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[Variety] Good Sunday - Running Man 런닝맨

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Guest jjsweeter0211

Screencaps from this week's episode
















Today's episode is so funny

I love the karaoke game the most lolz . So hilarious

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Guest theeasykill

I've been lurking in this thread for quite some time now. I don't really know why I'm only posting now. Hahaha.

This week's episode is hilarious.

Loved the part where they were just watching Jihyo dance and they only start dancing every time she turns around. Hahaha.

I was clutching my stomach during the karaoke game. Definitely one of the funniest games I've seen on Running Man. XD

The third game was pretty good too. Joongki with the banana HAHAHAHA

P.S. Is it just me or is Kwangsoo getting so much cuter? I mean I found him cute before (he's my favorite cast member) but there's something different about him lately. :))

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Guest nicha1980

Ep.28's Ratings :w00t:

TNmS :  Nationwide 13.7% ,  Seoul 17.5%

AGB : Nationwide 14.9% , Seoul 16.3%

Last week

TNmS :  Nationwide 12.6% ,  Seoul 15.8%,

AGB : Nationwide 13.2% , Seoul 14.5%

credit dc yjs

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Guest myselfonline

The preview for the next episode makes the next "running" mission seem amazing. I don't even know what it is, but the preview got me excited for it. Are KJK and YJS facing off to find the other members or something?

With no guest next week, and no Lizzy, does anyone else think it will feel a bit empty?

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Guest IloveFall

Anyone that watches the show in the States via DirecTV get the Park Bo Young episode twice? :blink: Saw it last week and it's the exact same episode this week!!! Such a bummer. I wonder if it's because the first 5 minutes or so of the beginning were cut off last week so they just played the entire episode again this week. I was so disappointed not to see a new episode! fury.gif

And I agree that it's sad about Lizzy but I hope the PDs give her a chance. I remember in Family Outing when Kim Jong Gook first came on the show as a newbie, he was so shy and didn't contribute much but look at him now! He's a riot! I just hope they give her a chance. It doesn't seem to go well when shows start replacing members (like Family Outing).

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Guest kneekey

Two episodes without LIzzy...

I'm feeling so sad for her.. where is she

even tho many people say that she doesn't have an existence in the show

i still miss her laugh

and I agree that she should have been present last week, because she could have helped homin with dancing the GEE


why is it that RM members doesn't feel her existence too? Like they don't even miss her or something?

But I'm sure that she's missing them

BTW, today was okay, I liked when they danced to KIM JONGKOOK'S LOVEABLE AND TURBO-BLACK CAT!!!!

haha, i got carried away because last week they showed the preview of them dancing black cat then when they actually danced loveable first, i got all hyped and type in turbo-black cat in the chat box in another site that i didn't even notice HAHA LOL.

damn damn. that dance was always so cool

and coex! i went there once and it was cool they had a fish in the toilet ROFL. and in the refrigerator~~

It's not that they don't miss her, they just don't mention her because she's not present in the episode. If you remember the episodes where Joong Ki is also not present, the cast did not mention his name so i'm guessing that it must be an unspoken rule for the cast not to mention anyone that is not present during the filming.

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actually...I'm pretty sure that they mentioned JoongKi's absence during the opening...but with Lizzy, I honestly think she may have been fired...I mean she's sweet, but she didn't really add that much. I've noticed she's more entertaining in other shows. I think it's just that by the time she came in, the cast had already established their characters, so it was hard for her to jump right in. but she definitely did her best.

I don't think she's fired, but perhaps had to take a break due to all the Lunar New Year specials recordings (went to Taiwan, went to Thailand etc). She apparently is scheduled to record a Running Man episode today (Jan 31st). I just looked at After School's schedule, she's as busy, if not busier than any other AS member broadcasting wise.

