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[Upcoming Drama 201?] Love Song 러브송 aka Tian Mi Mi 첨밀밀

Guest o-cha

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Guest yuzupeach21


So happy for the good news of this drama! I really hope it can continue even though it will be delayed for awhile...maybe it's for the better too...so Verdi Media can take more time to really, carefully, choose the lead actor!

I'll be more than happy to see Eric as the lead actor, although I don't really think he's fit for In Suh role (If Yong Ha oppa type is who Verdi sees as In Suh... ^_^)

But wait a minute....if my memory serves me correctly....Eric is supposed to be released from the military on February next year....

If I'm not mistaken, the military service begins on the person's birthday and ends on the same day 2 years later.... :P

Well, maybe I'm wrong.....

Anyway, whoever he is, I hope he's the best choice :)

I really hope this drama can be a great success... for Yong Ha oppa too :tears:

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Guest 50julieng

O-CHA@ I think Hyun Bin will might replaces Jang Hyuk for  Secret Garden! JH is a good actor and kiss well, of course he practiced alot  with his wife..hhaha.. But I think KJK will be jealous with YEH and his best friend...I want to see this happen! 

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So happy for the good news of this drama! I really hope it can continue even though it will be delayed for awhile...maybe it's for the better too...so Verdi Media can take more time to really, carefully, choose the lead actor!

I'll be more than happy to see Eric as the lead actor, although I don't really think he's fit for In Suh role (If Yong Ha oppa type is who Verdi sees as In Suh... ^_^)

But wait a minute....if my memory serves me correctly....Eric is supposed to be released from the military on February next year....

If I'm not mistaken, the military service begins on the person's birthday and ends on the same day 2 years later.... :P

Well, maybe I'm wrong.....

Anyway, whoever he is, I hope he's the best choice :)

I really hope this drama can be a great success... for Yong Ha oppa too :tears:

Eric will be released on Oct 22.. it would be awesome if he acted in this drama.. remember xman days.. plus YEH supposed to act with him in QSS but her company chose coffee prince.. so yaah I hope to see them 2gether LOOOL

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Prissymom@ Check out LDW in La Dolce Vita(Bittersweet Life) very dark side drama..He kissed/slept with married woman...interesting drama for me!

I know RSY and Eric can play Kangta II ..but In SuH type is hard to find! Verdi people don't want Hallyu Star anymore...???

Of course, La Dolce VIta! How could I have forgotten to include La Dolce Vita as part of LDW's projects? Maybe because his role in this drama is such a departure from his usual roles? I have seen a few eps of LDV, dark and very interesting, but for the life of me I can't seem to finish it :huh: . I am pretty sure if LDV was a book, I would have finished it in no time, it is that interesting. But the drama sends me to dreamland even before an episode ends, idky. I do intend to finish watching it one of these days because I want to find out how/why his character ended up the way he did.... thanks for the reminder, 50julieng!

I haven't seen Eric in anything so I have no opinion about his acting and kissing skills (this particular requirement for the In-suh role really makes me :lol: everytime)..

RSY, I think, yeah, he's a good fit for Kang-il. I watched him in Story of a Bright Girl (with Jang Hyuk and Jang Nara), and of course in "First Love" (with my Jo Hyun Jae! :D ). He was a great bad guy in Bright Girl; everytime he appears onscreen I find myself gnashing my teeth in anger :wacko: ...

o-cha, I have a soft spot for Jang Hyuk ever since Dae Mang. His oncsreen camaraderie with my Jo Hyun Jae in that drama was such a pleasure to watch! I believe that an actor's marital status should have no bearing on his fitness for a role. That said, I believe that Jang Hyuk could take on any role; he would make a great In-suh.

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Guest 50julieng


I haven't seen Eric in anything so I have no opinion about his acting and kissing skills (this particular requirement for the In-suh role really makes me :lol: everytime)..


You should watch Que Sera Sera with Eric, He was HOT!!! YEH missed this boat..hahha. Just hope Eric will be in LS or movie with YEH..

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Guest bless_u

i gotta say is...

1.WOn Bin






If its too hard,..give...

6. KIM JONG KOOK a chance! His sexy body will melt our dream.

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Guest MariYEH

I just hope whoever gets picked isn't somone who's already married and has a kid.

It would totally ruin it for me. I want someone single and ready to mingle. :lol:

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Wow, all the great news! I'm so darn happy, and even more excited that we can start narrowing down the lead male. I'm not sure what they mean by "most likely"-- but to me, that sounds more definite than anything else right now. :D ERIC!!! Since i'm a Shinhwa fan, i've been waiting for his return. I haven't seen Tian Mi Mi, so i can't say much about him fitting the role. But WOW, i always thought Eric and YEH looked so good together during their days together in variety shows. It's a given that they would have a lot of chemistry together.

prissymom, Eric is a total WOAH when it comes to kiss scenes. Everyone else seems to agree. :P

Even if it's not who i'm suspecting, i'm happy this production is still a go!

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Guest arathegreat


I'm also anxious as to how VM will decide to choose the male lead for this series.

This has to be the best since the original was really great.

It is really hard to decide who will fit for In Suh and for our Yoon Eun Hye as well.

