know how much I miss G-Ri love ..now you make me miss them even more..lol

when I watched SR standing next to Yuri,I suddenly think of GD..and I said to myself,it's GD who supposed to stand next to Seungri..and when I watched GD put his hand and face on CL's shoulder,I said to myself again..arghh..SR should replace CL

I know what I'm saying doesn't make sense at all.. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Guest nisssr3

@ shinhdeplol yes that's right, thanks for making it clearer =) if it's him, those guys are so lucky to have one bb's member as their colleague.


You doesn’t have to try to be sexy. Nothing is more attractive than your natural self, the way you are.- TOP

cr: 띠용*@dctop

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Guest universe

T.O.P :You doesn’t have to try to be sexy. Nothing is more attractive than your natural self, the way you are.

easy for you to say Top. when you are the epitome of sexy. LOL. ~my natural self~ is nowhere near your smexyness

Taeyang: The thing that makes guys sexy is passion. Concentrate on what you’re doing.

how true. reminds me of the Chinese saying "serious guys are the most handsome." haha.

G-Dragon: ‘Challenge’ is the keyword to styling. The prejudice that this is too daring for me, and the fear that it won’t suit me at all are the worst enemies of styling. Try on as much as possible and give it a go. Don’t forget that the more you try, the more likely you’ll find your own style.

at the rate his fashion sense are going, i take it that GD's still trying to find his style. haha

Daesung: I see myself with my fellow Big Bang members in 10 years time.

THE BEST QUOTE EVER OMG. so do i, Dae, so do i. please let it be true.

Seungri: Don’t believe in success. Rather than that, believe in the amount of your effort and passion. If you try hard enough that you won’t regret it later, success will just come along as an result of that.

why does this entire quote sounds like its from the Winning Habits self-motivation book?? :lol: i love you strong baby, putting what you read to good use.

i can't understand how i could possibly love them even more :blush:

Lollipop 2 isn't out today yet?? ohhh you promised us early next week YG :( they can even delay an MV a week before its release LOL. we need the MV for this thread to be alive again

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Guest intelligirl

{TRANS} The 17 Things We’ve Learned About Big Bang – March Cosmopolitan


#2. You doesn’t have to try to be sexy. Nothing is more attractive than your natural self, the way you are. Is that why TOP is so sexy? He knows how to combine bingu, dork, and hot all in one package. :lol:


#4. When there’s a tough situation, practise running a simulation through your mind. The concept of this CF was <Step Up2>, which had a lot of dance moves so I played a bunch of grooves in my mind before applying them during filming. The dynamic moves that came out of this CF were thanks to those mental simulations. I really want to try this. A lot of Olympic athletes use this method of visualization before a competition. It seems very effective.


#8. ‘Challenge’ is the keyword to styling. The prejudice that this is too daring for me, and the fear that it won’t suit me at all are the worst enemies of styling. Try on as much as possible and give it a go. Don’t forget that the more you try, the more likely you’ll find your own style. GD is a fashion icon. He pulls off all sorts of things because he has swagger and confidence. There aren't many like GD; you can only look up to this guy.


#13. Imagine your future. 10 years from now, 20 years from now. It may seem like the far future but the present is just one part of your life. The awesome future you create for yourself is likely to come true. Since you’ll work that much harder for it. I see myself with my fellow Big Bang members in 10 years time. Oh, Dae you made me squeal with joy. Please keep imagining Big Bang together 10 years from now. I will do the same.


#15. Don’t be afraid of being tackled. I’m not afraid of antis. I think they will drive me to help m develop and mature more. Even in the same situation, the results will differ depending on the way you see it and the attitude you decide to take towards it. Aww, my Seungri. I don't understand how he could have any antis. To me he is so precious, but I know that any one under the public eye is bound to get some criticism. Which is why I rejoice with the idea that he takes negativity and turns it into something positive. As a result, he will become a more developed individual.

#17. Don’t believe in success. Rather than that, believe in the amount of your effort and passion. If you try hard enough that you won’t regret it later, success will just come along as an result of that. So mature, maknae! :o I like this way of thinking. I wonder if he got this from his self-help books? :lol: :lol: If he did maybe I should start reading it too. I could use more of this attitude in my life.

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Guest Unnursvana

I see myself with my fellow Big Bang members in 10 years time.

