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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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For those who can read chinese, i am still waiting for the english translation of the actual korean article. since i am not very sure if this version is accurate..




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For those who can read chinese, i am still waiting for the english translation of the actual korean article. since i am not very sure if this version is accurate..



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Joo Won' use of jondae and banmal 
After the Win Win show, I was curious about how they talked about Joo Won's jondae and banmal speech. In simple terms, from what I understand, jondae is the formal speech Koreans use when speaking to someone older than oneself and banmal is the informal speech used on your peers or someone junior. What sparked my curiosity was that the 3rd man, the emcee said that Joo Won is contradicting himself because he looks for the type of  girl who has good manners and respects her elders, whereas he himself speaks banmal to his seniors like his hyungs on 1N2D. So I posed the question to Softy and I love her answer, so I will share it with you here:

My question:Softy, I have always been puzzled by this jondae and banmal speech. Jondae is a formal speech used when speaking to someone older than you and banmal is the informal speech used when speaking to your peers or juniors, right?

I know that Joo Won is known to be a very polite young man who respects his elders, so does this tendency of his(using banmal with his hyungs) contradicts this? I guess he only does that to the 1N2D hyungs and people he is closer to? He said he uses jondae when he speaks to his father’s friends. That emcee joked that Joo Won looks for a girl who must be polite and respects her elders but he himself is not.

I am not sure if I am getting this right, but I guess Joo Won’s respect comes from his heart and is more on substance rather than more superficial things?

Softy's reply: 

You know me – I am not the Korean language expert. I leave that up to the pros like Joonni, Blue, and Bella. I dont even know the exact terms, but let me try to clarify this for you the best that I can with what I know. grab a seat cuz this will take a while.

First of all, JW is not contradicting himself at all when it comes to the importance he places on respecting his elders. how you speak to your elders is just a little part, how you behave towards them is the most important part of all. his manners towards elders is what makes him a polite and respectful person. he bows almost half way. like 90 degrees. hardly anyone bows like that anymore. Uee does that too. even within her group, she makes sure the new younger members show respect to the older members even when they eat or sit. JW is the same way. I bet money when he goes around with his grandparents, he is very attentive to them and their needs. probably even with his own mom. even on 1n2d, he might speak banmal to the hyungs, but watch his manners. when he hands something to them, he uses both hands like polite younger people should do. aside from when it’s part of the games, if giving up a seat means someone older can sit, he will stand. that sort of thing. so the part about showing respect in actions, no one can disagree that JW has manners. now to clear up the way he speaks.

From what I know about hangul, there are degrees of banmal and jondae. For jondae the polite speech, there’s the way JW speaks to someone who is way older like a grandma or grandpa. it’s pure jondae and very respectful with no cute aegyo short cuts. Then there is the way he probably speaks to his dad’s friends on that soccer team. I bet he mixes in some jondae with some casual wording at the end sometimes cuz he has known these guys for years. by now he must think of them as his own father so I have a hard time believing he would use straight jondae every single time. then there is the way he addresses the hyungs on this show. on camera, he does use jondae at times, but when it’s their relax time you hear him slip into his casual speech – mixed banmal jondae. He knows how far to take it so it doesnt offend. even when he asks someone off camera about the food, you can hear him using mixed banmal and jondae speech. sometimes when he is hungry, he forgets himself and just pouts like a kid using banmal, but I doubt anyone is offended by it. I still remember on the first episode, he used mixed banmal jondae with that PD who seemed to be crushing on him. but when he was eating ramen at that stranger’s home, that elderly couple, JW only spoke jondae from start to finish. he never mixed in banmal to them. that’s when I realized just how super polite he is with strangers. on the gakistal set, with one of the camera guys during JW’s kiss scene in the forest, JW spoke banmal to him, but the guy was young – like early 30s so I think they got close during filming by then. Se Yeon never once spoke banmal to anyone, but that’s cuz the girl is only 19 or something. if she mixed in banmal it would make her look bad. she did mix in banmal with JW towards the end though, but he didnt seem to mind at all.