That said, I do think she does bring something to the dynamics of the cast - perhaps we don't see it in the actual aired eps, but I found in particular Eps 24, when she and KJK did that heartrate game - she's predictably unpredictable (even when she's with AS she drops a lot of bombs and pranks -they cease in trying to control her.) - that is exactly why they casted her. Who knows, she could do a lot that gets edited out.

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Guest boyofin9

I don't think she's fired, but perhaps had to take a break due to all the Lunar New Year specials recordings (went to Taiwan, went to Thailand etc). She apparently is scheduled to record a Running Man episode today (Jan 31st). I just looked at After School's schedule, she's as busy, if not busier than any other AS member broadcasting wise.

That said, I do think she does bring something to the dynamics of the cast - perhaps we don't see it in the actual aired eps, but I found in particular Eps 24, when she and KJK did that heartrate game - she's predictably unpredictable (even when she's with AS she drops a lot of bombs and pranks -they cease in trying to control her.) - that is exactly why they casted her. Who knows, she could do a lot that gets edited out.

Honestly I hope she returns. She's one of my favorite members And I believe she brings a different dynamic than Ji hyo does as a female cast member. Like yin and yang kind of.

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who besides me thinks that the new format is somewhat boring and not as fun. The part where they start off the running part and the show progresses with just games and talk and making the end not that exciting with punishments. when it first started it was all fun with tvxq in it but after a while it kinda just got boring a bit. not too exciting with the hide and seek in the beginning and not too funny. wish they could do something about it.

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Guest patricktjai

the next episode you will see different hide and seek game and if you look at the preview there wont be a new guest ?

and lizzy isnt back neither ... :( lizzy is cute they should have atleast 2 ladies !! :D

well this week episode was really funny especially the karaoke part ! :D

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Guest kneekey

B0hemian_Sprite Oh they did? Must have missed that one

But imho, the cast is already perfect w/o Lizzy, I just don't see her bringing something new to the show and she does not receive the same love that the male casts give to Ji Hyo. (Sorry to all Lizzy fans but Ji Hyo is my fave cast in RM)

I also noticed how the male members look out for Ji Hyo. Like on episode 27 where Yoo Jae Suk and Ji Suk Jin offered their shoes (based from reading the posts in this thread). And on this week's episode where Kwang Soo and Haha took care of Ji Hyo

Kwang Soo and Joong Ki shielding Ji Hyo


Kwang Soo shielding Ji Hyo using his hand


HaHa giving water to Ji Hyo (they're my favorite pairing!)


This week's episode is really great! Everyone had fun and you can really see how much they enjoy themselves in the karaoke. The karaoke challenge is hands down the best game in RM as of late!

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But imho, the cast is already perfect w/o Lizzy, I just don't see her bringing something new to the show and she does not receive the same love that the male casts give to Ji Hyo. (Sorry to all Lizzy fans but Ji Hyo is my fave cast in RM)

I also noticed how the male members look out for Ji Hyo. Like on episode 27 where Yoo Jae Suk and Ji Suk Jin offered their shoes (based from reading the posts in this thread). And on this week's episode where Kwang Soo and Haha took care of Ji Hyo

Kwang Soo and Joong Ki shielding Ji Hyo

Kwang Soo shielding Ji Hyo using his hand

HaHa giving water to Ji Hyo (they're my favorite pairing!)

This week's episode is really great! Everyone had fun and you can really see how much they enjoy themselves in the karaoke. The karaoke challenge is hands down the best game in RM as of late!

I agree that this week's karaoke episode was hilarious. I always think it's funny when they sing KJK's old songs. And MC Yoo alwayd does a fantastic job when he sings. There's a Family Outing episode where MC Yoo, KJK and one other guy go to a noraebang when they are supposed to be buying dinner ingredients. Again, MC Yoo was hilarious.

Regarding Lizzy, I think it was good to have her on the show, but it's true that she didn't get much airtime. I liked her as a member to the extent that she wasn't being a useless weak female, nor was she being too cutesy. If not Lizzy, then they should definitely bring in another female running member.

