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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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2 hours ago, kittyna said:

Kim Do Yeon and Park Jin Gyeom from Alice

I like this one, like, everything from the musical matches with this pair(Kim Do yeon's strong personality and PGY's unseen kind nature), except the locking up of female lead against her will

2 hours ago, kittyna said:

Kim Do Han and Park Si On from Good Doctor.

And I like this one also. It does fit the description of the musical.:approves:


2 hours ago, kittyna said:

Kang Hyun Tae (i.e. the hospital's Assistant Director) and Park Si On from Good Doctor.

I would say this one's is my favorite, since Park Si-On is the last guy he expects getting advice from :approves:


2 hours ago, kittyna said:

when I watched the film growing up, I saw Belle as someone who had a strong personality and ethical code who only befriended the Beast after he started to change from a violently temperamental monster into someone kinder

Well that's how Stockholm Syndrome works. Victim bonds with her/his captors over a period of time, regardless of what the victim sees in the captor, it wouldn't had happened if he/she was not held  against their will.

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2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I like this one, like, everything from the musical matches with this pair(Kim Do yeon's strong personality and PGY's unseen kind nature), except the locking up of female lead against her will


I'm glad you liked that one - it's one of my personal favourites out of my responses.


By the way, speaking of Do Yeon and Jin Gyeom, I think now is a good time to say that I am currently working on a fic about these two, particularly their high school days. I am still also working on the Seolleim in Salzburg finale, but this fic is based on an idea I had really early into watching Alice, and...well, the muse has finally decided to strike such that I can actually make it happen. ;) 


A lot of it is going to be stuff from my own imagination, but just as a little taste of what's gonna happen, here's a preview scene I'm sure we all already know:



The sound of hundreds of chattering voices echoes around me in the usual lunchtime roar, but I just focus on the pounding of my own feet as I stomp up the stairs.


“Stupid, stupid idiot,” I mutter to myself, each word punctuated with yet another stomp. “Way to go, Kim Do Yeon: your first shot at getting to the truth of something, and you just had to completely screw it up.”


A couple of junior girls scramble out of my way; they point at me and whisper among themselves as I pass, but I don’t care. Nothing they say can possibly beat what I heard from Eomma down by the school entrance just now.


That girl from your class – Sung Eun? Everyone in the market’s talking: it turns out she was a suicide after all. The boy that you said was up there with her – that one you reported to the police? Well, his mother searched all day and night for a witness and she finally found one…


He was trying to save her. I don’t know what the hell Park Jin Gyeom was doing up there yesterday, but when Sung Eun went up there as well....


You and your jumping to conclusions…didn’t I tell you that was going to cause trouble for you someday? You’d better apologize, young lady – an innocent kid’s life was almost ruined because of you!


It’s not my fault I got him wrong, though. Not entirely, anyway. Jin Gyeom is easily the biggest, tallest guy in the entire drama club, with slanted eyes that would be fox-like if they didn’t look completely dead inside. He never says anything in our meetings, either; he just sits there with arms crossed in the back of the room, silently judging us with those creepily empty eyes.


No wonder our club president just assigns him to play the antagonist over and over again – and no wonder he just takes it. Still, there’s a difference between looking like a villain and actually being one. You'd think I'd know that by now.


As I reach the floor where all the senior classes are, I raise one hand to my shoulder with a wince. It still stings from when Eomma smacked me there earlier, but I don’t want to think about that now. Instead, tossing my head and forcing a smile on my face, I march over to Jin Gyeom’s class, my hands clasped behind my back.


There are only a handful of guys here, most of the class probably still eating downstairs or playing soccer out on the field. But all that matters is that Jin Gyeom’s still here: hunched over his desk by the window, one of the few students who actually studies during break.


Several of the boys look up at me in curiosity as I saunter over towards him – girls never go into guys’ classrooms or vice-versa – but I don’t care what they think. As for Jin Gyeom, he doesn’t even notice I’m there until I speak up. “I was the one who reported you to the police, you know.”


He glances up at me, then back down at his work. “So?”


“So I’m here to apologize for suspecting you earlier.” I answer bluntly. “Mianhae.”


“Gwenchana,” he murmurs. “I understand how you’d think that.”


That’s weird. Sung Eun is dead and Jin Gyeom was nearly accused – by me – of killing her. But right now, he’s reacting like I just told him what I’d eaten for lunch. Somehow, for some bizarre reason, none of this fazes him as much as it should – which must mean that he knows something.


And right now, I want in.


Quickly, before I can change my mind, I pull over a chair and sit down. “By the way, why did Sung Eun kill herself?”


Jin Gyeom goes still. “Why are you asking me?”


“Because apparently,” I continue, “you were talking to her before she jumped.”


He looks back down and turns a page in his workbook. “She didn’t say anything.”