if you hear enough Korean from the dramas, you get a sense of when the characters are speaking straight jondae or mixed in with some banmal. like half the sentence is jondae and the rest banmal. that sort of thing is common. that’s why on dramas when a character is mad at the other person and doesnt want to use jondae, they reluctantly add the “yo” at the end which makes what they say jondae. even on 1n2d, JW might speak banmal with all the hyungs, but he still speaks jondae with Bird PD. if the camera guy is young, JW calls him hyung and speaks mixed banmal too. but if the camera guy is older than SW, then JW speaks only jondae. I think that must be his cut off age or something cuz older than 50 he usually wont dare to speak any sort of mixed jondae if the other party is male. like he said on this interview he is close with the woman who played his mom on Kim Tak Gu and he texted her using mixed jondae, but some banmal like the way he would speak to his own mom. I sort of have a feeling his mom might get jealous of that woman a little. he speaks so well of her all the time and texting her often and stuff. wouldnt you want your son to text you instead and share that great view with you and not another mom? let’s hope his mom is not petty about stuff like that. in my view she did a great job raising both of her sons.

So in essence, JW is every bit the polite person he claims to be – the one we all know and love. his reputation speaks for itself and everyone who works with him loves him. just watch how he interacts with the film crew and staff. if he was rude no one would be smiling at him. Older Koreans take manners in speech seriously. that’s why guys like KSW and UTW were so surprised at first to hear JW speak like that to them, but they quickly got over it cuz they realized JW never meant any disrespect. if anything he is showing how much he respects and adores them by talking like that. if he doesnt like them he would probably speak straight jondae like he does on interviews. he never mixes it up there cuz those people are strangers to him. even the younger ones he speaks to with formal speech. LMH is like JW as well. as soon as he arrives on set, he goes around speaking mixed banmal/jondae as often as he can to make everyone feel close and chummy. he has the same mentality about it as JW in a sense. but the other 86 or 87 guys like KSH, KHJ, and LSG hold off using mixed banmal/jondae pretty much all the way till the end of the drama. I have never heard LSG address his director using banmal yet. he only spoke some mixed banmal with his costars. LSG is old school – he would never dare to address anyone that old with anything less than straight up jondae. that’s why it was so funny hearing him speak banmal once to kang ho dong when KHD made him get his shoes wet again in a pond.

part of the reason why I like JW is cuz he is like this. he has a way of putting people at ease right off the bat. I still remember how he shared his coffee with the woman who played his grandma on OB. the way she spoke about him with so much love, you just know they got really chummy and how much you wanna bet he mixed up his jondae with her too cuz I swear I think he thought he was her real son or something the way he treated her. I never heard how JW speaks on the phone with his dad, but normally if he speaks banmal with his mom, he might not with his dad. you can usually tell just from what he calls them. if he calls his father “dad” then he speaks banmal but if he says “father” then he speaks jondae. for some reason, most guys grow up doing that. at least one parent – normally the dad -they speak to with jondae esp after they are grown like JW’s age. Uee’s case is the opposite. I heard her refer to her dad as “father” so I dont know if it was cuz of the camera or what, but she spoke jondae to her dad. but with her mom she spoke banmal like all girls tend to do. I dont know a single woman who speaks jondae with her mom.

I think Blue wrote about jondae and banmal once in her language series so you should check that out for all the correct terms. Mine was “the love for JW” biased version. 
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@mrdimples, Wow, I never thought Koreans have that kind of strict rules when talking to someone older than them. They might have some culture shock if they will go to other countries. Well, we do have our own ways showing respect through talking with our elders, but there are times when some people will treat you like you are of the same age and it is still ok. I think that is one value that some younger ones this days are lacking.

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coolreborn said: @mrdimples, Wow, I never thought Koreans have that kind of strict rules when talking to someone older than them. They might have some culture shock if they will go to other countries. Well, we do have our own ways showing respect through talking with our elders, but there are times when some people will treat you like you are of the same age and it is still ok. I think that is one value that some younger ones this days are lacking.

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stearly said: coolreborn said: mrdimples said:



For those who can read chinese, i am still waiting for the english translation of the actual korean article. since i am not very sure if this version is accurate..



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mrdimples said: stearly said: coolreborn said: mrdimples said:



For those who can read chinese, i am still waiting for the english translation of the actual korean article. since i am not very sure if this version is accurate..



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Does anyone have the Video of the Enews Interview? Please kindly post here so when I get back home... I can watch it immediately. hehehe.

Herez the vids of the programme recorded by a fan from DC NB (I think). I found these links on baidu (元真) which are re-posts fr Joowon China Fanclub.

Part 1 -


Part 2 -


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