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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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7 hours ago, tokkimoon said:

I only said water because our Joo Won doesn't drink really, so for him to "pretend" to drink that for the scene so easily was funny. These bar scenes are killing me, lol. That comment, was too good!! It's always the place where the funniest things happen.


7 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Or maybe a sip of beer can do that to Joo Won :joy:, this scene was funny as hell, especially when the colleague of Tae-Yi tried to flirt with her, Park Jin-Gyeom was like "Show her some respect she is 50 years old", I choked on my coffee when I saw that scene, especially Joo Won's dialogue delivery was so convincing, let I genuinely thought he really meant it


That snippet when Park Jin Gyeom tells off Tae Yi's colleague is one that I saw recently on one of SBS's YouTube channels (don't remember which one - it's so confusing that SBS has multiple accounts :P). And I, too, cracked up at his sudden, "Are you crazy???" ("Michyeosseo???" - one of the few words/phrases I've learned to understand without subs ;)). Especially when JW sort-of went into his stage/musical voice at the end of that word, so that he's not quite shouting...but he definitely was loud.


By the way, I do wonder - just purely out of curiosity - how the drinking scenes are filmed in K-dramas. Like, do they substitute water for soju, tea for beer, etc.? I'm sure they must at least some of the time (or else JW's...not gonna be doing any acting :P) but I've also heard rumours about actual alcohol being used sometimes, or actors actually getting a little bit drunk during filming.


7 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Some more eastern eggs by fellow forum member, it was quite interesting


I noticed the typewriter too, actually, but didn't think to comment on that in my take on Episode 2. I also thought that one of the voices narrating the book's text sounded like JW, but I wasn't entirely sure.


10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Okay, after watching with subs it makes the drama 10times better, I will probably wait for subs from now on wards.


10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Mostly I missed Subs to understand the context, so I will hold on watching drama before it gets subbed. There were few hits, like I felt the episode got into dragging mode, probably because after watching fast paced initial episodes it was hard for me to watch the rest of the episode even if it is dragged a little, but overall I think the drama is on the right track and future episodes will be much enjoyable


Don't worry; I feel you. Again, I haven't watched it yet (I know subs are available now, but I'm not available yet, time-wise), but my impression from what I've seen shared on Instagram, YouTube, etc. is that Episode 3 was a pretty dialogue-heavy episode, where much of what's good about it is in terms of what characters say or think. And without any understanding of the language...yeah, that's gonna be a drag. I'm glad it's better for you now, though :) 


7 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I liked the futuristic design of Alice hotel, it was like very efficient use of light and they must be saving tons of electricity bill. Like, joo won's room must be getting more electricity bill than hotel Alice, like he was using lamp and tube lights at the same time


For Park Jin Gyeom's apartment, I blame whoever decided to design it with so many dark colours :P It ends up looking edgy and contemporary and cool, but as you've pointed out, that's not that great lighting-wise ;) 


7 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Yeah- when I first saw his insides of the apartment it felt very empty, just like his life


Hm...that does make me want to look back at other places where JW's drama characters have lived and see what their design choices say about them.


By the way, all this talk from you guys about the action scenes in this episode has given me an idea - which I'll get to in a future post because I gotta run now ;) 


[EDIT] New behind-the-scenes video!



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1 hour ago, kittyna said:

how the drinking scenes are filmed in K-dramas. Like, do they substitute water for soju, tea for beer, etc.?

I think it'll be according to the preference of the actor/actress, if they want to be authentic some may ask for real alcohol. But, I only know that Moon Chae Won does act like a drunkard by sipping water :joy:, I don't know about Joo won, he might be knocked-out if he drinks actual alcohol 

1 hour ago, kittyna said:

[EDIT] New behind-the-scenes video!

Did  any of guys observed Joo Won in behind the scenes? He actual stays in the character until the director says cut:open_mouth:


Episode 5 preview


My mind is blow, turns out in the preview it has shown that Tae-Yi from 2020 and Jin Gyeom's mom are two different persons 


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1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

Did  any of guys observed Joo Won in behind the scenes? He actual stays in the character until the director says cut


Yeah - but then, as soon as the director calls "Cut", he's immediately back to being himself. It's like flipping a switch :P 


So @kireeti2, I saw your note about the Episode 5 preview, but since I haven't watched Episodes 3 or 4 yet...I think I'm just confused right now :P I'll understand what's going on when I get there, I suppose. :) 


In the meantime, I said that I wanted to do something inspired by all the action/fight/car chase scenes in Alice, so here it is: the Action Movie edition of Scattergories!


