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(tr) keep in mind that i love you [CLOSED]


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posters only (REVAMPED!)



So, I'm back. Yeah. I miss having my own TR so yeah xD and for those who don't know me, hi! I'm Lynn & I'm 13 ;D nice to meet you! ;D I'm only taking poster request (:  


-Introduce yourself! Its not mandatory but I love meeting new people! Maybe I'll meet more DBSK fans xD

-Taking only poster requests. I suck at cc's forsuree so yeah . Haha and I don't make that many cc's lol.

-HQ pics. Especially with stocks. Sorry. But I'll simply reject your request if the pics are not HQ. and provide at least 3 or more pics.

-I'm pretty good at any kind of posters but I like blending more than cropping (:  

-People who request from me more than two times will be VIP!

-So.. Lets just say, my stupid teachers are giving me huge projects right now so I may be busy and might not touch the computer for the whole day so please be patient with your request. I need to get good grades ya know?  

-I ♥ DBSK so if your poster has DBSK in it, it'll be automatic VIP as well & same goes for BoA, Zhang Li Yin (coughcoughSuYincoughcough), & 2PM ;D

-Put "W" at the end of your request so I know you read the rules ;D

-I'll simply reject your request if any of the rules are broken.

-Finally, have fun!



[font="Franklin Gothic Medium"][color="#4B0082"]Poster[/color]<BR>Title:<BR>Subtitle: (optional)<BR>Author:<BR>Pics: <BR>Mood:<BR>Summary of story: (optional)<BR>Any other details?: (anything else you want me to add?)[/font]


� DoctorEgghead

� AngelEyes_REBORN

� m_girl07

� ChoiJinChan





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hahaha omg, lynn, another TR, keke, and i thought you were going green. XD but i see it's purple now. lol

anyways, sexy graphics i see and i LOLed at the "oh my god sun" one. XD

anyways, good luck with this TR thread, hope you get lots of requests, meet lots of dbsk fan! one right here.

fave mem is changmin, kekek.

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Guest pepurrmint


Another TR Lynn? =))


Purple line. ;OO

LOL, when I saw your header title.

I was like, AHH TOO BRIGHT. XD


Good luck also with this TR. ;D

A-haa. ;33

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r e p l i e s :

stephie<3:haha congrats on first (:

miss_vicky:haha Hi vicky! xD haha i decided to stop going green. xD idk why though lmfao . um. there not that sexy xD ahah I love the Oh My God Sun one! xD that took me like two days to finish cause the magnetic lasso tool was being a bumm xP sigh. i don't know. no one seems to be requesting. :\ hehe. Changmin <3 I love him *(: haha

pepurrmint:Yes another TR Ara xD ahaha. is it that bright? lololol. doesn't seem bright to me lmfao xD

ahah. thanks if... i get any requests D: lol

This TR is like DEAD D: Should I take CC requests as well? O_O but anyway, keep requesting ! ;D

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Guest DoctorEgghead


Title: Lithium

Subtitle: Drown my will to fly


sohee: x x x x x x

nichkun: x x x

Mood: melancholy, fantasy, angst, romance, blood

Summary of story: not available yet, my apologies.

Any other details?: purple.

hello dear, you can call me ronnie ;-d yes i am a female. lols. i love your examples they're amazing.

lets talk and be pals shall we? by the way 2PM is my bias too;). oh and i'll be back to request again & soon;d lols!


i felt horrible and bad that i didn't leave a longer comment so here i am :-), oh and i wonder why you didn't recieve any requests considering that your examples are so pretty and beautiful, but not as beautiful as you;). lols lols lols, anywho i shall and will be stalking because i wanna see some more beautiful posters. so im guessing you love yoochun? lols my favorite dbsk member is the one and only JUNG YUNHO :-D! yes im in love with the leader and more than willing to have his babies HAHA, but what am i saying im only thirteen:-d. aigoo im running out of things to say D:, so i'll leave it at that hun. hopefully we can become close friends on soompi :-).

ny8mye.gif yoobins being silly to cheer you up x/3.

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pick ups & replies!

DoctorEggHead: Nice to meet you Ronnie! aw! its okay xD haha. if its a short comment, I don't really care xD haha. hehe .well they're not really that pretty xD and aw! thank you <3 haha stalking is appreaciated, and yes. I LOVE YOOCHUN <3 we're married.. tehee xD aha. The manly leader <333 I love him too ;D but not as much as yoochun xD haha. LOL. omg.I would love to have babies with ANY of them O_O lololol. xD nah. I bet the fans would kill me if i did D: lmfao xD teehee! seems like we're friends already xD aha. anyway, I finished your poster (: i got bored after dinner so i was like, PS TIME! so yeah. I made your poster:


sorry if its not what you had in mind. but please credit if used ;D

and I'll be stopping by your story, cause my second husband is in it, khunnnie<3333

and omggg! YOOBIN <3 I LOVE HER! xD she's so cute in that gif! ^____^ definitely made my day xD

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Guest stephie<3

wow. im claiming first again (: and woahhh nice posterr. your skills are getting more amazing by the day XD

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Guest cursedoll

lovely posters!

ohh. i'll be stalking. (: i like the newest poster.

simple yet it's good. btw, i'm chelsea.

and i claim second spot. (: (:

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Guest DoctorEgghead

thank you hun <3`. the poster's lovely and i adore it! especially since it looks simple,i dont know why but i've l've always had a weird fetish for simple;-d. lols ill be back to see more results~! its getting hard to write on a phone xD.