I stare at him for a few more seconds, hoping that he would eventually decide to talk, but he just goes right back to his homework: calculus, it looks like.


Well, if that’s how he’s gonna be, then there’s no point in waiting. I get up to leave the classroom, but I’ve only made it to the threshold before I feel him staring at me from across the room.


Park Jin Gyeom definitely knows something.


Even after I get back to my own classroom and my own desk, I keep an eye on the windows to the hallway outside. Sure enough, not two minutes after I sat down, Jin Gyeom walks past, his cold eyes pointed straight ahead.


I rush out just in time to see him reach the washroom at the end of the hall: the one that everyone knows to avoid during lunch unless they want to risk getting beat up by Han Seung Chul and his gang. One of the freshmen guarding the entrance tries to stop Jin Gyeom, but he just casually pushes him away and steps inside, reaching up to lock the door behind him.


I’m not the only one who notices that something weird is going on. Some of my classmates have also come out from the room, and a lot of the boys from Jin Gyeom’s class as well. We are all huddled together in the hall, curious but also a bit scared, when suddenly, we hear loud bangs and someone yelling from inside.


“Omo!” the girl beside me gasps, her hand flying up to her mouth. Most of the boys crowd closer to the door, trying to see what they could make out through the frosted glass, but I join the other girls in backing away as far as I can while still being able to hear their hushed voices from the front:


“Is he really trying to fight them?”


“He’s outnumbered – I see three of them in there!”


“Is he crazy?”


“‘Course he is! He’s the psycho, remember?”


“Geu rae, but–”


Jin Gyeom’s silhouette suddenly appears out of nowhere in the glass, reaching up to unlock the door. Immediately, everyone shuts up and we all scurry out of the way when he finally comes outside.


He’s fine. Perfectly fine. There’s not a single scratch or bruise on him, and the only sign that Seung Chul managed to land a hit at all is the tiny bit of blood from a cut lip that I can just barely make out when he walks right up to me.


There’s this long awkward silence as everyone gapes at us, but before I can say anything, Jin Gyeom hands me Seung Chul’s phone. “Take this to the police. You’ll find the reason for Sung Eun’s suicide there.”


So, it is still a bit rough - the narrative voice isn't as teenage as I'd like just yet - but it's a start. So stay tuned for more!

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40 minutes ago, kittyna said:

So, it is still a bit rough - the narrative voice isn't as teenage as I'd like just yet - but it's a start. So stay tuned for more!

Wow!! It is really good read. I can totally imagine that it would have been the after math of scene when PGY was proven innocent by his mom. And also, I like how you explored his life in drama club, like, it is possible that he might end up doing villain roles since it is the least wanted role for the members and PGY would have taken it without complaining. I can't wait to read the complete story. :blush:


44 minutes ago, kittyna said:

girls never go into guys’ classrooms

Wait I thought it is coed school. Does boys have different class room during break period ?

45 minutes ago, kittyna said:

but I don’t care what they think

Well, that's our Kim Do Yeon, fearless and doesn't give a f*** about anyone


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1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

Wait I thought it is coed school. Does boys have different class room during break period ?


Even in co-ed high schools, it's still common in Korea for boys and girls to be split into different classes. And, from what I could make out from the high school scenes in Alice, that appears to be the case for Do Yeon and Jin Gyeom's school: it's most visible in Episode 13, when Evil!Jin Gyeom sneaks out in the middle of the class, but there are other clues as well.


1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

And also, I like how you explored his life in drama club, like, it is possible that he might end up doing villain roles since it is the least wanted role for the members and PGY would have taken it without complaining. I can't wait to read the complete story.


And, while it wasn't intentional, there is a slight parallel with JW's own high school experiences - he said once that while others fought to play the lead, he'd go for the really random miscellaneous characters (I remember something about a "perverted ahjussi" once, but I could be mistaken there).


1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

Wow!! It is really good read. I can totally imagine that it would have been the after math of scene when PGY was proven innocent by his mom.


Well, the moments involving Jin Gyeom are straight from the drama itself - the only parts from me here are the bully's name (because he doesn't have one in the drama) and the fallout for Do Yeon, because I don't think her parents would have let her get away with throwing him under the bus :P 

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My internet is being so slow these days.. Sorry can't join in the conversation.. I will reply all the quotes after it gets a bit stable.


In the meantime.. Knowing brother is airing right now.. and out Joo Won is trending! :partyblob:


First at 5 



NOW at 3-



And he's eating lemon deliciously and it's surprising Knowing bros like it did to 2D1N bros..:lol:




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3 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

And he's eating lemon deliciously and it's surprising Knowing bros like it did to 2D1N bros..:lol:


lol - It's funny, because I remember Lee Su Geun was one of only two 1N2D hyungs (the other being Uhm Tae Woong) to see JW doing that firsthand back then. I know that for JW himself, eating lemons like that is just perfectly normal, but it also seems to be a good party trick, given everyone else's reactions.


