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Son Ye-Jin 손예진 [Drama “Thirty-Nine” (JTBC/NETFLIX)]


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Guest cofioca

Blue Dragon actresses more luminous because of jewelry?

청룡영화제를 더욱 빛나게 한 여배우들의 주얼리는?

December 3, 2010


[Gwakseolrim news] Actress award to shine more brilliant appearance of the dress and Florida, and Jewel.

[곽설림 기자] 시상식을 더욱 빛나게 하는 것은 여배우들의 드레스와 빛나는 외모 그리고 주얼리다.

Nov. 26 at Seoul National Theater of Korea at the 31st Blue Dragon Film Awards red carpet, actress, many journalists and fans of the jewelry enough to attract attention was them.

11월26일 서울 국립극장 해오름극장에서 열린 제31회 청룡영화상 시상식에서 열린 레드카펫 위 여배우들의 주얼리는 많은 취재진과 팬들의 시선들을 사로잡기 충분했다.

A simple style that was popular in the past, whereas Necklace Cleveland non-line in recent years, revealing a sexy bold earrings and necklaces to choose more than you can easily see them.

과거 심플한 스타일의 목걸이가 유행했던 것에 반해 최근에는 섹시한 클리비지 라인을 드러내면서 목걸이보다 볼드한 귀걸이를 선택하는 이들을 쉽게 볼 수 있다.

This brightens the night of the festival the women of the Blue Dragon disclosed Compare trio saw the style of the jewelry,

이에 영화제의 밤을 환하게 밝혀준 청룡의 여인 삼인방의 주얼리 스타일을 비교해봤다,

Combination of simplicity and elegance: Son Ye-jin

심플함과 우아함의 조화 - 손예진


The presenter at the awards ceremony with actress Son Ye-jin spiral lines and elegant simplicity while keeping the emphasis was black halter dress and appearance.

이번 시상식에 시상자로 나선 배우 손예진은 심플함을 살리면서 우아한 라인이 강조된 블랙 홀터넥 드레스를 입고 등장했다.

Heart like water falling pleated chiffon seonbuteo the body while keeping the body properly, graceful lines and staged a stately female figures. Son Ye-jin here a brilliant, elegant and sexy style of the Big ring was finished selecting. Acting as a disciplined and highly pure styling her Son Ye-jin were well represented.

가슴 선부터 물결처럼 떨어지는 플리츠 시폰은 몸매 바디라인을 제대로 살리면서 단아하고 당당한 여성의 모습을 연출했다. 여기에 손예진은 화려한 빅 링을 선택해 우아하면서도 섹시한 스타일을 완성했다. 연기력만큼이나 뛰어난 그녀의 스타일링은 절제되고 순수한 손예진을 잘 표현했다.

Source: BNT News

Google's Translation applied

To read full article, please refer to source link.

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Rox, I've been constantly checking the first page hehehe..i think you are still in the middle of checking the previous pages..so excited to see it..

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I have no idea what is up with that poll? She should definately be in Actress category, I don't get it? and then change it in the middle of voting? doesn't make any sense.

I would love to see some of the older links on the first page as I'm a recent SYJ fan.

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I have no idea what is up with that poll? She should definately be in Actress category, I don't get it? and then change it in the middle of voting? doesn't make any sense.

I would love to see some of the older links on the first page as I'm a recent SYJ fan.


same here JC. I guess that's how they categorize it.

omo! hmmmmm...i thought of maybe they separated TV from MOVIE. But, some of the stars in actor and actress category hasn't done any movie for this year!!!..don't know what to think..there should be some good reason behind that because you're right, it doesn't make any sense!!

she is still leading with 841 votes..highest!!!..fighting!!!

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Guest cofioca

^ JC, hi sis. Gah, exactly that part baffles me. :huh: Anyway, good thing Ye-jin continues to take the lead with 822 votes. ^_^ 

Cris, yup but I still haven't even reach a hundred pages. :sweatingbullets: It  would have been easier organizing the oldest but found out some links and hotlinks were broken. Eeeek! :wacko:

Dear SYJers: For everyone's reference, I will indicate in the topic description whenever a major update on the first page has been made. Yay! I'm also anxiously excited and I know you all can't wait too! ;)

[Acting Awards Preview] 'Chuno Jang Hyuk -' Giant 'Lee Beom-soo, the target geomeojwina?