Oh, Dae words can't descripe the joy I felt when I read this... please make that be true, that would be beyond awesome.

But why isn't lollipop girl MV out already... didn't they say early this week? I WANT IT NOW.

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Guest acsrad

Oh, Dae words can't descripe the joy I felt when I read this... please make that be true, that would be beyond awesome.

But why isn't lollipop girl MV out already... didn't they say early this week? I WANT IT NOW.

I hope that statement is true too!

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Guest WintersRain

{TRANS} The 17 Things We’ve Learned About Big Bang – March Cosmopolitan


#2. You doesn't have to try to be sexy. Nothing is more attractive than your natural self, the way you are.

#3. Meet a lot of people, and learn from a lot of people. One of these people, or maybe even all of them will become your role model. Then some day, you'll become someone else’s role model too.


#6. The thing that makes guys sexy is passion. Concentrate on what you're doing. No matter what that may be, there is nothing sexier than the passion you show in the moments you're concentrating and focusing on something.


#8. 'Challenge' is the keyword to styling. The prejudice that this is too daring for me, and the fear that it won't suit me at all are the worst enemies of styling. Try on as much as possible and give it a go. Don't forget that the more you try, the more likely you'll find your own style.

#10. It is pointless to choose a rival in style. Style is every person's personality and individuality.


#12. Boldness may just well be the key to turn your life around. I want to say that the most bold thing I've ever done up to now is deciding to become a YG trainee. I made a bold decision against my parents' wishes. And I became Big Bang.


#17. Don't believe in success. Rather than that, believe in the amount of your effort and passion. If you try hard enough that you won't regret it later, success will just come along as an result of that.

Trans Credits: sjay.x @ BBVIP

sorry to cut your post, but these are just the lessons that i found so... wise. i mean, everything they said was just so... right. i feel like we, as VIPs, are seriously lucky to have them as role models and people to look up to, because they themselves know that they affect their fans and they try their hardest to be as great as they can be, both for us fans and for themselves. they really know a lot about what it takes to make dreams come true, because they've all been through a lot to get to where they are today.

reading these, i feel like i really need to step it up and work towards a goal, even just any goal right now.

so basically, the things that sum up big bang:


love them so much.

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Guest shinhdeplol

2 more days and we will get to see the boys performing as BB again @ the Lotte Concert ^^ Is there any chance of them singing So Im Loving You? To the best of my knowledge, this song has never been performed live.

Dae @ SAL





C: 5girl // 菘菘蓝 @ dsholic

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Guest shinhdeplol


C: 큰엄마 @ bbvipz


C: VIPZ // BBCN // bigbanghaven.blogspot.com



C: 빅뱅이 떴다. @ bbvipz

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Guest juang_bb

I hope that statement is true too!

can I say me three?!? LOL! but seriously, I was really happy about Dae's statement, just the thought of seeing Big Bang still going strong together in 10 years and beyond makes me ecstatic!

so basically, the things that sum up big bang:


love them so much.

nice summary right there! gotta agree!

spazz! the YG siblings, LOL! Baby Minzy and DaeDae! :lol:

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this is the longest cover I've seen on Manknae's entrance ceremony..

[OBS News - Seungri Collage Entrace Ceremony]

C : lynkdinhlee

reading Dae's comment makes me happy!!

like super happy..!!

I also hope to see them in upcoming 10 years..!!

seriously,if u guys remember when the boys on Boom's radio show

they had a skit about the boys in 10 yrs,

and I kinda hate the fact that they all playing that

they are not together anymore in another 10 yrs..

Ji's in America "married" to Beyonce..??

kekeke,that is funny tho..lol

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Guest cimechang

I love Big Bang, no matter what stage they're at, hip hop, r&b, bubblegum pop... I love all the boys, no matter what. I don't understand everyone's embarrassment towards Big Bang just because they changed their style. They are artists after all, I'm happy they always come out with something new. Also, I wouldn't compare them to like NSYNC or Backstreet Boys, they are really nothing like them. I think we should be proud that our boys can be so versatile.

Leader~ssi FIGHTING!

Tabi~ssi FIGHTING!

Youngbae~ssi FIGHTING!

Daesung~ssi FIGHTING!

Seungri~ssi FIGHTING!


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