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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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@ctfrsgp : I don't know if the typhoon that went to Korea is the same one that threatened to come in our place or not. SEA as in Southeast Asia? Maybe we are neighbors. I don't like typhoons, it brings devastation, floods and even deaths. But then, who can fight with nature. Looks like the filming of Bridal Mask might be postponed, hope not.

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@ctfrsgp : I don't know if the typhoon that went to Korea is the same one that threatened to come in our place or not. SEA as in Southeast Asia? Maybe we are neighbors. I don't like typhoons' date=' it brings devastation, floods and even deaths. But then, who can fight with nature. Looks like the filming of Bridal Mask might be postponed, hope not.[/quote']

@coolreborn Yes, I've lived in S'pore all my live. we r very blessed to be protected by our neighbours fr all forms of natural disasters thru our geographical location. We hav been aware of the difficult times our neighbours hav gone thru whenever natural disasters strike & hav tried to contribute in diff ways to help, be it donations or sending rescue personnels or volunteers. I hope the damages caused are not too great & ppl are unharmed and safe with their loved ones.

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@ctfrsgp : I've known three Singaporeans in this forum through Joo Won. I'm from the Philipines by the way. It's a mess here last few weeks ago, lots of rain, flooding. Some of my countrymen died, so sad. But then typhoons are just typical occurrence here, I did experienced flood and winds so strong it blew up the roof of our house. I think we just have to respect mother nature. And I know Singapore gives help to us when we are in calamity, thanks.

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@coolreborn here's an antidote for your headache :D a scene fr OB. U need to wait for a few for the commercial to pass.


@coolreborn i found another link on youtube but dunno why the vid clip does not appear aft i pasted the link. Here's another scene fr OB where our dearie sang for his lady

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@coolreborn i found another link on youtube but dunno why the vid clip does not appear aft i pasted the link. Here's another scene fr OB where our dearie sang for his lady


@coolreborn hmmm... Letz see if tis works


Yes... It works. No matter how many times i watch tis clip i will laugh out. The look on our dearie at end is so precious

:)) :)) :))

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@ctfrsgp : Thanks! I'll watch it when I went home. After Gaksital, I will watch OB. I know I will enjoy it coz I've seen some clips in KBS World when it was showing there.

@mojobobo : Told you, he will still look handsome in saeguk dress. He look so good and cute in Korean dress already. In only shirt and shorts and slippers he looks so really hot, what more with other clothes. Don't start to make me imagine other stuffs coz he will still look good on them. LOL.


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Ju Won Sings for ‘Bridal Mask’ OST-enewsworld

Actor Ju Won is the latest actor to sing for his own drama OST.On August 29, Love and Love sung by Ju Won himself, will be released as part of the drama OST of KBS’ Bridal Mask.

The ballad song is enhanced by the tinge of sadness in Ju Won’s voice and is promising to make the drama’s emotional scenes all the more touching.Ju Won has previous experience as a musical actor. Photo Credit: Sim Entertainment--

reposted from gaksital thread.

and gah his voice!! 

It's a pity tat KBS did not hav Joo Won sing for the OST of Ojakgyo Brothers coz it wld hav been wonderful to hear his voice in the background for some of the more memorable scenes :((

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@exile18 yes there is still chinese sub version. But the latest ep is still not out yet, probably out within the next few days. I normally search for it on baidu.

@exile18 1N2D ep24 chinese sub is out. Here's the link.



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Guest koreamom

love his singing voice as much as his spoken one. thank you for the audio of his gaksital song. it will take a long time to withdraw from this drama!

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Guest ginia1110

Ano... while waiting for unsub episodes of gaksital, i rewinded a couple of episodes then came up with this. am i losing it to also ship shunji and kangto aside from mokdan? hahahahttp://adf.ly/CNHQi

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