So, again, you guys know the drill: for each of the prompts, just say which of JW's drama characters comes first to mind. By the way, you'll have to look carefully this time, because some prompts are about "JW drama guys" (i.e. the characters JW plays himself), some are "JW drama girls" (i.e. the main female leads), and some are "JW drama couples" (i.e. both of them combined in a tag-team).


Once again, repeating characters is fine. Just go with whatever comes to mind first, and have fun!



Scattergories: Action Movie Edition


1. The fastest/most agile JW drama guy

2. The JW drama guy who'd be best in a gun fight

3. The JW drama guy who'd be the best stunt driver

4. The JW drama guy who'd be the worst in a fight

5. The JW drama guy who might not be a good fighter physically, but would absolutely destroy you with words

6. The JW drama girl who's most likely to be a better fighter than her male counterpart

7. The JW drama girl who's most likely to just hide behind her male counterpart

8. The JW drama couple most likely to be an epic tag-team


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14 minutes ago, kittyna said:

1. The fastest/most agile JW drama guy

2. The JW drama guy who'd be best in a gun fight

3. The JW drama guy who'd be the best stunt driver

4. The JW drama guy who'd be the worst in a fight

5. The JW drama guy who might not be a good fighter physically, but would absolutely destroy you with words

6. The JW drama girl who's most likely to be a better fighter than her male counterpart

7. The JW drama girl who's most likely to just hide behind her male counterpart

8. The JW drama couple most likely to be an epic tag-team

1) Park Jin-Gyeom

2) I think we can all agree it Park Jin-Gyeom after episode 3 gun battle with his father, I thought of going with Lee Kang-To, but he mostly used sword

3) Park Jin-Gyeom, there were hardly any car chases in Joo won's drama except few in Yong Pal and Alice but in Yong Pal I can recall only one car chase

4) Park Si-On and Cha Yoo Jin

5) Cha Yoo Jin

6) Kim Seo Won

7) I can't think of any female lead doing that, I am pretty sure they'll do everything within their power to protect the male lead

8) Kim Seo Won and Han Gil-Ro

47 minutes ago, kittyna said:

So @kireeti2, I saw your note about the Episode 5 preview, but since I haven't watched Episodes 3 or 4 yet...I think I'm just confused right now :P I'll understand what's going on when I get there, I suppose. :) 


My conclusion of Episode 5 preview is due to confusion of Tae-Yi and Jin-Gyeom's mom time line, so kindly ignore it, turns out they both are one and the same, just like the mom from the future who murdered her past self in order to take her place, it is the same with Tae-Yi minus the cross over of their path


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4 hours ago, kittyna said:

I noticed the typewriter too, actually, but didn't think to comment on that in my take on Episode 2. I also thought that one of the voices narrating the book's text sounded like JW, but I wasn't entirely sure


The female voice narration is done by Kim Hee Sun and male voice narration of the typewriting quotes are done by Joo Won so far.


14 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

But, I really felt bad for Kim Do-Yeon, like she is really tying hard to convince him that she is not his mom and move on but it seems hopeless for her and also she is fighting for some affection from him which he totally showing towards Tae-yi, like she is in some kind of competition between his late mom, in that sense I sort of felt bad for her. And also, the new villain like assassin seems promising, like he would make Jin-Gyeom's life more difficult :cry:

So, I really wish Jin-Gyeom finally realizes her importance in his life.


While I did feel sad for Do Yeon.. the pain in her eyes.. :cry: the way she said that he'd never be able to take good pictures of her..! but I could tell Jingyeom ended up doing that because he is very sensitive towards his emotion for his mom. he could see it in his mind that Professor Tae Yi is so similar to his mother, even her littlest actions. So when Do Yeon said bad things about Tae Yi he couldn't take it. It's not really Do Yeon's fault she didn't experince those feeling and speculation Jingyeom was feeling. She just ended up saying wrong thing in front of him when his mind is full of speculation about Yoon Tae Yi and his Mom.


Like in at today's episode Jin Gyeom just did almost same thing to Tae Yi when she seemed half heartedly handling Jin Gyeom's Mom's staffs.It just proves that Jin Gyeomi will retaliate whenever anyone mess with his feeling for his mom..doesn't matter who!



