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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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8 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Yeah, I did observed this paradox. I thought as woman you would find his views conservative , since the opinion he held was implicitly offensive in nature.


I think that it's because in terms of my own preferences and lifestyle choices, I veer a tad more to the modest/traditional side to begin with. So, for instance, rather than feeling pressured to dress modestly, I was the girl who grew up wanting to be modest but struggling to find clothes that met my own standards (e.g. no low-cut necklines that would show cleavage, no skirts that went above the knee, short sleeves instead of spaghetti straps, etc.). To use the girls in JW's dramas as a point of comparison, my style is similar to Cha Yoon Seo (from Good Doctor) or Jung Si Won (Nae Il's Cantabile): so...jeans, T-shirts, sweaters, smart blouses, the occasional knee-length dress or skirt, that sort of thing.


As for personality...well, we've talked enough about the whole Confucianism vs. individualism bit for you to figure out the rest ;) 


In other words, it seems like I'm in an environment where it's more socially acceptable to be a fox when I'm actually a bear ;) So why would I, personally, have an issue with a guy who likes bears? 


8 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I think those sort of qualities depends upon a guys morality not views he holds, a guy can be liberal in his views and still be a predator. Since lot if them like to use their liberal views or act nice to smoke screen their malign intentions. If we look at statistics, 70% of crime against victims regardless of gender are committed by the person they know very well, like a friend or next door neighbor. Me Too movement is manifestation of that, sexual harassment at workplace is done by the someone that victim spends 8-9 hour of his/her time.


Of course I know that - the whole "#NiceGuy" style is sickening, as far as I'm concerned. Like, if you're genuinely nice, that's one thing - but don't try to sound woke simply because you think girls will fawn over you because of it.


However, that being said, all I'm ever going to see of JW is his public image, and that includes the views he outwardly expresses. I'm well aware that morals and viewpoints are two separate things - but without knowing someone personally, especially for public figures, viewpoints and expressed opinions are about the only lenses we'll get.


8 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I still think Joo won has time to find his better-half, he is just 32, and maybe he'll find someone in his late 30s or early 40s. Or maybe his mom will set him up with a date, since it is common for parents to set up dates for their children in Korea, at least that's the case if we follow K-drama. It's like they were doing that setting up date  before it was :lol: made cool by "Tinder" or other dating sites.


:loolz: And now you've got me thinking back to that epic speed-dating scene from My Sassy Girl!


Actually, though, those set-up dates are a carryover from the arranged marriages of the past - which, come to think of it, still seem to be the norm in the upper echelons of Korean society today. That is, again, if the dramas have anything to say about it.

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7 hours ago, kittyna said:

Of course I know that - the whole "#NiceGuy" style is sickening, as far as I'm concerned. Like, if you're genuinely nice, that's one thing - but don't try to sound woke simply because you think girls will fawn over you because of it.

Yeah, these kind of guys are more dangerous than the ones who is openly misogynist(it is like comparing Corona virus(nice guys who have malign intentions) with SARS virus(openly misogynist), like the former is less deadly and symptoms can be only seen after 2 weeks so detecting them is difficult and the later one is more deadly but can be detected quickly as the symptoms manifests within 48 hours). Recent example is Seoul's mayor, if your aware or read the international news, he is dead the cause of death is still unknown, but before that he was facing allegations of sexual harassment by his secretary in the Me Too movement. Ironically, he was the first civil activist lawyer who won first case in sexual harassment for victim  in  South Korea and was advocate for women equality in the Korea. He was the founder of first civil society group in the country which fights for the cause of human rights and women rights.:whytho:





7 hours ago, kittyna said:

As for personality...well, we've talked enough about the whole Confucianism vs. individualism bit for you to figure out the rest ;) 

Yeah it was pretty obvious that you are more in favor of collectivism than individualism. But it was surprise to me that most of the kids born and raised in first world often tend to be more individualistic, and  I knew there will be few exceptions , like kids you'll value their own traditional values than the western ones, not like conservative values, but like they'll pick up what's good and replace the bad with good values of west.

7 hours ago, kittyna said:

In other words, it seems like I'm in an environment where it's more socially acceptable to be a fox when I'm actually a bear

Lol!! I still think a woman can be bear and a fox as per her wish and situation, not necessarily confine herself to one behavior. Like the example in "Witch Hunt", where a girl who seems to be bear totally transformed or at least showed the signs of foxy behavior. Again, it's should be choice of the woman to be what she wants.

7 hours ago, kittyna said:

However, that being said, all I'm ever going to see of JW is his public image, and that includes the views he outwardly expresses. I'm well aware that morals and viewpoints are two separate things - but without knowing someone personally, especially for public figures, viewpoints and expressed opinions are about the only lenses we'll get.

I think Joo won is genuinely nice guy and not putting a show to win brownie points. In one video in Thailand where joo won picked up a mobile phone which feel off the hands of a fan while he was trying to take photo. I know it's a human thing to help others, but when someone is a celebrity few human things are not deemed to be desirable, because it'll  make them look ordinary. But still joo won choose to help the fan kind of made him look extraordinary while doing a ordinary thing :blush: The minute I saw Joo won off-screen I knew that he was a good guy, and after seeing all the scandals that engulfed the Korean entertainment industry and where joo won was miles away from them made me respect him even more. On top of that his inability to drink might have played role in keeping his good behavior and keep his actions in check, so yeah it is like Joo won cannot do stupid stuff even if he wants, to do something profoundly stupid one must be intoxicated in order to do that, I tell from experience, cause I did and said lot of stupid stuff when I was intoxicated.



More updates from Alice, Kim Hee-seo's friends or sponsors have sent food truck to support her.  She is so cute in this post, and I might add she is  perfect blend of fox and bear nature  :relaxed: she is just making my heart melt with those expressions  and I also can't  wait to joo won's scenes with her, those two would definitely look adorable  :smile:

Kim hee seo promoting Alice


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More updates from Symphony's Romance, like I expected whole gang is in Paris and even the second lead has started relationship with the roommate  who was staying with female and male leads  and surprise surprise she is also a musical student and plays piano, so she helped the second lead get into the orchestra of the male lead by playing piano despite her weak health making the second lead fall for earnest feelings. And fast forward we get to know that the house they have rented belongs to male lead's father where he kept all the memories of his son and wife, which pave the way for reconciliation between the male lead and his father. And now we have three couples living under the same roof, so I guess due to the lack of space, the male lead and his best friend are off to China to help RS orchestra group which is still needs to get its due recognition. Back in Paris female lead misses the male lead's food and hugs and she sort of goes into depression. But her teacher helps her to cope with it and makes her focus only on practicing piano. And Fast Forward, back in Beijing male lead's aunt invests her money in RS orchestra group, since she loves her nephew and trusts his judgement. And on top of that she buys the female lead house and gives it as sort of Pre-Wedding gift to the male lead and within no time female lead comes back to china after completing her course successful and the both male and female lead share a tender hug followed by kiss :bawling: it was so beautiful and sweet, they are almost like Wife and Husband, all they need to get is marriage certificate. That's the end of episode 35

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16 hours ago, kittyna said:

I think that it's because in terms of my own preferences and lifestyle choices, I veer a tad more to the modest/traditional side to begin with. So, for instance, rather than feeling pressured to dress modestly, I was the girl who grew up wanting to be modest but struggling to find clothes that met my own standards (e.g. no low-cut necklines that would show cleavage, no skirts that went above the knee, short sleeves instead of spaghetti straps, etc.). To use the girls in JW's dramas as a point of comparison, my style is similar to Cha Yoon Seo (from Good Doctor) or Jung Si Won (Nae Il's Cantabile): so...jeans, T-shirts, sweaters, smart blouses, the occasional knee-length dress or skirt, that sort of thing.

