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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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i think Joowon will be eating all those free testers... =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) all the screencaps show him eating instead of actually buying those items.
i really like his attire. his hair seems really natural like this. combed but slightly messy, normal cardigan, normal shoes, normal shirt, normal pants. everything about him is normal. he doesnt try to be who he is not and doesnt put on something he's not comfortable with when he's doing something normal like shopping for food. i read that some idols out on full make-up just to go get something at the supermarket. nope, that's not our Joowon~ :x :x :x :x
actually, that sunglass does make people not recognize him. what made me notice Joowon arrived at the D-Cube was Jaecheon. i cant recognize Joowon coz he was wearing the sunglass and he looks so normal. i guess the give-away is the camera crew following him. :D

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farbarri said: i think Joowon will be eating all those free testers... =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) all the screencaps show him eating instead of actually buying those items.
i really like his attire. his hair seems really natural like this. combed but slightly messy, normal cardigan, normal shoes, normal shirt, normal pants. everything about him is normal. he doesnt try to be who he is not and doesnt put on something he's not comfortable with when he's doing something normal like shopping for food. i read that some idols out on full make-up just to go get something at the supermarket. nope, that's not our Joowon~ :x :x :x :x
actually, that sunglass does make people not recognize him. what made me notice Joowon arrived at the D-Cube was Jaecheon. i cant recognize Joowon coz he was wearing the sunglass and he looks so normal. i guess the give-away is the camera crew following him. :D

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I think at one part, one of the crew asked if he is there to buy food or to eat =))

It's also funny how he kept wanting the cameraman to try the same food. I can see the guy struggling, like not sure if he is allowed to do it but can't turn down Cutie either. He seemed so earnest :D

I think he must have gone during working hours because I see only elderly people and some homemakers. That's why they fail to recognize him because he was easy to spot even with his sunglass on. Rather, the camera crew is a give away so I guess the crowd was just nonchalant about celebrities. Did you see one ahjumma who was so oblivious and just squeeze past him to grab some food from the chiller box. She didn't give a hoot who he was, she was just focused on getting done with her grocery list. On the other spectrum, you have the woman who probably whipped out her sunglasses to stalk Cutie. She was so hilarious. I probably would too. I think the rest of the crowd was behind the camera tailing him, some probably spotted him and started to follow behind.

Joo Won loves junk food, he zoomed in on Spam which I read is considered a delicacy in Korea! It's my favorite too although I limit my intake. And he couldn't help taking more of those sausages.

If I am not wrong, he did wear makeup. His eyebrows were really dark, it's normally not so. The best would be to see him in 1N2D and know the difference. My take on him is different. He does care about his appearance but I think he is not afraid to show his vanity. See how he primps himself in front of a mirror and even the camera? Not just here but on some other occasions too. I would say he is an average guy. He wants to look good but often he is not interested enough to keep up with fashion and like a typical guy, once he finds something he likes, he sticks with it. That's why his clothes doesn't vary or strike out. So we see him wearing his favorite colour, favorite cut and favorite shirts. And comfort is more important than anything. By the way, did anyone notice what he said about pants and shorts? I think it was in an Edwin interview. He said he does not like bermudas much. He likes either long pants or short shorts. The only problem is we have never seen him in short shorts, have we? Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh................

Aaaahhh.... The Legendary Green Pants...

My twin, I think Cutie wants to punish us by not wearing bermuda shorts... so w need to count his hairs over and over again...

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mrdimples said: I think at one part, one of the crew asked if he is there to buy food or to eat =))

It's also funny how he kept wanting the cameraman to try the same food. I can see the guy struggling, like not sure if he is allowed to do it but can't turn down Cutie either. He seemed so earnest :D

I think he must have gone during working hours because I see only elderly people and some homemakers. That's why they fail to recognize him because he was easy to spot even with his sunglass on. Rather, the camera crew is a give away so I guess the crowd was just nonchalant about celebrities. Did you see one ahjumma who was so oblivious and just squeeze past him to grab some food from the chiller box. She didn't give a hoot who he was, she was just focused on getting done with her grocery list. On the other spectrum, you have the woman who probably whipped out her sunglasses to stalk Cutie. She was so hilarious. I probably would too. I think the rest of the crowd was behind the camera tailing him, some probably spotted him and started to follow behind.