[연기대상 미리보기] '추노' 장혁-'자이언트' 이범수, 대상 거머쥐나?


[TV Report JungMin reporter] is going towards the end of the year 2010 slip to broadcast a year already is scrambling to finish a move.

[TV리포트 박정민 기자] 2010년이 어느덧 끝을 향해가고 있는 가운데 방송가는 벌써 한 해를 마무리하기 위한 움직임으로 분주하다.

Once each year, 12 months and one year broadcasters receive the attention of viewers laugh rang home theater for drama and the lead acting awards to be held to the target.

해마다 12월이 되면 지상파 방송사들은 1년 동안 시청자들의 관심을 받으며 안방극장을 웃고 울린 드라마와 주역들에게 상을 수여하는 연기대상을 개최한다

Home theater viewers this year, stoked up the stars can be seen in one place winners and the winners for the enjoyment and curiosity and anticipation seolrenda. Have yet to take off the veil terrestrial three four nominees in advance of the Let's postpone the target.

시청자들은 올 한해 안방극장을 뜨겁게 달군 스타들을 한 자리에서 볼 수 있다는 즐거움과 수상자와 수상작에 대한 궁금증과 기대감으로 설렌다. 아직 베일을 벗지 않은 지상파 3사 연기대상의 수상 후보를 미리 살펴보자.

◆ MBC, 'drink' this year the world woman?

◆ MBC, '미실'이어 올해도 여인천하?

MBC last year, as well as the Queen of the fierce competition seems to unfold. 'Dawn' of the elder brother and the desire of the flame of Shin Eun, 'reversal of the Queen' is the hero of the Nam. In recent years, 'Home Sweet Home' is regarded as a candidate for the Kim Hye Soo.

MBC는 지난해와 마찬가지로 여왕들의 치열한 경쟁이 펼쳐질 것으로 보인다. '동이'의 한효주와 '욕망의 불꽃'의 신은경, '역전의 여왕'의 김남주가 그 주인공. 최근에는 '즐거운 나의 집'의 김혜수도 후보로 꼽히고 있다.

'Dawn' cars recorded an average of 20 percent rating, except for last-minute concurrent time line leading all the way to keep one year or less falls behind in the ratings race is a work that saved the dignity of MBC. A bright, cheerful, witty elder brother 'Dawn' stable poles crossovering fire station well led.

'동이'는 평균시청률 20%대를 기록, 막판을 제외하고 줄곧 동시간대 선두를 지키며 1년 동안 시청률 경쟁에서 다소 뒤처진 MBC의 체면을 살려준 작품이다. 한효주는 밝고 명랑하며 재치 넘치는 '동이' 역을 잘 소화해내며 극을 안정적으로 이끌었다.

Shin Eun the 'Flame of Desire' he played the villainess yunnayoung mulohreun has shown his acting. Last year, 'Queen of Housewives' Nam as the best acting awards this year, without fail even appeared on the MBC drama, and the speculations are candidates.

신은경은 '욕망의 불꽃'에서 악녀 윤나영 역을 맡아 물오른 연기력을 보여주고 있다. 지난해 '내조의 여왕'으로 최우수연기상을 수상한 김남주는 올해도 어김없이 MBC 드라마에 출연하며 대상 후보로 점쳐지고 있다.

Kim Hye-soo recently on the rise despite sluggish early in the 'Home Sweet Home' from the psychiatrist, Jin has been postponed. 'Home Sweet Home' This solid story development, and thanks to the rise of the actors look hot as a potential target in the power of Kim Hye-soo is laden.

김혜수는 초반 부진을 딛고 최근 상승세를 타고 있는 '즐거운 나의 집'에서 정신과 의사 김진서를 연기하고 있다. '즐거운 나의 집'이 탄탄한 스토리 전개와 배우들의 열연에 힘입어 상승세를 보이고 있는 만큼 김혜수의 대상 가능성에도 힘이 실리고 있다.

But the 'pasta', 'Personal taste' and 20s and 30s gained the full support of the work and home theater every evening, ringing laugh drama 'Golden Fish' can not be ruled out.

그러나 '파스타', '개인의 취향' 등 20~30대의 전폭적인 지지를 얻은 작품과 매일 저녁 안방극장을 웃고 울린 일일드라마 '황금물고기'도 배제할 수 없다.