That's refreshing to hear that :blush:, choice of an outfit is basic right,it is likes ones way of expressing himself/herself. But if such kind of right is suppressed by the parents or even worst, if  it is due to the social norm, sort of this makes "him/her" ,mostly "her" suffocating:anguished:.  It is often portray in drama or movies that second generation born  immigrant kids have touch time trying to do or even wear what they want, it is quite evident in Indian immigrants in North American region. For instance, for  a boy  it is pressure to become a doctor or take a high paying job and for girl it is dress modestly and marry a India boy who has a high paying job, both kind of go hand-in-hand, if there is no Indian  boy with high paying job, girl cannot marry a Indian boy with high paying job :joy: . I might add, the description of clothes is quite funny, no offense , but  Spaghetti straps? I never knew there can be word like that. :sweat_smile: Forgive my ignorance about women's clothing it is kind of alien subject to me :sweat_smile:



Updates of Joo won's good deeds. He sent food truck show his support to his senior who is in middle of shooting

Joo won's Food Truck





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9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Yeah, these kind of guys are more dangerous than the ones who is openly misogynist(it is like comparing Corona virus(nice guys who have malign intentions) with SARS virus(openly misogynist), like the former is less deadly and symptoms can be only seen after 2 weeks so detecting them is difficult and the later one is more deadly but can be detected quickly as the symptoms manifests within 48 hours).


Interesting to see you compare this with a virus, but point taken. :mask:


9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Lol!! I still think a woman can be bear and a fox as per her wish and situation, not necessarily confine herself to one behavior. Like the example in "Witch Hunt", where a girl who seems to be bear totally transformed or at least showed the signs of foxy behavior. Again, it's should be choice of the woman to be what she wants.


Of course it's a spectrum - any sort of personality-based dichotomy is. :) But considering that I'm pretty much a female version of Park Si On in real life (so...a nerdy, socially awkward introvert who somehow still manages to be really talkative and just blurts out whatever she's thinking)...I think I can rightfully say I'm way more on the "bear" end of that spectrum :P 


9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I think Joo won is genuinely nice guy and not putting a show to win brownie points. In one video in Thailand where joo won picked up a mobile phone which feel off the hands of a fan while he was trying to take photo. I know it's a human thing to help others, but when someone is a celebrity few human things are not deemed to be desirable, because it'll  make them look ordinary. But still joo won choose to help the fan kind of made him look extraordinary while doing a ordinary thing :blush: The minute I saw Joo won off-screen I knew that he was a good guy, and after seeing all the scandals that engulfed the Korean entertainment industry and where joo won was miles away from them made me respect him even more.


I hope so, too. But at the end of the day, we have to remember: he is an actor ;) Not that actors can't be honest people, but you get the idea.


9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

On top of that his inability to drink might have played role in keeping his good behavior and keep his actions in check, so yeah it is like Joo won cannot do stupid stuff even if he wants, to do something profoundly stupid one must be intoxicated in order to do that, I tell from experience, cause I did and said lot of stupid stuff when I was intoxicated.


I personally don't drink as a matter of principle, so I honestly have no idea what I'd be like if I were drunk as it's never happened before. That being said, I'm not completely adverse to alcohol - I'm fine with it in food or in small doses - I just tried a drink once and decided I didn't like the taste of it in larger quantities.


9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

More updates from Symphony's Romance, like I expected whole gang is in Paris and even the second lead has started relationship with the roommate  who was staying with female and male leads  and surprise surprise she is also a musical student and plays piano, so she helped the second lead get into the orchestra of the male lead by playing piano despite her weak health making the second lead fall for earnest feelings. And fast forward we get to know that the house they have rented belongs to male lead's father where he kept all the memories of his son and wife, which pave the way for reconciliation between the male lead and his father. And now we have three couples living under the same roof, so I guess due to the lack of space, the male lead and his best friend are off to China to help RS orchestra group which is still needs to get its due recognition. Back in Paris female lead misses the male lead's food and hugs and she sort of goes into depression. But her teacher helps her to cope with it and makes her focus only on practicing piano. And Fast Forward, back in Beijing male lead's aunt invests her money in RS orchestra group, since she loves her nephew and trusts his judgement. And on top of that she buys the female lead house and gives it as sort of Pre-Wedding gift to the male lead and within no time female lead comes back to china after completing her course successful and the both male and female lead share a tender hug followed by kiss :bawling: it was so beautiful and sweet, they are almost like Wife and Husband, all they need to get is marriage certificate. That's the end of episode 35


lol - thanks for sharing! This is the first time where, after reading your synopsis, I can see how different Symphony Romance's Paris-based episodes are from my own Seolleim in Salzburg series.


(Again: putting it under "spoilers" in case anyone hasn't read the fics yet)



I think the biggest difference between this series and my fics is that, in my opinion, Cha Yoo Jin would still choose to go it alone if he could: of course he and Nae Il do get financial help from their families (most notably Yoo Jin's uncle and father), but I can't really see anyone gifting him or Nae Il something as big as a house. And even if it was offered, I think Yoo Jin at least would refuse. Instead, the place they have in Salzburg was one they found and signed a rental lease for themselves, and I think it's going to stay that way in the long run, with Salzburg as their main home base ;) 


Also, I think I've dropped enough hints so far that it'd be clear that a reconciliation (if there is any) between Cha Yoo Jin and his father would happen on different terms from what you describe in Symphony Romance. In short: as of my most recently published installment, Yoo Jin is still in his father's shadow in many ways. Not only is he still actively seeking his father's approval, but a lot of his values and worldviews are influenced by his father. Whether that's good or bad is something he needs to figure out on his own.


I do want to say that the roommate shenanigans sound fun, though - that's one thing I don't get to include much with just having Yoo Jin and Nae Il living on their own.


