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少女時代 Girls' Generation / SNSD (소녀시대) Official Thread [Ver.3] GIRLS 6ENERAT10N | HYO 4th Single "Dessert"


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Guest ♥♥PowerOf9

Stop being so cute Sica -.- <3



Talented Taeyeon



credit: http://www.sosiz.net/org_data/7463809



Credit: http://www.sosiz.net/org_data/7463235

Fierce Hyoyeon



Cute Yoona




credit: http://www.sosiz.net/org_data/7460992

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Guest nishirichard

I know this is a great time for some ppl start to blame on Taeng being unprofessional…

Well…She wants to give a professional performance but MB PD did not allow it !!!

AND….The reason that MB PD did not allow Taeng to re-do her performance is because MB PD is pissed off with some sones!!!!

ppl who went to MB to watch the performances said that they heard MB PD said “okay, these little trouble-maker are fans of SNSD, right? Just wait and see..”

and then….when Taeng recorded her performance with other idols…

First rehearsal, her in-ear had problems so it got cancelled. Second rehearsal, the stage’s sound got messed. Third rehearsal, the in-ear… yeahh…. And as SNSD was filming before the actual stage, her in-ear broke around the time the fireworks came out.

and MB PD would not allow Taeng to re-do her performance even she keep begging MB PD….

cr:lyvickey @ BaiDu


My Life Would Suck without Kim Taeyeon!!!

and Congratulations SOSHI!!!

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Guest keoconvoi

I don't think Taeyeon's expression during Oh! performance is not just because of angrying with the PDs. Taeyeon is not a childish person. I think she was extremely tired after yesterday's overnight Win Win recording and early morning go to record Music Bank. With that and a voice cracking up during special stage, she must feel not well and uncomfortable during Oh!. This is understandable, she is human.

And something might happen in backstage, who knows ?

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Before I knew about the MB statement Taeyeon made, people (including myself) were thinking she was sick since she cracked in the special stage and she didn't sound that great in the Oh! performance. I hope people don't jump to conclusions and think her performance and statement to MB are related like some netizens are. If people know Taeyeon, she usually doesn't get rattled easy, but when it comes to performing, she wants to perform her best on stage for the audience. Maybe not getting the chance to redo it and getting rejected from the PD got to her. But I wouldn't go down the unprofessional route as long as she wasn't sulky on stage while she was performing.

I gotta agree with you on this... I thought the same thing too when I read the news about this... but people just seems to jump into conclusion and for the antis, it just another point for them to bash taeyeon and the girls more..

Like I said before, I hope this controversy will fade away...

and I hope it didn't effect their Japan debut...

Taeyeon Hwaitaeng!!! :lol:

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Guest kaikaine

eventhough Taeyeon not perform as her best during OH! and it seems a bit unprofessional...

but i'm very sympathy toward her and i will support her eventhough she is not doing her best today...

she is a human... she will also get upset and emotional too... and i understand it...

when you're not in good mood and being mad is hard for you to be professional...

if something bad happened on you right now during working... do you think that you still can hold your emotion and still being professional to make your job done??

i don't think eveyone of us can do it...

as a sone... i feel sympathy to Taeyeon... i will still support her rather than keep saying she is unprofessional...

Taeyeon need our support now... sone is like their family... rather than keep saying that she is unprofessional...

i chose to comfort and support her... eventhough she doesn't show her best...

if Taeyeon knew that a lot of sone is doubting her professionalism, she will be very sad and maybe lost her confident... this will affect her for preparing Japan debut... just my 2cents... no bashing... :D

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Guest albi-albi-albi

Does not sound advantageous? Wish she would just suck it up? You mean to say you think she should just keep mum and hush up even though there was an obvious technical problem and the staff were not even willing to compensate their mistake by doing a re-recording? Why, just so that fans watching the performance will be kept in the dark about what went wrong and predatory netizens will not be pouncing on a chance to bash Taeyeon?

It was clear that she was affected by the sound system because she was clutching her earpiece halfway through the song and seemed to be straining to hear the music. So by voicing out she is providing an explanation for what went wrong and also providing necessary criticism for Mubank to improve on their errors. How can something like that be kept in the dark?

Just like that time BoA was performing for VMA Japan and the music came out wrong.

I think the relevant organisation owe the affected artist and the public an apology for screw-ups like this. Everyone knows how important image is for idol singers and the slightest mistake in public could be disastrous for their reputation. I think Taeyeon was brave to be able to voice out something she felt was wrong. You could argue it was a heat of the moment thing and not well-considered but I think it's the right thing to do.

Thank you so much for this.

Now tht i watched the perf. again, you can tell when taeng was having the ear piece problem.

I think she had the faulty ear piece during oh! perf aswell.