Son Ye-jin a 'personal preference' to women through a complete transformation and dried 'pasta' Line of bacteria known as 'debris Chef' has become popular to. Also Assorted Gems' followed by 'Golden Fish' starring Lee Tae Gon in earnest of the melodramatic acting is sufficient to close all accounts, the target.

손예진은 '개인의 취향'을 통해 건어물녀로 완벽 변신했으며 '파스타'의 이선균은 일명 '버럭 셰프'로 인기몰이를 했다. 또한 '보석비빔밥'에 이어 '황금물고기'에서 주연을 맡은 이태곤의 절절한 멜로 연기는 대상 감으로 충분하다는 평가다.

Source: TV Report via Nate News

Google Translate applied

To read full write-up, please refer to source link

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Guest cofioca

^ Ahh brings back those bittersweet memories. It was in April Snow where I got to know SYJ. rolleyes.gif 

[sYJ AT THE RED CARPET 2010 - Photos by Barunson Entertainment]

~31st Blue Dragon Film Awards last November~



~15th Pusan International Film Festival (PIFF) last October~



~5th Asia-Pacific Producers Network (APN) Awards last August~



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Guest cofioca

Son Yeon-jae graduation photo, Lee Yeon-hee - Son Ye-jin resemblance looks innocent on the spot

손연재 졸업사진, 이연희-손예진 닮은꼴 청순외모 시선집중

December 4, 2010


Son Yeon Jae resemblance to Son Ye Jin and Lee Yeon Hee - Graduation Photo

손연재 졸업사진과 닮은꼴로 꼽힌 손예진-이연희 졸업사진 

Rhythmic Gymnasts sonyeonjae graduation photo topic. Sonyeonjae graduation picture in recent Internet bulletin board , etc. are published has focused the attention of netizens.

리듬체조 선수 손연재 졸업사진이 화제다. 손연재 졸업사진은 최근 인터넷 게시판 등에 게재되며 네티즌들의 이목을 집중시켰다.

Public junior high school graduation photo photos sonyeonjae long straight hairthat stands out in the neat appearance. In addition to the graduation photo sonyeonjae player miniopen daily through the photos in the showcase are popular and innocent look.

공개된 사진은 손연재 중학교 졸업사진으로 긴 생머리에 청초한 외모가 눈길을 끈다. 손연재 선수는 졸업사진 외에도 미니홈피를 통해 공개된 일상사진에서도 청순한 모습을 선보여 인기가 높다.

After graduation photo released by netizens sonyeonjae innocent young actress Son Ye-jin and Lee Yeon Hee daysit seems that the reaction poured in to see. Son Ye-jin and Lee Yeon Hee, in the face of the innocent appearance sonyeonjaeui as we've shown. In fact, the graduation picture of three people each parent and child as comparatively conspicuous resemblance in appearance.

손연재 졸업사진 공개된 후 네티즌들은 청순배우 손예진과 이연희의 어린시절을 보는 것 같다는 반응이 쏟아졌다. 손예진과 이연희의 청순한 모습이 손연재의 얼굴에서도 그대로 나타난 다는 것. 실제로 세 사람의 졸업사진을 비교해 보면 친자매처럼 닮은꼴 외모가 눈에 띈다.

Saw the photos netizens "all three of them be so innocent?" In the "real nature beauty are the" "pure fruit overdose is dead" "Oh really a fairyis "a" living doll apart is a "real" pretty ","Idolmore beautiful, "the such reactions are shown.

사진을 본 네티즌들은 "세 사람 다 어쩜 이렇게 청순할까" "진정한 자연미인들이다" "청순열매 과다섭취하셨네" "아 진짜 요정이다" "살아있는 인형이 따로 없다" "진짜 예쁘다" "아이돌보다 예쁘다"는 등의 반응을 보이고 있다.

Source: Hankuk

Son Yeon-jae graduation picture, doll-like appearance, as the topic ... resembles Im Yoona and Son Ye-jin?

손연재 졸업사진, '인형같은 외모'로 화제 …윤아-손예진과 닮았다?

