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[Drama 2011] The Musical 더 뮤지컬


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I love this drama simply because it's not too pretentious. The acting is spot-on, the characters are endearing and the chemistry between GHS and CD is fabulous! I have been a long time fan of GHS since BOF. BOF is my introduction to K dramas. I'm glad that she's back, with GHS, she never disappoints. CD is adorable and goofy. Because of TM, I checked out his previous drama BFB. Hmmm...I like him more in TM.His smile is his signature...it's infectious. I have only seen a few people whose face lights up when they smile (Julia Roberts comes to mind) and Daniel Choi is one of them. 

The storyline is getting interesting. I hope that this drama would continue to shine....  :wub:

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Guest Earthprincess

I keep on seeing these gif's from scenes for ep.5 i think and i just couldn't get my head around where people got it, so i youtube-d it and here is al ong trailer for ep.5 that had me squealing for joy. if it's not put up yet here you go:

I seriously want to pull Bae Kang Hee's hair in this long trailer. We are going to be seeing some angst soon, and I'm not quite sure my heart is ready for that. But I like how this kind of angst is the redeeming kind, the explain-your-motives kind for the lone dark horse Hong Jae Yi. So tell us, Jae Yi-ssi who is it you really love? :P

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why is not Friday yet?

How come Daniel Choi is so good and cute? I wonder whether the hand kiss was in the script or whether it was his idea? Never mind, can I have one Daniel Choi to go, please. No need to wrap up.

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why is not Friday yet?

How come Daniel Choi is so good and cute? I wonder whether the hand kiss was in the script or whether it was his idea? Never mind, can I have one Daniel Choi to go, please. No need to wrap up.

Can't wait for Friday too. Can't get enough of GHS & CD.

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Hello Musical lovers ;)

The Musical episode 4 english sub is out


enjoy :)

Thank you! Watching it now. If EB messes with her hair and does the awkward laugh one more time, I hope someone walks into the scene and slaps her. laugh.gif (it the one thing that's making me crazy about this drama) Other than that, it's very enjoyable! Love the singing, GHS is doing a remarkable job. DC has a super cutie smile. phew.gif

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Guest barverley

At first I hesitated in watching this drama --- due the fact, I wasn't all that drawn to Boys over Flowers starring Go Hye Sun. I felt that I would get the lukewarm feeling w/ this drama, The Musical. Yes, I admit I skipped (1 & 2) and ended up watching episode 3. & YES, I loved it. I think its because I love musicals so much, esp w/ the "hype/high" volume of "i-wanna-be-famous/singer" dramas coming out. I love Eun Bi - Hye Sun plays it very well; esp I can see and feel her struggle to be out there and do her GREATEST. & I can't forget Hong Ji - David Choi = HOTNESS/AWESOMENESS. I squealed in episode 4, because you can see his fascination w/ Eun Bi, sees her potential, and wants her starred in the lead role. Sighs... i'm so sad that this drama is showed only once a week. Booooo. :( I want more of Eun Bi & Hong Ji. <33333. I can't wait for episode 5!

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never get enough of The Musical too bad it only airing in once a week ( Friday), and hope the episode 5 will increase the rating coz when i saw the preview it gonna be a great episode. and finally we can see EUn Bi wearing a dress and OH MY GOSH she's so georgeous.

i love the chemistry between DC and GHS it was so natural even they only skinship like (handkiss, the way hong jae carrese eun bi hand or just put it on his chest ) and as you can see the eyes of hong jae when he starring eun bi it was so much love and it was so adorable and i love it ,i love this couple.

always pray the best for THE MUSICAL coz all the cast has done a great job. and for Baek Gang Hee, why u always near to hong jae stay away from him will you coz he already fallen for Eun Bi,lol

just want to share the link of MV ost The Musical "Gilgo Bonggu" (You Sing).

klik the link :My link

is there anyone know who sing this song? this song were suit with Eun Bi and Hong jae :wub:

