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[Drama 2011] The Musical 더 뮤지컬


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Guest Earthprincess

Unfortunately there is NO ep 11 today.  Ep 10 English subbed is up now so that's something to keep us TheMu fans busy.  

I brought over a part of cheerko's post from GHS thread regarding TheMu and it's popularity in SK:

I love this tidbit!! So, people are watching the drama but not on Friday night??? Is that it??? I'm confused.


Popular dramas most searched for:

Last week, THEMUSICAL was ranked 8th and this past week after the 10th epi, it is ranked 4th!!


I think this was today--ranked number 1 in terms of drama most searched......I guess everybody was wondering why THEMU is not on???? That is my furious question!!! :angry: 


Another ranking it number 1 most searched drama--THEMU--and second one is Deep Rooted Tree.


DC members are saying that THEMU is searched very highly in many different sites that it cannot be just a temporary phenomenon. HURRAY!!  HURRAY!!  HURRAY!!!  THEMU FIGHTING!!!! 

goddessku posted this article 


that THEMU episode 11 was preempted by a soccer match. 

@shades_blue, alas! I also tried, in vain, to bring over PKW's stills.

I was ready to just enjoy my cup of joe and some news but yay! for the very much awaited Eng subbed #10.*quoted image*

Happy weekend everyone.

The marketer side of me sees it this way... The low ratings in Korea in terms of TV viewing is fine. I am not too furious anymore. SBS is smart to be perusing the right channels. TheMu ranks high in searches because its audience base is more of an online audience (likely from international, or even younger more tech-savvy Koreans). They did not think it too much of a problem to let the soccer match run on its TV time, but made sure that the audience base (which is always online) was well-informed (they made the announcement of the pre-emption via TheMu website).

Additionally, SBS makes sure to upload the YT episodes and trailers for TheMu earlier than they do for their other dramas, again because they know who the target audience is, so they are catering to it.

So, I think given TheMu's strong online presence, we can ignore the TV ratings and look at the search ratings as the real gauge of success. SBS is doing the same thing, since there is also a revenue stream from online ads, and in that sense TheMu is not a complete loss putting their dollars on. And when it gets sold to international markets because of the online buzz it generates, and in markets where the audience could be more lucrative, SBS will again hear ka-ching, ka-ching! (That happened to You're Beautiful, it can happen to TheMu).

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Guest pongponga

Thanks Guy, that's why there's no. ep. 11 in epdrama , I watched The Musical via this web , I'm so sad coz Iwait until Friday but there is no. ep.11 anymore. Keep wating for ep.11!!!

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@drmjs  snop out of it already..if you say so..hehehe!  Nice to know everyone's busy doing other things related to TheMu. That shows "TheMu" lovers are not slackers! We certainly knows how to amuse ourselves. Besides, it gives @cheerko a chance to rest too with all the translating.   :rolleyes:  I'm halfway with my marathon in mysujo.com. I hope a lot of us watch it in this site to bring us back to no2, better yet no.1.  Have a happy Sunday!  :wub: :wub: :wub:

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Guest ms.KPOP.LOVE

Hi Everyone,

The Musical Episode 9 and 10 English Soft-Sub Subtitle are out.


The Musical 1-10 English Subtitle can be found Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project:-

URL: http://www.darksmurf...e-musical-2011/

Please visit the link for more information about the Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project. CTS Project is about FANS helping FANS for FAST SUBTITLE RELEASE! Enjoy!

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Guest eunhye05

Seriously this episode was not enough to satisfy my thirst for The Musical though. They should have given us a BACK2BACK episode. Im still having withdrawals. That was not enough! Hehe. Anyways.. here's my comments on the show. *waves* at Hyesun4lyf :D 

Missed the first few mins of the show though! Stupid traffic! :(

- Hmm. Interesting... now WHy is EunBi in Jin's car holding some kind of present in her lap? And why cant he wipe that dorky smile off his face? Too Cute.

- At a Coffee shop: So HJ is now going about his business with AhnSungAh. WHy focus on speakers in the coffee shop though? Was a particularly special song playing. Wasn't paying attention sorry. Ugh. now i want coffee...and chocolate!  

- At Rehearsal: Woohoo! NEW SONG.. Well not really.. it's still Count monty's song...but Yey.. New song for Eun Bi to sing! Haha. I kinda miss bi-atchy KH but it's refreshing to watch her be EB's real mentor now.

- At a Bar with RK and friends: Im a bit frustrated that EunBi has almost the same haircut as RK's crazy friend. hehe. Are they discussing men and failed love lives? Sounds definitely like it! I'd like to join in. Cheers!

- At a Library: Hmm why did HJ flashback to EB cleaning the cadaver? I think those girls were prob med students. He misses EB obviously.

- Back at Rehearsal: EunBi is practicing hard! I bet she'll get really tired and hence collapse later.(Off topic- This scene where she's resting against the mirror.. i recall GHS tweeting a picture of that)... What da..wait...poor phone! Don't throw it! tssss!

- Back at HJ's: SQUEEEEE! HJ's turn to watch EB's audition tape! Hmm... do you think there's something magical with this particular tape? Seems like every male who watches it falls hard for the singer and can't get over her. haha. Poor HJ though. Must be difficult.  

- Back at EB's: EB tired herself out again. Aww you poor thing.

- Back at HJ's: Aigoo! (Look CDusketeers!!! SQUEEE! It's Daniel Choi..and A BABY! :D ) Is that his sister / neighbor? Why is AhnSungAh still there?