I'm personally not a big fan of Ji Hyo. I like that she's an active member and doesn't just sit around. I also like that she doesn't try to capitalize on her role as the sole female member. But there's just something about her that rubs me the wrong way. I think it's her bullying and meaness. No, she's not as bad as HyoRi (who really turned me off), but I think that Ji Hyo takes it a step too far at times.

As for the guys protecting her in the this week's episode, I would have to disagree. To me, it looks like KwangSoo and JoongKi were trying to protect their own faces. And HaHa was giving water to people (not just JiHyo) because he was trying to sabotage the other teams by making them gain some water weight.

And I would have to agree with others that the missons are getting kinda boring. The beginning "find the guest" mission is fun, and the second mission where they compete in teams is fun. However, the 1 vs 8 or 1 vs 9 ending mission is pretty boring. I think I especially don't like the comedian guest missions. I would rather that the show just end than to have it end with the final 1 vs 8/9 mission.

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It feels like I'm constantly disagreeing with people who don't like aspects of the show. It's not something I'm doing intentionally, it's just I think it makes for some interesting discussion. Certainly it's nice to see different viewpoints and try to debate those points in a calm manner, which I think we've mostly managed so far in this thread. I will say, though, that I prefer to be optimistic about a show I like. I wasn't entirely certain of Running Man in the beginning (after all it had replaced one of my favourite variety shows ever in Family Outing), but the chemistry between the cast has won me over, and the little relationships that have eventually developed.

Going back to that last point, I think Ji Hyo has played a part in that, especially just how she is with the other cast members. Although again I'm quite biased in this so it's worth taking with a pinch of salt. She's nowhere near as intense as Hyori in that sort of character but just like Hyori I realize she's trying to play it for laughs, and for me it really does work. I realize that isn't the case for everyone though, perhaps I'm just a sucker for a pretty face.

For me I enjoy most segments. Take this recent one this week. The very last 1 vs 8/9 game with Kim Byung Man. I thought it gave rise to some cracking scenes. e.g. (I'll put it in tags just to be safe

there's a bit where Kim Byung Man hits a cucumber that's in Jae Suk's mouth with some nunchucks. Then Joong Ki steps forward with his recent thick-skinned/arrogant character and says I can do that as well or something like that. Cue Jae Suk's panicked reactions and telling Joong Ki to take a step back (at least this is what I thought was going on).

Personally I found it highly amusing, and we wouldn't have seen that if the last game had been cut. That little bit also showcaed to me some of Joong Ki's growth in the show in the past few episodes (somebody mentioned it already in the past few pages and I agree). This was sort of how Ji Hyo got started in the show as well. It remains to be seen whether he can keep it up but it seems he is at least attempting to move away from being just the pretty boy and trying to find his niche in the show.

Re: Lizzy. I like her. She does bring some energy to the show and she has a different vibe to Ji Hyo. I think the main problem is that some of the other members still seem awkward around her, and I suppose it's understandable. Just look at the difference between Ji Hyo's first appearance and Lizzy's (admittedly her first appearance was really good). You'd have thought from Ji Hyo's first appearance that ahe was a permanent member of the cast (she wasn't at the time but she did eventually get brought on). There's only so much pushing that Jae Suk can do. I think if/when the rest of the cast are comfortable with her, she could be good. She perhaps needs someone her own age on the show as well, possibly a little bit older like say Yong Hwa, to have some sort of a rapport with. However, then you get into the problem of having too many members, which is there to some extent now. Somebody is going to lose out in the end. I'm prepared to give her the benefit of the doubt, just like Joong Ki (who has improved recently). She's a relative newbie anyway.

I do like the new running game, because it gives the guests some screen time to. I understand some of the complaints about the awkwardness of not having that game at the end. After all it's what we've been used to for about 25 episodes. I think perhaps rather than trying to unmask the guests and find out who they are in the process, it should just be a straight up guests vs. cast game which they can then put on at the end of the show.

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