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少女時代 Girls' Generation / SNSD (소녀시대) Official Thread [Ver.3] GIRLS 6ENERAT10N | HYO 4th Single "Dessert"


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Guest LittlePinky82

I have watched David Letterman Late Night show for years and I know most of non-English spoken guests (or not fluent in English) who come on the show will have their interviews scripted and outlined.  David usually will go easy on them.   In this case, SNSD most likely will do a performance at the end of the show and then David will come out to chat with them for a few words (if so, Fanny and Jessica (if there) will do the talking).  That will be it.  However if they do have an interview with David,  then likely it will be scripted and outlined so that there will be no embarrassment for either side.  Normally 1st guest or 2nd will not stay around after his/their interview(s), therefore, Bill Murray should not be around when SNSD appears.

Unless something unexpected happens, things should go fine.   As a Kpop supporter and a Wonderful, I have none to hate in Kpop and like many Kpop Artists/groups (girl groups most cuz I am a fanboy).  SNSD is one of them I like.

I guess I will have to wait for uploaded clips of their appearances on the 2 big US tv shows.

Oh I'm glad to hear that with Letterman. Someone mentioned because on the schedule it says (CD, The Boys) under their name that they won't talk. Do you know about that? Last I heard everyone is supposed to be there. It was worked out for Jessica. 

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I'm currently watching Live! with Kelly and just saw the preview for tomorrow and the girls appeared on my TV screen! Lol. I'm definitely not missing this tomorrow morning. Its so crazy that our SNSD girls are going to be on American television. Its so surreal. :)

Oh yea! Definitely not mission David Letterman tonight as well. :)

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Finally I can see them on screen and not live streaming through the computer up super late at night or waiting for re-runs<3333 I can't wait. Unfortunately I won't be able to tune into Kelly Live but I will definitely have it recording while I'm at school. And I can't wait for tonight!!!!!!!

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Well the girls are supposed to be mentors though, so that also includes looking after their well being too right? Kinda the point of the show to improve themselves. I just don't like the idea of having them practice when they're sick since they're not trained to do that and aren't training to do that and didn't sign up to train to do that. So that's my only thing and not keeping words too like their word to have privacy and not give it.  So I don't blame them for being upset about things like that. When you're not used to it I'm sure it's frustrating. 

I've never been in a situation like that so I can't possibly  understand it. They are still young. I'm 29 so they're young. I'm at least a decade older then them. They're still growing and learning. Your brain isn't done growing and learning until your early 20's (sorry I forgot the exact age but it's at least between 20-25). And then along with that they already have bad habits that aren't easy to break. Especially to quit smoking and drinking and go cold turkey with no type of supervision or counseling. I haven't seen the whole show yet but so far I haven't seen them get counseling for their drug addictions. I've had grown adults in my family well in their adult years (50 yrs plus) try to quit smoking and failed. My grandmother when she was in her 60's tried to quit and failed. She's not as bad as she used to be (chain smoker) but she still does it. So why does the show think they can make kids go cold turkey on drugs and be successful? I'm not saying they will or won't but it's just difficult I'm sure. 

As for age of 18 and responsibility that's usually when you do. But it also depends on the individual I'm sure. I don't know anything about these guys and their lives except what is revealed on the show. They all have seemed to have rough childhoods and turned to rebelling to cope with whatever their individual situations were growing up and thus got to their bad habits in some way or another. And these bad habits are quite difficult to break. I myself curse. As an adult I of course know the proper situations in which to do so. But if you told me to not curse for a day it'd be very difficult. If I stubbed my toe or broke something etc I'm sure I'd mutter something under my breath. These habits these guys gained over the yrs aren't easy to break. Does the show really think they can break these type of habits in what two-three months? That's just unrealistic honestly.

It took a long time for them to get these habits and I'm sure it'll take a long time to break them.  I do give them props for wanting to try. Everyone. It takes a lot to say that you're doing something that isn't healthy for yourself and you want to change yourself and your environment. It's not easy to do.  And yes it should be. The fact is THEY AREN'T idols. They didn't sign up to be idols. They're regular kids who the show offered a chance to change their bad habits. Not to dance when they're sick and wanting to faint. They did not sign up for that. The show said they would help with their bad habits. How is dancing when they're sick and about to faint and keeping cold medicine from them supposed to help their bad habits of not being on time, not taking school seriously and their drug addictions? 