About her speech, i dont think she was criticizing Music Bank, more like asking them for good environment where artists can preform at their best. I'm not just saying this cuz i'm a sone, but also as a viewer, i feel what taeng did was right and i dont think it was unprofessional. Its very easy for us to pick out and say this and that was unprofessional but we have to understand that before artist, they are human aswell. She also said the speech in good manner tone and even if she was frustrated ~ she has right to be as she said asked the Music bank staffs numerous of time for help. I also understand why she said it in public, if it was not brought up in public, no one could pick out the faults therefore it will keep happening. Atleast now i hope they will learn their mistakes and take it into consideration.

Hopefully SME will speak about this matter.

I admire Taeng's desire for a perfect performance ~ my respect for her as a artist has increased cuz of this.

I'm proud to call myself a sone <3

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Guest Qrizta

I was proud of her to speak out. People say that she should settle this matter off screen.

LOL WTH?? The reason she was upset was because her opinion wasn't heard.

She pleaded many times so I don't think there's such thing like settling it behind the stage.

She would be totally ignored by the staffs like a wind blowing.

The only way is by speaking it out to the audience.

Public as the audiences are the only people that can force TV broadcast to reflect and improve.

1 Taeyeon or 30 something singers would not be heard but millions of audience will.

I was glad to read how the public is flooding KBS site.

The lighting incident, remember? They didn't really apologize until Shinee's fans complained to them.

However, I wouldn't justify Taengoo's weak perf for Oh. it was rather disappointing for me to see her stern face. Made me sad n worried... I think Taeng get carried away easily when something bothers her concerns.

Being professional is also arguable. People's characteristics are different. I'm quite like Taengoo. Not really assertive but if something really bothers my conscience I'll speak out. N if something went wrong or I got scolded, it would make me feel uncomfortable throughout the day.

All in all, we dunno what exactly happened backstage.

I hope the outcome would be pleasant and Taeyeon's sacrifice wouldn't go wasted.

N more performers will speak up. ^^

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Guest iwanttodreamwithyouforever

Before I knew about the MB statement Taeyeon made, people (including myself) were thinking she was sick since she cracked in the special stage and she didn't sound that great in the Oh! performance. I hope people don't jump to conclusions and think her performance and statement to MB are related like some netizens are. If people know Taeyeon, she usually doesn't get rattled easy, but when it comes to performing, she wants to perform her best on stage for the audience. Maybe not getting the chance to redo it and getting rejected from the PD got to her. But I wouldn't go down the unprofessional route as long as she wasn't sulky on stage while she was performing.

What if Taeyeon didn't really meant to sulk during the Oh performance which every one of us thought that she was being unprofessional..She may be really feeling unwell or weak at that moment..We never know until SMe speak up..I mean this may be something we failed to see,Taeyeon is really a girl that have proper performing ethics ,i don't think she will do that without any vaild reason...

I don't think Taeyeon's expression during Oh! performance is not just because of angrying with the PDs. Taeyeon is not a childish person. I think she was extremely tired after yesterday's overnight Win Win recording and early morning go to record Music Bank. With that and a voice cracking up during special stage, she must feel not well and uncomfortable during Oh!. This is understandable, she is human.

And something might happen in backstage, who knows ?

I agree. People shouldn't jump into conclusions. What we know IS NOT THE WHOLE STORY. I hope you guys wouldn't call Taeyeon "unprofessional" because we do not know everything. Who knows something might have happened backstage..

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Guest kool_fany

well for me, this should not be a big problem if the media didnot blow it just because some netizens argue about her speech. i thought what she said was pretty normal and it should be understood as praise and advise about mubank. but then the anti-media blow it out of proportion. and added to it news with the supports few netizens, yess, it's only a few and most of them are antis, and voalla!!! the praise and advise suddenly transform to criticism.. so i thought media was really exaggerating this matter, and got the news big.

For me, there was nothing wrong with what tae said. and she had the right to say it since it was given to her. and remember that she said it in calm manner, so there should not be a problem at all if the media once again exaggerated that.

And the last, for the Oh! performance, since we didn't know what happened with her please do not connect it with her speeches just like some other netizens or anti said. we didn't know the truth yet so the best way is to just sit tight and hope there is clarification. and media should not blow things further...

anyway, congrats for the win. it proved that SOSHI is the BEST!!!

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Guest piru1804

AND….The reason that MB PD did not allow Taeng to re-do her performance is because MB PD is pissed off with some sones!!!!

ppl who went to MB to watch the performances said that they heard MB PD said “okay, these little trouble-maker are fans of SNSD, right? Just wait and see..”

and then….when Taeng recorded her performance with other idols…

First rehearsal, her in-ear had problems so it got cancelled. Second rehearsal, the stage’s sound got messed. Third rehearsal, the in-ear… yeahh…. And as SNSD was filming before the actual stage, her in-ear broke around the time the fireworks came out.

and MB PD would not allow Taeng to re-do her performance even she keep begging MB PD….

cr:lyvickey @ BaiDu


I don't know this info is right or not. But if it's right, then they will be in a serious trouble.

I'm waiting for SM's announcement. I think that SM will not let this go easily because we are talking about SNSD. We know that SNSD is money-maker for SM.

