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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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About the gifts and letter I did it before when jks come to sg

We as a group Do a hand book for him introduce singspiel plAces to him with pic and letters from the fans

But that time we all made that book and it cost alot

But that is only possible if we together to make it as we all are so far away so this can't

So I think just give him letter can le as it will be costly for manyearsago to do the present unless we can transfer funds to her but she can't be doing the present herself

Another idea is to have video message to. Be put in side a DVD and during the hand shake she can just past him

Of maybe can put or maybe those who want to write can write and those who want to give him vid message

As I think video clip can easily sent over by email over to Australia

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ctfrsgp said:




I agree with


; as JW's star rises rapidly we should be prepared for more attacks. The best is to be totally chill about it and not let the anti-fans get the satisfaction of us reacting strongly against their negative remarks. Like what wise bunnie unnie


would say, let's adopt a 'Hear-No-Evil, See-No-evil" stance. 


don't despair! The criticisms about JW stem from jealousy. It is no doubt that he has become one of the most highly sought-after actors of his generation. It is natural that fans of other actors would be displeased with his increasing exposure (in the media, news, blogs,

Ok, back to RL!

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ctfrsgp said:

daydreamsindecember wrote: »

I agree with @mrdimples; as JW's star rises rapidly we should be prepared for more attacks. The best is to be totally chill about it and not let the anti-fans get the satisfaction of us reacting strongly against their negative remarks. Like what wise bunnie unnie @ctfrsgp would say, let's adopt a 'Hear-No-Evil, See-No-evil" stance. 

@farbarri don't despair! The criticisms about JW stem from jealousy. It is no doubt that he has become one of the most highly sought-after actors of his generation. It is natural that fans of other actors would be displeased with his increasing exposure (in the media, news, blogs, & his various projects) compared to their biases. (This is especially so since DB has massive readership and the Big Two are obvious JW lovers) While I love JW, I'm also a fan of both SJK & LMH but all 3 of them are different. There is no basis for comparison. Their acting styles are different, their career paths are different. Their approach towards acting are different. 

Ok, back to RL!

Aha... my dear D @daydreamsindecember, u managed to lure me out of my retirement for a guest appearance here.

@farbarri dear... i hav not been ard when u joined our family here... so please accept my belated welcome. I hope u hav fun here and like wat @mrdimples has said there is no anti-fans here in JW soompi.

Although we r all fans of JW, some of us may not agree with his choices of projects or leading actresses but generally we r able to maintain an objective stance n respect others' views. I hav often tell myself to only talk abt the good of others n here in soompi i hav learnt to only share wat i love abt JW n not discuss wat i dun like abt other celebrities or criticise. Negative thoughts r best kept to myself if i do not want to start any disputes.

Recently, I hav observed and admire how gangjang's fans in baidu hav handled the negative comments and backslash towards their fave gal after her appearance in Hwashin. They are really upset by how the anti-fans had reacted and some of these ppl include fans of JW. Gangjang's fans adore JW for he is her fave dongseang. Instead of 'fighting' back to defend GJ, they hav decided to be "deaf and blind" to the uproar and focus on their lovely noona/unnie. They all know tat any further disputes will only upset GJ. Tatz not an easy feat esp when it seems like the whole world is lashing out at GJ.

Try putting ourselves in their shoes, if this happens to JW, any counter responses to these anti-fans' remarks wld only upset our cutie and in the process we all will get even more unhappy. Hence, my stance is to "see no evil, hear no evil and talk no evil" in response to those unconstructive remarks against JW. Better save our energies to support cutie. No point getting angry with ppl who do not mean a thing to us.

I better stop here now. Dun want to sound like Im preaching.

I totally agree with all the wise comments above. I just wanted to add my 2cents and to appeal to everyone here to try as much as u can and refrain from making any rebuttals that would potentially escalate into an ugly cat fight. I for one am usually a very vocal person especially when I see some injustice done or see extremely uncalled for remarks about people I so admire. BUT.... I saw a video clip of cutie at one of his local FMs where he broke down and cried. Y? Because he said he was extremely sadden when he read how some of his fans were 'fighting' with his anti-fans online. He was very sad because he felt that 'HE' was the cause of the fight and he felt responsible for 'causing' so much problems and unrest. We all know what a sensitive, responsible and caring person cutie is. So let's just all try to 'get on the high horse' and basically ignore all these 'trollers'. If not for anyone else but for our beloved cutie's sake!