I got the original thought of the idea of doing the Street Jam and it was a good idea. But to take it so seriously like they're idols is ridiculous. To deny someone medicine when they're sick. What if they had to go to the hospital? I'm not saying he shouldn't not abide by rules. Society has rules you have to follow every day. What I'm saying is these kids didn't sign up to be idols and shouldn't be treated as such. They signed up, as already said, to help break their bad habits and improve their lives and their individual environments.  

He, and anyone else, should be able to leave the show if it is hurting his well being. The point of the show is to help Yonghyun. Not hurt him more. I know for myself if I signed up for something like that and had to go through the same things I would probably want to leave too. I didn't sign up to be an idol or anything like that. I'd like to have some privacy to myself. I'd like to be able to take care of my health when I'm sick. Just because you're on a tv show doesn't mean you don't deserve to be taken care of with your well being. 

Maybe the show, and others watching in the industry, can learn from it. 

Please note I don't blame GG for it because they aren't producers of the show last time I checked. I did originally think SME was behind the show but now I see they only provided the girls part of it so I understand that.  But as their mentors I wish they had said something in their defense. To let them have medicine and privacy. But you can't change what happened. Just hopefully something was learned from it. Even though Yonghyun left I do hope he had a good experience other wise on the show. Even though I haven't seen all of the show yet all the guys seemed to get along well with each other. From reading the situation with that they seemed to look out for each other and have a bond.  So even though something like that happened maybe it brought them closer together as a group and they made life long friends with each other and the girls. That's a great gift to get. 

*quoted image*

Hi there. You raised some interesting points, just wanna add my 2 cents to the issue. Not trying to argue with you or anything.

Firstly, about Yonghyun being denied medication when sick and forced to dance. Obviously, we didn't see this happen and all we have are Yonghyun's words. So there are two ways to take this. If this is true, then I would say it was a terrible thing for the production team to do, and that Yonghyun had every right to feel wronged. However, from the very start of the series, Yonghyun hasn't been the most honest guy around. He lies and only tells the truth when prodded for it, like when Hyoyeon asked him whether he drank. His answer went from "No -> Maybe I did -> Yes I did" And that wasn't the only instance. He also makes a lot of excuses for himself. And from the dance practice clips, and interview with the dance instructor, Yonghyun frequently says that his legs hurt, or he feels funny. If it happens once or twice, okay. He's not used to dancing. What are the odds that every dance session he feels weird? We don't know the real situation. We only have his words to go by. But the PD team is with them all the time and they know him better. So, WHAT IF he faked feeling sick so he wouldn't have to dance and the PD team saw through this? Then in that case, it was right for them to refuse him medication because giving that to him would mean they admit he's not well, and would have to grant him rest = he escapes dance practice. I'm not saying that I believe he was lying about it, I'm just saying that if there's his side, there's also this side. And I would say that this isn't that far fetched an assumption.

About the show trying to break their habits and changing them in two-three months, yes I agree with you. It's unrealistic. It takes at least 6 months to establish a behavior. Habits die hard. Change doesn't happen overnight. But you've gotta start somewhere. The point of the show (to my understanding) isn't to change the boys within the time frame of the show itself. It is to provide the boys a stepping stone for change. It is to help the boys realize that they can change, that there is a future worth working for, and to provide them the skill sets necessary for them to make that change. Yes, the show it meant to help them, and it does, by providing resources. What they boys have to do is to capitalize on those resources, and what they need is motivation and desire to change. That isn't something that anyone can give them. You can't help people who won't help themselves. If the boys really want to change, they take what they can from the show, and continue even after the show ends. They should want to change for themselves, not because they're on tv, they're being watched.

Whether it is apparent or not, that is exactly what they show is trying to do. They give the boys a break saying they won't film them. What happens? The boys start cussing all over the place. They let Yonghyun go to a party, also told him they won't film. He comes back drunk. So were they just following the rules because they were filmed? So if the camera isn't rolling it's okay to break the rules? Because if the PD team didn't film it and use it against the boys, this might have been the impression that they boys would get. I admit that the use of underhanded tactics such as going against their promise not to film isn't right of the PD team, but their intentions were of the right track. They just went about it the wrong way. It was harsh, but I think that it was necessary to show they boys that the show is serious about helping them by not letting them go even in non-filming conditions. Because if they behave only when they know they're being watched, then every time they aren't, they'd revert back to how they really are. Change needs to happen first with oneself, when no one is watching.

"Especially to quit smoking and drinking and go cold turkey with no type of supervision or counseling. I haven't seen the whole show yet but so far I haven't seen them get counseling for their drug addictions."

