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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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crazyoverkdrama said: Musings of a penguin... Just bear with me for a few minutes, or else i'll never be able to sleep tonight... :)) This is just my opinion, so feel free to contradict me if i'm wrong. :)

While we were all thrilled and excited (the noonas, of course) about him wanting a noona-dongsaeng relationship, it never really sinked in and find it strange as to why a healthy, young male would actually want an older woman as his girlfriend. He never really mentioned how far in age it will be acceptable, but from the way he talks about CKH, i believe that he is willing to go after someone of the same age group as CKH. I never understood, and i never wanted to analyze until i come across this article where it recounted how JW actually cried over his love life.

While i talked about how he likes being with his hyungs, it never hit me that he would actually prefer noonas to be his next partner. All i can i see at that time is that he prefers his hyungs because they cherish him as the youngest, and young enough to be their brother or their son. For some reason i nailed it down to his relationship with his family. But love life? It never occured to me.

I find it really strange, because for some male, they would actually chose younger women because males in general want to act as protectors, guide, and someone the women can rely on. Only a few would actually contemplate having noonas as girlfriends, and why not? Age also is a factor that also counts. No male, according to my brother, would like to be treated like the younger brother of an older woman. And on that, I have to agree on. I have been in same relationship before and i can't help feeling that i am taking care of a young guy, who is supposed to be a protector and i can trust on protecting me. For sometime, i thought that maybe this guy actually wanted to have someone who will understand him more, than those in his age group. And I was right.

In JW's case, I believe that it was the same thing. I am no psychologist, but it doesn't take much to really understand him. I genuinely felt sorry for him when he cried over his failed relationships. For a guy who is sincere on his feelings, hearing that someone got "fed up" on him is simply unbelievable. Maybe the girl just felt suffocated by his affections, or she really doesn't feel the same way, we'll never know the reason, nor are we in a position to judge. What i know is that this experience in his love life makes the idea of someone mature and understanding, even more appealing to him. He even mentioned that he was too busy in his career to protect his love, thus the failed relationship.

I just hope that one day, he will meet someone who will understand him, someone who is willing to wait for him, instead of the other way around, someone who will, this time, be his pillar of support in all future challenges that life will throw his way. And lucky is the girl who will receive his love, for i believe that once he finds her, she will receive more than what she can give. :)

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Guest padme

i think age doesn't matter as he finds the right person who will love and respect him and his career and well time will be give us if he finds that girl =)

Now I remenber  when he talk about his ex girlfriend *win win* he said something like he was too affectionate with her and then she just broke up with him via cel¿? uhmm i know here we ALL love Joo won but he is a guy after all, he is human and he is a person who has flaws so mabe this girl have her reasons for leave him and take his affectionate side like the big reason to broke up with him *some girls must hate affectionate boyfriends    :-?   * and that's something we never know,and mabe now  he is looking for someone who can understand that side of him i think! =/  someone who can share with him happiness&love and bring their flaws and virtues together; i don't care if she is a girl from the same industry or just a normal girl,  but someone who can bring the best of him on their relationship would be great! ^^

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crazyoverkdrama said: Musings of a penguin... Just bear with me for a few minutes, or else i'll never be able to sleep tonight... :)) This is just my opinion, so feel free to contradict me if i'm wrong. :)

While we were all thrilled and excited (the noonas, of course) about him wanting a noona-dongsaeng relationship, it never really sinked in and find it strange as to why a healthy, young male would actually want an older woman as his girlfriend. He never really mentioned how far in age it will be acceptable, but from the way he talks about CKH, i believe that he is willing to go after someone of the same age group as CKH. I never understood, and i never wanted to analyze until i come across this article where it recounted how JW actually cried over his love life.

While i talked about how he likes being with his hyungs, it never hit me that he would actually prefer noonas to be his next partner. All i can i see at that time is that he prefers his hyungs because they cherish him as the youngest, and young enough to be their brother or their son. For some reason i nailed it down to his relationship with his family. But love life? It never occured to me.

I find it really strange, because for some male, they would actually chose younger women because males in general want to act as protectors, guide, and someone the women can rely on. Only a few would actually contemplate having noonas as girlfriends, and why not? Age also is a factor that also counts. No male, according to my brother, would like to be treated like the younger brother of an older woman. And on that, I have to agree on. I have been in same relationship before and i can't help feeling that i am taking care of a young guy, who is supposed to be a protector and i can trust on protecting me. For sometime, i thought that maybe this guy actually wanted to have someone who will understand him more, than those in his age group. And I was right.