- Back at EB's: If it's 3:39 am and everyone's asleep at EB's then why is everything still live and kickin over at HJ's at this ungodly hour? Timing is weird here.

- EB at the steps of KH's place: WAAAAAH! I was about to spazz thinking that was HJ too EB. Unfortunately resolving this thing they have going on won't be that easy. Darn it! So Sad!

- EB at HJ's where she meets HJ and ASA: Why didnt he go after her? Why so serious!?! :( Why that kind of a greeting! WHY HJ?! WHY!!!!? Please guys... ur killing me! Now here's the fall we've been expecting. NO! NO! Not a bruise on HyeSun's pretty legs! That better be makeup!

- Back at EB's: EunBi's so affected by seeing HJ and ASA. Ayayaya! EB you know u want to say "I WUV YOU BACK!" Call HJ! :) 

- OH NO! Why did she collapse? Is there something wrong with her after she fell from the bike? She's now in pain or shivering and tries calling BJ. No one.  HJ? OH SERIOUSLY HJ don't be immature! Answer the phone! (Guys we seriously need a live chat during livestreaming! :S I have no one to panic with!) She's freezing! ERmm...Excuse me while I google "breaks into a cold sweat after getting bruised." (O_o) Ok i believe she caught a bad infection. 

- YJ tries to find EB: YJ to the rescue! Score for Chaebol. YJ wins this round. Though He and RK seriously need to sort this out. My heart is breaking for RK.

- I think EB was advised to go home and rest so EB's going back to Daegu. Is this the end of her musical aspirations?! :( Poor dear. Well it was crazy. Poor thing needs some time away from the stress. Siiiiigh! -Now its EB's turn to miss HJ's call. Not good guys! Grrrrr! 

- RK...seriously. Go date DirJung already. He'll treat u like a princess. Please consider him. Poor DirJung

- Awww EB's dad missed her.  Thats right EB. Stay there and fatten up for a while with Grandma's cooking. Too much drama in seoul. This is prob also where we'll see the YJ and EB's worlds meet!  Definitely a set up for the next episodes and story arcs.

- Im annoyed now with ASA. Why is she at HJ's every second of the day? If this is a professional relationship isn't she going a bit overboard?

- OhMy! They SERIOUSLY end it HERE! SERIOUSLY?! This episode was not enough and the next episode...WAAAAAH! EB meets Jin's family finally but I'm not liking what's happening with ASA-HJ! Seriously why is she even in the mix now. And an almost Kiss? The only person HJ should be kissing is EB! hahaha. SERIOUSLY FRIDAY please come tomorrow instead! 

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Guest shades_blue

eunhye05 I love your play by play!! Totally agree with you. I have nothing to add to that until we get our precious subs. And omg that preview made me want to punch that girl in the face. fury.gif

I'm worried about how they are going to wrap up all of these storylines properly with only 5 episodes left (I know this was originally intended to be 20 eps?).....


A few caps : 

YJ/EB skinship!



YJ the hero : 


Who ARE these people? CD and babies....hehewub.gif


I already want this girl to go away. 




My favorite! JY pulling a YJ & watching the audition tape!!


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Guest eunhye05

eunhye05 I love your play by play!! Totally agree with you. I have nothing to add to that until we get our precious subs. And omg that preview made me want to punch that girl in the face. *quoted image*

I'm worried about how they are going to wrap up all of these storylines properly with only 5 episodes left (I know this was originally intended to be 20 eps?).....

THANK YOU FOR THOSE SCREENCAPS Shades_blue! You are super FAST! :) SKINSHIP?! I missed that! Why was there skinship at the start?! JY pulling a YJ! EPIC! haha! :) This episode is still YJs though. When will it finally be JYs?! :( I miss cute and fuzzy, warm and smiling JY! 

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Guest shades_blue

THANK YOU FOR THOSE SCREENCAPS Shades_blue! You are super FAST! :) SKINSHIP?! I missed that! Why was there skinship at the start?! JY pulling a YJ! EPIC! haha! :) This episode is still YJs though. When will it finally be JYs?! :( I miss cute and fuzzy, warm and smiling JY! 

They were at some music store and he took her hand to place it on a music box. I'm totally in the dark about why they were there, (other than the music box thing has something to do with his mother) but that's what he bought and that's what she was holding in the car. 

I actually squealed when JY put in that audition tape. Priceless. 

I agree, as much as I love YJ, I need JY and EB to go back to being adorable together. STAT!!!!! He had way too many smiles in this episode that were directed at "she who shall not be named". I just want her to go away already. 

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Guest hyesun4lyf

Ahhh..!!! Loving this episode!  I can't wait for the next one. crazy.gif

Thanks eunhye05 for the fast track recap.  I love each and every scene tho' can't help hissingfury.gif everytime ASA appears on screen especially after that morning incident.  Apron? Seriously? Make yourself at home, why not? I am seriously temporarily jumping ship right now.  HJY was such a cad in this episode although I could understand his feeling of betrayal from all the people of Gumiho project especially GEB.  Now, he has to suffer the consequences but having ASA by his side (who obviously had a childhood crush on him) makes it bearable.

@shades_blue and semi-fly, thank you for the screencaps.  My favorite screencap was the one where YJY was carrying GEB.  My man...wub.gif ,of the hour.

I'm with you there, shades_blue, the telephone angsts and the new love angle just made me more anxious about the coming episodes. There's too few left to make all these make sense...tears.gif

Now, I'm off to GHS' thread.  cheerko just added on to eunhye05's recap some of her thoughts and translations...

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