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少女時代 Girls' Generation / SNSD (소녀시대) Official Thread [Ver.3] GIRLS 6ENERAT10N | HYO 4th Single "Dessert"


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Guest truebladelucia

if taeyeon didn't perform her best during oh simply because she was sulking, I think we would be pretty disappointed. (it's pretty hard to control one's frustration though, but)

but i believe it was implied by the article that her in-ear wasn't replaced despite it being defective, so she could have screwed up because of that.

i'm glad the general public is in support of taeyeon. she does have a huge fanbase :P

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Guest David_Jung

rofl MuBank seriously got so many problems nowdays back then with their chart count, Onew faint incident and now their ignorance towards artist..they really need to re-shuffle their production team =.=;;

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I have only a minute to post but there isn't much need to clear up about what happened. It appears what the article says is what mostly happened, with fan accounts reporting the in-ear failing and Taeyeon wasn't able to perform properly but Mubank several times ignored the requests to correct it. Of course as mentioned this isn't the only time Music Bank was lacking in providing proper environment.

Although this is of some controversy right now in Korea, it's not a big thing to worry about. As always antis and trolls try to make a fuss out of this, but they are an ignorable minority and what matters is the general public's opinion. And more often than not, the general Korean public is sympathizing with Taeyeon right now, that what she said was understandable and appropriate.

Yup!! majority of netizens/public are on Taeng's side, they've flooded KBS' bulletin boards




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Guest meloncchii

The whole 'controversy' is stupid. Taeyeon is just voicing her opinion and I support her opinion.

PDs are very powerful, but that doesn't mean you should shrink back whenever they decide something.

When someone makes a mistake, you try to help correct it because if you don't, the same mistake could happen continuously.

HOWEVER, for her 'Oh!' performance, if the reason for her not smiling and lack of energy is due to her sulking at the MuBank staff, then I would be disappointed because that is not professionalism.

But since I am a soshi fan, I'm definitely giving her the benefit of the doubt and I'm going to think that wasn't the reason.

Oh... and the translation of Eunhyuk's tweet posted earlier... my Korean isn't perfect, but I'm sure the translation is more like this:

루나야...써니야...이건 아니잖아...누가 얘들 맛있는 것 좀 사다주세요....

Luna... Sunny... this isn't it... someone please buy these kids something to eat...

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Guest evilgary

yea i think the netizens are on taeyeon's side too

i feel there must be a reason for her to actually say it

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I have only a minute to post but there isn't much need to clear up about what happened. It appears what the article says is what mostly happened, with fan accounts reporting the in-ear failing and Taeyeon wasn't able to perform properly but Mubank several times ignored the requests to correct it. Of course as mentioned this isn't the only time Music Bank was lacking in providing proper environment.

Although this is of some controversy right now in Korea, it's not a big thing to worry about. As always antis and trolls try to make a fuss out of this, but they are an ignorable minority and what matters is the general public's opinion. And more often than not, the general Korean public is sympathizing with Taeyeon right now, that what she said was understandable and appropriate.

Thanks alot silis

Glad MORE ppl feel sympathy to taeyeon rather than hating her (unlike those immature hopeless antis)

also i found this comment at AKP

okay you guys you guys translated it wrong…

she said that in an non offensive wayyyy! she was just like “i want to give a round of applause for all the artists out there because they are working so hard and doing so well so I hope that music bank will provide all the artists with the best environment so they can perform their best…etc etc” she means no harm.

taeyeon <3 snsd <3

c. xiaholic0806

that's the full sentence of her speech

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Guest Hyunjin808

Maybe this is just me being a biased fan but I am pleased with Taeyeon's performance (even though I haven't actually seen it for myself yet >__>) because whether she gave less than her ultimate best on purpose or not.. It still gets her point across. If she was performing badly on purpose, it's a subtle protest/complaint to music bank about the bad treatment/environment. If performing badly wasn't on purpose and was due to not being able to hear with her in-ear, then it furthers her argument anyway. And I have a feeling other artists don't speak up because they don't have the chance to. If snsd hadn't won first place, then taeng probably wouldn't have been able to speak up. Which brings up another thought. If basically your acceptance speech is the only way to have your voice heard (since performances are solely singing lol) then maybe other artists are too preoccupied with winning first place and having to think about all the people to thank, that they forget to complain about music bank.

Nobody likes to be ignored and I'm very glad taeyeon spoke up about it. Although I did have know about the whole light thing almost falling on onew and those confetti sparkler things, those incidents were potentially things that music bank staff had no complete control over. However, taeyeon's in-ear situation couldve been handled and taken care of. I'm disappointed in music bank's treatment of one of the current top girl group's member. But if there is a completely logical reason as to why music bank could not have fixed taeng's situation, I'd like to hear it.

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I got my SNSD first photobook yesterday. I am really amazed because the book is so giantic and thick, the quality of the photos are good. I haven't watched the dvd itself but the book itself is already so worth it for the price. Tempted to get another book. The pictures are very well taken, and in good atmosphere and arrangement, pictures mostly focus on the girls. The styles are quite different from what I expected, thought there would be some scenery scenes of Tokyo but there is hardly, just mostly big close up of the girls and mostly indoor type. Anyway, I still love the photobook. It is a must-owned for all fans.

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Guest jiawern

I will be totally behind Taeyeon, at first i thought maybe she did a little mistake, but after that when i think about it again.