And I just gotta say: Park Jun Myeon's reaction was so cute and funny as well :lol:


I haven't gotten through all the YouTube clips so far, but I think my favourite so far is this one. It looks like it'd be such a simple move, but apparently, it's actually really hard to do it smoothly, accurately and with the right timing (several of the knowing bros get it when they do it slowly, but not quickly).


I'm not surprised that JW and IVY nailed it, though ;) And JW did at least twice (once in the practice break and once for real) and without looking. Also, his little shimmy at the beginning was really cute :) 



And, maybe it's just because I am Canadian, but that little snippet at the end where they were joking that the MC's "I'm not a comedian!" came out like, "I'm [not] Canadian!" was hilarious - I was literally thinking that's what it sounded like right before they pointed it out. :lol:

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12 hours ago, kittyna said:

"I'm not a comedian!" came out like, "I'm [not] Canadian!"

I think he did say "Canadian":lol:. Actually, it is Kim Youngchul's signature dialogue, he always says this sentence "I am a comedian not Canadian" if he has to do a joke in English. I think they choose the word "Canadian" because it rhymes with "Comedian", not that they disrespect the people from the Canada or its citizens :sweat_smile:

In the next episode of KBs, we get to see Choi Kang-hee and Kim Young-kwang with whom joo won worked previously. Apparently these two are doing Hello Me! KBS drama together. So, I guess JTBC has no problem promoting other channel dramas in their variety shows.

Also, ratings for the Joo won's episode was 4.06%, which is seen as  decent rating when it comes to this show.

12 hours ago, kittyna said:

Park Jun Myeon's reaction was so cute and funny as well

She is actually the star of this episode, like, she is witty, as lot of funny stories to tell and on top of that her small hands make her look cute. So, overall the episode was decent and we can get to see funny side of Joo won and he  seem to be opening up a lot when doing variety shows, earlier, which is in his 20's he use stay quiet in variety shows and always use to respond with one liners to the questions which were thrown at him, now he seem to have improved a lot. Which is really big change since it is hard for introverts(I think Joo won is one) to open up or do stuff spontaneously.

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23 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

And he's eating lemon deliciously and it's surprising Knowing bros like it did to 2D1N bros.

I thought they would bring this up, but did not expect that they will actually make him eat whole lemon.

I also, he revealed his secret of his sudden increase of height, which is infant formula, it aided him in his  drastic increase of his height. Overall, they have visited few incidence from 2D1N where Joo won instantly dropped his honorifics with other cast members, when Lee Su Geun tried to explain this to Joo won but later found out that he is too innocent to understand and found his behavior cute.

And IVY'S dance was top notch, I knew she is good at singing but I never knew she is good at dancing and also she was good at drawing also

Park Jun Myeon's stories and her witty jokes kept the show alive, IVY's dance performance kept the show interesting and Joo won's dance made the show fun to watch. Also, joo won won the quiz round and got the pork meat as prize, so, the episode was enjoyable and fun to watch. I had my skepticism regarding joo won, since he is not known for spontaneous answers and he thinks a lot before answering and KBs show demands spontaneity, but he did well in almost all the segments and he also got right answer about IVY's question also(its like a round where they ask the class members to answer the reason behind an incident). I think it is safe to say that he has improved a lot and is more open to joke around in variety shows. :approves:

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It seems like this is the big thing that the media articles are focusing on: JW's attempt to grow taller in middle school.


To be honest, I'm buying his adult interpretation of events (i.e. that he started to eat baby formula at the same time that he started his growth spurt anyway) more than any claim that baby formula triggers a growth spurt :P And I do think that the difference between him and his parents' heights probably has more to do with South Korea's economic boom and better nutrition for kids overall than any activity that's touted to make people taller (eating formula, swimming, etc.)


Behind-the-scenes pics from his agency


lol - I think this one's my favourite from the set :D I don't know why, but I like seeing pictures from the hair and makeup process a lot. Plus, something in his expression here reminds me of that hair-drying scene in Alice.




8 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I think he did say "Canadian":lol:. Actually, it is Kim Youngchul's signature dialogue, he always says this sentence "I am a comedian not Canadian" if he has to do a joke in English. I think they choose the word "Canadian" because it rhymes with "Comedian", not that they disrespect the people from the Canada or its citizens


Don't worry - I didn't think it was a dig at Canadians. I was actually happy to see Canada being mentioned at all, since it's never something I expect and (mostly) happens in a positive context :glasses:


8 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

In the next episode of KBs, we get to see Choi Kang-hee and Kim Young-kwang with whom joo won worked previously. Apparently these two are doing Hello Me! KBS drama together. So, I guess JTBC has no problem promoting other channel dramas in their variety shows.