He seemed so disturbed and later his change of mind that such a person who dosen't care about another's feeling can't be his mom even though she is such a look alike.




Joo Won was probably talking about this scene with Do Yeon in this moment where he told her to leave. He mentioned in this press con video( hidden) that he felt sorry to Do Yeon as JW and Park Jin Gyeom didn't really felt sorry because his head was full about worry for him mom. May be there are more scenes like that but I think Do Yeon will be able to stand through those because even though a small girl seems like a girl of strong mentality.





From 1:23 – 2:52 minutes:

MC: The character Kim Do Yeon is someone who is having one sided love for Park Jin Gyeom for 10 years. While getting into your character did you hate Joo Won thinking about how Jin Gyeom wouldn’t understand your feelings?


Da In: I did hate him a lot.. even while filming I used to say “I really Jin Gyeomi.. Jin Gyeomi is bad” a lot. But hate aside after all Do Yeon is loving him for 10 years, though Jin Gyeom is coldt/unfeeling, he has a certain way of taking care (of Do Yeon). May be it become natural now that Do Yeon is with this Jin Gyeom for 10 years.


MC: that means you didn’t hate him in real, right?


Da In: In reality? I did hate him while filming thinking him as Jin Gyeom.. (Laugh..)


MC: Joo Won, did you have something to say? How did you feel? Did you feel sorry to Do Yeon?


Joo Won: I didn’t feel really sorry as Jin Gyeom. But in reality (as Joo Won) I felt really sorry.. laugh.. while filming I said sorry.


Da In: Are you saying sorry? Or are you not?


Joo Won: because Do Yeon always love and worry for Jin Gyeom but he is difficult/unfeeling always thinking about his mom… In real there are scenes like that so in that time I felt really sorry.


12 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Or maybe a sip of beer can do that to Joo Won :joy:, this scene was funny as hell, especially when the colleague of Tae-Yi tried to flirt with her, Park Jin-Gyeom was like "Show her some respect she is 50 years old", I choked on my coffee when I saw that scene, especially Joo Won's dialogue delivery was so convincing, let I genuinely thought he really meant it


That scene was funny and I felt tiny bit sorry for Professor Tae Yi.. she must have been felt frustrated about this situation where a young man asks him if she is at her fifties, if she has a son.. after all she is a fairly young woman. :sweat_smile:


Todays treats from Huayi Brothers:




The eyes..



Baby faced Joo Wonie:



more pictures:  https://m.post.naver.com/viewer/postView.nhn?volumeNo=29347428&memberNo=31542741


I don't really understand how he looks manly and baby in same outfit.. sometimes it's the camera angle may be... but his face cutting is so versatile.. Is it just me?

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11 minutes ago, flutterby06 said:

Da In: Are you saying sorry? Or are you not?

Lol! Joo won's reply was confusing , so I guess he was feeling sorry towards Do Yeon as Joo won but he is not sorry or should I say didn't feel anything towards her as Park Jin-Gyeom :joy:

13 minutes ago, flutterby06 said:

I think Do Yeon will be able to stand through those because even though a small girl seems like a girl of strong mentality.

I really hope Do-Yeon holds on to Jin-Gyeom

Because it is next to impossible for his mom to be in his life and Tae-Yi is not exactly his mom, he will be all alone without Do-Yeon :bawling: I do think she is much stronger than she looks and can take Jin Gyeom's cold treatment no matter how wrost it is because she knows it is not his fault

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15 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

But, I really like the confrontation between Jin-Gyeom and Min-Hyuk, like they both have no emotions whatsoever and good at throwing punches at each other :joy:

So true..:joy:


By next week's episode Jin Gyeom seems to be interested to find his father. I wonder how they'll find out about each other.


Special mention to their action scenes: 

(This scene here is so cool.. The library seemed amazing place to be at then boom.. Men/Women in black recked havoc.. the hanging scene JW did is so cool!)


And the first face off between these two:



Must say that Alice action team did a lot for this scenes. :thumbsup:


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7 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

7) I can't think of any female lead doing that, I am pretty sure they'll do everything within their power to protect the male lead


Fair point - although I also think there isn't a single one out of the guys who wouldn't try to, say, push their girl out of the way or tell her to run or something :P 


As for my take...