If you hadn't seen the whole show yet, you shouldn't make the first statement? With supervision, the PD team is with them all the time. As for counseling, just because viewers didn't see it happen doesn't mean that it didn't. There are psychologists and such on the show. We've seen several of them. But we don't get to see everything that goes on. What we see is really just select scenes that are chosen by the team.

About breaking habits such as smoking and drinking, it's precisely because they are kids (I prefer the term young) that it is possible. It is hard for someone who has been smoking for decades to quit because the body has become so used to nicotine that it is difficult to go without it. But the boys are young, and so the years that they have been smoking would also be much shorter. It doesn't make things easy, but easier. Their bodies would still remember what it was like before they ever started smoking, and it's also easier to re-accept that nicotine-free conditions. Of course what is also needed here is the willpower to stop. If they want to stop, they can stop. It is not easy, minus Sunghwan cause he doesn't smoke anyway, all the other boys had trouble in the beginning. Hoihoon went to the roof to smoke, Kyungyu and Yonghyun smoked in the toilet. But they made noticeable progress throughout the series. They cut down on how many and how often they smoked. During the outing with SNSD, Jisoo and Sunghwan earned it by following the rules for three days straight. Kyungyu and Hoihoon broke the swearing rule, not the smoking one. I think they're really doing quite well.

"The show said they would help with their bad habits. How is dancing when they're sick and about to faint and keeping cold medicine from them supposed to help their bad habits of not being on time, not taking school seriously and their drug addictions?"

I don't see anything about fainting from the original account, but I've had my say about that issue otherwise. But about the second part of the sentence, dancing itself isn't going to fix their bad habits. But the dance and Street Jam is the goal, an activity that they boys are to achieve together through cooperation and through teamwork. On one hand, it is really a bonding tool. On the other hand, these boys all initially felt like they couldn't do it, just like how they feel they couldn't do a lot of things in their life. Can't study, can't wake up, can't control temper, etc, and now they think they can't dance. Which is exactly why they are being taught to dance and are set to compete. The point isn't winning, the point is to go up there and dance and realize that they CAN do it. And if they can do this, they can do the rest. They CAN study, they CAN wake up, they CAN control their temper, they CAN quit smoking, etc.

Sunghwan never had the issues that the others had, he was just lacking self-esteem and was very timid. But going on this show, becoming leader of the boys and receiving praises for his talents, I think it will help develop his confidence. Hoihoon first came into the show having absolutely no goals, but he has them now. He thinks he can't do it, like when he saw the finalized choreography of their dance, he kept saying it was impossible, but he did it. Kyungyu came in with the intention to change himself, but he seemed the toughest at the start. But he didn't give up, and I think he even surprised himself that he kept his temper in check. Jisoo, it's hard to tell cause he never expresses himself. He behaves well, but we don't know what he's thinking. And Yonghyun, he was motivated to change, but lacked the dedication to keep it up. When things got tough, he dropped it and made excuses. I kept hoping that he would change, but it didn't happen.

If he is happier leaving the show, then good for him. He should do what he feels is best for himself. After all if he feels forced in the show, it won't benefit him in the end. I agree with you that if he learned something from the experience, then great. He is seeing a therapist for a year, so I'm glad the show didn't just give up on him. Maybe this 1-on-1 will work better with him? I wish him the best.

Anyway, just my two cents. Sorry for the very long post. Looking forward to the girls in NY :lol:

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Oh I'm glad to hear that with Letterman. Someone mentioned because on the schedule it says (CD, The Boys) under their name that they won't talk. Do you know about that? Last I heard everyone is supposed to be there. It was worked out for Jessica. 

I have watched Late night for more than 20 years and they usually have 1-3 guests on the show each night followed by a live music performance in end of the show.  Sometimes the performer may be one of the guests who will sit down and have an interview with Letterman.  But usually they don't.  The last part of the music performance is more like a promotional platform for the performer to promote their CDs by singing a song.  In this case, we don't know how the arrangement will be but based on their program practice in the past 30 years, they usually do as I have mentioned above.  Whether SNSD will have an interview or not really depends on how they are presented, a guest who will have an interview before or after their performance or simply as a performer who only does the performance at the end.  Either way I truely believe the whole thing will go just fine as pre-arranged and Letterman will go easy on them.  I also believe Fanny and Jessica will do the most talking besides individual member self-introductions.   One possibility is that there could be an interpreter if needed but I doubt it very much.  Cuz it is not the way how American talk shows do.