Yeah, I noticed that they were the guests for the next episode. Although I know that Knowing Bros probably wouldn't invite guests from multiple productions (since the activities are designed to promote one show/film/stage production at a time), it did make me wonder if JW still kept in touch with either of them.


8 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

So, overall the episode was decent and we can get to see funny side of Joo won and he  seem to be opening up a lot when doing variety shows, earlier, which is in his 20's he use stay quiet in variety shows and always use to respond with one liners to the questions which were thrown at him, now he seem to have improved a lot. Which is really big change since it is hard for introverts(I think Joo won is one) to open up or do stuff spontaneously.


If we look at his growth overall, I think that he was dropped headfirst in the deep end (yes, combining two idioms is intended) with 1N2D. In that show, he's expected to be engaged and funny and clever and naughty (all traits expected of the maknae) and do that over and over again - it was all really just a bit overwhelming for him and his personality. As you pointed out, he is a self-proclaimed introvert and he seems to have grown up in a family that wasn't necessarily strict but was definitely traditional in its ideas on what the maknae should be like. So JW's own interpretation of what he should be like as the show's maknae contradicted with the audience's interpretation; and while he did stick to his guns for the most part, there are definitely moments on 1N2D when you can sense how much that feeling that he wasn't accepted for who he was by viewers really stressed him out.


Since then, though, I think JW has been gradually honing his variety show skills by taking on several major talk shows (Win WinTaxiHealing CampRadio Star, etc.) over the years. In these cases, even if the MCs thought he was boring or not funny (Kim Gu Ra on Taxi, the third host on Win Win, etc.), he's able to sense that the audience enjoyed his stories, once he was allowed to just tell them verbally. This has helped him gain confidence in the knowledge that audiences just like him as himself rather than any sort of affected image such that now, I think he's finally able to spend less energy constantly evaluating everything he says and does, and just relax and let loose :glasses:

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1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

Kim Hee Sun won Top Excellent Actress award in Miniseries(category) for her performance in Alice drama.


Awesome! I did think she deserved to get something, but the competition among actresses was just too intense at the SBS Drama Awards. :P 


By the way, I think it's also cute that JW shared about his friendship with Kim Hee Sun on Knowing Bros - I wasn't expecting him to also bring up Seo Jang Hoon, though :lol:


And now, for yet another tiny preview (not a full scene, just a snippet) from my upcoming Alice fic. Why? Just because I feel like it :D 



As Jin Gyeom keeps painting the wall, I turn my attention to the sun, squinting and shielding my eyes with one hand once I’ve spotted it. It’s sitting low in the sky, almost at the point when we get to what writers call the “golden hour”: the time just an hour before sunset when the sky turns golden with the sun’s final rays. I don’t know when his mother usually comes back, but I do know that if Jin Gyeom means to finish this today, he won’t be able to manage with the time he has left. Not by himself, anyway.


Wait. What if…?


Quickly, I turn and scramble down the stairs, prompting even the ever-unfazed Jin Gyeom to stop what he’s doing. “Ya – where are you going?”


“Just give me a minute!” I shout back, already breaking into a sprint down the street. “I’ll be right back!”


Even going as fast as I dare, it takes me a while to get from Jin Gyeom’s poorer side of the neighbourhood, with its steep slopes and narrow alleys, down to the apartment complex on the main street where I live. I put out one last burst of speed running up the stairs to our unit, punching in the passcode and bursting through the door with a bang.


“Do Yeon-ah!” Eomma bustles out of the kitchen, eyes widening at the sight of me almost bent double trying to catch my breath. “You’re going to be – what took you so long?”


“Mi-mianhae, Eomma,” I gasp, blurting out the first excuse I can think of as I rush to my room. “I – I had to ask – ask my teacher something.”


I lock the door behind me, leaving Eomma to continue her scolding from outside as I hurriedly shove my oldest pair of jeans and a hoodie into my backpack. Most of it is her usual nagging about my tendency to dawdle with my friends after school – “If you’re going to take so long, you should just stay in the library!” – but she does also ask me about whether I apologized to Jin Gyeom.


“Ne, Eomma!” I call out, zipping my backpack closed with a flourish. “He says he’s fine, so it's all good!”


Despite her scolding, Eomma still asks me if I could eat something first before I head back out again. Normally, I might actually stick around, but the thought of Jin Gyeom struggling to paint the wall by himself makes me shake my head.


“Gwenchana, Eomma,” I answer. “I’ll grab something along the way.”


The sky has a distinct golden cast by the time I finally get back to Jin Gyeom’s place. He’s already finished one coat of paint on the left side column in the time, and is now starting on the right.