1. The fastest/most agile JW drama guy


There are a couple of good contenders here (and I have to point out that Park Jin Gyeom's one of the few characters who actually shares JW's natural running speed - as evidenced in the Police Academy montage in Episode 1), but just to have a different response, I'm going to go with Kim Tae Hyun. For someone who's not an innate or trained fighter, he's really good at getting around, even if it's more for the purpose of escaping from a fight than engaging in one.


2. The JW drama guy who'd be best in a gun fight


I have to hand it to Park Jin Gyeom for this one. I did look up and watch parts of the Episode 3 fight scene for reference, and I want to say that he's got really good aim for such a chaotic situation.


3. The JW drama guy who'd be the best stunt driver


Park Jin Gyeom again, but I also want to give a shout-out to Han Gil Ro as the guy who thinks he'd be a good stunt driver...but who actually isn't :P He's just fast (street racing).


4. The JW drama guy who'd be the worst in a fight


I think I'm going to go with Park Si On here - both because he's physically awkward in just about any context outside of performing medical procedures and surgeries, and because he's such a generally non-confrontational person.


As for Cha Yoo Jin, @kireeti2, he's not skilled as a fighter, but don't forget how strong he is - at least enough that the S Orchestra members believe he actually hurt Lee Yoon Hoo's hand. Let's just say that playing piano at a virtuosic level is no joke!


5. The JW drama guy who might not be a good fighter physically, but would absolutely destroy you with words


I think I'd go with either Cha Yoo Jin or Gyun Woo here. Now, to be fair, Gyun Woo would be an objectively better fighter than Cha Yoo Jin. However, he's also living in a context where the overall standard for fighting abilities is a lot higher, so I have to take his relative skill (compared to his peers) into consideration. That being said, both Cha Yoo Jin and Gyun Woo would be completely brutal when it comes to verbal sparring - which makes me wonder who'd win if they ever wound up in an argument.


6. The JW drama girl who's most likely to be a better fighter than her male counterpart


Building on my response to #5, then, I'd say that either Seol Nae Il or Princess Hye Myung could work here (because, when push comes to shove, both of these girls can be vicious). A number of others, too, but I just like the point of contrast.


7. The JW drama girl who's most likely to just hide behind her male counterpart


As we've already concluded earlier, most of the girls wouldn't just stay back voluntarily. Even if they start off like that, they will most likely try to jump in at some point. However, I still stand by my point that just about all of the guys would at least try to order the girls to run or hide, and in that case...I think Han Yeo Jin is the most likely to listen (or, if nothing else, get dragged away by her own security detail). But if anything were to happen to Tae Hyun along the way...you can bet she'd completely destroy whoever hurt him after the fact ;) 


8. The JW drama couple most likely to be an epic tag-team


For me, the most obvious answer would be Lee Kang To and Oh Mok Dan (or Chae Hong Joo, depending on who you ship him with ;)). But I also want to keep an eye on the girls in Alice as well, because I think I see the potential makings of some awesome tag-team action here.


6 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

The female voice narration is done by Kim Hee Sun and male voice narration of the typewriting quotes are done by Joo Won so far.


Hm...I wonder if there's any significance to that. I guess we'll have to wait and see.


There's not a whole ton I can reply to directly (since I'm not caught up yet), but just for the record, @flutterby06 and @kireeti2, your conversation about the dynamics between Park Jin Gyeom, Yoon Tae Yi, and Kim Do Yeon's been really intriguing to read so far.


6 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

I don't really understand how he looks manly and baby in same outfit.. sometimes it's the camera angle may be... but his face cutting is so versatile.. Is it just me?


JW's got a rather unusual face shape for a K-drama actor, which somehow manages to combine a sharp, pointed jawline with wider, more childish-looking cheekbones. He's also muscular (read: manly) but with a naturally slim (not quite narrow, but not broad either) skeletal structure, which is what makes him able to look like both a tough cop in his late 20s and an awkward gangly teenager in the same show. ;) 


5 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

By next week's episode Jin Gyeom seems to be interested to find his father. I wonder how they'll find out about each other.


Special mention to their action scenes: 

(This scene here is so cool.. The library seemed amazing place to be at then boom.. Men/Women in black recked havoc.. the hanging scene JW did is so cool!)


