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[Variety] Good Sunday - Running Man 런닝맨

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Guest nicha1980

RM is filming now at Seoul Medical Center.

Guests : Cha Tae Hyun and Ha Ji Won. :w00t:

Source DC Ha Ji Won and DC YJS


credit dc

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Guest timpa

RM is filming now at Seoul Medical Center.

Guests : Cha Tae Hyun and Ha Ji Won. :w00t:

Source DC Ha Ji Won and DC YJS

*quoted image*

credit dc

Yay! I wanted Ha Ji Won to appear even before Secret Garden. I remember her appearance on Family Outing and she had such a great presence on her episode. I think I even posted in this thread back in September that I hoped Ha Ji Won would appear because she had a new show going out on SBS in the fall called Secret Garden and it could help promote that ;)

Always love to see Cha Tae Hyun busting KJK's chops as well.

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I hate to say it but I think I'm definitely on the boat that is leaving Running Man. I really loved this show in the beginning. I was late in watching it so I had about 15-20 episodes that I downloaded and watched all at once--that's how good this show used to be. Then, it started to lose its charm as they started changing the format. The last few episodes, I just had the show running in the background while I played games and did other stuff on my phone. Whereas before I used to be glued to the screen whenever this show was playing.

I think the format definitely has to do with my lack of interest in the show now. And they really need to do away with the episodes that focus on one particular member (i.e. this week's JiHyo episode). One of the biggest strengths of the show was how all of the member interacted with each other. Putting the focus on just one member has never been very interesting. Further, even the interactions between each of the members is starting to get old. They need to bring the concept back to the original vision of running and missions.

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Guest creaturedreams

RM is filming now at Seoul Medical Center.

Guests : Cha Tae Hyun and Ha Ji Won. :w00t:

Source DC Ha Ji Won and DC YJS

*quoted image*

credit dc

!! They should have got Park Hae Jin to guest with Ha Ji Won instead :P heh

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Ha Ji Won is NOT appearing on Running Man.

There was a rumor that she filmed yesterday night and it would air on April 10.

According to her fan cafe administrator, she was not at the filming site yesterday. (She checked with HJW's manager)


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Guest nicha1980


Ahhh really? I thought it's confirmed cuz both DC YJS and KJK cafe said the same thing that HJW is the guest...:mellow:

they even posted pics of her in FO...lol... hmmm we must wait and see then...

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Ahhh really? I thought it's confirmed cuz both DC YJS and KJK cafe said the same thing that HJW is the guest...:mellow:

they even posted pics of her in FO...lol... hmmm we must wait and see then...

When I heard the rumors last night, I thought they were 100% true.

A lot of people said they saw her and whatnot. One of the HJW dc gallers even went to Seoul Medical Center last night and waited until the filming ended. She said she saw YJS and Haha coming out of the building, but she didn't see HJW. (she saw a van drive away quickly and thought HJW would be in that van)

But even HJW's manager denied the rumor. And HJW is currently busy practicing table tennis every day in AnYang (which is ~1 hour away from Seoul) for her upcoming movie.

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I hate to say it but I think I'm definitely on the boat that is leaving Running Man. I really loved this show in the beginning. I was late in watching it so I had about 15-20 episodes that I downloaded and watched all at once--that's how good this show used to be. Then, it started to lose its charm as they started changing the format. The last few episodes, I just had the show running in the background while I played games and did other stuff on my phone. Whereas before I used to be glued to the screen whenever this show was playing.

I think the format definitely has to do with my lack of interest in the show now. And they really need to do away with the episodes that focus on one particular member (i.e. this week's JiHyo episode). One of the biggest strengths of the show was how all of the member interacted with each other. Putting the focus on just one member has never been very interesting. Further, even the interactions between each of the members is starting to get old. They need to bring the concept back to the original vision of running and missions.

That boat that is leaving Running Man as you put it is returning the show to the ratings it had in its early days. IIRC some of the shows highest ratings came between episodes 21-30 when they changed it markedly from its previous missions and games. I suppose you could also argue it was down to the guests they brought on. I don't think going back to the way things were is necessarily going to be the answer to its troubles. The original vision didn't seem to do well for it either. I know ratings aren't everything and personal enjoyment has to factor in as well, but if the show is going to keep its head above the water it'll need to maintain a certain level of ratings.

Personally, I was getting tired of the format in the earlier episodes because it was just too obvious after a while that Jong Kook's team (invariably the chasing team) would win and so there wasn't too much tension in it for me. The surprises came with outstanding guest performances like YongHwa's. I also did enjoy some of the changes to the earlier episodes that they made such as focusing on the guests. However, I think some of the recent decisions haven't been too great. I would argue that the most recent episode though has brought back a little of that earlier flavour, just not enough of it. I thought the finding the guests bit with DaeSung and YongHwa was really captivating for example.

I do think they need to strike a better balance though with their editing. Perhaps have 10-15 minutes for a team selection game rather than have it dominating the entire episode like this past week's. I wouldn't mind seeing them doing more city-based missions like the Oh Ji Ho episode. I'm thinking in paritcular something similar to the moneybags special from Infinity Challenge which was really good and pitted the members against each other.

