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[Drama 2011] Paradise Ranch 파라다이스 목장

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Guest bibidep

Wow I have to wait for 3 more days until the new episode coming out.

I just finish watching Episode 7-8 with sub, I don't know where is the

story will go. Dong Joo really care about Da Ji and at the same

time he care for Jin Young too, what is he doing??? He not even knows what

his feeling is right now. And for some reason, I think Ahjussi had something

to hide. Ahjussi's Ex-wife will be the one that reveil all the purposes of

what he is going to do. I hope the Writer give us at least 3 or 4 Episodes

for our DJ's couple to spend time together with all the romantic and happiness

that they can have.

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morning all ranchers,

bibidep I'm with you Dongju is holding both Daji and JY he will let go JY as he did before when he took Daji away with him when the ex-wife turns up..silly man then he left JY stunned

JY is a very nice woman Dongju confessed he has been thinking about her for three years so she isn't bad at all

but how come Dongju starts dating with JY when he met Daji..crazy man he wants Daji to get jealous but it is Dangju who is suffering

YH is a business man but I don't know if he has an evil growing in side..I hope not!!

Daji can't hide her true feeling it is showing when she look at Dongju...when he sad she is sad too

episode 9 is coming in three days...can't wait

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Bibidep: seriously what did you think now that you have seen it with subs. Sometimes I feel that there is way too much focus on DaJi and YH. I understand they have to set the stage to cause conflict for the main couple so their union would be mind blowing. However if it drags any longer it doesn't allow enough episodes of our main couple. I don't want the typical k-drama ending of our happy couple together only for the last 5-10 minutes in the last episode. Hopefully that trend will be considered taboo for all K-drama forever. Lol.

As for YH, Every character synopsis states he has a secret to hide. Slowly there is more of his past unveiling but I think all this is just the tip of the iceberg. The real truth is still to be exposed.

I want DongJoo to stop before he deeply hurts JinYoung. I think she is trying to open her heart to him so she can really give her whole heart to DongJoo but once she finds out that him and DaJi were married before( she doesn't know yet right?) this would really kill her. She will feel betrayed by all three of them. Trust would be something she would have difficult time building in any future relationships after something like this.

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Guest Ellegirl


@jechoi1 - Interesting. They do seem like an odd pair, especially since one would think Da Ji wouldn't be his type. I feel like the reason why the Ahjussi is dating Da Ji because her personality is very cheerful. She brightens his day. He kind of needs that after divorcing his wife, who seems like the total opposite of his ex-wife.

The drama definitely has things that are lacking, but I am glad you are enjoying it. :D

@Alexus - Awwww. Thanks! I will try. :D

And I agree that there was a lot of focus on Da Ji and Yunho, so I was super happy that episode 8 had more Da Ji-Dong Joo scenes. Their bickering always amuses me.

That's a good point about Jin Young. I never thought of how she would feel. She's a good woman and I would hate to see her get hurt (even though I am rooting for the Dong Joo-Da Ji couple).

@charmy19♥23 - You're not the only one! :D That would be awesome if Dong Joo and Da Ji were not actually divorced. There's always misunderstandings, but I don't think I quite understand what you mean by "There is someone behind of all this". Do you mean behind the divorce? Because I feel like nobody was actually behind Da Ji forcing her to divorce Dong Joo. If someone did, I would expect her to show regret after meeting with Dong Joo again (after 6 years), but she's happy to see Dong Joo. There isn't bad feelings on her part.

@_'b4by and kaedejun - Thank you for posting the GOE-SS subtitles. :D And the streaming links.

@YukariiChangmin -Those gifs are totally awesome! Thank you for posting!

@bibidep - I know! I cannot wait for Monday. I feel like Dong Joo is with Jin Young because he wants to move on and show that he is moving on (though we know that he really hasn't. He still loves Da Ji).

Usually by the 12th-14th episode, all feelings of the characters should be revealed. I don't really mind that it's taking forever. I like the tension. ;P

I am like on pins and needles for the next episode. I need my Dong Joo-Da Ji fix! :D

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Guest choochootrain23

@ bibidep, Did you watch it with English sub? I can't find it anywhere... Please let me know where I can watch it!!!!

if you live in the U.S. look couple posts up above you. kaedejun has posted a link for dramafever subbed episodes, until 8. as i'm typing this, i checked kimchidrama, they already have up to ep. 7 up but not 8 yet.