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At first I hesitated in watching this drama --- due the fact, I wasn't all that drawn to Boys over Flowers starring Go Hye Sun. I felt that I would get the lukewarm feeling w/ this drama, The Musical. Yes, I admit I skipped (1 & 2) and ended up watching episode 3. & YES, I loved it. I think its because I love musicals so much, esp w/ the "hype/high" volume of "i-wanna-be-famous/singer" dramas coming out. I love Eun Bi - Hye Sun plays it very well; esp I can see and feel her struggle to be out there and do her GREATEST. & I can't forget Hong Ji - David Choi = HOTNESS/AWESOMENESS. I squealed in episode 4, because you can see his fascination w/ Eun Bi, sees her potential, and wants her starred in the lead role. Sighs... i'm so sad that this drama is showed only once a week. Booooo. :( I want more of Eun Bi & Hong Ji. <33333. I can't wait for episode 5!

It's great that to skip the first two episode of a drama. I always amazed with the apparently fan of drama who skip episodes or fast foward all the scenes where the male lead character is not present. It's good for the hard work of the production team of the drama.

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Guest YooRiLuvSunniez

I want THE MUSICAL right know coz every episode were curious and i want to see Eun Bi sing again  and hope she can get that role .

when Eun Bi sang i felt so trembling. and yes her voice was so soft .


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Once a week? What's with that?

This is such a great and underrated drama. Maybe they need 2 per week to get some momentum going.

Enjoying it so far.


that is what I thought too at first, but then to pacify myself: if 1 ep per week, means that the actors get to sleep and work like a normal human being, I am fine. Is it not more common, like in other countries, the UK, USA, Germany, etc, to have one ep per week?

if a drama is good, 2 eps per week would not be enough for me, I would wish to have an ep per day.

ratings from a cable broadcasting company cannot be compared with the ratings of the regular broadcasters like SBS, MBC and KBS. I think 5 % would mean a big success in viewers rating for a cable show.

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I wish we could see The Musical as often as we would want. But I have accepted it already that we can only see it once a week. It's been a long time coming to see Hye Sun on another drama. I still count my blessings that I can see this drama once a week. Although, sometimes just after watching an episode I have that GGRRRR:crazy:  feeling because you want to watch more.:angry:  hehehe..can't help it. I'm looking forward to watching episode 5. I love you GHS & DC!:wub:

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Guest Calistarose

Hello everyone! I am so glad to have found this thread. Like all of you, I am an avid fan of GHS. I came to know her via BOF which led me to watch all of her previous dramas. I loved her portrayal of Gukhwa in Hearts of 19 and I am so loving her onscreen chemistry with Choi Daniel in The Musical. I have never watched raw/unsubbed version of Korean dramas but with The Musical, nothing would stop me ha ha ha. I have re-watched all of the episodes while waiting for the subbed version of episode 4, which I just finished watching now. Please allow me to share with you my thoughts and how I felt after watching it.

The Musical – Episode 4

Just like in any other Korean dramas that I got hooked on in the past, TM’s OST is something that I enjoy listening to in each episode. The upbeat music from the start, I think that is the cover of the OST album, to the catchy background music while Eun Bi delivers milk make me feel so energized to watch the whole episode.

I just love how PKW portrays his role perfectly. His character was aptly described when Hong Jae said that Yu Jin says the right things using mean words. The character was really written to come across as a mean, cold-hearted businessman who will resort to manipulative tactics just to seal the deal that would make him earn big bucks. That breakfast scene with Eun Bi had me laughing when he said to her, “Do you only eat when guys cut them for you?” referring to her pancakes. To which Eun Bi answered back appropriately, just right, to match Yu Jin’s statement, ohhh I am so loving the exchange of dialogues, I am now a fan of the scriptwriter. I also liked that part when Yu Jin slightly reprimanded Hong Jae and told him not to be too obvious in showing his (HJ) affections to Eun Bi as he would end up getting in a fight plus the fact that he will earn enemies for Eun Bi. This scene ended with both accusing each other of being childish but what caught my attention was the smirk on Yu Jin’s face on the last frame, it was tantamount to saying, “Yes, I might be childish but just wait because I will achieve my goal in the end”. This meanness in Yu Jin though was somewhat explained by the scriptwriter (which I really like to have some sort of a balance in his character) showing situations involving his parents, how his dad had moved from the city to shield his mom from the shame that could be brought by an illness that is slowly taking over her personhood and other underlying reasons (one of which is when his dad gave up managing their business for his passion, painting) which led, I believe, to the animosity between Yu Jin and his parents. To me as a viewer, I could not totally hate Yu Jin, but am also kind of worried that he might use Eun Bi as a pawn just to achieve his business goals, I hope not.