By the way, I have come across one possible theory so far that Park Jin Gyeom's apathy wasn't entirely caused by the radioactive wormhole, but that he may have inherited some of it from his father. Thoughts?

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5 hours ago, kittyna said:

.I think Han Yeo Jin is the most likely to listen

I don't think she will be dragged away by her security detail, to be honest, I can never imagine a situation where Kim Tae Hyun gets into a fight, I can only imagine this scenario when they were running away from his brother, not after the end of drama, so Kim Tae-Hyun will have his own security detail to protect him, if you are talking about the scenario where Han Yeo JIn yet to take over her company and gain freedom from her brother then, yes, she will listen to Kim Tae Hyun and stay out of it.


5 hours ago, kittyna said:

Seol Nae Il or Princess Hye Myung

I can think of Princess Hurting someone with her punching and kicking, but I can't imagine Nae-Il throwing any punches, like, she will cruse them or at the best threaten them to report to police or Cha Yoo-Jin :joy:

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3 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

I can think of Princess Hurting someone with her punching and kicking, but I can't imagine Nae-Il throwing any punches, like, she will cruse them or at the best threaten them to report to police or Cha Yoo-Jin


Don't forget that Nae Il's a biter, though - I think I'll leave it at that ;) 

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7 hours ago, kittyna said:

Park Jin Gyeom, Yoon Tae Yi, and Kim Do Yeon's been really intriguing to read so far.

And also the scene where they fight over Jin-gyeom that who would take him out for lunch, to be honest Kim Do Yeon was sincere in her proposal, Tae-Yi just want to have that time card from Jin-Gyeom in order to do more experiments, she sort of asked him to sell it her or at least rent it to her, which shows how insensitive she was towards him. And I was glad that Jin-Gyeom didn't choose to go out to lunch with either, like which show Park-Jin-Gyeom as feelings towards Do-Yeon which is on par towards his mom :blush: And rest of the detectives were so jealous of Jin-Gyeom and his partner stopped his work-out saying what's the point when no women is interested in him. The whole scene was funny as hell

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Okay, so I haven't watched the new episodes yet (my goal is to get through Episode 3 today, though), but I just want to give a quick shout-out to JW himself and his Instagram.


I don't know if anyone here follows him, but if you do, you may have noticed that he has a tendency to shout-out to Alice viewers in his Instagram stories ;) And I dunno, I just thought it was cute :fullofhearts:


Also, if anyone has already watched Episode 4, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Don't worry about ruining or spoiling anything for me - I already know of the big twist at the end (courtesy of Instagram) ;) 

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17 hours ago, kittyna said:

By the way, I have come across one possible theory so far that Park Jin Gyeom's apathy wasn't entirely caused by the radioactive wormhole, but that he may have inherited some of it from his father. Thoughts?


lol..I saw some saying the same thing on twitter.. Like father, like son.. More to with his fathers gene than warmhole effect. 


9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

And also the scene where they fight over Jin-gyeom that who would take him out for lunch, to be honest Kim Do Yeon was sincere in her proposal, Tae-Yi just want to have that time card from Jin-Gyeom in order to do more experiments, she sort of asked him to sell it her or at least rent it to her, which shows how insensitive she was towards him. And I was glad that Jin-Gyeom didn't choose to go out to lunch with either, like which show Park-Jin-Gyeom as feelings towards Do-Yeon which is on par towards his mom :blush: And rest of the detectives were so jealous of Jin-Gyeom and his partner stopped his work-out saying what's the point when no women is interested in him. The whole scene was funny as hell


Found this scene very funny.. Loved how Jin Gyeom ignored their cat fight. :joy:




Joo Won looks so damn cute in this..:blush: without even changing much of his facial expression!


21 hours ago, kittyna said:

Scattergories: Action Movie Edition


1. The fastest/most agile JW drama guy

2. The JW drama guy who'd be best in a gun fight

3. The JW drama guy who'd be the best stunt driver

4. The JW drama guy who'd be the worst in a fight

5. The JW drama guy who might not be a good fighter physically, but would absolutely destroy you with words

6. The JW drama girl who's most likely to be a better fighter than her male counterpart

7. The JW drama girl who's most likely to just hide behind her male counterpart

8. The JW drama couple most likely to be an epic tag-team


1. Hwang Tae Hi. Because he's younger cop.

2. Park Jin Gyeom

3. Lee Kang To..just because I feel like it.

4. Park Shi On.. well for obvious reasons.

5. That would definitely be Cha Yoo Jin.. Gu Majun as well.

6. Cha Yeon Seo.. she is feisty and obviously better in retaliation than Shi On.

7. Can't find exact candidate forthis one but probably Shin Yoo Kyung. Though she was a tough girl and did not play a defenseless girl but she did tried to use Majun as a shield so she can take her revenge on his mom. 