Thing will go fine and there should not be too much worry and the interview won't be long if there is one.  Personally I think their appearances on major American TV shows is good for Kpop publicity in the US regardless of whether you like SNSD or not.  From a Kpop supporter's point of view, this is definitely a good thing.

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Guest LittlePinky82

Hi there. You raised some interesting points, just wanna add my 2 cents to the issue. Not trying to argue with you or anything.

Firstly, about Yonghyun being denied medication when sick and forced to dance. Obviously, we didn't see this happen and all we have are Yonghyun's words. So there are two ways to take this. If this is true, then I would say it was a terrible thing for the production team to do, and that Yonghyun had every right to feel wronged. However, from the very start of the series, Yonghyun hasn't been the most honest guy around. He lies and only tells the truth when prodded for it, like when Hyoyeon asked him whether he drank. His answer went from "No -> Maybe I did -> Yes I did" And that wasn't the only instance. He also makes a lot of excuses for himself. And from the dance practice clips, and interview with the dance instructor, Yonghyun frequently says that his legs hurt, or he feels funny. If it happens once or twice, okay. He's not used to dancing. What are the odds that every dance session he feels weird? We don't know the real situation. We only have his words to go by. But the PD team is with them all the time and they know him better. So, WHAT IF he faked feeling sick so he wouldn't have to dance and the PD team saw through this? Then in that case, it was right for them to refuse him medication because giving that to him would mean they admit he's not well, and would have to grant him rest = he escapes dance practice. I'm not saying that I believe he was lying about it, I'm just saying that if there's his side, there's also this side. And I would say that this isn't that far fetched an assumption.

We have the other guys words too. It seemed like more than one guy was complaining about things. Like I said before if he was training to be an idol that would be different. But he didn't sign up for that. So they shouldn't have been so strict on him with being sick and let him take care of his health. At least give him medicine anyways. Since I know nothing about them you can only take someone's word until proven other wise. Since we haven't seen anything contradicting what he said you only have that. 

I'm not a dancer. If you're not used to it or athletic it's nothing you can change over night. I'm someone who for the past three yrs now has been getting to be more healthy. It takes time to get used to something and have it a part of your daily routine. He's not a trained dancer. If he was having issues at least let him see a doctor maybe to see if he's both telling the truth and/or having any issues. I know for myself if it was me I couldn't dance. I have issues with my left knee. Something weird happens with it. It's like bones in my knee grind together or something. That's how it feels like anyways. I'm lucky I can enjoy running without it bothering me too much. So I guess I'm more sympathetic since I have physical issues that would keep me from something like that. But I know for myself I try to work my knee more and drink milk and things like that to help my bones.

Even if so like I've said. He's not training to be an idol. Sure you want him to get to the point of respecting someone else, be apart of the community etc but he's not an idol wannabe. If he doesn't want to do dancing meh. I could care less honestly. That's his decision and if he doesn't want to be apart of the group in that respect it's his choice that he has to deal with.  You can't make someone want to be apart of the group or community with what the girls were trying to get them to do. 

About the show trying to break their habits and changing them in two-three months, yes I agree with you. It's unrealistic. It takes at least 6 months to establish a behavior. Habits die hard. Change doesn't happen overnight. But you've gotta start somewhere. The point of the show (to my understanding) isn't to change the boys within the time frame of the show itself. It is to provide the boys a stepping stone for change. It is to help the boys realize that they can change, that there is a future worth working for, and to provide them the skill sets necessary for them to make that change. Yes, the show it meant to help them, and it does, by providing resources. What they boys have to do is to capitalize on those resources, and what they need is motivation and desire to change. That isn't something that anyone can give them. You can't help people who won't help themselves. If the boys really want to change, they take what they can from the show, and continue even after the show ends. They should want to change for themselves, not because they're on tv, they're being watched.

Yep. At least they all admitted they had their issues. Admitting you have an issue is the toughest part and acknowledging it's there and you have faults. It's not an easy thing. The show should have had at least a counsler or something there for them with their addiction issues. To talk with them, to help them have healthier alternatives etc. I'm going through my own change of a bad habit but with unhealthy food. I've been down this route for at least three yrs now. It's still tough every day to change your bad habits.  I still have some and am still lazy with things. This is just with food. I can't imagine how it is with drug addictions. 