December 4, 2010


Son Ye-jin,Son Yeon-jae, Im Yoona ⓒ graduation photos

손예진 손연재 윤아 ⓒ 졸업사진

[sSTV | hwangyerin News] rhythmic gymnastics national sonyeonjae (16, sejonggo) of the outstanding high school graduation picture looks are talking about is an open book.

[sSTV | 황예린 기자] 리듬체조 국가대표 손연재(16, 세종고)의 뛰어난 외모가 돋보이는 중학교 졸업사진이 공개돼 화제가 되고 있다.

Last various online community bulletin board 'sonyeonjae junior high school graduation picture entitled post spread rapidly. Sonyeonjae innocent appearance, boasting two players on articles of the junior high school graduation photos are gejedwae.

최근 각종 온라인 커뮤니티 게시판에는 ‘손연재 중학교 졸업사진’이라는 제목글이 급속도로 퍼져나갔다. 이 글에는 청순한 외모를 자랑하는 손연재 선수의 중학교 졸업사진이 게제돼 있다.

Sonyeonjae player in the photo with ponytail ponytail style wrestling match, unlike the long straight hair down the side bangs are neuleotteurigo. Also, a neat feeling of wearing a dress uniform and innocent at the same time is giving the feel.

사진 속 손연재 선수는 경기때 포니테일로 묶은 머리스타일과는 달리 앞머리를 옆으로 내리고 긴 생머리를 늘어뜨리고 있다. 또한 옷은 교복을 착용해 단정한 느낌과 청순한 느낌까지 동시에 주고 있다.

Sonyeonjae this topic as the player's graduation photo from netizens sonyeonjaewa coming to resemble the situation is a list of celebrities.

손연재 선수의 졸업사진이 화제가 되면서 네티즌 사이에서 손연재와 닮은 연예인 리스트까지 나오고 있는 상황이다.

SNSD's Yoona first pointed group of white skin that looks natural and has been commented that the more similar. The actress Son Ye-jin in the opinion of the innocent appearance is similar transition has been proposed.

처음으로 지목된 그룹 소녀시대의 윤아는 하얀 피부와 자연스러운 외모에서 많이 흡사하다는 평을 받고있다. 또한 배우 손예진의 청순한 모습과도 비슷하다는 의견이 제기되고 있다.

Meanwhile, sonyeonjaeneun 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games rhythmic gymnastics bronze medal in the individual acquires the first Korean netizens "from top to skills, as well as beauty," was a tribute.

한편, 손연재는 2010 광저우 아시안 게임 리듬체조 개인전에서 한국인 최초로 동메달을 획득해 네티즌들로부터 “미모뿐 아니라 실력까지 최고”라는 찬사를 받았다.

Source: SSTV

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Guest whatleftforme

Hi SC,

I love your new description about our SYJ :wub:. [i know you have a talent of articulation.] Kudos to you in taking the plunge to update the thread. It must be a pain to weed out expired links and what-nots :crazy:. Anyway, you have our support & appreciation. Just take it slow if you don't have the time. I know I couldn't do it if I have all the time in the world.


You can be our vice-captain in here (well, it's my vote :lol:). Thanks for all of your hard-work & beautiful pics (of KSYJ, too). Love your new calendar. I printed it & put that on my locker :P, but I should've asked you first...

To my main topic... I think this year's BD award is a bit understated vicx.gif (not too many media coverage). I only knew there was one after I visited this thread knowing our SYJ had grabbed another trophy home w00t.gif. I also had the same qt as hers, then I read the Eng translation, duh ^_^ . This year's outfits didn't catch my eyes much, perhaps due to the black/gray color scheme? I know black is classic, yet some color to pop wouldn't hurt, would it? SYJ's dress was OK to me. So far, her best look of this year was the PIFF award then the black mini dress at the good download event.

I'm so happy (in love even) to see her standing next to Won Bin, wooh hoo :D . I'm still crossing my fingers & toes... When will they ever pair up for me to see 2 gorgeous entities (couldn't find any other words to describe their drop-dead gorgeousness) together???

P.S: To fellow SYJ fans

As you may know, our thread is randomly audited by mods in this forum (the mod had gone to this thread at least 3x already). They are very strict about rules, especially of quotes. If you quote someone, please don't quote the images. Just delete the "img" at the end of each pic, so it won't show in your post (you can go back to modify/edit your previous posts). I want this thread to continue & growing, meeting other fellow SYJ fans. We don't want our thread to be deleted, do we? I know it's the pain, but because the adm & mods want to save storage space & the site running at optimum speed so they make this rule. If you have any questions, you can go back to the rules post. Thanks.