SHe isn't all wrong, I respect her braveness and courage to speak out especially when this is a live broadcast , Any singer would have wanted to give their best performances to the audience...but with the bad environment...who wouldn't be frustrated?!

She might have tried to talk to the producer but maybe they wouldn't listen so she decided to bring it up during the end ! If you were on her shoe, what will you feel? Seriously i can see her not feeling very comfortable during the end of my life would suck without you and kept fixing her earphone...T.T Taengoo

She speak for all the artist ! Not just herself,i think our leader knows the circumstance but still decide to speak it up in order for other artist to have a better performing environment !She speaks in a polite way, doesn't seem like criticizing to though,Her member probably sense that she is upset too....cos they like consoling taeyeon in the end of mubank, anyway I will still support Taeyeon!But when i saw her like extremely upset, I'm heartbroken ..T.T She's the best !

Anyone realize tiffany looks sick too?Hope she's ok

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Guest omonacarolina

I love taeyeon and she's one of my favorite members. For me I'm a little split on the issue not because of what she said, in fact I think it's great that she mentioned it in the thank you speech. It was not like damn you music bank you totally screwed up my performance today but more like I wish you could have done more. So many artists and groups don't get a chance to voice out that change is needed in order to improve so I'm glad taeyeon spoke out. Now the issue that is bothering me was how taeyeon acted during oh!, I was worried because I thought she was sick though she sounded fine in the special stage albeit the crack/off tuned note. During oh! she was really really soft I could barely hear her. However during the thank you speech, she sounded fine again! So I guess she was still wearing the faulty ear piece during oh! which made her really displeased huh? What I'm trying to say is that she could acted better during oh! because I'm sure many other groups had really crappy experiences during performances as well. I'm sure her ear piece was not the first to fail. I guess she wanted to give fans her best after being on hiatus for some time and the bad ear piece didn't help much. It's okay taengoo we understand :)

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Guest shorty_babygurl03

okay........... out of topic maybe...... but uhm seobaby released her ost song today right?? does anyone know hows it doing on chart?? i really love her voice there.... she sings so well....... shes becoming my biased now ever since we got married........ i really hope she performs the song live................ update me/us please.. ^^

congrats to snsd for winning music bank!!!!!!!

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i think it released yesterday

its hard to capture the point when she felt something was wrong... but I tried



i saw that

she looks uncomfortable during that part

yeah sure she suppose to smile during oh

but then again, i cant blame her for being upset during oh, she wanted to give her best but being rejected for couple of time

it's the same feeling when you feel sooooo moody and just cant smile even you're in the mid of a party or smth

didnt sunny being moody for quite sometimes before? either she was sick or just not in good mood

but that's make her human, there are time they feel that way, atleast they try their best to keep on performing

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Guest cantthinkofaname

first off, netizens have no rights to criticize taeyeon, the fact that they're not on that stage themselves.

kbs, have you seen how many accidents they've had compared to inki, mnet, and music core? just last year, many artists got injured just because of the environment that kbs had. kbs should really take taeyeon's words into consideration and change their way of things before an artists gets into a severe injury AND kbs will be responsible for it. taeyeon had any kind of rights, just as much as those netizens do to voice her opinion, who said that an idol had to always keep their mouth shut? i'm glad for what taeyeon did, she did what she thought was right.

on the brighter side, congrats to soshi for winning the half year award on kbs, now time to go watch their performances.

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Guest chen.ming

While I am definitely in support of Taeyeon's view, I can't help but feel that purposely highlighting the problem during the reward speech was a bit unprofessional. And certainly in the Oh! performance where she was noticeably bothered and not trying very hard. I'm in no doubt that whatever Taeyeon was bothered about is justified. But I also wish she would've taken her stand a bit more professionally, like talking it through with the right channels instead of pouting in public. KBS is the one in the wrong here, but I hope in the future, complaints are carried out a bit more professionally. Just my 2 cents

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Guest jiawern

but that's make her human, there are time they feel that way, atleast they try their best to keep on performing

Agree...We love her because of her true self, and will continue supporting her always !

Screw the mubank staff...Oh Taeyeon you are so brave ! Guess she is really upset to have said that on the thank you speech..Taeyeon HIMNAE!

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silis thanks for the info from korean publc/netizen on this matter...

I'll forever be with Taeyeon unnie no matter what...

She's indeed my bias and I hope this didn't effect her concentration on their upcoming Japan debut...

At first I thought she was sick...

I love her braveness... cause she definitely show her determination when it come to her singing performance... :)

Taeyeon unnie Hwaitaeng!!! :D

Sunny's pic that Eunhyuk post in his twitter was so cute... LOL... she and Luna was taking the beverage from Suju's box... LOL... :lol:

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Guest TaeyangHwang

A fail earpiece or singer speaker is the same as a deaf person singer singing.. cause u cannot hear ur tone at all... All ur voice will be direct out to the audience but not u.. So i can understand how Taeyeon feel... You prepare so hard for this performance and in the end its the earpiece who failed u, which u cannot control at all. And the PD did not let them do a rerun... If this happen to my country, the singer can just stop singing and ask the staff to fix the problem before she do another round.

Like what some of them said, maybe Taeyeon is having PMS and i do agree "messing around ladies with PMS is a NONO"... So ya. And we love her because Taeyeon is always showing her true self...

I'm a stalker and this is just my 2cent...

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