Like I've said I haven't seen the whole series yet so I have yet to see them with any resources like with a consular or a doctor to help with their issues. If my adult relatives who have more resources available to them as adults can't do it how can these kids do it? Especially in that time frame. Drug addictions is a life long battle it seems from watching my relatives. It's different for everyone on how they handle it. And if they don't want to change they're not going to. Smoking and drinking is very popular in Korea. It's everywhere. Men get the habit when they're in the military to smoke. Drinking is apart of the daily culture. So that doesn't help them either with wanting to change. I'm sure it's different when you're young like that with dealing with pressure. 

Whether it is apparent or not, that is exactly what they show is trying to do. They give the boys a break saying they won't film them. What happens? The boys start cussing all over the place. They let Yonghyun go to a party, also told him they won't film. He comes back drunk. So were they just following the rules because they were filmed? So if the camera isn't rolling it's okay to break the rules? Because if the PD team didn't film it and use it against the boys, this might have been the impression that they boys would get. I admit that the use of underhanded tactics such as going against their promise not to film isn't right of the PD team, but their intentions were of the right track. They just went about it the wrong way. It was harsh, but I think that it was necessary to show they boys that the show is serious about helping them by not letting them go even in non-filming conditions. Because if they behave only when they know they're being watched, then every time they aren't, they'd revert back to how they really are. Change needs to happen first with oneself, when no one is watching.

And if they do that's their decision to curse. It's supposed to be about THEIR lives. You should still give someone privacy. Have you ever been put in a situation where you're watched 24/7? I thankfully never have but I can't imagine what it's like. I'm someone who likes my privacy. I like to be alone sometimes. I get annoyed with being around people all the time and if I'm really annoyed with people I become rude and a jerk because I'm so annoyed. And if you're an adult you should show an example to the youth on keeping promises and showing respect.  If the show is wanting to show them good habits with society how is lying to them and not treating them with respect as individuals showing them a positive example? It's really quite hypocritical.  How are these guys supposed to trust adults and show respect etc if the adults in return are just going to behave badly themselves? Quite pathetic. 

"Especially to quit smoking and drinking and go cold turkey with no type of supervision or counseling. I haven't seen the whole show yet but so far I haven't seen them get counseling for their drug addictions."

If you hadn't seen the whole show yet, you shouldn't make the first statement? With supervision, the PD team is with them all the time. As for counseling, just because viewers didn't see it happen doesn't mean that it didn't. There are psychologists and such on the show. We've seen several of them. But we don't get to see everything that goes on. What we see is really just select scenes that are chosen by the team.

I can still have an opinion about something going on what was said.  Just being with someone all the time doesn't mean anything. If you're just standing there so what? What does that mean? Just filming them and not saying anything? Whoopie. You're standing there. Good job. So?  And just because viewers didn't see it happen doesn't mean it did either. And so if it's just select scene's of the show who is anyone to judge what the full picture is with the guys? In reality we're only being shown what the show wants us to see. I don't think the guys had any say over the production and what gets aired. GG probably didn't have a say either of what they wanted to show. So none of us really know the whole picture unless someone tells us.

About breaking habits such as smoking and drinking, it's precisely because they are kids (I prefer the term young) that it is possible. It is hard for someone who has been smoking for decades to quit because the body has become so used to nicotine that it is difficult to go without it. But the boys are young, and so the years that they have been smoking would also be much shorter. It doesn't make things easy, but easier. Their bodies would still remember what it was like before they ever started smoking, and it's also easier to re-accept that nicotine-free conditions. Of course what is also needed here is the willpower to stop. If they want to stop, they can stop. It is not easy, minus Sunghwan cause he doesn't smoke anyway, all the other boys had trouble in the beginning. Hoihoon went to the roof to smoke, Kyungyu and Yonghyun smoked in the toilet. But they made noticeable progress throughout the series. They cut down on how many and how often they smoked. During the outing with SNSD, Jisoo and Sunghwan earned it by following the rules for three days straight. Kyungyu and Hoihoon broke the swearing rule, not the smoking one. I think they're really doing quite well.

Age doesn't matter. Only thing that might matter with age is your brain growth development. Your brain isn't done growing until your early to mid 20's. There's is still growing. So how is that an advantage to quitting an addiction? I'm 29 so my brain has been fully developed for a while now and I can't quit my addiction of certain foods. I've been doing my journey with that for three yrs now. I'm a lot better about things than I was back then but it's still there.  It's still a fight your brain has with your body every day your awake.  Your brain has to get used to a different way of thinking. How to handle your cravings with things. If it's this tough with food and eating healthy I can't possible imagine how tough it is with cigs and alcohol. 