Joo Won loves junk food, he zoomed in on Spam which I read is considered a delicacy in Korea! It's my favorite too although I limit my intake. And he couldn't help taking more of those sausages.

If I am not wrong, he did wear makeup. His eyebrows were really dark, it's normally not so. The best would be to see him in 1N2D and know the difference. My take on him is different. He does care about his appearance but I think he is not afraid to show his vanity. See how he primps himself in front of a mirror and even the camera? Not just here but on some other occasions too. I would say he is an average guy. He wants to look good but often he is not interested enough to keep up with fashion and like a typical guy, once he finds something he likes, he sticks with it. That's why his clothes doesn't vary or strike out. So we see him wearing his favorite colour, favorite cut and favorite shirts. And comfort is more important than anything. By the way, did anyone notice what he said about pants and shorts? I think it was in an Edwin interview. He said he does not like bermudas much. He likes either long pants or short shorts. The only problem is we have never seen him in short shorts, have we? Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh................

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remember in his 1n2d ..... traveling by train with his partner in level 7 civil servant.... my instinct telling me that
Joo won likes the type of Choi Kang-heeCute Sheep Emoticon 012.gif interview / liking / 2d1n episode...... i sense it
Not a chance to all sexy ladies..... Dont worry Im still here.... ali_033.gifRight reborn.... i give u my Raisinsali_059.gif
im a little bit ali_079.gif on life log 8..... No noonas/highschool girls ali_080.gif  More Guerrilla Date

Idol ali_114.gif Better make up for it next time ali_113.gif
Next Episode....6.gif hehehhehe

RICE rice RICE Rice

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Guest Mai Loon



“Good Doctor” Serial Interview Vol 1

Joo Won  “The film set was filled with laughter and we all worked as a team”


Worries on portraying such an attractive character

~ “Good Doctor” was written focusing warmly on the growth of an autistic young man who, as a doctor and also as a person, aimed to become a paediatrician with supports from others.   As much as we could see, the drama wouldn’t be that successful if it was without Joo Won who played the lead Park Si On and showcased viewers his excellent acting skills.

“Si On is a very attractive character no matter which actor sees him.   To prepare for acting, I watched many American movies for reference.  Autism is curable.  I only realized it now, many of them are almost like healthy people.  After meeting many autistic patients, I realized none of them are the same.  Because they are all different,  I had big problems and wondered which reference I should use.”


~ In the drama, there were so many complex medical jargons in every episode, I guess you were worried.

“Because those unfamiliar jargons are not normally used, even I had practiced, I still got stuck during filming and ended up with many retakes.  However, staff understood it well.  On top of the difficult terminology, articulating these medical jargons with Si On’s fast talking habit, somehow it seemed forgivable.


~ Joo Won also talked about the difficulty on the love line between Si On and his senior Yoon Seo.

“It was really very difficult.  Chae Won noona who played Yoon Seo paired with me very well.  She also felt affection for Si On.  For me, I just loved with a child’s heart, the feelings which adults don’t have, I wonder if it is possible for a child.   I put in so much effort to deliver “I love you” genuinely with a child’s heart."


~ I guess while chatting with Moon Chae Won in film set, Si On and Yoon Seo built up a good relationship.

“It seems Chae Won noona was fascinated by Si On’s character.  The role was good.  Yoon Seo treasured Si On a lot and loved him, I guess Chae Won noona herself was also like that.  The love line between us was depicted and we broke the barrier, I remember we discussed with PD for a long time during filming for scene(s) which we didn’t have complete empathy."


~ I heard co-stars and staff also got along well and the atmosphere was fun in film set all the time.

“It was really warm (laugh).  Because it was a medical drama, awfully complicated situations were just inevitable during filming, starting from PD, not a single person got annoyed at all.   Film set was always filled with laughter, perhaps workmates in hospital were all in the same generation, atmosphere was very lively.    All co-stars and staff worked as a team.”


~ Looks like Joo Won also felt his growth in film set

“I was really very worried about the character and also the success of the drama.  But once I started, somehow I sailed through it.   Every time when I finish a project, I have a thought and only feel “Once again I have finished a single project smoothly”, this time I felt I gained self-confidence even it is just a little bit.”