He looks surprised to see me – or at least I think he does, given that his expression still doesn’t change much – especially when I explain my plan to help him.


“Don’t you have to head back to school?”


I shoot him a look. “Don’t you?”


He shakes his head. “You know I seldom go to study hall.”


“Then you should know that skipping once isn’t the end of the world,” I retort. “Gwenchana,” I add when he just stares at me, “I’ll be fine as long as Eomma doesn’t find out.”


Because hey, if teenage Do Yeon's gonna be a rebel, we all know that it'll be for the sake of helping someone ;) 

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2 hours ago, kittyna said:

Because hey, if teenage Do Yeon's gonna be a rebel, we all know that it'll be for the sake of helping someone

Is she helping him with the wall which was defamed by the hooligans?(Like they have written words like Psycho, killer etc)

Writers sort of forgot about the wall, they should have added a scene where Kim Do Yeon helped PJG repaint the wall, like you did, at least they should have added it in the flashback scenes.

2 hours ago, kittyna said:

Awesome! I did think she deserved to get something, but the competition among actresses was just too intense at the SBS Drama Awards.

I feel the same. She should have won that best actress for Miniseries, like, her role was really versatile. Like, she had played 3 roles with different age group. But still this APAN award sort of holds more prestige than SBS's. The former takes into account the acting of the artist where as the latter given more importance to the popularity of the artists irrespective of their acting in the drama.

2 hours ago, kittyna said:

I wasn't expecting him to also bring up Seo Jang Hoon, though

Same here, and I find it sweet that Seo Jang Hoon paid for Joo won and his parent's meal. Lol, it is only possible for KB's cast members to turn any story into joke(Like they were saying he should have bought the whole Chinese restaurant for Joo won instead of bill). And Park Joon-myeon's dream about Joo won giving his poop was funny as hell. At first I did not understand what she is saying, I thought like, did really Joo won did it? And then I got to know that it was in her dreams

And IVY'S Emergency Room incident was also funny as hell and I did not expect Joo won get it right, since in 2D1N we sucked at riddles and quizzes, I can see that he as improved a lot and became wise as he grew older


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10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Is she helping him with the wall which was defamed by the hooligans?(Like they have written words like Psycho, killer etc)


:approves: Among other things, but this is part of it :) 


10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Writers sort of forgot about the wall, they should have added a scene where Kim Do Yeon helped PJG repaint the wall, like you did, at least they should have added it in the flashback scenes.


This is actually the first fic idea I had for Alice, almost right after watching Episode 1. The way I saw it, there was no way that Do Yeon wouldn't have tried to help to fix the damage she'd inadvertently caused - even if she didn't volunteer on her own, someone (her parents, a teacher, one of the cops, etc.) would've told her to.


There are also a ton of other little details that I want to fit into this fic, so wish me luck!


10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

But still this APAN award sort of holds more prestige than SBS's. The former takes into account the acting of the artist where as the latter given more importance to the popularity of the artists irrespective of their acting in the drama.


Not to mention that SBS (or other network awards) have to take the drama's popularity into consideration when giving out awards. I'm not sure whether Do You Like Brahms? fared better among audiences in comparison with Alice, but it's a factor that I'd need to consider when thinking about how the Top Excellence Award played out. Both Park Eun Bin and Kim Hee Sun are experienced actresses with long resumes - even though, just by coincidence, I haven't watched any of Park Eun Bin's dramas - so I don't think their respective popularity was a big factor here.


As for JW, it does look like the reason why he didn't win Top Excellence was simply because he was already slated for the Producer's Award - not because of anything to do with his popularity in comparison with other nominees.


10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Same here, and I find it sweet that Seo Jang Hoon paid for Joo won and his parent's meal. Lol, it is only possible for KB's cast members to turn any story into joke(Like they were saying he should have bought the whole Chinese restaurant for Joo won instead of bill).


I have to say, after seeing snippets of this (still haven't had time to watch the full episode) and Healing Camp, I really do think Seo Jang Hoon and JW just mesh together really well. Like, Jang Hoon just has this way of shifting the focus to JW's positive attributes, and the part when he guessed that JW gave Park Jun Myun a laminated leaf was adorable :blush:


10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

And Park Joon-myeon's dream about Joo won giving his poop was funny as hell. At first I did not understand what she is saying, I thought like, did really Joo won did it? And then I got to know that it was in her dreams


Yeah, watching that scene on YouTube without any subs or prior context (i.e. without recognizing either the Korean words for "dream" or "gift") was like.... :surprisedwut: 



By the way, I also love JW's reactions during that story - because on the one hand, he's smiling because he understands the humour and good intent behind it (since, apparently, there's an association between poop and good luck in Korea that everyone knows about), but on the other hand, he looks just a bit weirded out like, "Wait - you had a dream about me doing what???" (It's most visible during Lee Su Geun's guess about fifty seconds into the clip.)