Again, sorry about my long ranting... Have a nice weekend to all!

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Guest cofioca

[uPDATES ON Clebus Poll Style Awards - 12/04]

I find this poll site more organized now and because of this, it looks more credible now. Clebus did some minor changes on the navigation but still, no clue on the sudden switch of some actresses between Talent and Actress categories. phew.gif


SYJ stays at the top spot with 857 votes. biggrin.gif

w00t.gif She has about more or less, 250 lead votes over the second highest contender in the Talent Division...Don't know the second one's full name.



^Seeing this one, I think the voting might posssibly end next week as it looks like the awards night will either be on the 12th or 14th of this month. 


Hi there, whatleftforme! Nice to see you again and your post! smile.gif

Don't worry if it's lengthy dear, I actually enjoyed reading it and surely, so as other SYJers! 

To sum it up, thanks heaps for your encouragement and patience and for the friendly reminder about the rules!!! biggrin.gif

Now, here goes my long response. sweatingbullets.gif

About the thread, there's really nothing much to worry on my time for now.happy.gif

Just these days, I specifically dedicate time on Soompi for backreading here and for updates on several threads (including an upcoming drama). And so my apologies to all, I still have a loooong way to go scan all of them and retrieve lost links and reupload!  Thanks so much for being considerate.

Despite how this task can be tedious sometimes, it's really a great pleasure to me going through it especially, as I get to know more and more about SYJ and savor every piece of added knowledge about her. 

Oh yes, the BD Awards wasn't the center of attention then because of recent unfortunate events. As such, 

some also think this is the main reason why many celebs came dressed in dark hues ... Personally, I like her look there.  

But have to agree with you, PIFF is her most breathtaking appearance this year... She is simply flawless and stunning there.

And speaking of PIFF, I remembered Won Bin also attended the event with Kim Sae Ron and well just happy that they met again at the BD awards!wub.gif LOL, it isn't so obvious that I love both SYJ and WB.

I didn't actually know that the mods frequent here. vicx.gif 

Regardless of that, I'm sure it wouldn't hurt us to keep in mind and follow the rules. happy.gif

And wow, you printed C's awesome KSYJ calendar! w00t.gif I plan to keep one, the 2011 calendar, on my purse! 

Okay, till your next post!!  wink.gif

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Guest cofioca

Son Ye-jin, Ko Hyun-jung emerged as 'Beauties' for perfect skin

손예진, 고현정 누르고 `완벽한 피부미녀`로 등극

December 5, 2010


Son Ye-jin and  Ko Hyun Jung are two actors 'skin jasper' by selecting 'Perfect Skin Beauty' said.

배우 손예진이 '백옥 피부' 고현정을 누르고 '완벽한 피부 미녀'로 선정됐다.

Dermatology, Cosmetic Surgery M. According to the Star last November 22 to December 2 in a total of 421 patients'acne, spots a beautiful skin is the best the entertainment industry can not point someone'Son Ye-jin in the survey (193 patients, 45.8% ) is No. 1.

스타엠성형외과피부과에 따르면, 지난 11월 22일부터 12월 2일까지 총 421명을 대상으로 '여드름, 기미 한 점 없는 연예계 최고 피부미녀는 누구?'라는 설문조사에서 손예진(193명, 45.8%)이 1위를 차지했다.

Followed by Ko (105 patients, 24.9%), Lim (98 patients, 23.2%), respectively No. 2 and 3 ranked.

그 뒤를 이어 고현정(105명, 24.9%), 임수정(98명, 23.2%)이 각각 2위, 3위를 차지했다.

For Dermatology, Cosmetic Surgery M. minyounggi Star Ledger, "emphasized social hogamhyeong image clear and clean skin, attention has been focused on. The survey 1, 2 and 3 ranked 손예진, Ko, Lim said that all the activities common to the cosmetics model have, "he said.

스타엠성형외과피부과 민영기 원장은 "사회적으로 호감형 이미지가 강조되면서 맑고 깨끗한 피부에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 이번 조사에서 1, 2, 3위를 차지한 손예진, 고현정, 임수정씨는 모두 화장품 모델로 활동하는 공통점이 있다"고 말했다.