Moon Chae Won “I had a feeling this drama was produced together with viewers”


A love story played out with rich imagination and sensibility

~ By playing the role of Cha Yoon Seo, an excellent paediatrician in “Good Doctor”, Moon Chae Won has showcased viewers her new charm.

“To peel off the professional label of a doctor, I prepared myself with the thoughts of portraying the character as an ordinary person and also a woman with an open-hearted and adorable appearance.  Because my previous projects were sad and pathetic, somehow I showed viewers too much of my cool image, so I worked hard to portray a character who had a positive mindset."


~ Playing the role of a doctor who is driven by work, neither wearing make-up nor dressing up beautifully in scenes was necessary.

“Once I was wavered with opinions given by others but when I first saw the script, I set my targets of “Showing a natural appearance” and “Keeping the appearance of a real doctor till the last episode”.   As a result, my approach on taking up this appearance was well received by viewers and I thought it was good that I acted out the character as how I first prepared.”


~ The heartwarming love between Moon Chae Won and Joo Won who played Si On also captured the heart of viewers.

“The highlight of romance in this drama was its dry humor.  From the first episode, we worked hard to repeatedly portray the adorable images of both Si On and Yoon Seo.  We did many ad-lib scenes of which lines and expressions were not even written in the script.  It is not because ad-lib scenes are effective but the more imagination adapted to act out in the drama, the richer the scenes became.  To me, that was my first time I had ever played such a love story.”


~ I heard other scenes were also replaced by ad-lib scenes.

“There were many ad-libs in playing the cooking scene.  Si On used rice noodle to cook spaghetti, I ate and then pushed the dish aside and said “Neither of us will cook for the other ever again.”  Even so, at the end I said “Good try though.”   I reckoned Yoon Seo found Si On so adorable when he was cooking, I added this line in, PD didn’t edit it out but used it instead.  As an actor, I am very pleased and this scene remains deep in my memory.”


~ It was revealed that a deep bond was developed  between PD and actors.  I guess it would have helped viewers watch the drama.

“Because autism was picked as a topic for this drama, how script writer could write the story and actors could portray the characters, it depended on how viewers accepted it after watching its first episode.   Because the topic of autism was an eye-opener for many people, I guess that was the reason why this drama had achieved the viewer ratings of over 20%.   I had a feeling this drama was produced together with viewers.”


~ Then, can you tell us what you gained in this project?

“Worries are never ending, the royal road to become a good person and working hard to become a good actor, I think attitude is very important.  When playing this drama, very familiar educational messages had once again come to my mind.  I think that part was a lesson for me.”


Source   韓流ぴあ Issue 2014 July

Written by Oda Kaori

English translation by manyearsago @ soompi 

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manjoo said: remember in his 1n2d ..... traveling by train with his partner in level 7 civil servant.... my instinct telling me that
Joo won likes the type of Choi Kang-heeCute Sheep Emoticon 012.gif interview / liking / 2d1n episode...... i sense it
Not a chance to all sexy ladies..... Dont worry Im still here.... ali_033.gifRight reborn.... i give u my Raisinsali_059.gif
im a little bit ali_079.gif on life log 8..... No noonas/highschool girls ali_080.gif  More Guerrilla Date

Idol ali_114.gif Better make up for it next time ali_113.gif
Next Episode....6.gif hehehhehe

RICE rice RICE Rice

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coolreborn said:Aaah.. @manjoo- ahjussi. We have silent thing here not to mention something like this... because it might start a shipping (shipper) game *I heard there's new shipper's thread for Cutie in the shipping thread*. We do not actually know what Joo Won really like in a girl and he said, age does not matter in love so, younger, older or same age as him, its the girl's personality that counts *and well, love hits you when you least expected*. I think physical attributes will count but she must be a good person, its only right since we know Cutie's personality is relatively good.

*throws back ahjussi's raisins. th_182.gif

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For those who can understand cantonese

Good doctor cantonese dubbed http://www.55hk.net/rihan_s/11451/

Not completed yet but it has 16 ep already

I can understand cantonese better cos i watch hk dramas from young

And that web got 7 level civil servant too

And it has japan and korea dramas in cantonese too

and that s the place i firSt found junpei drama

Enjoy watching

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