Bibidep: seriously what did you think now that you have seen it with subs. Sometimes I feel that there is way too much focus on DaJi and YH.

i'm glad that i'm not the only one feeling this. at first, i was thinking it's mostly i'm jealous on behalf of dongjoo (or changmin :lol: ) but with the way they have yh and dj relationship, it's sort of unbelievable how she's gonna fall for dongjoo again. she seems much more inlove with yh, than dongjoo is with jy. so yeah, it needs to end soon. :angry: preferably in the next episodes. i also want not only the last episode for sweet scenes of our main DJ couple. i want to see cute dongjoo and daji again! :wub:

and yeah, feel bad for jinyoung. she had dongjoo wait for 3 years, then she'll end up liking him for real but at that time DJ couple is back together again. :tears:

i also can't help but notice, now that i've seen the full subs of the episodes that the character's relationships sort of just changes/copies/continues between each person and couple starting from dongjoo's own parents:

dongjoo's parents: was implied that the dad was poor before (like da ji) while the mom was rich (like dong joo). they end up in divorce (like DJ couple) and dad is bitter about it (again like DJ couple)

yoonho and ex-wife: ex-wifey ignored yoonho (like jinyoung regarded dongjoo only as friend for 3 years) then yoonho divorces her and she realizes she loved yoonho who is now with da ji (like how jinyoung starts to fall for dongjoo but he realizes he still like da ji)

and then we have our love square: jinyoung likes dong joo-dong joo likes da ji-da ji likes ahjussi-ahjussi likes daji but da ji will go back to dong joo and we have our happily ever after...again :lol:

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Guest bibidep

Hello all Ranchers,

Yes I lived in US, I finished both 7-8. I don't think Dong Joo just use Jin Young to make

Da Ji jealous, because after the party he went with Jin Young to her hotel and he told her

prepare to have more happiness than now, and smiles more too. I think at that time he feel

the relationship between him and Da Ji can not go any where, He saw by his own eyes Ahjussi

and Da Ji going to the bar and stay in the same hotel which he think Da Ji will be having 1

night stand with Ahjussi hahaha, that why he told Jin like that. But some reason Da Ji scare

that Ahjussi will take her to the hotel then she told him she need to go to her dad place,

her dad wating for her. Yes Ahjussi had something like that in his mind, that he want to spend

a night with her. At the end of episode 8, Dong Joo not even want to talk to Da Ji anymore,

Da Ji feel sad. I can not wait until Jin Young find out Da Ji is Dong Joo's Ex-wife hahaha.

I just don't understand what happen to Da Ji, next episode she going to cry while Ahjussi hug

her, I can't get it. Same Episode Da Ji and Dong Joo have some kind like BBQ in a very dark place,

omg they drive me nut.

@Hannaman: If you live in US you can watch at Dramafever.com or else you can go to Jacinda

they had Episode 7 in the afternoon they may have 8 now.

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Okay Bibidep I think the reason DaJi will be crying is because of the ex wife tormenting DaJi and She doesn't want to say anything to Ahjussi to make the situation worse. YH will be pissed at the wife only driving YH further away and to DaJi. You know how ppl are. If they can't have it they want it more. Typical. What is more insane is that all this crying is not needed if the Da-Dong couple would just wake up sooner rather than later. Lol. But sometimes we cherish the things that were hard to get than the things we accomplish so effortlessly so I am hoping this would also be the case here.

I can't wait for the firepit BBQ scene too. I really want to hear her answer and see DongJoo's sincere side after all these episodes.

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Annyeong.I am just popping by because I've got a fangirling moment and no one else would understand what I'm talking about.Sorry I am not one who does serious discussion.

Anyway....the reason why I popped by.Do any of your watch Strong Heart the variety show?Ep 63 vid 3 where Yoo Ha Na talks about Changmin. I was totally dying when she talked about the kissing scene.GAH...  :D :D

Ep 63 vid 3   and from this site My link  click on the part and do skip ad.