My grandmother used to be a chain smoker. She's tried for several yrs to quit. Hasn't made it yet. She's not as bad as she used to be but she still smokes quite a good bit. Everyone's bodies and minds react differently. Just because one person can do this or that doesn't mean someone else can do it too. Everyone has to figure out their own path with it. Like with my whole thing with food it's taken me time to get to where I am now with understanding and working my brain and body together. Learning to work the two together to be healthier. Expecting such a dramatic change like that is just too unrealistic. I tried it in the past with food. I tried going cold turkey on soda and sweets. After a short period (like maybe a week or two) my body and brain would just want it and I'd crave it and eventually gave in and binged eat. It was just too tough on me and that route didn't work for me. But I did research and saw what other people did and learned from others about things like that and now I am at a point where I am a lot more successful in that. So change takes time in dealing with things with your body. 

With cursing and things like that that's a little more manageable. I'm sure if I wanted to I could stop cursing myself totally. It'd take some will power and all that but it's not too unrealistic. I'm sure if I wanted to I could in 2-3 months not utter a curse word even if I stubbed my toe. I find it quite interesting which rule they broke. Shrug. But I'm glad if each of the guys are getting to where they want with their lives. In the end that's what it's all about. What they want and where they want to go. A lot of them have dreams of something and it'd be nice to see them successful to getting there and just being happy with who they are as individual's. 

"The show said they would help with their bad habits. How is dancing when they're sick and about to faint and keeping cold medicine from them supposed to help their bad habits of not being on time, not taking school seriously and their drug addictions?"

I don't see anything about fainting from the original account, but I've had my say about that issue otherwise. But about the second part of the sentence, dancing itself isn't going to fix their bad habits. But the dance and Street Jam is the goal, an activity that they boys are to achieve together through cooperation and through teamwork. On one hand, it is really a bonding tool. On the other hand, these boys all initially felt like they couldn't do it, just like how they feel they couldn't do a lot of things in their life. Can't study, can't wake up, can't control temper, etc, and now they think they can't dance. Which is exactly why they are being taught to dance and are set to compete. The point isn't winning, the point is to go up there and dance and realize that they CAN do it. And if they can do this, they can do the rest. They CAN study, they CAN wake up, they CAN control their temper, they CAN quit smoking, etc.

Some people just can't dance to save their life. I'm the same way. I'm a very clumsy person. All the training in the world with the best coach in the world I don't think can save me. I still run into things when walking. So I can understand that.  In the end it's not about the dancing and being good at something. At least they tried. They showed an interest. So perhaps in the future they'd show an interest in studying or whatever else comes their way. I understand how it feels to not be good at anything. I've never been good at studying or really anything either. I've always had to work extra hard and even then it wasn't that great. It really hurts your feelings when you see others successful and you do your best (or even harder than that) and still aren't good enough. So, I can understand that. I finally found something that I enjoy and am good at with my current major. I'm sure they'll all find something too. Something they can really enjoy and be passionate about and that will change them like my major has changed me. It's gotten me to really love to study and to want to do my best in everything  with my life even outside of my studies. I'm sure they'll get there too. They're still young and learning and growing. 

Sunghwan never had the issues that the others had, he was just lacking self-esteem and was very timid. But going on this show, becoming leader of the boys and receiving praises for his talents, I think it will help develop his confidence. Hoihoon first came into the show having absolutely no goals, but he has them now. He thinks he can't do it, like when he saw the finalized choreography of their dance, he kept saying it was impossible, but he did it. Kyungyu came in with the intention to change himself, but he seemed the toughest at the start. But he didn't give up, and I think he even surprised himself that he kept his temper in check. Jisoo, it's hard to tell cause he never expresses himself. He behaves well, but we don't know what he's thinking. And Yonghyun, he was motivated to change, but lacked the dedication to keep it up. When things got tough, he dropped it and made excuses. I kept hoping that he would change, but it didn't happen.

I understand having lack of self-esteem. It's a tough thing just as bad as the other bad habits. It can really do you harm as an individual without saying too much with myself. I'm just not comfortable with saying all that but it's a bad issue to have. I'm glad he was able to improve that. Having a positive confidence is a great gift to have in life. With Yonghyun only he knows his individual situation. I can relate to him on things. So I try not to judge him too much. I'm not anyone to judge him or any of the other guys. I'm 29 and in the past few yrs have changed my bad habits whether it's with unhealthy ways with eating or with my self-esteem issues. So, I can relate I think to them in a lot of ways. I see a lot of myself. I don't smoke or drink ( I couldn't even if I wanted to for health reason's)  but I have my own addictions to deal with. I don't know what the future holds for any of them. But I hope it goes fine and they just have people around who support them. Everyone needs that. 