8. Gu Majun and Shin Yoo Kyung.. both are triggered by competition. 


50 minutes ago, kittyna said:

I don't know if anyone here follows him, but if you do, you may have noticed that he has a tendency to shout-out to Alice viewers in his Instagram stories ;) And I dunno, I just thought it was cute 


Also, if anyone has already watched Episode 4, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Don't worry about ruining or spoiling anything for me - I already know of the big twist at the end (courtesy of Instagram) ;) 


I'm not in IG but thanks to fan account in twitter, I get to see all JW's post in IG. I find it cute that JW always try to engage his fans in different ways but giving bit spoil on bts or by sharing sweet videos of him.


Btw, me and @kireeti2 are already sharing tid bits of ep 4.. I was wondering if we're spoiling it for you..now that you have given green signal.. :sparklyeyes:


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1 hour ago, flutterby06 said:

Btw, me and @kireeti2 are already sharing tid bits of ep 4.. I was wondering if we're spoiling it for you..now that you have given green signal..

@kittyna already made it clear to share about the episodes even if it contain spoilers, as she mentioned it she already figured out what's going to come next and I sure she even figured out the ending of the drama :tounge_wink:


1 hour ago, flutterby06 said:

8. Gu Majun and Shin Yoo Kyung.. both are triggered by competition. 

This team is sort of underdog, but I think they would make good tag-team


Fan art

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11 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

And also the scene where they fight over Jin-gyeom that who would take him out for lunch, to be honest Kim Do Yeon was sincere in her proposal, Tae-Yi just want to have that time card from Jin-Gyeom in order to do more experiments, she sort of asked him to sell it her or at least rent it to her, which shows how insensitive she was towards him. And I was glad that Jin-Gyeom didn't choose to go out to lunch with either, like which show Park-Jin-Gyeom as feelings towards Do-Yeon which is on par towards his mom :blush: And rest of the detectives were so jealous of Jin-Gyeom and his partner stopped his work-out saying what's the point when no women is interested in him. The whole scene was funny as hell


2 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

Found this scene very funny.. Loved how Jin Gyeom ignored their cat fight. :joy:


I went and looked up the scene myself on SBS's YouTube channel - which is about the same as watching it without subs (There are subs, but have you ever tried to make sense of them? :P Epic computer translation fail.) And from what I can understand of it, yep, it's hilarious :lol:


By the way, the part that actually cracked me up the most is when Yoon Tae Yi accidentally grabs the locked door - because that always happens to me. Seriously, whenever there's a set of closed double doors, I somehow manage to grab the locked one more often than not :P In my defence, though, there's usually no sign ;) 


2 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

3. Lee Kang To..just because I feel like it.


:lol: Maybe. If he could somehow magically end up in the 21st century with its better cars. He is the best out of all JW's drama characters on a horse, though, so I'll give him that.


40 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

as she mentioned it she already figured out what's going to come next and I sure she even figured out the ending of the drama


Ya. I didn't figure it out - it's just that Instagram doesn't come with spoiler alerts, so anything that can end up leaked will end up leaked just by fans gushing about it :P 


As for the ending of the drama...definitely too early to call that yet. However, I can see that just about everything from the teasers, trailers, pre-broadcast special, etc. has been covered, so we're going into really new territory at this rate.

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Because I have been doing an extensive search in YouTube on Joo Won and Alice recently in case I find something new, YT started suggesting me more and more JW content that I already have liked previously. But few days ago I found in my suggestion of whole episode of 2014 KBS Drama Awards which I'm sure wasn't there previously when I searched. So I started searching year by year and found out KBS uploaded most of their award shows in full in KBS Entertain channel in december 2019, it even has the entertainment awards. So I collected all the awards that JW participated in. I know most of us have seen many clippings of subbed/unsubbed parts of JW's appearance But I thought it's better if we have the links of full episodes in here.