I see now I know why he cried as I watch that vid too but I was thinking why he was crying maybe he was too touched to see so many fans like him I was thinking

So actually he cried because of the fans fight

He is really a very sentimental guy

And he like to think it s his fault well I think he will have a hard time if he s like that

Poor joo won. He s just doing what he likes and he got so stress up About the fan and anti fans and got criticised some more

Pour thing

I mean what's wrong with him wanting to pursue his dream

I don't get it lo

My heart really aches when I know he cries Because of the fans fight when he s just purely doing what he likes And never harm other but people are harming him because of their biases

To Be honest to say I have never found an actor like jw So not care about the fame from very first time I come here I already said joo won like not fight for popularity

May be at that tiime I saw a vid I got wrong Idea. But now knowing him more he S not somebody who do fan service

He Do what the fans want out of thankful heart

Think we just hack care the critism Ba

But I still pity him he must be under alot of stress that he cried out at fm

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manyearsago said: Can I have your attention please !!
With @jwonnie 's offering me with unconditional help, I finally got the FM ticket.
Actually I have gone to bed already as I have to start early tomorrow morning but a simple and stupid suggestion keeps flashing through my mind.  I want to bring all of you with me to Tokyo.
How?   Sure physically and logistically, it can't be done but we can still do something at least to draw his attention about soompi if you girls do agree.  I want him to know not just Taiwan, China or Japan, he has fans all over the world.  I want to bring your thoughts with me and present our love and support  to him in Tokyo.
Remember we did the group tweet  2 weeks ago.  Instead of tweets, if you want to pass him a message, you can PM me, I will print your messages and put them in a folder to present to him.  If your messages his graphics or fanarts, you can send it in PDF format to my email, I will print and put it in a nice folder.
I have never attended any fanmeeting so I don't know how it is like.  Is there a box or something for gifts drop off ?  To further draw his attention, ( I would take every single opportunity if I can calm down myself, it could be easier to say but difficult to do if he stands right in front of me but my spirit is not going to lose to a 61-year-old grandma ) during handshake session, I want to present him a small envelope on behalf of Soompi, and inside an envelope probably a A4 page of fanart or a meaningful message or something.  I let you girls decide.    Since I am flying up north, I will visit other countries as well before flying into Tokyo.  If you want to do this, I need all your messages sent via PM by next Friday night (Australian time) because I need time to shop for materials for printing.
If this idea doesn't interest you at all.  Don't worry.  I will still write a letter to him to say thank you and tell him he will always get my support and bla bla.......  Remember our JJ is there, hope this English proficient hoobae can translate my message to his seonbae.  I am taking every opportunity to let him know his name is known in 5 continents.  I don't want him to underestimate himself !!

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Guest septmoon16


sorry. had to rant. I want Bird PD back!

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Not sure if anyone has posted here bef this vid of the Guerilla Date with gangjang. She mentioned cutie. From wat she has said, we can see tat she really treats JW as one of her closer friends and oso shez one who places the welfare for her friends first above her own. Shez so like uri cutie in terms of personality. Two of them are like peas from the same pod. Thatz why they can become close friends within a few months. Friends who have known each other for many years may not even share tat kind of trust tat GJ and JW have in each other :x

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jwonnie said: ctfrsgp said:




I agree with


; as JW's star rises rapidly we should be prepared for more attacks. The best is to be totally chill about it and not let the anti-fans get the satisfaction of us reacting strongly against their negative remarks. Like what wise bunnie unnie


would say, let's adopt a 'Hear-No-Evil, See-No-evil" stance. 


don't despair! The criticisms about JW stem from jealousy. It is no doubt that he has become one of the most highly sought-after actors of his generation. It is natural that fans of other actors would be displeased with his increasing exposure (in the media, news, blogs,

Ok, back to RL!

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mrdimples said: manyearsago said: Can I have your attention please !!
With @jwonnie 's offering me with unconditional help, I finally got the FM ticket.
Actually I have gone to bed already as I have to start early tomorrow morning but a simple and stupid suggestion keeps flashing through my mind.  I want to bring all of you with me to Tokyo.
How?   Sure physically and logistically, it can't be done but we can still do something at least to draw his attention about soompi if you girls do agree.  I want him to know not just Taiwan, China or Japan, he has fans all over the world.  I want to bring your thoughts with me and present our love and support  to him in Tokyo.
Remember we did the group tweet  2 weeks ago.  Instead of tweets, if you want to pass him a message, you can PM me, I will print your messages and put them in a folder to present to him.  If your messages his graphics or fanarts, you can send it in PDF format to my email, I will print and put it in a nice folder.
I have never attended any fanmeeting so I don't know how it is like.  Is there a box or something for gifts drop off ?  To further draw his attention, ( I would take every single opportunity if I can calm down myself, it could be easier to say but difficult to do if he stands right in front of me but my spirit is not going to lose to a 61-year-old grandma ) during handshake session, I want to present him a small envelope on behalf of Soompi, and inside an envelope probably a A4 page of fanart or a meaningful message or something.  I let you girls decide.    Since I am flying up north, I will visit other countries as well before flying into Tokyo.  If you want to do this, I need all your messages sent via PM by next Friday night (Australian time) because I need time to shop for materials for printing.
If this idea doesn't interest you at all.  Don't worry.  I will still write a letter to him to say thank you and tell him he will always get my support and bla bla.......  Remember our JJ is there, hope this English proficient hoobae can translate my message to his seonbae.  I am taking every opportunity to let him know his name is known in 5 continents.  I don't want him to underestimate himself !!

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