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r e p l i e s

stephie<3: haha congrats on claiming first....again. xD and thank you! haha your skills are getting good as well! ;D

cursedoll:aha. nice too meet you Chelsea! I'm Lynn.. ;D and congrats on becoming my new stalker & claiming second spot(:

DoctorEggHead:Hehe. No problem dear! ;D haha. I love simple things. I can't stand anything that's too busy or something. it just BOTHERS me so much D: lololol you were typing this on a phone? xD haha my phone sucks. I can't go on the internet cause my dad is just lame like that D: and yeahhh lololol

sigh. depressing day :\ teachers dog died and i loved his dog <3 R.I.P. Zoe. You'll be missed ♥

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Guest AngelEyes_REBORN

Hi!! My name is Jennifer but my friends call me Jen. I am a fan of DBSK along with many other great Korean groups too!! I want to say that your posters are ally pretty. They are truly amazing... some are simple yet they are all so beautiful!!! I want to put in a request for a poster. It might look like it will be a cc but it isn't. I just included the group of big bang so you have more to work with. I would like JunSu to be in it if you have room. Thanks!!


Title: His Dad is Who?

Subtitle: (optional) What did I get Myself into

Author: AngelEyes_REBORN


Anya: [1] [2]

Danny (the best friend) [1] [2]

Big Bang: [1] [2]

JunSu: [1] [2]

TaeYang: [1]

Mood: Whatever you feel is best... nothing overly happy or overly dark either.

Summary of story: (optional) The story is basically about a woman that ends up raising another girls child. The childs father is a korean celeb. To sum it up in a few words.

Any other details?: (anything else you want me to add?) PURPLE!!!


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miss_vicky:haha Hi vicky! xD haha i decided to stop going green. xD idk why though lmfao . um. there not that sexy xD ahah I love the Oh My God Sun one! xD that took me like two days to finish cause the magnetic lasso tool was being a bumm xP sigh. i don't know. no one seems to be requesting. :\ hehe. Changmin <3 I love him *(: haha

heheh hello. C: and ahh i see, lol not sexy eh. lol. hehe really, well it came out beautifully. C: changmin is such a cutie... and i'll request from... you.... later... anyways, i love the lithium poster so... so beautiful and dark, suspense and all that jazz. totally love it.

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Guest je'taime!

hello thar. i just want to make new friends, im krizza and you ? wohohoh. anyways, i love your examples :P , and btw, does flickr have bandwidth exceed? :/ because photobucket have eh, and it sucks XD. anyways, friends?

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Guest stephie<3

omgggggggg noooo i didnt claim first this time. darn. lololol. thankyou and no problem. and you think so ? im still wondering why my thread died again...hm...lololol. oh wells.

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AngelEyes_REBORN:  Hi Jen! nice to meet you! ^___^ Sorry for making you wait for your poster. I was really busy with schoolwork & I had honor society too. So here is your poster:


Um. I need to say this.. but you kinda broke one of the rules when you requested. you needed to at least provide me with 3 pics but its okay. xD i hope you like? (:

miss_vicky: haha yeah. its not sexy xD haha. thanks ;D and yes. Changmin is a hottt cutie (: lololol. okay. haha i'll be waiting for your request then! and thank you!

je'taime!: hiii krizza! i'm lynn ! ;D nice to meet you! thanks. haha. um. i'm not really sure. lol. i just started using flickr. but i don't think it has bandwidth exceeds. unlike photobucket. which pisses me off ALL THE TIME D: lol. and of course we can be friends! ;D btw, wasn't your username like, wisteria? o_o cause it was that when i checked yesterday xD

stephie<3: lololol its okay steph. its not the end of the world xDDDD haha. jkjk lololol. do you want me to go bump it for you? and ugh. our collab tr is like DEADDDD D:

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Guest AngelEyes_REBORN

Oh... I'm so sorry for not providing three pics. I will remember next time!!

Thank you very much for the poster it is very lovely!!! The wait was no big deal... I completely understand.

Thank you very much for the poster again!! I can't wait to be able to use it!


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Guest stephie<3

oppsssieee lynnieeee i totally forgot ! lolol. i should never save spots cause i always forget :\ and yess lynn it is the end of the world if i dont claim my first spot ! nahh my tr. already got bumped by a request XD yes yes our collab tr DIED ! i'll hold a funeral for it keke' this time around i CLAIM MY SPOT and and and and I LEFT A FULL COMMENTTTT ! btw great posterrr (:

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