Choi Daniel's portrayal of the role of Hong Jae has definitely solidified in this episode. He convincingly exhibited the range of emotions required of him in various scenes. He was playful, serious and slightly arrogant but what I love the most was when he asserted his authority as a mentor to Eun Bi. I cannot help but think about the fact that in reality he is much younger than Goo Hye Sun but onscreen he could command authority as if he is much, much older than her. He was so adorable in that scene giving Eun Bi tips on how to relax. He acted so naturally and that scene where he was asked to come out in the playground where he kissed Eun Bi on the head was so spazz worthy. I liked his dialogue when he said to Eun Bi that he does not see Eun Bi, the person, separately from Eun Bi, the actress. This was of course an answer to Eun Bi’s question earlier. To me, Hong Jae is making everything clear to Eun Bi from the start, that he already likes her for being her and he does not see her as a mere protégée just worthy to star in a musical utilizing his musical pieces. Although, there was one point that I reflected on the angle that Hong Jae might just be repeating history, that he only sees Kang Hee in Eun Bi and this is the reason why he is helping her which would eventually lead to an intimate relationship that would just end drastically given the pressure and challenges that would come along their way BUT wait I am getting so much ahead of the scriptwriter and this is such a cliché and I am hoping that the twist and conflicts would be different from the typical. He was so funny when he eagerly wrote, “Failed, tried to sing prettily” on the sheet of the first auditionee. But he saved the best for last, his facial expressions while watching Eun Bi on the day of the audition were priceless, he was so childlike when he was smiling, so relaxed leaning on his chair and just enjoying the mere sight of his protégée on stage. Ahhh, it is such a good feeling to be in LOVE!

The first time I learned about Goo Hye Sun’s acceptance of this role in TM, I was happy because I knew that this is something that she really likes portraying. However, watching this episode made me understand further why she accepted the role. It made me realize a lot of similarities with Goo Hye Sun and that of her character as Eun Bi. Both do not want short cuts in life, they set a goal and ensure that they work hard to earn merits and achive that goal. This manifested in Eun Bi’s insistence that she goes through an audition to show her talents and if she is really worthy of landing the role. Likewise, both are women of integrity. I liked that part wherein she distanced herself from Hong Jae knowing that he is going to be one of the judges in the audition. What I also liked in the audition is that they did not make it easy for Eun Bi to be chosen, like giving the role on a silver platter so to speak, because at a first glance, the third auditionee with the golden voice could have been easily chosen. However, the clincher had to be Eun Bi’s interpretation of the song as she thinks of the role of a gumiho, like it was coming from her heart and that is what is important in a stage actor/actress. This is how she exhibited Hong Jae’s teaching on attacking a song or role. I really enjoyed that scene when Kang Hee tried to dampen Eun Bi’s spirit again by asking why Eun Bi stopped singing, because it was really like she stopped singing after hitting the high notes right? The first impression that one will get is like she was struggling hitting the high notes thus the needed rest or pause. So she was put on the spot again but luckily she gave Kang Hee a sincere yet witty answer, in fact it was heartfelt that it gave me goosebumps, honestly, I may sound cheesy but I was almost in tears on that part because I felt like Eun Bi had an upper hand over Kang Hee at that time. Asked why she stopped in the middle of the song, she gave an emotional answer that won her the judges' approval (and the viewers) by saying that she could not have interpreted it in any other way than that because the gumiho lived for 999 years without experiencing love and now that that time has come, that could be the emotion that the gumiho feels. The scriptwriter was brilliant in showing the contrast between Eun Bi’s performance and that of the third auditionee but the scriptwriter made it clear that Eun Bi’s character would have an edge with that interpretation. This somehow justifies the fact that Eun Bi was chosen over that lady who sang well (I am assuming they will choose Eun Bi as seen on the preview of episode 5). And as Hong Jae aptly said, BRAVO EUN BI! BRAVO!

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