Mean Dean "The Son Ye-jin and his need to express various emotions such as actor, acne, clear skin without signs of a point is very important. To maintain a clean tone with the usual sun protection must be careful. Green tea, apricots, aloe, to eat foods such as tomatoes, good, "he said.

민 원장은 "손예진씨와 같이 다양한 감정을 표출해야 하는 배우에게 여드름, 기미 한 점 없는 맑은 피부는 매우 중요하다. 깨끗한 피부톤을 유지하기 위해서는 평소 자외선 차단에 신경을 써야 한다. 녹차, 살구, 알로에, 토마토 등과 같은 음식을 섭취하는 것이 좋다"고 밝혔다.

Son Ye-jin as a model for cosmetics brand nakjeomhan Ohui side, "Mr. Son Ye-jin as a variety of skin beauty transformation," said "constant effort is a self-management is an excellent model. The actress enhances its brand value."has said.

손예진을 모델로 낙점한 화장품 브랜드 오휘측은 "손예진씨는 다양한 변신이 가능한 피부 미녀"라며 "끊임없이 노력하는 자기관리가 뛰어난 모델이다. 자사의 브랜드 가치를 높여줄 수 있는 여배우"라고 밝힌 바 있다.

Meanwhile, Son Ye-jin in the last November 26 in Seoul , Jangchung National Theaterin the hostas 'The 31th Blue Dragon Film Awards' Award in the Best and most consistent star in the drama and the film proved to be.

한편, 손예진은 지난 11월 26일 서울 장충동 국립극장에서 개최된 '제31회 청룡영화상 시상식'에서 인기상을 수상하며 드라마와 영화계에서 변함 없는 최고 스타임을 입증했다.

Source: Hankyung

Son Ye-jin's beautiful skin, best known in the entertainment industry

손예진, 연예계 최고 피부미인 정평

December 5, 2010


Actress Son Ye-jin acne, melasma is not a point was chosen as the perfect skin beauty.

배우 손예진이 여드름, 기미 한 점 없는 완벽한 피부 미녀로 선정됐다.

According to the Star of Dermatology, Cosmetic Surgery M. Dong, last November 22 to December 2 in a total of 421 patients 'acne, skin beauty best entertainment spots are not a point whose' Son Ye-jin in the survey (193 patients, 45.8 %) 1 above, followed by Ko (105 patients, 24.9%), Lim (98 patients, 23.2%), respectively No. 2 and 3 ranked.

신사동 스타엠성형외과피부과에 따르면, 지난 11월 22일부터 12월 2일까지 총 421명을 대상으로 '여드름, 기미 한 점 없는 연예계 최고 피부미녀는 누구?'라는 설문조사에서 손예진(193명, 45.8%)이 1위, 뒤를 이어 고현정(105명, 24.9%), 임수정(98명, 23.2%)이 각각 2위, 3위를 차지했다.

For Dermatology, Cosmetic Surgery M. minyounggi Star Ledger, "emphasized social hogamhyeong image clear and clean skin, attention has been focused on. The survey 1, 2 and 3 ranked 손예진, Ko, Lim said that all the activities common to the cosmetics model have. "he said.

스타엠성형외과피부과 민영기 원장은 "사회적으로 호감형 이미지가 강조되면서 맑고 깨끗한 피부에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 이번 조사에서 1, 2, 3위를 차지한 손예진, 고현정, 임수정씨는 모두 화장품 모델로 활동하는 공통점이 있다."고 말했다.

Mean Dean "The Son Ye-jin and his need to express various emotions such as actor, acne, clear skin without signs of a point is very important. To maintain a clean tone with the usual sun protection must be careful. Green tea, apricots, aloe, to eat foods such as tomatoes, is good. In addition, regular consultation with a dermatologist for skin care over the constitution in the short term can make a good tone. "he explained.

민 원장은 "손예진씨와 같이 다양한 감정을 표출해야 하는 배우에게 여드름, 기미 한 점 없는 맑은 피부는 매우 중요하다. 깨끗한 피부톤을 유지하기 위해서는 평소 자외선 차단에 신경을 써야 한다. 녹차, 살구, 알로에, 토마토 등과 같은 음식을 섭취하는 것이 좋다. 또한, 피부과 전문의와 정기적인 상담을 통해 체질에 맞는 피부 관리를 통해 단기간에 좋은 피부톤을 만들 수 있다."고 설명했다.