In JW's case, I believe that it was the same thing. I am no psychologist, but it doesn't take much to really understand him. I genuinely felt sorry for him when he cried over his failed relationships. For a guy who is sincere on his feelings, hearing that someone got "fed up" on him is simply unbelievable. Maybe the girl just felt suffocated by his affections, or she really doesn't feel the same way, we'll never know the reason, nor are we in a position to judge. What i know is that this experience in his love life makes the idea of someone mature and understanding, even more appealing to him. He even mentioned that he was too busy in his career to protect his love, thus the failed relationship.

I just hope that one day, he will meet someone who will understand him, someone who is willing to wait for him, instead of the other way around, someone who will, this time, be his pillar of support in all future challenges that life will throw his way. And lucky is the girl who will receive his love, for i believe that once he finds her, she will receive more than what she can give. :)

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padme said:

i think age doesn't matter as he finds the right person who will love and respect him and his career and well time will be give us if he finds that girl =)

Now I remenber  when he talk about his ex girlfriend *win win* he said something like he was too affectionate with her and then she just broke up with him via cel¿? uhmm i know here we ALL love Joo won but he is a guy after all, he is human and he is a person who has flaws so mabe this girl have her reasons for leave him and take his affectionate side like the big reason to broke up with him *some girls must hate affectionate boyfriends    :-?   * and that's something we never know,and mabe now  he is looking for someone who can understand that side of him i think! =/  someone who can share with him happiness&love and bring their flaws and virtues together; i don't care if she is a girl from the same industry or just a normal girl,  but someone who can bring the best of him on their relationship would be great! ^^

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 said:This is the article about Cutie's fanmeet in Taiwan but its in Chinese. 


韓國新生代花美男周元 5月首度訪台會粉絲

Yahoo!奇摩娛樂訊息作者: 全通網傳播 | Yahoo!奇摩娛樂訊息 – 2013年4月16日週二 台北標準時間下午3:57韓國新生代花美男周元 5月首度訪台會粉絲

圖/全通網傳播 提供 

韓 國備受矚目的新生代人氣男星周元,2010年在韓國憑藉著KBS電視劇「麵包王金卓求」出道並一炮而紅,接著三年多來戲約不斷,並加入實境綜藝節目「兩天 一夜第二季」的主持陣容,成功展現綜藝搞笑方面實力,在台灣也越來越受到眾多觀眾喜愛的周元,開心宣布即將於5月中首度訪台會粉絲。


周元外型出眾身高185公分、五官立體、微笑迷人,讓他出道後迅速受到影迷關注,周元一躍成名後,馬不停蹄地投入戲劇拍攝,接連演出了「愛在烏鵲 橋」、「面具情人」、「七級公務員」等人氣韓劇,周元在每部劇中角色相當活潑多變,與崔江熙、陳世妍等前輩女星對戲都毫不遜色,因而在新生代男星中演技備 受肯定。


在電視、電影螢幕出道前,周元在音樂劇界已有出色表現,演出過多部知名音樂劇,讓他早已擁有一大票死忠粉絲,接著他參與主演的幾部人氣韓劇,接連創 下收視佳績,讓周元的人氣和聲勢都更加扶搖直上,去年周元應KBS電視台邀約,挑戰該台招牌綜藝節目「兩天一夜」第二季,與車太鉉、成時景、金承佑等男星 一同成為加入該節目的新成員,24歲的周元在主持群中最年輕,自然成為老么成員,加上他聰明機伶、運動身手矯健,輕鬆贏得其他幾位前輩男星喜愛,經常受到 哥哥們格外照顧、疼愛。

周元演出的幾部韓劇「麵包王金卓求」、「愛在烏鵲橋」、「面具情人」,已陸續在台播出,收視成績也都相當出色,讓越來越多台灣觀眾認識並注意到這位 韓國電視界的新人氣偶像,台灣的全通網傳播公司也很早就注意到周元的戲劇表現及眾多人氣現象,積極向他提出訪台邀約,雖然周元剛演完「七級公務員」,緊接 著電影、電視劇演出的邀約眾多,他還是決定特別忙中抽空於5月18日來台舉辦一場活動,與台灣的粉絲近距離相聚,周元對這次首度與海外粉絲的見面會相當期 待,將帶來別開生面的精采豪華活動內容,請粉絲們再稍等他一下下,而且一定要來與他相見喔!周元訪台相關新訊息,請密切注意全通網官網

 from Yahoo Taiwan

...lets see if our translators will be able to give us some enlightenment. :D

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