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6 hours ago, kittyna said:

There are also a ton of other little details that I want to fit into this fic, so wish me luck!

Yup, there are lot gaps left by writers for you to explore, so good luck!:approves:

7 hours ago, kittyna said:

Seo Jang Hoon and JW just mesh together really well. Like, Jang Hoon just has this way of shifting the focus to JW's positive attributes, and the part when he guessed that JW gave Park Jun Myun a laminated leaf was adorable

Yeah, I thought that might be the answer since it matches with Joo won's personality and Seo Jang Hoon always gets the right answers, most of the times

7 hours ago, kittyna said:

Yeah, watching that scene on YouTube without any subs or prior context (i.e. without recognizing either the Korean words for "dream" or "gift") was like

I was confused as well despite subs, so it is safe to say that her question was toughest to guess out all.



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1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

Yeah, I thought that might be the answer since it matches with Joo won's personality and Seo Jang Hoon always gets the right answers, most of the times


I'm not familiar with Knowing Bros or the dynamic between the hosts in general (can you tell I seldom watch variety shows unless JW guests on them? :P), but I did think the laminated leaf was in line with JW's personality. Or, if nothing else, the impression of him that Seo Jang Hoon would have gotten from Healing Camp.


Speaking of which, I finally did get around to watching the whole show! :partyblob: It was a lot of fun, but I also have some general observations (which I'll keep JW-related for the purposes of this forum):


1. I think that this show has the best format for JW's personality so far. In particular, I find that the first "period", with its focus on having the guests share anecdotes about themselves in response to a series of prompts (e.g. "Friendships", "Strengths", etc.) made Knowing Bros feel less like a game show and more like a talk show - and I already knew that JW was comfortable on those. Also, the fact that all six of the bros are seasoned comedians who already know and riff off of each other really well means that, in the beginning - when he might still be a bit shy - JW can just throw out a small tidbit (e.g. the story about running into Seo Jang Hoon at a Chinese restaurant) and everyone else will be able to build it up into an entire gag. By the time we get to the more overtly comical second half, JW's already warmed up and become familiar with the whole group - and again, the onus isn't on him to maintain the comedy to begin with.


2. I do have to say, though, that the way JW riffed with Kang Ho Dong in his intro was spot-on. Okay, I'm sure that the general premise (i.e. that the Ghost cast members were visiting from the performing arts high school next door) as well as their actual entrance was scripted. But Kang Ho Dong is such a seasoned comedian that I do believe his response about seeing the arts students acting weird in the schoolyard was improvised - and JW just picked up on it immediately and went, "Oh, that? Yeah, we were rehearsing for Ghost." He also riffed off Hee Chul really well, too :) 


3. I really should give Lee Su Geun's friendship with JW more credit. I'd pointed out before on this forum that Lee Su Geun's MCing/hosting style wasn't really my thing personally (he reminded me of how variety shows/reality shows were hosted in Hong Kong, and those have always come across to me as way too extra :P). So, when I watched 1N2D, I tended to focus more on JW's relationships with the other hyungs (especially Sung Si Kyung). However, seeing Lee Su Geun falling back into all his old habits from working with JW on 1N2D was such a throwback for me - and it was adorable! :love: I loved how he would try to point out to the others whenever JW was about to do or say something interesting (like, I think he was the one who went, "Guys, Joo Won's dancing" off-screen when "Any Song" came on?), and how he vouched for and added to JW's stories in the first half. However, my favourite has to be when we could hear him say, "Joo Won-ie, enjoy the food!" during the ramyeon scene. Like, how long has it been since I've heard anyone call him "Joo Won-ie"??? That was such a mainstay from 1N2D and I...I just can't....:fullofhearts:


4. JW may not be book smart, but he's clever. Most fans know of his abysmal record doing trivia quizzes from 1N2D ("Joo Rodin", anybody?), and the same more or less holds true here. However, the "Amor Fati" question also shows just how intelligent he actually is - he recognized that "amor" was "love", and actually took a really reasonable educated guess on "fati" (which he thought was "party", because "f" and "p" sound similar in Korean). Same with IVY's emergency room question: once he realized that the humour was in the irony behind what she'd eaten to have an allergic reaction, he was the first to figure out that it had to be a food item that was related to seafood but that didn't actually contain any seafood - hence the "conch shaped crackers".


5. JW did way better on the clay modeling game than I thought he would. Again, this comes back to the "highly intelligent, but not necessarily book smart" thing. He was consistently really quick to start his team on the right foot (pun intended).