5 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I might add, the description of clothes is quite funny, no offense , but  Spaghetti straps? I never knew there can be word like that. :sweat_smile: For give my ignorance about women's clothing it is kind of alien subject to me :sweat_smile:


Spaghetti straps are just the really thin straps you might see on some sleeveless shirts, dresses, etc. Personally, I do wear spaghetti strap tops, but always in combination with something that's at least short-sleeved instead of on their own like in these pics.


5 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

It is often portray in drama or movies that second generation born  immigrant kids have touch time trying to do or even wear what they want, it is quite evident in Indian immigrants in North American region. For instance, for  a boy  it is pressure to become a doctor or take a high paying job and for girl it is dress modestly and marry a India boy who has a high paying job, both kind of go hand-in-hand, if there is no Indian  boy with high paying job, girl cannot marry a Indian boy with high paying job


Yeah, I have observed some of that here, although I definitely can't speak for anyone who has actually lived through it.


5 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Updates of Joo won's good deeds. He sent food truck show his support to his senior who is in middle of shooting

Joo won's Food Truck


It's the same friend from the recent gym/workout pic: Park Geon Il :) 


But can we just talk about the picture JW chose to put on the coffee cups, though??? Like, seriously, that's just next-level aegyo!

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4 hours ago, kittyna said:

Of course it's a spectrum - any sort of personality-based dichotomy is. :) But considering that I'm pretty much a female version of Park Si On in real life (so...a nerdy, socially awkward introvert who somehow still manages to be really talkative and just blurts out whatever she's thinking)...I think I can rightfully say I'm way more on the "bear" end of that spectrum :P 

Same here, that's one of the reason why I always choose park-si-on in your competitions or polls even though I know that he is not right fit. Park-si-on character strike a chord with me, like I do find some similarities with the character, like tanking under pressure, socially awkward around new people, even though Park-si-on had no problem with that but he use to only engage with new people on professional basis, and sort of also engage with new people only if there is a professional thing. I hardly make eye contact while I travel or meet new people just like si-on. :P Not that I comparing myself with people with Autism, since they have no choice and I do have choice and behave accordingly to the situation. But I do find lot of similarities between introvert nature and with Autism. Although I don't blurt out whatever I am think, I tend to think a lot before I keep my opinion out there especially with my classmates and new acquaintance. I usually take lot of time to get friendly with anyone one, I do take more time when it comes to talk or get friends with girl than boy, I guess it's part of dysfunctional behavior of growing up in ICT age, where speaking in person is very hard while engaging someone online is easy. I might not even utter a word if I were to talk in person with forum members :sweat_smile: Sometimes I feel like people might take my introvert nature as arrogance since I don't talk much in first meeting or second, I do talk a lot after the ice-breaking session I am literally like si-on, I will start talking ranging from topics like  coffee making to international relations

4 hours ago, kittyna said:

I personally don't drink as a matter of principle, so I honestly have no idea what I'd be like if I were drunk as it's never happened before. That being said, I'm not completely adverse to alcohol - I'm fine with it in food or in small doses - I just tried a drink once and decided I didn't like the taste of it in larger quantities.

I can explain it in detail how it feels to be intoxicated completely, like you remember your second drink and then in no time you'll find yourself in your bed and your friends will be one to explain what happened and what kind of stupid stuff you have done and how hard they have tried stop you from making drunk call to your ex:crazily: And after hearing all that crazy stuff you'll be like, did I actually do it :what!:

But I am glad I have been sober for past 6 months, although it was for insurance reasons and I was sort fed-up with such kind of behavior and I was like I should stop, since I am not that young anymore, I really miss my early 20s:byebye2:


4 hours ago, kittyna said:

I do want to say that the roommate shenanigans sound fun, though - that's one thing I don't get to include much with just having Yoo Jin and Nae Il living on their own.

Although they have some nice neighbors living next-door, if I am not right they even have kids, and Nae-ill always compares Cha Yoo-jin's father qualities while he interacts with the kids:sparklyeyes:

4 hours ago, kittyna said:

But can we just talk about the picture JW chose to put on the coffee cups, though??? Like, seriously, that's just next-level aegyo!

Yup, he hasn't changed a bit, he still acts cute in presence of his seniors(regardless of gender), I find few actors do it only in presence of female seniors, but our Joo won has nothing but cuteness in his intentions


4 hours ago, kittyna said:

lol - thanks for sharing! This is the first time where, after reading your synopsis, I can see how different Symphony Romance's Paris-based episodes are from my own Seolleim in Salzburg series.

I think there will be a convergence with your contract episode, you know the one where a agent signs-up Nae-il and Cha Yoo-jin, so there is also a agent in the series where she signed-up the male lead already, so I guess after helping RS orchestra, main leads will be off to their tour just like in your fan  fiction :)

4 hours ago, kittyna said:

Spaghetti straps are just the really thin straps you might see on some sleeveless shirts

Thanks for the information, I always thought they were similar to men's inner wear, jeez I am really clueless about women's clothing or shoes, One's my female friend in her message referred shoes or I don't know footwear as " I just brought new pumps and I am looking at them", I was like I would you buy a pump and if you did why  are looking at them instead of fitting them:idk:. She was like, "No silly,it's pump heels". I really pity men out there trying to buy gift for their girlfriend/wife, especially, when  it includes clothes or footwear they are so complex in nature and to get the right gift is like winning a lottery :crazymad:

4 hours ago, kittyna said:

Interesting to see you compare this with a virus, but point taken. 

Please stay safe from these viruses if possible :mask:



Interesting article about K-drama influence on Indians, especially the older generations like 70s kids

Korean wave effect on Indians

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9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Although I don't blurt out whatever I am think, I tend to think a lot before I keep my opinion out there especially with my classmates and new acquaintance. I usually take lot of time to get friendly with anyone one, I do take more time when it comes to talk or get friends with girl than boy,


That is a common trait among introverts: thinking carefully before speaking. I'm just one of the rare talkative ones; in truth, like Park Si On, my mind tends to go a mile a minute, so even if I talk a lot, it's still just scratching the surface of what I'm actually thinking :P 


I do still think it's possible I'd find Park Si On more relatable than most, though - for reasons that I describe in the Author's Notes of this Good Doctor fic.


9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I guess it's part of dysfunctional behavior of growing up in ICT age, where speaking in person is very hard while engaging someone online is easy. I might not even utter a word if I were to talk in person with forum members :sweat_smile: Sometimes I feel like people might take my introvert nature as arrogance since I don't talk much in first meeting or second, I do talk a lot after the ice-breaking session I am literally like si-on, I will start talking ranging from topics like  coffee making to international relations


It's not just because we're in the digital age. Introverts in general are more comfortable expressing themselves in writing, art, music, etc. than speech. I think it's because we get the chance to think carefully and "edit" what we want to say before we actually make it public or visible to others - so the pressure to respond right away in real time in a social interaction is no longer there.