Hello Alexus.I am passing by along with Marykarmelina.We are from viki's Paradise Ranch team.I am also a Strong Heart/Sungkyunkwan Scandal  mod and JYJ/TVXQ fan.So I am like totally giddy.


Okay leaving you all to your analysis again.Sorry to interrupt    :)


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Guest bibidep

Okay Bibidep I think the reason DaJi will be crying is because of the ex wife tormenting DaJi and She doesn't want to say anything to Ahjussi to make the situation worse. YH will be pissed at the wife only driving YH further away and to DaJi. You know how ppl are. If they can't have it they want it more. Typical. What is more insane is that all this crying is not needed if the Da-Dong couple would just wake up sooner rather than later. Lol. But sometimes we cherish the things that were hard to get than the things we accomplish so effortlessly so I am hoping this would also be the case here.

I can't wait for the firepit BBQ scene too. I really want to hear her answer and see DongJoo's sincere side after all these episodes.

Hi Alexus,

Do you see any written preview for Episode 9-10 yet????

I already watched 3 time Episode 7-8, do you think I'm crazy???

Now I just come in here to check if the spoilers come out.

If you find out can you translate, and post for us.

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Hi Alexus,

Do you see any written preview for Episode 9-10 yet????

I already watched 3 time Episode 7-8, do you think I'm crazy???

Now I just come in here to check if the spoilers come out.

If you find out can you translate, and post for us.

I am on holidays right now and not able to post the translations.There are written spoilers at the sbs site. I think my friends would kill me if I dissed them right now. Shoot. If there is anyone that can translate from the SBS site that reads Korean that would be greatly appreciated

If nothing is posted later tonight I will post them. Sorry guys.

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Ep 9 & 10 Preview

credit: sment

Thank You for the link :D

Yey! they're gonna sleep together again :wub: so cute... :wub:

+ more DongJoo shirtless :w00t:

I really hope nothing happens between Daji and that pervet Ajushi. Come on, she was married for 6 months with Dong Joo + the time they were dating and probably, almost for sure, nothing happened between them. And now after 1 month with Ajussi she's gonna give in? Oh, DaJi, I'm gonna be so disappointed with you do. Imagine how DongJoo is gonna be if he finds out.

I'll be crossing my fingers, hoping she comes to her right mind and get away from ajushi. I'll so not watch this drama anymore with she goes to bed with pervet ajussi. She belongs to Dong Joo, only him can have her. Step away pervet ajussi fury.gif

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Episode 9 written spoiler.

DaJi is looking at Forest feeding all spaced out. Seeing this DongJoo feels sad inside but walks on by ignoring DaJi. DaJi yells at DongJoo walking by saying Am I a ghost. They start bickering and ends up bringing the past about their marriage and end up hurting each other again. DongJoo feels wierd when DaJi tells him even though they may argue please do eat the food she makes cause it will be wasteful.

Oops. Already posted. That is awesome. Thank you guys. Didn't see the link.

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Guest pinky88

Why are people giving a negative for a post :(?

Please if you don't like a post, then ignore it. We only sharing our thoughts about a tv-show.

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Episode 10 written preview:

DongJoo and DaJi are eating a noodle dish that looks like a huge pig bath bowl. JinYoung is amazed at looking at the two of them. DongJoo takes care of JinYoung looking at the noodle dish she hasn't touched. JinYoung says she is jealous at how close DongJoo and DaJi are. Hearing this shocks DaJi and she ends up spitting all over DongJoo while slurping the broth. DaJi says we are always fighting when we get together. DongJoo states if we were any closer they would be having knife fights.

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Guest bibidep

Thank you Alexus and Imzi for the episode 9-10 preview.

OMG I get no patient with those 2 couples, how in the world they going to separate each couple to let Dong Joo and Da Ji get back together??? I mean all the kisses and the touching movement Da Ji had all went to Ahjussi. In the preview Ahjussi going to take off Da Ji shirt, Oh I die if Ahjussi going to has that night together with Da Ji. Like Semi-Fly said, The reason for DJS couple had not revealed, Dong Joo not even had a kiss or any kind of close to Da Ji since he met her after 6 years, now we see in the preview still not thing happen to Dong Joo and Da Ji, and we only have 6 Episode to go. How do they going to layout all the problem 6 years ago when they married and let Dong Joo and Da Ji have more time together???

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