6. Epic dancing skills, as always. I know that, realistically, he's not idol level - nor would I expect him to be. But his strength as a dancer (besides his generally strong technique and sense of rhythm) is that he just goes for it, regardless of whether it looks stupid. I can see that several of the bros tend to hold back more, but that doesn't necessarily mean they can't dance: they might just be shy about it.


7. If I recall correctly, the "Puppy" nickname was given to him by Choi Kang Hee. Just dropping this in because I guess it means they are still friends :) 


8. JW's anecdote about going to the doctor after starring in both Good Doctor and Yong Pal was awesome. lol - While it's true that he learned enough from Good Doctor to be able to act out the first-aid and surgical procedures himself in Yong Pal (as opposed to using a hand double), that doesn't mean he understood what it all meant :P Still, the mental image of his doctor going, "So, Joo Won-ssi, as you probably already know..." and him going, "Sorry, what???" is awesome. 

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43 minutes ago, kittyna said:

7. If I recall correctly, the "Puppy" nickname was given to him by Choi Kang Hee. Just dropping this in because I guess it means they are still friends :) 

Wow! Great observation, I totally forgot about this "Puppy" nickname.

45 minutes ago, kittyna said:

3. I really should give Lee Su Geun's friendship with JW more credit. 

Yup, same here. I though Lee Su Geun will be silent or more reserved just like he was with other 2D1N members when they came to the show. But, it seems like he does cherish his bong with Joo won and did everything in his capacity to give give him more screen time just he did back in 2D1N ,and that Bridal Mask and Bride fled analogy was too good:joy:. You forgot to mention the entrance scene where joo won slammed the door so hard that IVY got scared.

50 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Like, how long has it been since I've heard anyone call him "Joo Won-ie"??

Yeah, only 2D1N friends call him like that. Most of the time I hear people calling him Joo Won-shhi.

1 hour ago, kittyna said:

5. JW did way better on the clay modeling game than I thought he would. 

I was surprised with his skill in clay molding, perhaps he took some classes in pottery, since lot of celebrities and artist pick up such kind of skills to improve their acting skills. Also, I did not expect him to win the grand prize, since his track record in 2D1N is not good at winning quizzes.


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1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

Also, I did not expect him to win the grand prize, since his track record in 2D1N is not good at winning quizzes.


Well, most of the points he won were from decidedly non-quiz items (the ET dance) or things that, given his strong interest in music, I'd expect him to be good at (remembering song lyrics). 


What's really funny is all the times he ends up chatting with Park Jun Myun in the background: "I didn't know that", "I just guessed", etc. :lol:


Oh, and another funny moment from that segment that I forgot to mention:


9. JW's pouty face when the children's song cut off so abruptly while he was dancing. His face was like, "Aw, but I was just getting into it!" and I'm like, "Dude - you're 33!!!" :loolz: Maybe the song had sentimental value for him or something :D


1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

Yeah, only 2D1N friends call him like that. Most of the time I hear people calling him Joo Won-shhi.


That's because "ssi" is the neutral/formal suffix to add to someone's name, so it's the one that's bound to appear in the widest range of contexts. 


In more casual speech between friends or family, the most common suffix is "ah" or "yah" (e.g. "Joo Won-ah"). It's only used for people who are either close in age as you or younger than you, though - older friends are addressed by "Hyung", "Noona", "Oppa", or "Eonnie". 


"ie", though, is not just informal, but also, like, super affectionate or cutesy. I've only heard it being used in a handful of dramas, and its use seems to have as much to do with the personalities of the people in the relationship as it does the overall dynamic. In essence, it's interchangeable with "ah"/"yah", so if you use "ie", you're trying to make a point that you think the person you're addressing is just so darn cute you want to squeeze them.


(Which, to be fair, is how JW's hyungs on 1N2D thought of him most of the time.)


1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

Wow! Great observation, I totally forgot about this "Puppy" nickname.


It was something about her calling him "Puppy" and him calling her "Kang-jjang" (the latter of which actually happens when she guests on 1N2D), but I could be wrong about whether she started it or if she picked up a nickname someone else used already. I just know I first heard of the nickname in relation to Level 7 Civil Servant.


1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

I was surprised with his skill in clay molding, perhaps he took some classes in pottery, since lot of celebrities and artist pick up such kind of skills to improve their acting skills.


I do think it's tied to his acting, though - I remember that he was really good at charades on 1N2D as well. So I think it's a combination of being generally dextrous with his hands, and having a good sense of how to visually represent a saying or idea.


1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

Yup, same here. I though Lee Su Geun will be silent or more reserved just like he was with other 2D1N members when they came to the show. But, it seems like he does cherish his bong with Joo won and did everything in his capacity to give give him more screen time just he did back in 2D1N


I think he still remembers that that's what JW needed to open up more on 1N2D, so he just naturally slipped back into that habit.