9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I can explain it in detail how it feels to be intoxicated completely, like you remember your second drink and then in no time you'll find yourself in your bed and your friends will be one to explain what happened and what kind of stupid stuff you have done and how hard they have tried stop you from making drunk call to your ex And after hearing all that crazy stuff you'll be like, did I actually do it 


I see.... lol - It sounds weird in hindsight, that I've actually written characters being drunk without actually having been drunk before myself. Lord knows if my depictions have been accurate, though.


9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Although they have some nice neighbors living next-door, if I am not right they even have kids, and Nae-ill always compares Cha Yoo-jin's father qualities while he interacts with the kids


Ah, yes - the neighbours from my fics. Granted, I've only had them show up a couple of times so far, but...well, yeah, it doesn't make sense for Yoo Jin and Nae Il to be in a literal bubble ;) At least not in 2016/2017. 



If you don't mind the bias, though, my personal favourite of all these side characters I've created so far would have to be Muhammed. He started off as just a one-off character, but I started working him more and more into the narrative, because I thought it'd make sense for Yoo Jin and Nae Il to make friends of their own while in Salzburg. As for why he's a Muslim POC? To be honest, he just turned out like that out of the blue as an intact character - it's not like I deliberately planted him in the fic for social commentary purposes. If anything, it's been the other way around: the realization that I had a Muslim character living in Europe let me actually touch on some issues I wouldn't have thought to include otherwise.


9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I really pity men out there trying to buy gift for their girlfriend/wife, especially, when  it includes clothes or footwear they are so complex in nature and to get the right gift is like winning a lottery


Don't worry - I'm a girl, and I still get confused :idk:


9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Interesting article about K-drama influence on Indians, especially the older generations like 70s kids

Korean wave effect on Indians


I have noticed that, actually: that Hallyu's been taking off in Southeast Asia, South Asia, and even the Middle East in recent years. :) 


Comparing Japanese and Korean versions of Good Doctor


Photo collages of JW and Ueno Juri - It's funny that even though they haven't worked together before, they're still linked by proxy in their roles. For those who don't know: Ueno Juri played the female leads in both Nodame Cantabile (with JW subsequently playing the male lead in the Korean adaptation) and the Japanese version of Good Doctor (with JW playing the original male lead).


If you sit down and think about it long enough, that's a pretty crazy parallel universe premise waiting to happen....

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3 hours ago, kittyna said:

It's not just because we're in the digital age. Introverts in general are more comfortable expressing themselves in writing, art, music, etc. than speech. I think it's because we get the chance to think carefully and "edit" what we want to say before we actually make it public or visible to others - so the pressure to respond right away in real time in a social interaction is no longer there.

Really? That's such a relief:hwaiting2:. I use to think I might have been totally relied on technology to express my views and to communicate with new people, I use to think it is some kind of disorder that I have some much to say while I am communicating through social media or on forum, but so little to talk in person :sweat_smile:. I even tried to diagnose myself using these symptoms by online and I kind of narrowed it down to Social anxiety, but it didn't make any sense, I am not anxious when I am around people I just talk less or I take time to adapt. But it turns out as a misdiagnosis, and I must say it's first time for me to come in contact with a fellow introvert, it never happened before, probably because of introvert nature it's hard for introverts to meet fellow introverts:joy:

3 hours ago, kittyna said:

I talk a lot, it's still just scratching the surface of what I'm actually thinking :P 

Lol! I know that feeling, after you said you piece, your mind kind of throws up more information and different scenarios where you could have spoken in a better way:bawling:

3 hours ago, kittyna said:

If you don't mind the bias, though, my personal favourite of all these side characters I've created so far would have to be Muhammed. He started off as just a one-off character, but I started working him more and more into the narrative, because I thought it'd make sense for Yoo Jin and Nae Il to make friends of their own while in Salzburg. As for why he's a Muslim POC? To be honest, he just turned out like that out of the blue as an intact character - it's not like I deliberately planted him in the fic for social commentary purposes. If anything, it's been the other way around: the realization that I had a Muslim character living in Europe let me actually touch on some issues I wouldn't have thought to include otherwise.

Ah, yes, I do remember this character vaguely, where Cha Yoo jin and Nae-il mentions about him in their conversation. So after you mentioned that he your favorite character and on top of that you made it sound an interesting character. So I searched for the through your fan fiction section and I must say it was a hectic task, but I sort of narrowed it down to "From Darkness into Light", since I thought it is kind of title one would use to address such sensitive topics. My first impression was the character seemed genuine, a German born Muslim, who practice his religion and occasionally faces Islamophobia. But it was funny and kind of naive that you named or addressed him as "Mohammad" , since Mohammad is usually given to children mostly boys as a sign of respect towards their prophet. It's usually not used to address themselves or introduce themselves to others. It's more like symbolic, not as a first name basis. For instance, my friend's name is "Mohammad Kaab Palekar", here his last name is "Palekar" and "Kaab" is his first name, Mohammad is part of the name but not always used to address themselves because that would be confusing, imagine how confusing  introduction would be "Hi my name is Mohammad, this is my friend Mohammad and this is his son Mohammad", it's not a clan like Park or Moon like in Korea,  it is sort of a sign of equality and to make the kids aware of their religion, not strictly as a name. And also could you be kind enough to mention the fan fic titles  in which this character is involved, since I was able to narrow down only one episode. :blush:

My favorite character is the "contract lady" who visited Cha Yoo-jin, you sort of gave her a description which made her character quite intriguing.:blush:

3 hours ago, kittyna said:

Comparing Japanese and Korean versions of Good Doctor

Japanese version of Good Doctor was less exciting, maybe it's because there was less shouting and less drama. But it did a decent job, like it showed a different spectrum of Autistic character, if we compare Korean to Japanese version of main leads, the former one was accommodating, sweet while later one was sort of I don't care about your feeling I will say what I want, similar to American version. And in both American and Japanese version there is no reconciliation of father. And the guardian of the Mlae lead dies of liver cancer in Japanese version

3 hours ago, kittyna said:

Photo collages of JW and Ueno Juri - It's funny that even though they haven't worked together before, they're still linked by proxy in their roles. For those who don't know: Ueno Juri played the female leads in both Nodame Cantabile (with JW subsequently playing the male lead in the Korean adaptation) and the Japanese version of Good Doctor (with JW playing the original male lead).


If you sit down and think about it long enough, that's a pretty crazy parallel universe premise waiting to happen....