From many fanacc, we all knew that SNSD are good kids. They are very professional. Taeyeon is a leader who always want best thing for SNSD. We never see Taeyeon like this for 3 years. So I know that this problem is not that simple.

I'm on Taengoo's side because she said what the others don't dare to say.

However, I'm not on Taengoo's side for what she did in Oh performance.

Congrats our girls.

Unbeatable SNSD


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Guest kaka_sone

AND….The reason that MB PD did not allow Taeng to re-do her performance is because MB PD is pissed off with some sones!!!!

ppl who went to MB to watch the performances said that they heard MB PD said “okay, these little trouble-maker are fans of SNSD, right? Just wait and see..”[/

there's no comnfirmation about this so we dont know if it's true or not. or just a story created by someone.

i think it's time for us to stop talking about this issue n move on.

let's share gif, pic n video about today performent.

keep updating latest news about our girls.

support them all!

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Guest cantthinkofaname

okay now, MB staffs are being way too immature, like seriously. just because of some fans and you're going to take it out on their idols? you living piece of crap, i hope SM comes out with an official statement on this, MB is being very and i mean VERY unprofessional about this situation.

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Guest shadydoll


:wub: :wub: blush.gif

so happpy :)

and I hope Taeyeon cheers up and ignores those dum netizens -_-

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Guest hotchocolatelove

I know this is a great time for some ppl start to blame on Taeng being unprofessional…

Well…She wants to give a professional performance but MB PD did not allow it !!!

AND….The reason that MB PD did not allow Taeng to re-do her performance is because MB PD is pissed off with some sones!!!!

ppl who went to MB to watch the performances said that they heard MB PD said “okay, these little trouble-maker are fans of SNSD, right? Just wait and see..”

and then….when Taeng recorded her performance with other idols…

First rehearsal, her in-ear had problems so it got cancelled. Second rehearsal, the stage’s sound got messed. Third rehearsal, the in-ear… yeahh…. And as SNSD was filming before the actual stage, her in-ear broke around the time the fireworks came out.

and MB PD would not allow Taeng to re-do her performance even she keep begging MB PD….

cr:lyvickey @ BaiDu


^ is that real? anyways, i hope that SME and MB will release official statements regarding this controversy..

so this issue will be over for once and for all..

and it is time to move on....

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Guest marsh1588

I applaud taeyeon for speaking up during the speech. If she didn't speak then, she would never been able to get the message across. Some say she should speak to them privately later on, but do you think they would listen? they would just dismiss her like earlier. Only this way can get her message across. With mu bank's past history, someone needs to say something to tell them to fix it.But I am disappointed in her sulky behavior in the oh! performance. She must have been really frustrated that it really drove her down, but I felt that she should have at least tried to smile every now and then. But it seems like the korean public has the opposite reaction as me. They are not unhappy w/ the oh performance, but w/ her speech, which I felt was necessary. hopefully the public will come to realize that it was near impossible for her to sing and think of past incident.s

But as Sones, we should back taeyeon up. Nevertheless, congrats on the girls for the mid-yr win.

^ is that for real? man this is totally blowing way out of proportion.

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Guest fallen*angel

cute ice princess at mubank backstage xp


yoona *___*


flirty fany


cr; tagged.

soofany :]]



cr; ssf

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Going to quote Taeyeon on this one from an old interview (well not that old but you get the point with SNSD):

“We prepared for years putting all our effort into it, but the actual performance is over in just a few minutes” was Taeyeon’s reason.

She continued by saying, “I have these empty feelings when I get off of the stage” and “These feelings alone just makes a person feel lonely”.

Also, “I’ve had regrets when I think about some past performances because we cannot redo them” and “Sometimes during preparation, we really feel that being a singer is such a lonely job”.

Of course she wants every performance to be her best, how would you feel if your once chance to show everyone what you've been preparing for, doesn't end up working, not because you didn't practice but because of technical difficulties. I'm glad that she spoke out about this. Not even being a bias fan here, but I've seen many artists have problems with their sound system and I don't think it's fair to artists, I hope Mubank does address this in the future and like Taeyeon says make it a better environment for artists to perform. To be honest, I think the way Taeyeon handled the situation was quite calm, there's not much else she could have done if the staff refused to listen to her once more.

My 2cents, love it or hate it =P

Lol and Taeng, I'm glad you're doing this before you guys head out to Japan....

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Guest zahieyjunki

AND….The reason that MB PD did not allow Taeng to re-do her performance is because MB PD is pissed off with some sones!!!!

ppl who went to MB to watch the performances said that they heard MB PD said “okay, these little trouble-maker are fans of SNSD, right? Just wait and see..”

i seriously don't think this could be the reasons MB PD acted that way. way too much to hear it. for now, i won't believe it and wait until someone clarify the whole thing but sense this issue would die down later and soon no one will talk bout this thing again.

love the 4 dancers routine but seriously cameraman totally failed! man what's with them?

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