KBS Drama Awards







2012: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmvEbhlaV44&app=desktop

2011: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Pef_J8HNiw&app=desktop

2010: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqCrzPCWbSg&app=desktop



KBS Entertainment Awards 2012:



I wonder if there are any other actor who has been appeared in a station's drama award functions for 5 consecutive years(entertainment shows among broadcasting stations usually repeats faces because many performer performs in most of the tv stations).. Not only that he has been MC and performer in 4 among those shows. He was so frequent in KBS dramas that they're wondering if he has a reference in KBS or something, KBS called him KBS's son, now after 3 consecutive dramas with SBS, their shows started calling him SBS's son as well.


I've never watched KBS's entertainment shows (I have only seen last two years SBS entertainment awards because I'm a Running Man Fan) but now that I've found the link of 2012, I will fast forward to see the 2d1n appearance in the award function.


I love how KBS is so good at promoting their staffs and in making it available to the viewers. Though this are not subbed like the recent ones..but at least they uploaded full episodes.


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And I've finally gotten around to watching Episode 3 of Alice, so here's what I think about it!


By the way, if anything I say here has already been answered, proven, or disproved in Episode 4, please forgive me. I just want to give an honest account about what stood out to me the most in Episode 3.



Compared to the first two episodes, this one is definitely slower - and I was not expecting the big, climactic action scene to be just 15 minutes in :P - but I do think it does a lot to flesh out the characters a bit more.


So, for starters, I'm actually going to go all the way to the end, to Park Jin Gyeom's inner conflict re: his emotions. Hearing him explain what's going through his head to Kim Do Yeon, while they're both waiting for the results of Go Hyung Seok's surgery...I have to feel for him. I really do. Because it seems like Park Jin Gyeom knows and understands emotions in an intellectual sense (i.e. what "sadness" means and what situations one should or shouldn't feel "sad"), and he's fully aware of the physiological signs of emotions (e.g. a quickened heart rate, that lump in your throat when you're feeling sad or worried, etc.)...but there's this huge mental block between the two. So, he's never 100% sure what he's feeling, or whether that feeling is socially appropriate or a true reflection of what he thinks about the people around him; and hearing him put it explicitly into words, I suddenly realized just how frustrating it could be to live your life like that.


In that sense, I can see why he latches on to Yoon Tae Yi so quickly. Park Sun Young (still calling her this to avoid mixing up the timelines - which I know, come Episode 4 onward, are going to be hella confusing) is the only person who Jin Gyeom could really react to and feel for instinctively, in the same way that a neurotypical person would. So whenever he sees Tae Yi, his first reaction is to get emotional because he's completely overwhelmed by that sense of longing and lost time. However, up to this point at least, that's also clearly conflicting with his more rational side: most of which is still screaming at him that Yoon Tae Yi and Park Sun Young are, as Kim Do Yeon puts it, simply two lookalikes.


(However, I do want to point out that maybe Go Hyung Seok knows something Park Jin Gyeom doesn't, because he's clearly shocked by just hearing Yoon Tae Yi's name alone. Do Yeon's surprise makes sense, given that she's actually seen Tae Yi by this point, but that hasn't happened with Hyung Seok yet. Not that I know of, anyway. So I definitely think he knows or suspects something here....)


On the flip side, though, I can also see how bizarre this all is to Yoon Tae Yi - because, even if she does end up becoming Park Sun Young in the future (I'm still skeptical about that, to be honest), none of what Park Jin Gyeom's describing has happened in her lifetime yet. So I don't blame her for just thinking she's surrounded by crazy people by this point. :P That is, until the time card messed up her phone, leading her to finally realize that maybe, just maybe, something weirder than being followed by a crazy stalker cop is happening here ;) 


So, speaking of time cards, that's the other main thing I want to focus on here. I'm still confused by the actual mechanics of time travel in Alice, especially since it now looks like the "Alice" hotel is...some sort of limbo between 2020 and 2050? It's clearly detached from the present in many ways - not least with its uber-advanced technology - but it's also not actually in 2050, since the time travelers have to be escorted between "Alice" and the wormhole that is the actual portal. And I'm definitely fascinated by those time cards and what they're capable of; when I first saw Yoo Min Hyuk use it in Episode 1, I assumed that that was the means for time travel, but it looks like it might have another function.