It is like parallel universe, but I hope Joo won Ueno Juri act together in future not like a full-fledged drama but a scene or two just interaction would be great   , since Joo won is quite popular in japan, it can be a  possibility. :blush:

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3 hours ago, kittyna said:

I have noticed that, actually: that Hallyu's been taking off in Southeast Asia, South Asia, and even the Middle East in recent years. :) 

South East Asia is no brain, due to their people to people contact, integrated economies and tourism. But South Asia has come as surprise to me, I was not sure how the audience will receive K-drama, I took it lightly when my female friends tried to nudge me in seeing K-drama, they were like "Korean dramas are excellent you should give it try and you'll not regret it", but it was 2013 and the my toxic masculinity was at its zenith, I was like whatever a girl likes it would be girly and boring, and was like "Yuck, no thanks I will stick with my superhero movies and movies which portray being RickRoll'D is cool as hell" :bawling:

3 hours ago, kittyna said:

I see.... lol - It sounds weird in hindsight, that I've actually written characters being drunk without actually having been drunk before myself. Lord knows if my depictions have been accurate, though.

You did? Which character? Is it Cha Yoon seo? You know fun fact, even Moon Chae Won has done something similar like you, not like writing about Drunkards and they behavior, but actually portraying them without ever drinking in her life. But she did an exceptional job in portraying as a drunkard and if not I was convinced that I must have acted just like her after getting intoxicated, since I had no memory of what I have must done after having my last drink, it goes completely blank, not proudest moment of my life:crybaby:, but every experience counts in life :approves:

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  • airplanegirl changed the title to Joo Won 주원- We finally have a premiere date! Alice premieres on 28 August.
10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I use to think I might have been totally relied on technology to express my views and to communicate with new people, I use to think it is some kind of disorder that I have some much to say while I am communicating through social media or on forum, but so little to talk in person :sweat_smile:. I even tried to diagnose myself using these symptoms by online and I kind of narrowed it down to Social anxiety, but it didn't make any sense, I am not anxious when I am around people I just talk less or I take time to adapt. But it turns out as a misdiagnosis, and I must say it's first time for me to come in contact with a fellow introvert, it never happened before, probably because of introvert nature it's hard for introverts to meet fellow introverts:joy:


Introversion and social anxiety appear similar, but are fundamentally different. Introversion just means that you feel the most comfortable and recharged when by yourself or in a small group, while social anxiety involves actual fear.


By the way, if you're interested, I highly recommend this TED talk on the subject. It's one of my personal favourites (I've read the speaker's book as well), and I come back to it periodically when I want a pep talk aimed directly at the positive aspects of introversion (especially in a world that values extroversion).


Also, now that I think about it, I wonder if someday, months or years from now, there'll be a new TED talk about how introversion's become more socially acceptable because of COVID-19. I dunno; it's just a thought.


10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

But it was funny and kind of naive that you named or addressed him as "Mohammad" , since Mohammad is usually given to children mostly boys as a sign of respect towards their prophet. It's usually not used to address themselves or introduce themselves to others. It's more like symbolic, not as a first name basis. For instance, my friend's name is "Mohammad Kaab Palekar", here his last name is "Palekar" and "Kaab" is his first name, Mohammad is part of the name but not always used to address themselves because that would be confusing, imagine how confusing  introduction would be "Hi my name is Mohammad, this is my friend Mohammad and this is his son Mohammad", it's not a clan like Park or Moon like in Korea,  it is sort of a sign of equality and to make the kids aware of their religion, not strictly as a name.


I see. Well, "Muhammed" (and its variant spellings) is fairly common as a given name for Muslim boys where I'm from (that, and "Ali", if you want to know), but maybe it's because Muslims are still a relative minority in North America or Western Europe and people want that religious identity to be more apparent. However, I do see those names that are repeated but not actually used in other religious communities around here.


As for just a ton of people having the same name by coincidence...I think the record was having 5 "Christopher"s in one class when I was a kid :P We wound up having to call them by their last initials/names :lol:


10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Ah, yes, I do remember this character vaguely, where Cha Yoo jin and Nae-il mentions about him in their conversation. So after you mentioned that he your favorite character and on top of that you made it sound an interesting character. So I searched for the through your fan fiction section and I must say it was a hectic task, but I sort of narrowed it down to "From Darkness into Light", since I thought it is kind of title one would use to address such sensitive topics. My first impression was the character seemed genuine, a German born Muslim, who practice his religion and occasionally faces Islamophobia.


10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

And also could you be kind enough to mention the fan fic titles  in which this character is involved, since I was able to narrow down only one episode. :blush:


A full rundown? Okay, then.


Muhammed first shows up in "In Mozart's Name", but doesn't really come into his own as a significant supporting character until "A Little Baroque, A Little Romantic". He then also appears more prominently in "From Darkness Into Light", and "Let Nothing You Dismay" (which is his biggest "role" so far), and has small appearances in "Hats Off, Gentlemen, for Meister RaRo!" and "Edelweiss on the Water".


So in terms of frequency, he's probably right up there with Yoo Il Rak or Lee Yoon Hoo as a supporting character. Most other side characters have only shown up once or twice, but Muhammed's been here for a while.


10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

My favorite character is the "contract lady" who visited Cha Yoo-jin, you sort of gave her a description which made her character quite intriguing.:blush:


lol - I can't take credit for Elise, unfortunately. :sweat_smile: She appeared in the original drama as well - as the manager/agent who shows up out of nowhere at Haneum and takes Stresemann back to Germany in time for his concert. 


It was my own idea for her to get along a tad better with Cha Yoo Jin than she does with Stresemann, though. I dunno - from that little snippet of her we see in Nae Il's Cantabile, I thought that Yoo Jin would be able to click with her somehow.


9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

You did? Which character? Is it Cha Yoon seo?


Cha Yoon Seo, yes, but also Cha Yoo JinProfessor Stresemann, and Yoo Il Rak by this point. 


Actually, come to think of it, even when I don't have characters getting drunk in each installment of the Seolleim in Salzburg series, I have someone drinking more often than not - just in moderation, and still relatively in control. Cha Yoo Jin's the trouble character here, though, since he's the one who's most likely to try to drown his sorrows/frustrations/pain that way, whereas the others so far have been more social drinkers.


9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

You know fun fact, even Moon Chae Won has done something similar like you, not like writing about Drunkards and they behavior, but actually portraying them without ever drinking in her life. But she did an exceptional job in portraying as a drunkard


So that makes her and JW, both - since JW just passes out immediately, any "drunk"-like behaviour in his characters has to be pure imagination ;) 


10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

if we compare Korean to Japanese version of main leads, the former one was accommodating, sweet while later one was sort of I don't care about your feeling I will say what I want, similar to American version. And in both American and Japanese version there is no reconciliation of father. And the guardian of the Mlae lead dies of liver cancer in Japanese version


I see. I remember the American version having that sort of cancer storyline as well - or at least I saw references to it in the previews/trailers. 


It looks like the Korean version stands out the most as its own distinct story, then.