Changing the subject for a bit: JW's shoes from the SBS Drama Awards - Jimmy Choos??? Dang....

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1 hour ago, kittyna said:

9. JW's pouty face when the children's song cut off so abruptly while he was dancing. His face was like, "Aw, but I was just getting into it!" and I'm like, "Dude - you're 33!!!" 

After you mentioned it I re-watched it and indeed he did made the pouted face when the music stopped without warning. And also, is it me or did the editor tried to give more shots of joo won. Like, there were more shots of Joo won's reaction than the other 2 guests, or it can be that I only noticed Joo won's reaction more than other two guests.

1 hour ago, kittyna said:

That's because "ssi" is the neutral/formal suffix to add to someone's name, so it's the one that's bound to appear in the widest range of contexts. 


In more casual speech between friends or family, the most common suffix is "ah" or "yah" (e.g. "Joo Won-ah"). It's only used for people who are either close in age as you or younger than you, though - older friends are addressed by "Hyung", "Noona", "Oppa", or "Eonnie". 

Oh! I use to think "SSI" was used to address someone informally, since lot of actor who are younger than Joo won use to address him as "Joo Won-ssi" (like Bae-Suzy in 2012 KBS AWARDS and Kim Young-Jung in 2020 SBS AWARDS and UEE use to address him as Joo won-ssi as well. I seldom heard young actress calling him OPPA, is it because he is strict ? )


1 hour ago, kittyna said:

In more casual speech between friends or family, the most common suffix is "ah" or "yah" (e.g. "Joo Won-ah")

I heard lot senior actress calling Joo won as Joo Won-ah (Choi Gang-Hee  use to call him like that)




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5 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

And also, is it me or did the editor tried to give more shots of joo won. Like, there were more shots of Joo won's reaction than the other 2 guests, or it can be that I only noticed Joo won's reaction more than other two guests.


I noticed that, too, and it's generally a thing whenever JW is on a variety show with others (i.e. even 1N2D did this a lot). What it is is that JW doesn't say much, but he is actually a very expressive person when it comes to body language or non-verbal communication. So, say, on 1N2D, when someone makes a silly mistake during a game, the others might be shouting or teasing the member who messed up, but JW might just be laughing - and the camera would need to focus on him for viewers to see that he reacted at all. ;) Or, in the first half of the season, Sung Si Kyung might start bickering with Bird PD (which happened, like, a lot), and the hyungs might join in with their comments, but JW might just be shown nodding along (if he agrees) or making his confused pouty face (if he disagrees).


Now that I think about it, Lee Su Geun was one of the first to pick up on this on 1N2D, so he started proactively asking JW for his opinion if he's been quiet for a while - and with his cute facial expressions, usually a nod or shake of the head from JW was enough. lol - And then (if it was on a point of contention with Bird PD), the hyungs would all launch into this spiel of "See? Even Joo Won-ie thinks this - so now you've gotta listen to us!" :lol:


However, in terms of any variety show appearances for Ghost, I think the focus on JW may just be due to his star power in comparison with his castmates. ;) 


5 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Oh! I use to think "SSI" was used to address someone informally, since lot of actor who are younger than Joo won use to address him as "Joo Won-ssi" (like Bae-Suzy in 2012 KBS AWARDS and Kim Young-Jung in 2020 SBS AWARDS and UEE use to address him as Joo won-ssi as well. I seldom heard young actress calling him OPPA, is it because he is strict ? )


Well, "ssi" is not the most formal, because it implies that you're at least on a first name basis ;) The most formal would be using some sort of title without a name (e.g. "Sunbaenim") instead.


But generally speaking, the situation matters just as much as the relationship. So in really public settings like interviews, awards shows, etc., everyone sort of defaults to using "ssi", even if they'd use something else in private. If you're looking for terms of address that reflect actual relationships, it's better to look to behind-the-scenes footage, or footage of the main cast in a variety show (as opposed to any guests).


Also, I'm not sure if this is true, but my guess is that in Korea, it's less common for actresses to address their guy friends as "Oppa", because that's also how girls usually address their boyfriends.


But one thing I do know: JW is far quicker to use informal terms of address than most. He consistently refers to people he's worked with by "Hyung" and "Noona" if they're older. He did use "Sunbae" more often earlier in his career, but as he's gotten to know more people in the industry, it looks like he mostly reserves those for people way older than him now.


6 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I heard lot senior actress calling Joo won as Joo Won-ah (Choi Gang-Hee  use to call him like that)


Yeah, I've noticed that, too.


One quick note about "ie" that I forgot to include earlier. As a direct term of address (i.e. you use it for the person you're speaking to), it's relatively uncommon. However, it does show up a ton as the way you mention someone to a third party (which make up the vast majority of the "Joo Won-ie"s you hear on Knowing Bros). 

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