If he is happier leaving the show, then good for him. He should do what he feels is best for himself. After all if he feels forced in the show, it won't benefit him in the end. I agree with you that if he learned something from the experience, then great. He is seeing a therapist for a year, so I'm glad the show didn't just give up on him. Maybe this 1-on-1 will work better with him? I wish him the best.

Anyway, just my two cents. Sorry for the very long post. Looking forward to the girls in NY  :lol:

But with him leaving the show yeah. If it wasn't helping him and he was just stuck in a position and he felt it was best to leave than that's his decision. And if it was causing issues with the others and the girls too. But yeah being forced into a situation doesn't do you any good or anyone around. I know for myself I used to hate when my parents forced me to do this or that. It made me not want to do it lol. I'm glad he was able to leave and wasn't forced to stay. It might have done him more damage psychologically or something. So maybe being on the show wasn't the best thing for him. I hope he has a good future. It takes time for people to admit their faults and change their ways with certain things. I'm glad he's getting help with a therapist. That shows he does care about his future and himself and wanting to improve his bad habits. Maybe the show type of environment just wasn't a good idea for him personally. I'm really happy to hear that and the show hooked him up and didn't just abandon him. 

Maybe him being on the show though was a good opportunity anyways. Making friends with guys similar situations who you can talk to and getting the therapist. :)  I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the series. I've been enjoying it a lot. Oh and I didn't think anyone was arguing. Just everyone talking about it and stuff. Something in the spoiler-

It's still weird to not be in "battle ready!" mode all the time lol. Even discussions like this it's very nice.

And yes so excited to see the girls on Letterman tonight!!!! I'm def gonna watch it live. I think Kelly's show comes on too early for me. :( 

Thing will go fine and there should not be too much worry and the interview won't be long if there is one.  Personally I think their appearances on major American TV shows is good for Kpop publicity in the US regardless of whether you like SNSD or not.  From a Kpop supporter's point of view, this is definitely a good thing.

So true! I'm the same way. I'm always happy to see anything with Kpop outside of Asia. It just makes me happy as a fan girl for the bigger picture of Kpop. I think things should go fine. Someone mentioned how on the schedule it says (Cd, The Boys) under their name and that means they won't talk? Shrug. Even if so I'm glad to see that Letterman and his staff will be prepared and be cool with the girls. So not going to worry anymore and just enjoy myself. :-D 

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Guest imcutek

I am sooooo excited for Letterman and Live with Kelly :)

Info has been released regarding the fan signing. The first 300 people to buy a cd starting at 8:00 am Thrusday morning will receive a wristband for the fan sign event. After the 300 are gone, no more will be given out. Line up for the fan signing starts no earlier than 5pm. I got all my info from the Best Buy union square facebook.


I keep seeing pictures of the girls meeting fans in NY, it makes me want to cry. Some day I will meet snsd!!!

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Guest LittlePinky82

lol Tiffany was on the Tiffany Network (CBS is referred to as the Tiffany Network)

Really? Never knew that. Ha. Kinda funny. I love seeing the pic of them on the show even if it is a bit blurry. Just a few more hrs! I love how Regis and Murray are enjoying and cheering too. Both of them are usually pretty cool. I wish time would hurry up. But I got studying to do that will help with that lol.  Love seeing the bus outside the studio! 

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Guest HyperionZ

Fanaccount of Late Show with Dave Letterman

Super detailed fan account...

I can't believe I just saw the girls in person on the Late Show stage! 

11am was the designated time to start calling for standby tickets. I  called at 10:55 and got a recording to call again at 11. By 11, the line  was busy, and I called 87 times before finally getting through. The  Late Show lady who answered was talking crazy fast to get through the  call, and I was shaking because it was 20 mins after 11. I didn't think I  would get through, I didn't think I was early enough to get in to the  show, and I didn't think I'd be able to answer the trivia question. (The  Late Show asks a trivia question about the show to decide who gets  tickets.)  Then she asked me: "Paul Shaffer is our bandleader. What is  he famous for wearing?" Miraculously, I knew the answer!  "...Sunglasses?" I answered. "congratulations, you're number 6 on the  list."

I haven't watched the show in at least 10 years - it was sheer luck I  got asked something I happened to know. Someone later told me that they  got it wrong and were put around 25th on the list, but that they  would've been 5th of they'd had the right answer.