They still haven't found the right balance for the show. Some of the complaints now are almost the reverse of the complaints in the early episodes. "There's too much interacting and not enough running" versus "There's too much running and not enough interacting". Or the "running missions are getting old" versus "the interactions are getting old". If the ratsings start falling to even lower levels than the early episodes then there may be cause for alarm. I await next week with baited breath. I personally hope the show can recapture some of the magic for everyone, although I know it's not really possible since we all seem to want different things from it, because I love the cast they've settled on and I'd miss them if the show were to go.

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Is it just me or what...

I don't think RM is getting worse, in fact

I really like the new episode with Daesung & Yong Hwa

I laughed so hard yesterday.

Jihyo picking up the boys, she picked KJK (yay!!!) too bad she didn't picked Haha.

It would be great Jihyo & KJK & 2 kids.

The way Daesung & Yong Hwa escape & running away from the members is so much FUN to watch.

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Guest scorpyon_giana

I love seeing haha and Jiho's interaction these days lol

and sorry to disappoint all the songsong couple fan but Jiho said Joongki is a brother in the latest episode

Hope to see more of Dumb brothers next week!

Oh I love the Song-Song couple, but i knew there wasn't going on anything between them, you have to be really naive to think that they could have been lovers in real life ..................they are not even acting like a couple in Running man, they are 2 playful kids , just like brothers who are having fun and trust each other a lot......................that's what i loved about them , their cutness, I'm not dissapointed to hear that they are like brother and sister cause i already knew that....................

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Guest theoddone33

I love watching Daesung and Yonghwa try to avoid them all.  I hope they win but I guess we won't know til next week.

I chuckled a little when they finally got their teams together and it was 45 minutes into the episode.  The interactions are pretty funny even without knowing Korean but I didn't really understand why they had to take a boat up the Han river to pick teams.

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I love seeing haha and Jiho's interaction these days lol

and sorry to disappoint all the songsong couple fan but Jiho said Joongki is a brother in the latest episode

Hope to see more of Dumb brothers next week!

LOL im also a SongSong shipper but that does not mean we are naive enough to think they going to be real life couple just because we love the pair :sweatingbullets:

i just love seeing both of them together even just as brother or sister playful relationship i just find them really cute, comfortable and fun together :wub:

so even if JiHyo drop the BOMB that she just think he is like a brother is not going to bring down my love to the pair lol :phew:

and as i said before i love EVERY pair with JiHyo in this show especially SongSong and also HahaJihyo which is super cute especially when they bickering blush.gif

well the problem with the recent ep especially ep35 is they dragging the forming a team with JiHyo moment way toooooooooo long and it mostly focus on JiHyo one on one moment with each casts only when i prefer all the casts is together at the same place bickering or having fun together but lately they are mostly separate into 2 team from the beginning of ep already and meeting at different places instead of meeting as a whole group at first <_<

the first part is too long, dragging and kinda boring so i understand why viewer is not interested and they might missed the interesting 2nd part that start to get interesting..

anyway the 2nd part of the ep when YongHwa and Daesung started their mission and the hunting of the guest begin, thing starting to get very exciting and fun which is great...

well for me i don't really mind if it finding the guest mission or the original hide and seek because both is fun but the way they handle the mission is important...

like in last week ep when they separate in to 2 person team each and Haha seem alone doing their own things and the guest is also doing their own things making the game really boring and lame :sweatingbullets:

anyway i am not going to stop watching this show because the show and the casts have special place in my heart already and im sure they would find a way to improve again because they always do and willing to try different things every ep :rolleyes:

i will continue this journey with running man and see for myself how the show evolve and hopefully will not end too fast...

Running Man fighting :wub:

and really looking forward for next week ep especially YongHwa and Daesung is still there :wub:

but hopefully the PD will be fair with YongHwa as well and not just focus on DaeSung alone even if he is their favorite because they work together in FO..

if they only going to favor DaeSung only then why even bother to invite YongHwa in the first place?

they could just invite DaeSung alone like they did with OhJiho..

well im sure YongHwa know how to shine on his own and the PD and casts also love him so i don't think there would be a problem^^

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Guest eRegret

I guess Running Man every time has its ups and down.

From past ratings, whenever its rating is going down, we can expect a new format :rolleyes:

Now I love the show is because of the interaction within themself, then the game.

'That's the charm of Running Man' -Jong Kook

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I guess Running Man every time has its ups and down.

From past ratings, whenever its rating is going down, we can expect a new format :rolleyes:

Now I love the show is because of the interaction within themself, then the game.

'That's the charm of Running Man' -Jong Kook

Yup, I agree...

Sometimes RM is so funny, sometimes so boring...

Like when i watched ep 34 UEE & Park Joon Gyu, I didn't laugh so much

But when yesterday I watched ep 35 Daesung & Yonghwa I laughed so hard

But I always want to watch RM as soon as its up.

RM is my favorite show nowadays.

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