Finally, just thought I'd share this: fan video for Alice. There aren't many clips yet, so the fan had to include footage from other dramas and videos, but it's still neat to watch. :) 


And Alice also has an airing date now: August 29! :hooray2:


(lol - @airplanegirl, I wrote that before seeing your post, so sorry about the repeat)

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2 hours ago, airplanegirl said:

We finally have a release date! August 28th!

I saw it too, but the fan account which posted it has removed and  I am also wondering whether it is authentic or not. But I do think the drama will air most probably at the end of August or in the first week of September:D

2 hours ago, kittyna said:

Also, now that I think about it, I wonder if someday, months or years from now, there'll be a new TED talk about how introversion's become more socially acceptable because of COVID-19. I dunno; it's just a thought.

Lol! Interesting thought, but I think people are actually forced to live a Introvert life. When things get back to normal and  people will start nit-picking introverts:huh:


@kittyna Ah, so you have taken Fatima character inspiration from the real Fatima? Like she was the girl from "Tunisia",  who requested song from Joo won in "Global request" show before her surgery. If not, forgive me for confusing with her. :sweatingbullets:

This is the girl I am talking about

And one more thing "Backstreet Rookie" drama will be done on 7 Aug and apparently Alice drama is suppose to Air on Friday and Saturday slot, so basically it occupies slot after "Backstreet Rookie", therefore, chances are there that it can be aired in mid-August, probably on 14th August. But, if it that was the case then they would have already updated in Asianwiki site:huh:, since it is one the reliable website which gives accurate drama release dates.


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10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

And one more thing "Backstreet Rookie" drama will be done on 7 Aug and apparently Alice drama is suppose to Air on Friday and Saturday slot, so basically it occupies slot after "Backstreet Rookie", therefore, chances are there that it can be aired in mid-August, probably on 14th August. But, if it that was the case then they would have already updated in Asianwiki site:huh:, since it is one the reliable website which gives accurate drama release dates.


Hm...if that's the case, the August 28 premiere date is still possible, if there are a few drama specials (i.e. those 1-2 episode long made-for-TV films) taking up that time slot right after Backstreet Rookie. Personally, I doubt that Alice would be ready anytime sooner than late August; because it's a pre-produced drama and we're just wrapping up filming now, mid-August is not a realistic amount of time for all the editing and post-production stuff that still needs to be done. At least, not for it to be done well ;) 


10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Ah, so you have taken Fatima character inspiration from the real Fatima? Like she was the girl from "Tunisia",  who requested song from Joo won in "Global request" show before her surgery. If not, forgive me for confusing with her. :sweatingbullets:

This is the girl I am talking about


I know who you're referring to, and actually...no. The shared name is pure coincidence. Fatima (my Seolleim in Salzburg character) isn't inspired by any one person, but is my little nod to JW's fandom as a whole. :foryou:


As for the name, "Fatima" just happens to be an Arabic girl's name that I like in terms of its sound and how it rolls off the tongue. I like a number of such names, actually, so when I got to naming this girl, I just picked one and went with it. 

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5 hours ago, kittyna said:

Not much to add today (trying to get some writing done right now) except for this official header/banner for Alice. I put the text through Google Translate and came away with "It's my destiny I chose."

Probably it's a sign that they are not Mother and Son:sweat_smile:, because the show promoter probably had looked at the comments of the fans and thought it acted as big turn-off and might hurt the ratings. Most common comments I have seen were "We want Romance", "Kim Hee Seon and Joo won age gap doesn't make them look like mother and son", "I am hoping for NOONA Romance"


Now that Symphony's Romance is done, probably I need to wait a long to get back to drama world and "Alice" waiting time is almost two months, and also  there is no drama that is worth my time :persevere:



Speaking of closure, Symphony's Romance had an unexpected one. Like I expected "RS" orchestra got it's recognition as a orchestra group  with help of main leads, unfortunately or fortunately male lead sort of disbands the group since everyone as their own goals to pursue and he did not wanted the RS group to hold them back, now RS group is sort of informal group that's a twist right there. And male lead final reconciled with his father. And coming to the end, the show fast-forwarded and we can hear male and female lead narrating the each characters life in the end: Second lead now is married to the male lead's roommate whom he met in Paris and they have triplets:lol:. Male lead's best friend and female lead's best friend are also married and she is also pregnant, and they both have opened like semi-music school to teach kids in his fathers restaurant. Coming to the main leads, we see that male lead's father and female lead's father having an argument over a little girl, like male lead's father is teaching her piano and female lead's father insists that the girl needs more food and male lead's father is like stop messing with the piano practice session. But it turns out she is the daughter of the main leads:love:

I must say, I wasn't expecting them to go this far, but it was a different ending when we compare with other versions. And speaking of the musical careers of main leads, female lead settled as piano teacher for Kindergarten kids and male lead is still a conductor but spends more time with family and no that of famous conductor that fits his talent. I guess this version emphasized on having  family and friends rather than the personal success in the end, since the male lead's nemesis or sort of competition in conducting ended with personal success but with no friends or a partner to share it with:smile:

Overall drama as covered and touched all the basis, raging from personal loss, student life, adult issues, personal ambition v/s settling down and to start a family with the person you love etc. And I felt like they have given closure to every character in the series, nothing  was left to divine intervention or fan's imagination to precise :lol:



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9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Probably it's a sign that they are not Mother and Son:sweat_smile:, because the show promoter probably had looked at the comments of the fans and thought it acted as big turn-off and might hurt the ratings. Most common comments I have seen were "We want Romance", "Kim Hee Seon and Joo won age gap doesn't make them look like mother and son", "I am hoping for NOONA Romance"


lol - What's funny is that when I first brought up Alice to my family (not the premise, just that it's JW's comeback drama with Kim Hee Sun as the female lead), they thought I meant as a couple and had a hard time seeing it :P So then I was like, "Not necessarily as a couple - I just know they're the main leads," and they were like, "Oh, okay - that makes more sense."


I guess it really depends on one's personal preference. I wouldn't mind them being a couple in Alice (as long as it's planned out well and doesn't feel like it's just shoehorned in for fanservice), but I also think I would prefer a platonic relationship; I mentioned something once about a crime-fighting tag team (like a sci-fi cop or CSI-style drama), and I still stand by that. Basically, I want to see both Kim Hee Sun and JW playing strong characters who don't necessarily need a love interest to stand on their own two feet. ;) So, something similar to what we see in Room No. 9, where Kim Hee Sun's this really tough bad*** who is dating, yes, but whose identity doesn't revolve entirely around that point.


9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Now that Symphony's Romance is done, probably I need to wait a long to get back to drama world and "Alice" waiting time is almost two months, and also  there is no drama that is worth my time


Maybe you could backtrack and watch some older ones you haven't gotten to yet - with a month and a half still to go, there's bound to be something that'll catch your eye. :) 


By the way, since I've been at this longer, if you let me know what genre(s) you like, I might be able to make some recommendations. Can't promise anything, since I tend to be choosy about what dramas I like, but it's worth a shot.