They said to be there at 3:30 on the dot and that's exactly when they  started asking us to line up in number order, and for our IDs. 

The 3 people in front of me didnt show up, so I ended up being 3rd in  line for standby, woo! I was so nervous up until this point, because I  had no idea what to expect. In the end, at least like 30+ of the standby  line got in.

Because I was by myself, I got a pretty good single seat on an aisle,  like around 10th row. The view was so perfect because it's like stadium  seating in there.

We were told to laugh like crazy and be energetic as an audience, so I  tried my best. The show was pretty funny, they did the whole super bowl  bit with Bill Murray, and while Bill & Dave & Regis were coming  back inside, they started setting up for the girls. The stage was so  small! They wheeled in drums and a DJ table, so I knew what was coming. I  kept waiting and waiting to see the girls while Regis and Bill were  goofing around onstage.

By the time the girls came out, everything was settled and the Late Show  band was playing through a commercial break. Yuri and Seohyun started  high-fiving the musicians behind them, so cute! The girls were all able  to goof around for a minute and get comfortable onstage, they did  hands-in 시작해! Then as the break was ending they got into their poses.

The stage area was so cramped that poor Sunny was stuck in the shot  behind Bill & Regis. It was a little awkward, I hope it doesn't look  too weird on TV.

The girls' performance was seriously so amazing. The drums added a lot  to the music and the singing & sound system sounded awesome. Then  the dance break started and my jaw dropped, I couldn't suppress an "oh  my god" out loud because it was just that amazing. By mid-song I was  like trying not to cry, feeling so proud of how well they were  performing and just overwhelmed with happiness at what I was witnessing  and how lucky a fan I was at that moment. Our girls did so so well for  their first network TV appearance, all fears I had about it just melted  away and pure happiness took its place. In the end I was able to keep it  together, but just barely haha. Good thing too because the people next  to me probably already thought I was crazy for singing along.

Once the performance was over I heard some people near me going like  "wow" because they'd had no idea what to expect and the performance was  so sexy lol. We were told before the show not to do cat call type  cheering, but once the girls were done, I couldn't hold it in haha. So  if you hear just like one girl going "woooo" that was me hahahah.

After the performance, Dave concluded the show, and Tiffany was laughing  at Dave's concluding joke, though i think the cameras had already cut  away to a replay of the outdoor bit. I saw Jessica and Tiffany bowing to  Regis and Bill and several of the crew. it was cute to see the girls  with Regis, hehe. 

Sadly, the audience started shuffling out while some of the girls were  still out onstage. I was still pretty overcome with excitement, enough  adrenaline to fuel the whole rest of the night sightseeing in NYC. Thank  you, Late Show with David Letterman, for an amazing memory!                                                

cr: Sarahbot

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Guest LittlePinky82

Love the fan account. Now it puts my worries behind and I can just enjoy the show when it starts. About an hour to go! I hope the girls had fun. Seems like they did. Kinda sucks the stage was too small but it's unusual to have nine people on stage at once on these shows haha. Usually it's a band or singer with a band. Too bad no fan chants. That would be cool to have and it'll be weird without it lol. It's still kinda weird hearing the song in English. 

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I was right that the girls only did the performance at the end of Late Night show.  I will have to wait for uploaded clips of the performance on YouTube.  By reading the fan account, they seemed to have done the performance well.   Even though Late Night show is probably not the right show for SNSD or Kpop but the show has its reputation and should do good for Kpop publicity in the US.  

I think when they appears on Live! with Kelly show,  they may have an interview or at least a chat with Kelly.   After all the show is quite different from Late Night show and it may not be surprising if they do get an interview.  If so, Fanny and Jess should do the most talking and once again things will go fine.  I will wait for uploaded clips on YouTube.

Even I am not SONE but I am still happy to see the girls on the 2 big American TV shows. It is still a long long long way for Kpop in the US, but no one should complain if you try to do your best.   Sometimes success or failure is often beyond being talented but something more complicated we all know what.

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Guest fuzzylove<3

Omg i thought the Bill Murray bit would never end (dont get me wrong, I love Bill Murray, but Ive been waiting all day to see my girls! lol)

So excited!!! About to see SNSD on American television on one of the most iconic US TV shows of all time!

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Guest SNSD4evah

Agree with ^^ omg but dance breaaaak! But they performed with a fast track man anyway I'm spazzing watching them on my tv. Yeongwonhi SNSD 

gotta go to bed its almost 1 

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