A function that apparently makes it so important that Yoo Min Hyuk's willing to break his own rules and kill to get it back. We don't see much of him in this episode, beyond the main action scene itself, but what does stand out to me is his views towards emotions. In short: I don't think he's completely apathetic, but he's definitely done a good job to suppress his own emotions over time, such that he's not only unsympathetic to Hong Eun Soo's mother's desire to stay in 2020 longer, but is also harsh with his own female team member out of a belief that emotion amounts to weakness. And this is also making me start to think that Min Hyuk's not entirely sure whether his priorities actually lie with "Alice" or with Tae Yi and their child - he seems to go back and forth in terms of which one he's claiming to protect, but right now, I think he's just conflicted. (And, given that he's bound to find out about Jin Gyeom sooner or later - because "rule of drama" - it's not about to get any easier for him at this rate).


Given that, I think the whole arc surrounding Eun Soo's mother is also really interesting, especially in terms of what it suggests re: "Alice" and time travel. Maybe it's just me, but I'm...not really buying this whole "prophecy" idea right now. Like, I understand why the "Alice" team is so hung up on it, but given what we've seen so far of what time travelers get up to..."Alice" is more than capable of destroying itself from the inside out. "Alice" was created to help people heal from past traumas or reunite with dead relatives, but the one thing that its founders seem to have left out of the equation is human nature. With people acting as they do - using time travel to take revenge (Yang Hong Seob) or to try avert tragedy by altering the past (Eun Soo's mother) - the founding principles behind "Alice" have already been irrevocably corrupted. And if Park Jin Gyeom really is the one who's prophecied to bring about the end of time travel...well, "Alice" itself is to blame.


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7 hours ago, kittyna said:

By the way, if anything I say here has already been answered, proven, or disproved in Episode 4, please forgive me. I just want to give an honest account about what stood out to me the most in Episode 3.

And also, we can see that prophecy in the book is being fulfilled, like so far we know 3 prophecies

1) A baby is born in timeline where it shouldn't had born

2) A mom killing her past self to protect her daughter

3) And the baby who starts to time travel and meets his mother in the past

7 hours ago, kittyna said:

Min Hyuk's not entirely sure whether his priorities actually lie with "Alice" or with Tae Yi and their child

Actually Min Hyuk has been fed an misinformation that his child died and Tae-Yi remarried and living happily, so all these misinformation might have made his cold and completely devoted towards Alice, perhaps his higher up wanted the same thing, like to harness his cold nature for benefit of Alice

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1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

And also, we can see that prophecy in the book is being fulfilled, like so far we know 3 prophecies

1) A baby is born in timeline where it shouldn't had born

2) A mom killing her past self to protect her daughter

3) And the baby who starts to time travel and meets his mother in the past


Which is why I said I may be proven wrong by Episode 4 - because I already knew that too many things would start lining up with the prophecy for it to be dismissed ;) However, my spiel about Episode 3 still stands, at least in my opinion, because the events we've seen so far raise the question as to whether things are happening like this because of the prophecy (i.e. you can't change fate), or if the prophecy is simply a reflection of what people would do anyway.


1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

Actually Min Hyuk has been fed an misinformation that his child died and Tae-Yi remarried and living happily, so all these misinformation might have made his cold and completely devoted towards Alice, perhaps his higher up wanted the same thing, like to harness his cold nature for benefit of Alice


Ah, okay. I did get the sense that Yoo Min Hyuk was bitter in some way: like he'd chosen "Alice" over Tae Yi back in 1992, and something's happened to make him regret that decision, but he also can't admit that to himself or his superiors (e.g. the colleague he calls "Hyung" whose name slips my mind right now).


Either way, I think Yoo Min Hyuk and Park Jin Gyeom are going to end up foils of each other, so their relationship is a subplot I'm definitely invested in. :) 


A few more costume details (by the way, I just feature Park Jin Gyeom's here because this is a JW forum, but this Instagramer has also done similar things for Yoon Tae Yi).







By the way, the costume design is something else I've really been liking about Alice so far, especially Jin Gyeom's. I know that his clothes tend to be really plain and also a bit repetitive (solid-coloured T-shirt and jeans with a baggy jacket thrown on top), but compared to many other dramas I've seen (where there's literally a different coat in every single scene), there's something really refreshingly realistic about that. I dunno; is it just me, or do you guys feel this way, too?

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