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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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HE just tweeted a while ago!! Don't know what he is saying but google translation shows tension something!! Wonder what happened and its already late back in Korea!! He is not asleep yet!!

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Oh well, I'm going to sleep guys. And I will be thinking about this...

fr. DC

Might as well begin watching OB this weekend. ;;)

Good Night dearies!!!! Sweet Joo Won dreams.

=P~ =P~ =P~

@coolreborn Hey, tatz one of my fav pics of cutie in a more revealing clothing than usual :D Do watch OB soon coz u will then understand why we luv him and his wifey Ja Eun so much in this drama :x Try not to skip the scenes too much bcoz as u progress thru the eps your love for all the characters will grow and not just for my fav OTP. I luv all the characters in this drama :\">

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Good Morning Everyone !!

@ctfrsgp   Saw you posted some vids.  Thank you.  I will watch them tonight after work. 

OMG, it is just like an addiction.  If I don’t check the posts morning and night, I can never catch up as sometimes I am lost  in the conversations here.  Anyway, thank you so much for all of you.  Reading your posts is just lots of fun and I find it very enjoyable.

I like JW’s hairstyle when he was in OB and also the last few episodes of BM.  I agree with all of you saying that his present hairstyle is actually pretty messy, I don't like it either but just because he is such a charismatic person and most importantly such an adorable cutie, Noona can accept this little thing.  No one is perfect in this world !! At least we can talk about it here and have some fun in the conversations

@mojobobo  That is a good idea. Let’s tweet on his birthday and let him know where we are from.  For me, he is already a Hallyu star.   I am eating my breakfast and I nearly choked.  Now I got it.   Although I am allergic to coffee made from coffee machine. Sometimes I am OK with coffee sachet.  If I can find Cantata coffee in Korean Grocer here, I will definitely buy and try it.  

JW, Noona won’t die for you, but Noona will try drinking the coffee you endorsed with its CF.

@lyra_brillantez  Thank you.  I will check the aegyo vid tonight.

I am happy going to work as today is my last working day of week.  Hooray!!

You all have a good day.

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coolreborn said: It says in DC: Today Samora (Joo won)

his really cute in here, made me skip one heartbeat. :)

fr DCinside

anyway, why Samora? Besides I don't think this is taken today... coz I've seen a pic of him with glasses that was posted yesterday or the other day with same dress.
-edit- Now I know why Samora, in English translation it reads Joo Won as Samora. lol.

here's the pic:

fr DCinside

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@manyearsago Good morning to U too! :) U r up early today. Can see tat u r in the same timezone as most of us here. Where r in located? I'm in S'pore like @mojobobo @mrdimples as well as @hobeverly1212 if I guess correctly.


Friday is my fav day in a work week too coz time jus zooms past very quickly and it oso means I can knock off from work 30 mins earlier :D It also means tat I hav to work extra fast today to clear my work so tat I will hav an easier week next week. Fighting!!!! :)>-

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Jus read on baidu tat the new drama (Jeon Woo Chi) starring CTH and Uie will be competing with 2 other dramas which Ji Sung and Park Yuchun are the leads respectively. Oh dear! It will b a tough "fight" for the 3 dramas coz Ji Sung and Yuchun are remarkable actors too. Yuchun will be acting as a detective in his new drama. Ha! I will be real busy "chasing" these 3 new dramas when they start in Oct/Nov. Lucky they will fill the void until our cutie presents us with his new masterpiece :D Call me k-dramaholic :P

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Hello everybody!I just finished all episodes of Ojakgyo brothers. LOL, can't believe I actually watched all 58 episodes in 4 days =)) =))
I really enjoyed OB... Our cutie was just amazing in it, his Tae Hee was just adorkable :D He was mind blowing hot when he was angry, but I loved clueless Tae Hee more. He was sooo adorable when he had no idea what to do about Ja Eun. I was practically practically drooling whenever he appeared onscreen LOL :D
I have to admit I hated his hair in the last 10-15? episodes when they started permed his hair. But I guess he was already growing his hair for Gaksital at that time. But at the beginning of the show.... just wow.... he looked incredible handsome in the scene when he slept in JE's tent or when he suited up for his hyung's wedding. No wonder UEE's heart fluttered seeing him in that suit :D 
And though I'm a garden resident (for now :D) I had to make and share this gif with all of you. The moment I saw this scene my eyes almost popped out :D
Joo Won's famous bubble butt :D

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Hello everybody!I just finished all episodes of Ojakgyo brothers. LOL, can't believe I actually watched all 58 episodes in 4 days =)) =))

I really enjoyed OB... Our cutie was just amazing in it, his Tae Hee was just adorkable :D He was mind blowing hot when he was angry, but I loved clueless Tae Hee more. He was sooo adorable when he had no idea what to do about Ja Eun. I was practically practically drooling whenever he appeared onscreen LOL :D

I have to admit I hated his hair in the last 10-15? episodes when they started permed his hair. But I guess he was already growing his hair for Gaksital at that time. But at the beginning of the show.... just wow.... he looked incredible handsome in the scene when he slept in JE's tent or when he suited up for his hyung's wedding. No wonder UEE's heart fluttered seeing him in that suit :D 

And though I'm a garden resident (for now :D) I had to make and share this gif with all of you. The moment I saw this scene my eyes almost popped out :D

Joo Won's famous bubble butt :D

@aisling Wow! How did u manage to watch all 58 eps in 4 days? Were u glued to the monitor for (24x4)hrs? No school/work for u? :)) Me too, I like Tae Hee when he is totally clueless abt wat to do with Ja Eun and also whenever he gets jealous... He's sooooo cute. Although Tae Hee is 30 yrs old, he is so inexperienced in love matters and Ja Eun is his first and only GF. His kid bro even has to give him tips on how to court Ja Eun =))

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Ok guys, I am reading something at naver that says Joo Won confirmed that he will do the drama in MBC. Google translate is killing me! It will be shown on January 2013. I think its the one about the movie about spy girl and the the bf became spy too.

주원, MBC ‘비밀남녀전’ 확정 : Joo, MBC 'secret men and women I confirm (google translate)

The pic is the one I posted above.

OMG, he will be a spy police, whatever again.


Oh shiiiit, there is no MBC in our place only KBS world...

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SBS E! News

[sBS E! 연예뉴스 l 강경윤 기자] 배우 주원이 차기작을 확정했다. = Samora, confirmed the sequel ... 'gaksital' after 'secret spy' transformation (google translate)

-on January 2013, we will see Joo Won's awesomeness again, I hope the story is a good one though.*

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