In addition, the advertising in the public's reaction to the Son Ye-jin "cheongsunmi combines beauty and her sexy star" is reputed to be down.

이 밖에도 대중들의 반응에 손예진은 광고계에서 "청순미와 섹시미를 겸비한 미녀스타"라는 평을 내리고 있다.

Son Ye-jin as a model for cosmetics brand nakjeomhan ohhwi side, "Mr. Son Ye-jin as a variety of skin beauty transformation," said, "constantly trying to self-management is an excellent model. To enhance the brand value of its actresses," he has said.

손예진을 모델로 낙점한 화장품 브랜드 오휘측은 "손예진씨는 다양한 변신이 가능한 피부 미녀"라며, "끊임없이 노력하는 자기관리가 뛰어난 모델이다. 자사의 브랜드 가치를 높여줄 수 있는 여배우"라고 밝힌 바 있다.

Meanwhile, Son Ye-jin in the MBC drama 'personal preference' in the minds of fans as teolteolhan characters are sarojapeunba. Since the airing of the drama last November 26 was held at the National Theater, Seoul, Jangchung 'The 31st Blue Dragon Film Awards' in the popular and award-winning drama and cinema, has proved to be big stars in the unchanging.

한편, 손예진은 MBC 드라마 '개인의 취향'에서 털털한 캐릭터로 팬들의 마음을 사로잡은바 있다. 드라마 종방 이후 지난 11월 26일 서울 장충동 국립극장에서 개최된 '제31회 청룡영화상 시상식'에서 인기상을 수상하며 드라마와 영화계에서 변함 없는 최고 스타임을 입증시켰다.

Source: Acrofan , Nanum News

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Guest cofioca

CLEBUS POLL UPDATE: SYJ with 888 votes!! Bring it on!! ;)



Credit to Clebus

More recently uploaded (April Snow) photos courtesy of Barunson:









Credit to SYJ Official Site by BE

Hi SYJers, howdy? Most of us here are too quiet lately...*sobs*

I know this is quite inevitable as we don't hear much from Ye-jin these days. **:tears: again**

Nonetheless, wish you all have a great weekend and let me hear from you all soon! :)

Here's to hoping that, in a little while, we can see and feel her on-screen brilliance once more. :rolleyes:  

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Guest starsangel

Son Ye Jin is so pretty! Please support her by voting for her in the website below for most beautiful asian woman!


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roxy, I am still waiting for her next..regularly checking on daum and cyworld but still no news of yet..so sad..i hope to hear from her soon..

I was watching some of her interviews last night and it made me cry.. :tears:

so I am just gonna wait patiently hahaha..

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no news yet of "Chilling Romance"?  Those polls are nice and all but I'm don't give much weight to those. Hopefully there will be news soon of her next project.  I miss her!

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no news yet of "Chilling Romance"?  Those polls are nice and all but I'm don't give much weight to those. Hopefully there will be news soon of her next project.  I miss her!

hahaha..yeah me too..


sonyejin's co-barunson sister is admiring her..hihihi

I saw her brilliant legacy and my fair lady..liked her there.. ^_^


“When I’m in the process of acting is when I feel the greatest happiness. I want to be an actress who is respected by all, like my great sunbae Sohn Ye-jin. In choosing this career path, I’ve gotten to meet many outstanding directors, writers, and other valuable people. I’m really happy, aren’t it? [Laughs]”

credits: http://www.dramabeans.com/2010/12/moon-chae-won-interview-becoming-daddys-girl/

and also to unofficial FB fanpage.. ;)

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Guest cofioca

^ Wow, so nice to hear of that. Love the Barunson sisterhood of Ye Jin, Ming Jung, and Chae Won! I believe they are all gifted with acting prowess! wink.gif

CLEBUS POLL UPDATE (as of Dec 6, 2010, 12:30 pm) 



There is already an Eerie Romance profile from the Naver site and yet, we can not be so sure until we see her and Min Ki-ssi filming it. phew.gif



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wah!!!! this is something for today..hahaha..finally we get to hear something about the movie..i really hope this one will push through..

Am i right? top search on Naver? hihihi

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