I think being a Hallyu star should be turned down now as a qualification.

As long as that "man" is capable and great enough for YEH, it will surely hit.

Can't wait for YEH to see her again on the small screen. :)

I'm one of her fans here in the Philippines. Just a newbie here in this thread.

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Guest mandalaywith


Today koren news come.

Jo Hyun Jae may be Casting in Drama " LoveSong " Main Actor.??

2th Main Aator is Shinhwa Eric may be casting.??

News here

에릭·조현재, 드라마 ‘러브 송’ 故박용하 공백 메운다

일간스포츠 | 이동현 | 입력 2010.10.04 09:30

[JES 이동현]

한류 스타 에릭과 조현재가 지난 6월 세상을 떠난 박용하를 대신해 드라마 '러브 송'(극본 오수연, 연출 지영수)의 주인공으로 나선다. 에릭은 현재 공익근무요원 복무 중으로 22일 소집해제된다. 조현재는 지난 6월 현역 복무를 마치고 전역했다. 두 사람 모두 병역 의무를 마친 뒤 컴백작으로 '러브 송'을 택했다.


에릭과 조현재는 최근 '러브 송' 제작진과 출연에 대한 기본적인 협의를 마쳤다. 제작사 베르디미디어는 기존 여주인공으로 확정된 윤은혜와 에릭·조현재를 앞세워 방송사와 편성 논의를 시작했다. 당초 '러브 송'은 KBS에 편성된 상태였지만, 박용하의 갑작스러운 죽음으로 편성 및 제작이 보류됐다. 에릭과 조현재의 합류로 제작이 급물살을 탈 전망이다.

베르디미디어 관계자는 "에릭과 조현재 모두 한류 스타로 입지를 다진 만큼 박용하의 빈자리를 메우기 충분할 것으로 기대된다"며 "편성이 정해지고 에릭이 소집해제되는 대로 촬영에 들어갈 수 있을 것으로 보고 있다"고 전했다. 에릭의 소속사 탑클래스엔터테인먼트의 최병민 이사는 "계약은 하지 않았지만 순조로운 편성을 위해 출연에 동의했다. 편성이 확정되면 구체적인 출연 논의를 진행할 계획"이라고 말했다. 편성이 정해진 뒤 출연을 확정하겠다는 조심스러운 태도다.

'러브 송'은 90년대 후반 인기를 모은 홍콩 영화 '첨밀밀'을 드라마화 하는 작품이다. 한류 스타 박용하·윤은혜의 캐스팅으로 일본·중국 등 아시아 11개국에 선판매되는 등 국내·외에서 뜨거운 관심을 모았다. 박용하의 죽음으로 제작이 중단돼 한류에 부정적인 영향이 우려됐지만, 에릭과 조현재의 합류로 말끔히 불식시킬 것으로 기대되고 있다.

이동현 기자 [kulkuri7@joongang.co.kr]

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Guest PhoenixAngel

pls pls let it be eric??? i love seeing them back in the days of the old x-man and this will be so great....it times for eric to see eun hye for the woman she is XD

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Thanks mandalaywith! It'll be really awesome if BOTH guys can join Love Song!:lol:

But I just read on DC MBC that Eric's representative just clarified that they've humbly refused the offer to be in Love Song. :( His rep is saying that he's getting a lot of offers but he will make his return soon (maybe in a different project?)

I think Jo Hyun Jae is still thinking about doing Love Song though....

Edit: This is the article about Eric rejecting being in Love Song


에릭 측은 4일 머니투데이 스타뉴스에 "'러브송' 출연은 이미 고사한 상태다"고 밝혔다.

Eric's representative talked with Monitor Today star News on the 4th saying "We've humbly refused his participation in 'Love Song'."

관계자는 "출연제의를 받은 것은 사실이지만 캐릭터 등의 이유로 출연을 고사했다"면서 "소집해제를 앞두고 여러 편의 작품에서 러브콜을 받고 있는 상황이며, 조만간 복귀작을 결정할 예정이다"고 말했다.

The rep said "It is true that he has received the offer to participate but because of the character and other reasons we've refused to participate." "He is in a situation where he's been receiving many offers ahead of his military release. He plans on making his comeback soon."

조현재 측은 '러브송' 출연에 대해 유보적인 입장이다.

Jo Hyuk Jae is still in position of resering participation in 'Love Song'

조현재 소속사 스타앤히트 이상훈 대표는 "출연제의를 받은 것은 사실이지만 출연을 확정하지 않았다"면서 "여러 편의 작품을 보고 있는 상태이기 때문에 '러브송' 출연에 대해 무어라 말할 수 있는 상황이 아니다"고 설명했다.

Lee Sang Hoon from Jo Hyun Jae's company said "It is true that he's received the offer to participate but it's not confirmed yet." "We can't say for certain his participation in 'Love Song' because there are other projects."

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Yeaaah it's been a while since I've talked with you mandalaywith! hehehehe

Anywhoooo...though Eric is out...sighhhh...

BUT Jo Hyun Jae hasn't rejected Love Song. I can definitely see him as In Suh. Let's hope JHJ decides that he wants to do Love Song.

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