Also, thanks for keeping us posted on Symphony's Romance. Since you put the plot points under "Spoilers", I'll do the same with my reply (both because of Symphony's Romance and Seolleim in Salzburg spoilers) ;) 


9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Like I expected "RS" orchestra got it's recognition as a orchestra group  with help of main leads, unfortunately or fortunately male lead sort of disbands the group since everyone as their own goals to pursue and he did not wanted the RS group to hold them back, now RS group is sort of informal group that's a twist right there.


I haven't had a good opportunity to squeeze reference to this in my own Seolleim in Salzburg series, but in my fanfic universe, Rising Star does continue on as an orchestra, but it's a youth orchestra: i.e., only meant for students and new grads (as per the name, "Rising Star"). The orchestra is run entirely democratically, and so after Yoo Jin and Nae Il left for Salzburg, the remaining members came to an agreement that 30 (i.e. 29 by international reckoning) will be a maximum age. Anyone is allowed to leave to pursue studies or work elsewhere prior to that point, but the idea is that once a member hits 30, he/she has to pull out to make room for younger musicians to come in.


So it's still in everyone's best interests to stay with Rising Star to cultivate their skills, but with the ultimate goal of making it into another ensemble, a teaching gig, a recording contract, etc. as they get older and gain experience.


9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

And coming to the end, the show fast-forwarded and we can hear male and female lead narrating the each characters life in the end: Second lead now is married to the male lead's roommate whom he met in Paris and they have triplets:lol:. Male lead's best friend and female lead's best friend are also married and she is also pregnant, and they both have opened like semi-music school to teach kids in his fathers restaurant. Coming to the main leads, we see that male lead's father and female lead's father having an argument over a little girl, like male lead's father is teaching her piano and female lead's father insists that the girl needs more food and male lead's father is like stop messing with the piano practice session. But it turns out she is the daughter of the main leads


I have thought ahead to whether any of the Nae Il's Cantabile characters will have kids moving forward, but for obvious reasons, I have not yet revealed any of that in my writing. All I will say right now is that for Yoo Jin and Nae Il at least, they 1) have different ideas when it comes to when to have kids/how many/etc., and 2) are both strongly influenced by their own childhoods in their opinions.



As for the others...I actually have an idea on where they would all be right now (i.e. in 2020). However, with COVID-19 still causing so much illness and loss of life all over the world, whether or not I actually put any of that in writing is still up for ethical debate. Canada's been doing great, with new cases under control even with gradual reopening, as are the two countries in question for any Seolleim in Salzburg fics (i.e. Austria and South Korea), but this is an international fandom, and I have to respect that.


Also, by the way: the scenario with the two leads' dads and their granddaughter...that's pretty much what I imagine went down in Yoo Jin's family when he was little, just between his father (wanting him to practice and develop his prodigy-level skills) and his mother (wanting him to have fun and just be a kid) :P 


9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

And speaking of the musical careers of main leads, female lead settled as piano teacher for Kindergarten kids and male lead is still a conductor but spends more time with family and no that of famous conductor that fits his talent. I guess this version emphasized on having  family and friends rather than the personal success in the end, since the male lead's nemesis or sort of competition in conducting ended with personal success but with no friends or a partner to share it with


lol - I wasn't expecting the female lead to wind up teaching after all :lol: That's definitely different from what I've got here! However, I'm with Symphony's Romance in terms of how famous Yoo Jin and Nae Il would be - or would want to be - going into the future. They're in this because they love music and want to devote their lives to it, and you don't have to be famous to do that ;) 


As for "the male lead's nemesis or sort of competition in conducting", would this be the equivalent to the A Orchestra's conductor, or someone else? Because it's clearly not the second male lead (unlike in Nae Il's Cantabile, where Yoon Hoo being a conductor was the big deviation from the Japanese version), so....


And speaking of Seolleim in Salzburg - hopefully, in the next few days, I'll be able to post a preview (it'd be the fourth(?) one by this point). I know where in the plot I want that preview to be; I just have to actually write up to it first ;) 

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1 hour ago, kittyna said:


1 hour ago, kittyna said:

As for "the male lead's nemesis or sort of competition in conducting", would this be the equivalent to the A Orchestra's conductor, or someone else? Because it's clearly not the second male lead (unlike in Nae Il's Cantabile, where Yoon Hoo being a conductor was the big deviation from the Japanese version), so....

Yes, it's him, for some reason they have given him more screen time, in this version he actually dates the Cha Yoo-jin's ex, but like in the Korean version, the ex doesn't date him because he is going to be a successful conductor, as it was shown in Korean version, where the ex leaves the rival conductor as soon as she sees that Cha yoon-jin have surpassed him. In the Chinese version the ex falls for the sincere and earnest behavior of the rival conductor, but the rival conductor sort of not totally invested in the relationship, so they break-up and as the plot furthers, the ex had to give up her musical singing or I really don't know what they call the, like singing high notes. She had to give up that because of her throat condition. And as a process for her healing she meets a guy who makes singing audios, like digital songs and has his own studio and he encourages her to give it try and falls for him. In the end it is shown that both were successful, the ex's songs were topping the chart and rival conductor is famous, but only one of them is happy and that happens to be the ex



1 hour ago, kittyna said:

I haven't had a good opportunity to squeeze reference to this in my own Seolleim in Salzburg series, but in my fanfic universe, Rising Star does continue on as an orchestra, but it's a youth orchestra: i.e., only meant for students and new grads (as per the name, "Rising Star"). The orchestra is run entirely democratically, and so after Yoo Jin and Nae Il left for Salzburg, the remaining members came to an agreement that 30 (i.e. 29 by international reckoning) will be a maximum age. Anyone is allowed to leave to pursue studies or work elsewhere prior to that point, but the idea is that once a member hits 30, he/she has to pull out to make room for younger musicians to come in.


So it's still in everyone's best interests to stay with Rising Star to cultivate their skills, but with the ultimate goal of making it into another ensemble, a teaching gig, a recording contract, etc. as they get older and gain experience.

Actually that was the male lead proposes, that RS group is going to be platform where it'll give chance to the young talent from the university to enrich their talent. Although old members are part of the group but they sort of occasionally do orchestra, like when they get-together.It was sort  of exactly in-line with your fan-fic


1 hour ago, kittyna said:

Basically, I want to see both Kim Hee Sun and JW playing strong characters who don't necessarily need a love interest to stand on their own two feet. ;) 

Well, I am more interested in their character arch, since in the trailer and synopsis, it was mentioned that Joo won's character is someone who doesn't show any emotion. So I guess the arch will be pretty big and coming to Kim Hee-seo character, in the teaser itself it was evident that she will have an arch from loving mother to badass time traveler

1 hour ago, kittyna said:

lol - What's funny is that when I first brought up Alice to my family (not the premise, just that it's JW's comeback drama with Kim Hee Sun as the female lead), they thought I meant as a couple and had a hard time seeing it :P So then I was like, "Not necessarily as a couple - I just know they're the main leads," and they were like, "Oh, okay - that makes more sense."

Really? I don't know, what's wrong in being a couple? It's just a drama, and Kim Hee-seo is not that old and age difference is also just 9 years. Maybe it'll be in similar lines of relationship of that "Signal" drama, where the plot revolves around the crime scenes and criminals. And in this drama also age difference was 9 years and they relationship was platonic in nature, not like hardcore K-drama romance, like male lead sort of as crush on female lead for her badass nature and female lead is in love with a  guy who dies 20 years back. I really hope it is as good as "Signal" cause every box checks with this series, emotionless male lead, badass female lead who gets things done:fiercebunny:





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1 hour ago, kittyna said:

Maybe you could backtrack and watch some older ones you haven't gotten to yet - with a month and a half still to go, there's bound to be something that'll catch your eye. :) 

Oh, I never thought of that. And  yeah I heard that older ones were pretty cool.

1 hour ago, kittyna said:

By the way, since I've been at this longer, if you let me know what genre(s) you like, I might be able to make some recommendations. Can't promise anything, since I tend to be choosy about what dramas I like, but it's worth a shot.

Thanks. Let me see, Hmm What I am looking for? I cannot continue the historical  drama if the plot is dragged too much, like "The Princesss' Man", and frankly in an historical drama I am looking more for plot and politics involved in those times, since there is no point of looking character developments in historical drama unless it as some mystic sub-plot. Coming to dramas of last 10 years or modern K-dramas, I think I am looking more of dramas like "My Mister", Misaeng: Incomplete Life" sort of dramas, where it is not easy life for the lead and as to work his way to the top and doesn't have perfect love life or professional life. And coming to thriller genre, I looking for dramas like "STRANGER", "SIGNAL" where hero has an extraordinary ability but is an RickRoll'D to everyone around him and hardly make any friends, such dramas as more scope for main leads character development and arch:sparklyeyes:  Please recommend dramas with if they have similarities with above mentioned drama. I am even up for Historical dramas too if they don't have any love story line and has pure political plot line and can make me imagine what it likes to be in those times. I know it's a big ask :please:

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11 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Really? I don't know, what's wrong in being a couple? It's just a drama, and Kim Hee-seo is not that old and age difference is also just 9 years.


Not a problem, per se - but my guess is that most people in my family still remember JW as the cute maknae from 1N2D who comes across younger than he actually is :P If that's the impression of him you have, then trying to visualize him holding his own in a noona-dongsaeng romance is a bit of a challenge: not impossible, just a challenge.


By the way, speaking of Alicesomeone finally translated the teaser. So now I can actually make sense of what they're saying - and, dang, if that first line just didn't make things way more complicated. Like...who pushed who off the roof there??? :wut:


11 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

the ex had to give up her musical singing or I really don't know what they call the, like singing high notes. She had to give up that because of her throat condition. And as a process for her healing she meets a guy who makes singing audios, like digital songs and has his own studio and he encourages her to give it try and falls for him. In the end it is shown that both were successful, the ex's songs were topping the chart and rival conductor is famous, but only one of them is happy and that happens to be the ex


That's definitely different from my fics - looks almost like they shifted the injury-leads-to-career-change here ;)


10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

frankly in an historical drama I am looking more for plot and politics involved in those times, since there is no point of looking character developments in historical drama unless it as some mystic sub-plot.


10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I am even up for Historical dramas too if they don't have any love story line and has pure political plot line and can make me imagine what it likes to be in those times.


Hm...historical dramas without any sort of love story line are hard to come by, since love lines end up being so big in the K-drama realm, period. However, a couple of dramas I have watched where there's a whole lot of stuff happening in the plot beyond just the love line would be 

  • Jang Yeong Sil (which is about an actual scientist from the early Joseon era and also features most of King Sejong's reforms, including the creation of hangul script to promote literacy and the nobility's resistance to those changes; love line is minimal here, and the male and female leads have a more platonic relationship)
  • Saimdang, Light's Diary (which is about Shin Saimdang, the female Joseon artist I mentioned once; although it does feature a huge fictional love line, there's also a ton more going on and Saimdang's definitely a three-dimensional character). 
10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Coming to dramas of last 10 years or modern K-dramas, I think I am looking more of dramas like "My Mister", Misaeng: Incomplete Life" sort of dramas, where it is not easy life for the lead and as to work his way to the top and doesn't have perfect love life or professional life.


Hm...stories about the lead character's growth in the face of challenges...there are probably a ton, but just off the top of my head, I wound up thinking of these:

  • Memory (about a lawyer who develops early-onset Alzheimer's, who must battle his growing memory loss while working to find closure from a major traumatic event in his past by bringing the wrongdoers to justice. The main actor is also the one who plays the really awesome Team Leader Oh from Misaeng, which is why I'm recommending it ;))
  • Mother (about an elementary school teacher who takes drastic measures to protect a student from parental abuse, and who has to come to terms with her own complicated relationship with her mothers - biological and adopted - along the way)
  • Live (a slice-of-life Misaeng-style drama about the experiences of everyday police officers - this one stands out for being about the patrol officers rather than detectives, which is unusual for K-drama)


Or, if it's more a social commentary angle you want (and, as you'll soon find out, I do have a certain running theme that I like):

  • Squad 38 (a group of con artists get together to help the local tax office track down wealthy/upper-class tax evaders and bring them to justice - which ends up about as wacky as it sounds)
  • Bad Guys (a "mad dog" type police detective recruits several prison convicts - a gangster, a hitman, and a psychopathic murderer - to help him solve violent crimes in exchange for lighter sentences; this one offers the darkest/grittiest take on Korea's criminal underworld out of all the dramas I've seen, and actually forms part of the inspiration behind my expanded Yong Pal fics)
  • Whisper (an ex-cop and ex-judge - it's complicated! - join forces to take down a corrupt law firm that caters to Korea's VVIPs - so...think Yong Pal, if it was a legal drama)
  • Cross (a boy whose father was murdered by an illegal organ-trafficking ring becomes a surgeon in order to put a stop to the trade - if you've only ever watched Go Kyung Pyo as Yoo Il Rak in Nae Il's Cantabile, prepare to be surprised, as he's the male lead here and it's a whole other ball game)


This is really just a small smattering of dramas I've watched, but they're all ones I enjoyed when I did. Of course, @kireeti2, I don't know how much my tastes will align with yours, but it's worth a shot.

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